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alright guys I got a secret chest you probably didn't know about this one you got a secret we've got a secret anymore I don't know if you survived tilted then you've got pretty epic game ahead of you I know that you win the game really how it works building is never empty you know what I mean there's always people in tilted all right great building really either you know it is like the like dusty people were you where you had nothing here oh my goodness there's a crater in dusty Depot that's damn Italian any stolen from jelly oh darn it I broke the bed and the chest is gone jelly belly why would you do that anybody in Tilted never mind nobody is it isn't tilted with us why see what lens until there is such an interesting whatever happens this never locks are freakin all right you can have a back can over back I'm kidding I'm kidding actually genuinely thanks Josh it's alright today I'm a nice guy that's definitely why I got from the tail josh is probably the worst what he does as long as he wins the games right that's been what is the game all he does is kill me every single time what steals my gun one time one time oh who says hey I just saw someone you outside the window or maybe I'm crazy Jenny doesn't it's not right from right here by the way how many are now oh okay so you didn't even lose out from the chest and we're get to break the television it's two wood guys apparently nobody jump till the town nobody lands until that anymore that's not an interesting place anymore guys what do you mean it's interesting someone built into there no no no no don't get too like comfortable yeah someone's gonna pop out - okay jelly it's all yours now I'll go take this building for myself here's - we should spread out too much this is gonna be that what do you mean you keep us and like drop it nobody's in Tilton's what do you mean Josh are you 100% sure Oh Millie essentially no K people can always run in you know what I mean yeah I mean I mean if we've really got truly truly got the whole earth tilted all right Jenny all right guys I got a secret chest here you'd probably didn't know about this one but you got a secret chest well it's not a secret anymore is it jelly it's not exactly lie like anybody who's up till the towers at least twice in their lives no sir josh is annoyed I'm nowhere near you I don't know things right now as I know it here oh we can just keep on looting jelly setting these unrealistic standards on the other time yeah I know right I'm female we was here what that call me thought you said you liked me okay well I think we're ready to go hunting now just look at one building not looted I'll load it real quick don't worry about it got a blue thanks for that guys what's the what's what's what's up we definitely left some blue here I've got two big pots now before someone comes over and shoot you in the face all right and that wouldn't be handy Noah did all right listen just a bit I can't believe we are the only and he whole point until the towers is it so rare till the towers is abandoned like no but nobody's here anymore nobody likes this place anymore what happened the boys all day other cool place to lay bricks real estate prices dropped it's all about snobby Shores nowadays you got some nice prime real estate Nick's today free Road or you know sorry it's not pretty unfortunate but let's keep on moving guys nothing in life is free guys guys fly someone oh my god I can't see this map easlick East Jordi you got sighs that little building with the building on top and there's like one wall on top of it 95 or about 110 from you guys it's a small red building with a wall let's just go there it's just gone oh it's just been built that what I'm built okay let's put no I'm saying to Jordi check with your sniper up oh oh I see I know I see him why don't see him but I see he's built oh yeah he's got a porta for it right next to it as well oh ok now they know where we are yeah it's good now they know who we are can expect them boys are they in the pool oh there there oh my god just break the bottom that's one hit oh there you go he's on 50 holes ok I'll flatten that down Oh a show on the bone guys the people behind me there's people behind you people behind you we're good Josh they got one get we got the all this they're all dead legendary legendary weapons here got a legendary have you seen them yet no I got shot in the back and just bill boom boom boom I'm gonna pick up that sniper ok we did we did no any loot on that you get stolen guys there literally people south of southwest of us I'll take the minis anyway west of us dammit yes chances say - was on on the mountain Josh I'm gonna show up got him got a big down three he don't know I haven't got any ranged weapons so you guys keep up the good work oh boy ok ok we need to get these guys so guys come on I'm working my way Dale what the hell there's a guy above me where is the guy above here's a guy literally above me up on this hill with me oh I see him whoa what a jump Jesus hey Josh come here with you now a scary dudes there's no handle no matter yo we're being surrounded man I got it he's got no help he's gonna catch me oh god what he's okay I don't care but I'm gonna resurrect you first thank you yo and we have a jump at a freaking grenade got me man Jonah's way I'm good I'm good it's okay got you Julie yeah yeah all right do you want this girl guys did you guys survive this we good wait there's this night Josh take this I'm just healing nearly dead anyone there we got the guy Josh I just dropped them yeah I'm gonna pick up in a second Jordy do you have any I don't need this metric it a medium bullets yeah yeah yeah hey don't you know first aid right and meanies Josh take these we have a jump on no worries guys all right back in action back in action we're back in action everybody oh I see you won 32 of them Josh freaked them low on resources man who has got a lot of resources these guys getting shot Jordy more shots more shots oh that these are different people okay we finished one guy he's super low super low sell people closer than this Jordy yeah I know I know I know I'm aware they're actually up southeast he's healing right now like can L max oh well he'll get to the zone jump jump out of me guys jump out of me damn it Josh I'm out of research move me up with the brother up man you guys are far away from me go me I mean just nineteen by only Josh well I because he's right next to me jelly all right that guy's definitely a killer Jodi Go Go guys I don't have resources for that come on no dude we gotta go sorry Kelly we have to go Jonas right there get up here jelly just good resources boy I need to get resources to I just I'm gonna make it but don't worry I've got full medkit jelly we have med kits for you jelly I'll do I can't let her shields no yeah sure I make a fire suit have a campfire if you get some more resources did nature could survive the great jump I think everybody did yeah but he's yeah yeah he's on his way but I think he landed super early Josh can you say much help is that yeah I got sense where you guys are all right see house we're an hourly again hey we've got some shots from here Josh yeah you too 96 was a big brick building I don't take these guys out oh oh yeah yeah oh and end on the brick Jordy or headshot noscopes okay be careful guys okay one down these low ones really low too damn high they pick up these resources I need wood hey I've got 200 years if anybody wants it did a guy die in here did he jump out he jumped out he jumped out we got him okay nice boys like heels on me guys heels on me y'all campfire this yeah I'm gonna campfire this I need it feels heals bet your kid needs a potion but he's far what's he doing I don't know what he's doing met your cousin touring the countryside let him do his part that's good oh wait I've got met Kevin if he ever makes it to us in this journey okay what do we do we get we should probably start moving to the zone um yeah let's go north let's go yeah we can go right around the enemy did you take damage now we're going on this side it's a perfect idea coming from your zone towards us cuz we're gonna be completely adjoin us I say we build on Grandma's house and renovate it a little bit let's renovate grandma's house let's do it Oh metric is down let's help him really a spa really a spa guys come on come on he's gonna be the downfall of us he does he look safe no no no no using his date building their build and they're on their way okay I can get my coat they built now they're holding back you guys shoot him you guys shoot some moves let me grab these minis jelly I saw that I was like just gonna shoot do you see oh maybe that's um one else I got it was probably somebody else oh boy oh no really far away all right going I've got one Wow what if shot from that dude I was moving I shot the guy that shot you Jordy nice job good job good job he was trying to finish me some more meds for you confirm it your kids are nice it's very no more meds for you men or the outside the zone now are you gonna heal them forget into the zone we can get into the healing their friend should we finish shoot that suit that's we're shooting right now I miss this one day no upper one Hey okay Jilly keep shooting it let's keep on pressuring these guys we get we can finish them there go up go up right there right there he's behind the stairs on the right it's gone the right behind the upper whooshes buddy finished his buddy first finish him ok his buddies down his buddies down finish this dude's metric it's pushing he's gone back out of the zone sorry ok well let's get to the guys didn't have anything he just was too scared about hopping out yeah he right right you know much Emilie's everyone got 2 sub interested enough to win the game 163 ok I see them North they're exactly north of us they are struggling they've had all this time to prepare that you keep going in with the nukes folk song Oh down we got some that was nice at the end though thank you guys for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it if you want some cool merch then go check out a shop door slow commando calm there's a bunch of products there that you probably will like if you don't like them then I'm gonna cry bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,022,090
Rating: 4.8691163 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, victory royale, kwebbelkop, jelly
Id: BpFvyuLc8T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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