WOULD YOU RATHER in Fortnite!? (Test)

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would you rather eat doodoo or eat ice-cream like this video if you want to eat ice cream don't do anything if you want to eat the doodoo let's see how many dudu eaters there are out there you might guessed it we're doing would you rather but in for tonight pretty cool idea right the cool thing about this though is there's gonna be a secret at the end that you'll have to wait and see thank you to these two people using my code smoko in the phone iron shop supporting the channel just being an all-round good person and anyway let's answer some questions where'd you rather buy Hazza how is this not been done before this is such a good idea okay would you rather have 10 fake friends or have one really good friend so if we want to pick this answer we go through the left door if we want to pick this answer we go through the right door I guess this is like a door or something Mike Oh oh my god they sent me four is already I can't go back that wasn't my choice that was okay had to restart now good good job Josh ooh good job right where was I which is to be honest of you the answer is really simple ten fake friends are gonna be useless whenever you actually need them for something they'll never be there for you the only one that will matter is that one really good friend who's always got your back especially when you've got an itch on your back and you need to scratch it that that's really helpful sometimes so yeah we're gonna go in here even though we went in there by accident wet we're gonna go in there anyway well okay oh it shows us the answers as well so five percent chose the ten freak fake friends and ninety five percent chose the same one it's us Wow so we we did a good job I guess okay so moving on to the next section would you rather be hairy all over or be completely bold wow this is a good question be hairy all over like Robocop or be completely bald hmm this is a tough question so when you say be hairy all over that means you have hair everywhere all over your face your arms your legs your toes your butt yep there's hair there or be completely bald you wouldn't have any eyebrows though wait a second you were hairy all over you could shave that hair but if you were both then you would have to wait just bold just mean on your head like your eyebrows would still be there damn this is a tough question all right I'm gonna go with hairy all over because then you can just shave it I mean it would be fun wait oh not what I expected only a 38% way with this one the other 62% won't were bold but you can't grow that boldness back well all right that was what they went for a guess all right well the next question would you rather be the richest person in the world or have any superpower of your choice oh I mean this is obvious isn't it to be honest with you you could just have the superpower to like go back and forth in time then you would be able to know the lottery numbers and you could win the lottery and have all the money you need you could literally have a superpower that makes you poop money why would you need to be there its first in the world if you could just poop money I think it's pretty obvious what choice we're gonna go with here have any superpower or your choice there we go Wow I'm amazed that 40% didn't click that don't worry about it someone should explain to them but there's whatever it's fine would you rather spend the rest of your life in prison what's when the rest of your life is a slave oh oh that's a bit of a rough question well to be honest some prisons are pretty nice like especially some of those like European prisons they look pretty cozy to me being a slave sounds like probably a terrible thing so I think that's a pretty straightforward question I think spend the rest of your life in prison although I don't really want either options can I can I go back please can I can I say no to that question no okay all right prisoner is then all right let's see oh there we go we were we were correct so 63 well not great but everyone else said that in the majority 63 percent against 37% a lot of people would want to be a slave I guess if it's your thing you know go for it what is next would you rather have 1 billion dollars or have World Peace I think it's pretty obvious here I don't think a billion dollars is gonna be able to pay for war peace and I'm sure that there's gonna be people in the world that would be happy to spend 1 billion dollars for world peace so at least you know in the video I'm gonna have to say well peace you never know if I'm lying to you right now I'd be interested though I feel like most people are gonna go with 1 billion dollars to be honest to you with some world peace there's just more people watching these videos that sounds like a Greek thing to me oh my I had a feeling this is gonna happen you guys honestly 52% of people would rather billion dollars I understand where you're coming from but you know what pizza ok whatever anyway moving on whoa ok what is happening over here so I guess we go down ok cool all right we've got a next question would you rather spend a year in a desert or live in Antarctica for a year I assume it's easier to survive in Antarctica right deserts gonna be rough like not be able to find water but Antarctica you obviously get cold but there's gonna be someone like warmer parts of Antarctica right and what desert are we talking about here there's like all sorts of deserts everywhere I mean there's those deserts in America there's deserts yeah this it shouldn't be that bad Isis tough questions I'm sure that there's some decent places to live in Antarctica long like the warmer parts but then again with global warming it's probably falling apart so I'm gonna go with desert at least you know you don't have to earn as a drowned ok I mean I understand where the other 65% are coming from with picking the other bit but in my mind I'm just gonna go living like the desert outside of Las Vegas there we go alright on to the next question would you rather become stupider or become uglier did jelly have a door to go through both of these I don't know how he managed to achieve that probably uglier you can't come back from being stupid it's pretty simple like being uglier it just means the people aren't gonna be looking at you as much but if you become stupider then I mean that's just rough too having to be like that especially for someone like jelly being stupider than he is I really hope he picked the right the right door this time round I bet you though people went for stupider I don't know let's take a look yep just as I thought you guys know if you become stupider then you become a different person right at least if you change your looks it's still the same person all right let's keep going would you rather stay yourself or become someone else odd question the chances of becoming someone in a pretty rough situation are way too high in the billions so I'm gonna go ahead and stay myself it seems pretty decent making videos and playing games so I'm gonna stick with that I think there we go oh that's kind of good it's nice to know that most 667 percent of the people are satisfied with themselves 33 percent of the people that's a risky move that's all I'm gonna say alright let's continue on what do we go there would you rather be a billionaire or know the truth about aliens but the truth about aliens could literally just be so uh there's no aliens imagine hearing that when you could have got a billion dollars instead so that's a really tough question but then knowing that there's no other aliens is a big deal in itself you know damn this is a tough question alright you know what I'm gonna go with know the truth about aliens which valuable people are spending way more than a billion dollars on finding out the truth so maybe that was a bad decision 82% went with a billion dollars I don't blame you guys I don't blame you only was 18% Wow okay alright would you rather all cows become extinct or chicken chickens give me eggs cows hog give me milk hmm I was about to say that was an easy question but then again there's tons of alternatives to cow milk not so many to eggs so I'm gonna go with cows becoming extinct sorry Moo Moo's sorry okay eight percent huh we weren't right again I understand it though people probably up their preferences over the two I mean I only I don't need chicken but I love a good egg on my in my breakfast to be honest so I'm proud of my decision Oh Oh what is this I think we're it there so at the end of these would you rather zwi have to escape from this map collect an item from each section you'll need both to escape if you've got five correct answers you'll receive a hint we did do that so we get to receive a hint so in lieu late we need to find the bounce pad risk your wheels find the doorbell go through once you have clicked both items okay let's have a look at these hints wait did I not get I only got four correct great well let's go find them then whoa damn this is cool all right so where is this stuff let's have a look around it's good here's somewhere I think was it the bounce pad we're looking for right okay so there's nothing in this underground bit so let's go have a look up top where is the best way to get out it's probably gonna be in the house up here wait this has been so perfectly remade what even I've never seen anything this close before okay just checking everywhere you never know they might try and bamboozler this is a secret no I thought I just found a secret I fell in a hole there we go I found it there we go easy easy okay it wasn't at the top of their house so we have the bouncer so now let's head back now we need to find the doorbell at risk you reals doorbell okay whoa okay wait do I see it already is that it up there so how do we get up there this is interesting I think it's above yeah I see an explosive but how do we do that maybe we open the door out here okay that might think that's doable it may be not what if we use the camera bit is that does that work or anything oh we did it nice okay now we have to oh we got it yeah what did I get Oh a speed boost thing I didn't even see straight wait wait doorbell how is that a doorbell okay I'd wait maybe this maybe we use that somewhere else I don't know let's head back and have a look and see if the way has been cleared for us let's go through here place bouncer all right okay there you go happy happy place speed boosts here okay whoa thanks to play with you yeah we did it Gigi oh yeah what are we getting the llama surprise a bunch of stuff yay I don't really care about this or a flag nice remember to use coats logo in the fortnight store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,267,115
Rating: 4.930768 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, fortnite, fortnite creative, would you rather, quiz
Id: DZNE-cO-8g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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