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hello there what what's up my nsaps welcome to my channel so today I'm going to be reacting to hasb been Hotel season 1 episode 3 scrambled eggs I'm assuming this is probably going to be mostly about Sur penious and his egg boys just considering the title which should be funny because now that we know he's like actually on our side now because Vox and the be treated him like [ __ ] it's going to be interesting to see like his journey with the group and you know in the hotel so to speak so yeah I'm looking forward to it I am wearing my angel dust merch shirt I got this a while ago when they had like the Valentine's Day spread and then also shout out to my mom for making this really cute Shaggy beanie to match the shirt she had made me so yeah I got some of my favorite characters on today and I'm looking forward to oh and I've got fat nuggets here just in case don't forget to like subscribe for more videos go ahead and check me on my social media accounts where I post art and other cool stuff if you want to see the full uncut version of this reaction you can click the patreon link down below I am so excited to get into it guys so without any further Ado let's get into it I love this like snazzy opening so fitting I am so excited that sir penious is staying at the hotel um penious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk [ __ ] a few days ago oh what the hell was that oh hello purple female it's my new purple female what okay I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents what why everyone is being too nice obviously must be a lie buddy listen you've got a long way to go in this oh he's got he's got a long way to go Charlie let's talk and sens to the snake boy huh sign please oh we got some new character looking thank you for your business enjoy your Carmine purchase Carmine as in carela Carmine you are buying parts from an Overlord absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel no one is trying to kill you tell him vaggie you tell him oh I love it I love when vaggie takes charge m my girlfriend you have to trust us but I don't but I don't why don't we focus on that for today's activities okay no more plotting against other guests and you need to get rid of these things the egg boys or the stuff I just say what did I just say what no what did I just say what did I just say m do you want to stay here and redeem yourself oh yes then no more eggs all right Eggies you've got to go I'm actually sad for him his little egg boys can't keep you anymore okay boss no don't resist this is how it has to be they they left they're they're yeah they're gone it's okay buddy it's going to be fine what are you eating Alistair Jesus why what are you Al first of all I paused it such a great facial shot are we going to talk about this are we going to talk about this I feel like we should talk about this right we're we're going to talk about this the fact that he is eating a deer knowing what has happened to him and why he has deer attributes pretty sure the hasb been fans do know the lore behind Alistair you know he was mistaken for a deer by a hunter and shot and killed in the forest while he was burying his victims which is why he kind of looks like a deer and has little deer parts and stuff so I find this very fascinating that he is eating a deer where did you get the deer why does it look like it doesn't belong in hell it looks like you pulled it out of the freaking Living World you a little bitter towards deers considering that's how you ended up dead buddy holy [ __ ] okay do you mind I'm in the middle of breakfast eggs are all over the place and it's raw and it's like raw too he he he hasn't cooked it you seriously deranged my dude oh my God humanly well that's a lot less hot I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today right that looks disgusting it does it really does thanks for coming it's been what is it what did that paper say you suck at drawing yeah you suck at drawing love Angels you dick this group could really benefit trust exercises trust exercises excises yay confetti where's Morgan when you need them I do find it cute that trusting 101 they're so cute I just how do you not love them how do you not love these girls okay I wanted to point out I do find it cute that both husk and Angel have like heart Parts in their designs I'm just I'm just pointing that out actually I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one I trust everyone so maybe you'd know better about how to build it properly oh what yeah uh she's like I don't know I'm sure you can handle this yeah um sure that's really sweet and cute Charlie but I think your girl's like already like what are you doing why she looks a little panicked so we are starting with trust balls each of you are going to share something with the group about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest of the group catches you you got it who wants to go first watch vaggy be the only one that catches her I think they even showed that in like the little teaser thing about them really love you oh gotcha yeah that felt good Angel why don't you go next who's going to catch Angel unless you want me to hurt you yeah there's that spear again um so behind the scenes here me mosow and and Morgan actually all three of us have been kind of talking about this like fandom head Cannon or this Theory should I say about vaggie being a fallen angel of some kind like one of the Exterminator Angels because she does have the same exact weapon they do like how did she get her hands on that not to mention she has an X over her eye which you can argue though it's on the opposite side but it is an interesting Theory I will say I dig it you know I'm a little confused cuz in the pilot you know supposedly I guess she was a human but I don't think they really made that that clear it just said that she's been here long uh or that angel was here longer than she's been but that doesn't mean necessarily that she was a human she could have been a fallen angel so I don't know um I like the theory though so I want to just kind of keep my eye on that because that is a theory I would really love to see become like Canon because I think it's really really cool and would be a really interesting take and like lore for vaggie's character so we'll see but seeing her spirit just kind of like reminded me of that oh how about this oh God I love to suck I swear to [ __ ] if you say dicks popsicles you sick out I swear to God if you say dicks popsicles you sicko you know what the [ __ ] you're doing Angel shut up uh of course you know it's to who's I don't want to live without my minions so dramatic nobody catch me damn it that's great wow you are slimy okay good job sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children is a warning to others yay pain no GL even Charlie left yay pain what is wrong with you pain I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped what's the plan boss I like your suit boss oh he took the egg boys I touch your sta oh yeah thaty has him help how fair this day oh who the [ __ ] are you ooh this guy's spider look is creepier than Angels Angels got all the legs and arms and [ __ ] going on but this motherfucker's got the eyes the spiderweb collar the big creepy spider on the chest ooh very intriguing design become desay wa indeed looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon before I love how like everyone one is freaking out about this dude and yet Alistair not even phased of course not Tales of you who are you lul oh I just took a well- earned sabatical nothing serious oh that wasn't suspicious at all nothing serious look look that's another thing we've been talking about behind the scenes the your fellow agents of chaos here were discussing like our theories about where Alistair and and Lilith have been we think it's probably connected my theory is that like maybe they know Heaven's been up to something because like in the first episode where Adam was talking about we can't let them like catch on and stuff which M good things is about um the angel being beheaded which I can also see but I was thinking like What If Heaven is up to something where they're planning on like Exterminating hell completely like everyone not just a couple Souls everyone and maybe like Lilith got wind of this or Alistair somebody and like maybe they were actually working together on some kind of project to help fight against that that's my theory but I definitely think think there's some kind of connection with him and Lilith both being gone for like the seven years I don't think it's a coincidence at all so we'll see and that little oh nothing import you know whatever mhm yeah sure buddy recent flight to fancy tell me how does TH fall into such Folly not even phased I love oh my God I love his confidence I got to give him that like holy [ __ ] thou been since th manifested in this realm coming from someone as ancient as you I take that as quite the compliment hm you've been around for a while this is very interesting at the camera he's like [ __ ] your camera got the front until I return okay he doesn't need guarding but gave you something to do Frank is up there oh [ __ ] we have names okay oh oh These are like Elites huh and egg boy about to see it all I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city together you own millions of souls Souls at risk with a new extermination schedule ah so these are all the ones that own Souls that's what makes them an Overlord okay I guess it's how many Souls you own look Al just so happy to be there I was going to say I love this big like alligator crocodile looking character [ __ ] sick we got a like ghost vased [ __ ] thing over here I don't know what you are but this is really and of course the cannibal Queen over there um interesting pamilla oh you're yes I know I've been absent some time I'm sure you've all been wondering not really but welcome back in any case I think that bothered him a little bit was bual oh you're Spanish too [ __ ] yeah blal yes I've got it handle box are you doubting me oh here we go really me that's what I thought hi yes I know they're all a joke they colleagues be joining no they have better [ __ ] to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough [ __ ] I'm here to represent Charming I don't I don't know how I feel about velvet I kind of don't like her on the subject of discussion you tasty where did you get this we okay wait interesting this Angel's this uh ex exterminator Angel's eye crossed out red eye is the same as vagis it's on the same side as vagis usually we see the X on the on the right eye not the left not to mention they're usually white or yellow or whatever the [ __ ] this is the first time we see another red one on the left one I do just find that interesting like and it's interesting that it turned red once it was beheaded and died hm connection interesting question mark I'm sus it during extermination day oh you found it so you didn't do it you going blind old man we know not how to just perished mayhaps was not my all if we rush to all oh I get it so grandpa is too [ __ ] to fight so I guess there's no point too scile to make a real you better show respect yeah what's your problem dude Che your behavior NOS that way [ __ ] you got it twisted I'm not the one who needs new attitude why are these all [ __ ] bopped every single song the show [ __ ] comes out with is a [ __ ] Bop I want to download every single one of them and just like have this playlist on shuffle and repeat [ __ ] [Music] respect more intelligence wonderless I could eat you breakfast really I doubt [Music] that this is [ __ ] fire like I I need to pause because I know with YouTube editing the all these songs are very very hard to edit for YouTube to avoid copyright stuff because the songs are owned by like other people as well so that's why like with a lot of these have has been reaction you're probably going to see a lot of the songs and stuff cut up or cut out completely and like I should be in to help with that so I can at least include a little bit of it but like God these songs are just bangers I just want to [ __ ] listen to it you know what I [Music] mean that was a productive meeting wasn't it mother mother oh child what the actual [ __ ] no activity requires more Trust oh God we're in Angel's World okay Angel love the enthusiasm yep right but um what makes you think anyone would be into this is he buring he's buring of course he is I'm ready to punish some bad boys oh jeez I'm not surprised actually Choice little dominants recing Nifty I can see that it's no big deal faggie you know maybe I can just help uh no I told you you could trust me and I'm not going to let you down she's trying so hard oh God there is nothing stronger than the trust between comrads in arms buckle up buttercups because today you boys become men you were you in the Army survive together and you are going to make this hotel work she really just yeated them off the [ __ ] roof okay my turn Godus like I'm out of here [ __ ] I took charge today and it all went sideways I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality I'm supposed to protect you I'm supposed to never fail you but why why do you why does she have such like so much like responsibility she thinks she has on her oh this is actually going to make me tear up hold on you're not if I can't help you what's the point of mey don't say that yeah you're her girlfriend so much it's thank you like what do you mean you give her love like what the [ __ ] oh this is so sgy no I'm with Charlie on this one what I'd like to be alone for a minute no I don't like when the girls have eggs no God a [ __ ] of course D she just drank it drank it straight it was by thy hand was it not let's not talk about it mom maybe he should know nobody should know what I did what I had to do you did it waa wait a minute what oh you be Ed the angel ooh what's the info there how why ooh ooh I hope we get that story o [ __ ] yeah when attacked I had to act [Music] oh oh I'm assuming so these are your daughters and that angel threatened them and attacked them so you went into Mommy Mode and just like you know what [ __ ] Fair like don't [ __ ] with children in front of their mothers like they the mothers will get you first like totally [Music] valid the vocals though I love this cast make the mistakes you sa keep I oh my God you're singing [Music] baggie [Music] she loves that sailboat I mean that boat sailboat that [ __ ] pirate ship hold on I want to go back and hear those lyrics again she's talking about when she met Charlie which was just mesmerizing me clearly I couldn't [ __ ] speak also Stephanie bees sing like hello I have to I have to just listen I want to I want to hear this again made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place be your a but I know I can't you this is so [ __ ] [Applause] good oh this is beautiful oh my [Music] God it oh my God what what how how do you guys do this [ __ ] how do you do this with the music like I have so many feelings right now like I want to tear up wow just wow the [ __ ] talent and creativity behind this show wow like not just the vocals but the lyrics the compos the composition the animation like anybody [ __ ] else just totally feel that [ __ ] like I can't even speak through these songs because I just I'm just like enveloped in them wow that was so [ __ ] good oh I'm so sorry YouTube you're not getting the full experience of like the full reactions to the songs if you want to see those you know unfortunately you got to stick to patreon cuz YouTube is so strict with movie movie with music copyrights we have to cut a lot of it out damn but it's so good [ __ ] [ __ ] the old guy was all you're not yourself you're the one that killed the angel and she was all oh [ __ ] interesting [ __ ] let's keep this between us you got it boss okay [ __ ] wow okay hey hi hey I'm sorry I got so crazy today no no I'm sorry I'm sorry I put pressure on you we work as a team I love them I love them we'll figure it out yeah yes together so can we get a kiss what your exercise did for them a when that puff guy started beating the [ __ ] out of you yes with the dismembered arm yes and they're bonding at least you can take a beaten like a champ you did okay wow thank you for pulling me out of there oh look at them Bond never mind they were bonding failed to get rid of the eggs I see yes well the little monsters prove to be rather useful oh you're not going to tell give them back after today I guess I can trust you with them but seriously no more [Music] weapons y y maybe things will move faster than you think oh how is your day with Alister and the knife lady killed an angel and I was not supposed to talk about it oh I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet martians tomorrow oh he didn't believe it are you not going to pay attention to what he just said no okay we're just you're just going to completely disregard okay you know what that's fine we'll take that we will take that egg boy shut up [ __ ] okay wow that was a great episode oh man the the music the music oh my God it's really cute to see the characters also kind of bonding and stuff also seeing these two like having the cutest [ __ ] relationship and good communication makes for a great relationship yeah overall that was a really really good episode now that we know the truth about who killed the angel though I'm very interested to see where that goes and where that information goes as well and how long it takes for that to come out you know what I mean now that the openmouth egg boy has the that info as well as Alistair so we shall see I'm going to go ahead and jump into the next episode but for now I'm going to wrap this one up so don't forget to like And subscribe for more videos go ahead and check me on my social media accounts where I post art and other cool stuff if you want to see the full uncut version of this reaction you can click the patreon link down below I thank you guys so much for tuning in and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Not-So-Average-Fangirl
Views: 488,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not so average fangirl, nsaf, hazbin hotel, hazbin hotel reaction, helluva boss, youtube, animation, reaction, pilot, hazbin hotel pilot, charlie, vaggie, angel dust, angie, viziepop, prime video, amazon, prime, happy day in hell, alastor, season 1, new, new season, chaggie, vox, lucifer, husk, vivienne medrano, vivziepop, alastor vox, sir pentious, fat nuggets, 1x03, season 1 episode 3, scrambled eggs, carmilla
Id: 4GNiC4FLfpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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