WOULD YOU RATHER (with Jack Howard)

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okay hello and welcome to would you rather with Jack our hello the reason we're doing it would you Alex today is because we're celebrating the spirit of picking and choosing and the reason we're doing that is because I'm working with now TV on this video they very kindly sent me an air TV box and I have been having a whale of a time whale of a time and I've been joining in just because you know I'm just got free access to it you just piggybacking on that yeah do they have four passes they have entertainment movies sports and kids I'll be honest have not come here you watch live TV you can watch TV channels like Sky Atlantic and Comedy Central and lots of box that's we've been watching Game of Thrones on there that's been a lot of fun and they have also stuff like The Walking Dead they've got the office they've got Hello ladies which if I did hello ladies is if you haven't seen hello ladies it's one of the best sitcoms I've seen in the past five years or so is so funny there's also tons of movies I can't even go into the amount of movies yeah I've sometimes just sit there just going through all the films on there and just be like what what mood are my is that's a superhero stuff as well the Spider Man Captain America spider-man Batman Superman spider-man spider-man that's the reason we've decided to do or would you rather because of the whole picking and choosing element of using no TV I have tweeted to ask you guys to send me over some words or other questions you have kindly obliged and we've got a mixed bag at the end of video we are going to announce a favorite question and they will I tell you about this no they will win six months of free 90v all four passes first question would you rather have fingers for toes or chose four fingers oh definitely I would definitely have fingers for toes when I'm at the pub with people maybe about a few drinks I'm why a guys check it out and I get my socks summer shoes off just wait them in the pub yeah absolutely yeah I suppose if you had toes four fingers you wouldn't be as dexterous yeah actually I think I'd be more productive with cuz I'd be by the screenplay on the floor would you rather be a brilliantly talented director but no one saw your film or a terrible director that was really successful that is very difficult thing is hazel I made a sitcom called Jack needed more trades and about 10 people have seen it so I think there's a romanced idea about the struggling artist I think I would rather make bad movies that everybody sees because somebody will be a fan of them Jack Howard I'm shocked no one sees there's no judgement here it's a would you rather you've answered the question but you are judging me I would make good films but I mean that's we'll see our life goes Joey yeah would you rather only be able to watch TV shows or only be able to watch movies final answer movies would you rather remake Suicide Squad or Batman vs Superman look if you know anything about me you already know my thoughts I'm about Superman Suicide Squad do you think I would go for Suicide Squad just because I think Batman and Superman they've had their chance yeah they've been on the screen a long long time I think as well with Batman and Superman there's so much to live up to hmm like this song there's so many predecessors that was so great I think I'd rather take on Suicide Squad because it's like a fun new thing that I've not really seen on the screen okay this one's for me no TV or Jack that's it go on make your decision do it now it's me or than our TV well only one of you is paying me currently what do you mean I just think there just for now I have to choose no TV but I hope that you'll understand that I would have picked you hazel I want you to know that would you rather live on a diet of Marmite infused bananas or every single body here you have be substituted with strawberry laces Wow well I don't like Marmite and I only eat bananas occasionally when I feel like I have to have a bear fruit that's Robles beards I'd be a tasty freak that's what I would be like if I wake up and just find you just sort of nibbling some are you doing oh that's how you shave woods your hair follicles be as wide as a strawberry lace so that if for example I were to shave my legs it would just be red dots you see what yeah you want to come back to this one at the end of senior you never I don't ever want to talk about any of these again ever you have to make a decision strong releases it's fine yeah I would as well oh my god I really enjoyed this one you're gonna know why okay because they've not done it right I know what they wanted to do would you rather both become successful directors but hate each other or never be successful and hate each other would you like to be successful or not to that would you rather be successful and hate each other or not be successful and sorry we have to go with what your bad thing I'm gonna have to be successful and hate you I'm sorry hey that's the way the news goes good I don't even know where would you rather be able to stop time or see any and every future Marvel film I want to stop would you rather have a superpower and just see films like a normal person as they come out or not have a superpower but be able to see a couple films in advance if you could stop time won't be the first thing you would do take a week off Wow oh wow realer answer than like they go and pull some people's fans down put somebody in a funny position I'll just take a week off no one would know brilliant would you rather let Jack force you to watch every spider-man movie all in one go or does happen or listen to every Janet Jackson song with Dan I mean she's got a lot of songs Jack oh yeah we're down for almost five years I know that she's got a lot of songs and there's just as many good spider-man movies as there are good would you rather have Christopher Nolan win an Oscar for Dunkirk or you yourself gets a million pounds I want a million pounds and if I get a million pounds I'm more likely to climb the ladder of the of the film industry join the Academy and then I can vote for Nolan in the future you're going at all million Pines you fund your own film get your own Oscar Christopher Nolan be damned shall we special yes ladies and gentlemen mr. Daniel J Layton and Miss Rebecca day would you rather Danny or John she's trying to imply there might be something Danny would I'm just asking who would you rather sit on the throne hazel you're implying what you are and I think that's your problem well I don't know what you meant by what would I rather again that's your mind I'm saying Branson no I reckon that John would be a better king than Danny would be a queen I reckon eventually she will end up messing up the joint because she's she's got turned into Grint for an hour every day okay that grin comes with you two [Laughter] [Music] although he's with you on the tables on the table he's on the time I'm sorry Jeff I'm gonna throw you under the bus here and actually you turn into him you know what right now every day well if you just turned injuring during dinner yeah no print obviously I'm looking forward to see I think it looks really really good my guest by the way are not eligible to win the prize just a really good question you can just watch my next Eevee I've got 6 months of it free now so how about the old 4 pass oh I've got one more question alright ok for you gone would you rather mmm-hmm for the rest of your life you still look like you right but your personality would change would you rather it be Ricky Gervais is character from the office or Stephen Martin's character from Hello ladies I mean in a way I already see young comedians but my age are all sort of that in a way channeling Brent so I think oh we got bigger winner go on God pick her winner I know which one was my favor what was your favorite I really enjoyed the one that I think they got wrong but made me laugh a lot what would you rather be successful in a teacher that or not successful and hate each other ok that can be the winner who is that at Le nain 6-3 yeah I will DM you with the details you need to claim your prize congratulations on winning and thank you for that really rather wonderful that has been our would you rather I hope you've had fun I hope you've had fun thank you again tonight TV for sponsoring this video don't forget all of you guys whether or not you won the prize you didn't if you're not early can go ahead and sign up too and actually there's a link in the description for you to do that and watch lots of lovely things and enjoy it and leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite thing on there is bye goodbye or you do if I just like took my sock off now I'm where you cinders
Channel: Hazel Hayes
Views: 176,631
Rating: 4.971034 out of 5
Keywords: hazel, hazel hayes, chewingsand, chewing sand, nowtv, would you rather, quiz, game, jack howard
Id: vzyENzPa370
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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