Would You Enter a Dragon Infested Park?

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someone you're gonna need to run for it where's he at on that back Fork he's probably as high as you can reach I'd say just reach around to the back and hopefully you get a tail all right here you go holy cow oh my gosh what the world of Pokemon the tagline is you gotta catch em all today we're in Australia and we're going to put Mario up to the ultimate Pokemon Challenge can catch a frill dragon in real life this iconic reptile is the inspiration where the Pokemon character known as the heliolisk so while Mario's trying to catch the real life version I'm gonna be opening up several packs to see whether or not I can pull the card before he can catch a lizard stay tuned because we're gonna find out who can win the ultimate Pokemon Challenge okay found a nice picnic table seems like the right spot to set up and start my opening of Pokemon cards got my backpack full of goodies right here I'm going to be setting up multiple cameras today there it is the Elite Trainer Box of crown Zenith Pokemon cards that Helo list might be in there somewhere I've got two boxes so I like my chances I also have my little tiny frill dragon that I brought with me for good luck I actually also have walkie-talkie let's check in with Mario check check coyote Demario just make sure the walkies work well I found a nice picnic table I'm set up in the shade I got my boxes of Crown Zenith ready to go and I'm about to start popping some packs see any lizards yet okay well good luck out there I'm gonna start opening some packs see ya okay struggling already I think I've got this thing in the can the tactic to search for frill lizards is kind of straightforward good binoculars you're gonna look at all the trees and try to find them vertically hanging and sticking their heads out it's very distinct once we do find a frill lizard Loki and I are gonna have to coordinate so that I could catch the lizard without it actually seeing me come that's the tough part I'm pretty confident that I'm going to catch a frill lizard whether I'm going to catch it before coyote finds the Pokemon card uh I'm not sure about that but I know if we see a lizard and it is within my range of catching I'm gonna catch it oh oh come here I think I've got something really cool take these yep all right see this tree right in front of us here yep look to the right of it you see the thin tree yes the sapling okay yep hang on if it is what I think it is this is gonna be really really cool is that a baby frilly it's a baby frilly okay so we never had any uh stipulations about what size frilly we were gonna catch right I didn't hear anything about size and the rules oh my gosh stick to these saplings because the larger frillies don't use them as much but that's a frilly okay here we go let's do it all right let's go see where the first uh Branch starts to Branch off on the left-hand side he is just below that on the backhand side I got him he got him that's a baby frilly it's a pearly oh my gosh she's tiny wow look at that okay this counts right that's a freely it's a frilly all I heard in the rules is if you catch a frilly first you win okay everybody come in go for coyote quick question for you um is there a baby form of the helial what what's it called The Helio lips is there like a baby form of that a baby heliolisk Helioptile let's just say that I think I got a helio reptile baby that's 10-4 uh Helioptile dude that is awesome so for context I've not even opened up a pack of cards yet and you've already technically found a frilled Dragon but if I pull I pull the optile card I think it kind of cancels out you're catching a baby frill dragon okay well I guess search game on how about that he has already caught a baby frill Dragon right after he tells me he's struggling radios back and he's got a baby one honestly this is this is super cute and kind of unique right I mean very unique I've quote a lot of adults but I've never called one that young yeah you can generally tell how young they are just because they don't have the vibrant colors of an adult uh camouflage is the number one tactic for these guys and you can also see he's relying on that now rather than putting the frill out if he's an adult he'd be you know getting pretty defensive by now but this guy he's just happy to stay as still as possible and yeah that you're just gonna let him go when you're done with him look at that he thinks my finger is a little Branch I personally think this is super unique just because most people will never encounter a hatchling and there's really no need to mess around with him because he's just he's just hanging out but that is as as adorable as it gets for a reptile next step is to release this hatchling and search for an adult yep let's do it [Music] ah okay I'm ready to open up some packs here I'm excited all right let's see this one seems like a good place to start will there be a heliolisk inside this pack how crazy would it be if first pack first card was Heliolisk first card eggs acute not heliolisk whatever this guy is Cherry up ooh young goose that's cool it's like a mongoose oh I got the Pokeball all right that's pretty good I would say that will help me catch them all Scyther looks like some sort of a Dragon mixed with a praying mantis oh look at this one Palkia and it's kind of golden hologram I wonder if that is special V-Star Power Star portal 280 HP not sure what that means but some of you Pokemon fans might be excited about that lost vacuum ooh looks like a Dust Buster electric that's like an electric eel got the Ultra Ball there all right on to the next pack here we go okay we've spotted it for a lizard now the hard part is to actually sneak up on it and catch it locky come in yeah a little bit of possibility that he actually sees another Dragon nearby is it the tree that's directly in front of me [Music] no no the tree was very slippery the lizard was on to us and it started to get higher and higher up so I thought I was going to be able to do some crazy parkour thing and just jump up the tree but as soon as I touched the tree it was super slippery and I couldn't get enough grip to go higher up so there was a five percent chance that I would have grabbed that Branch overhanging Branch hauled myself up gripped a tree and grabbed the lizard maybe a one percent chance it's like closer to one yeah worth a try all right uh we're gonna go in from here right in the comment section below and tell us which is your favorite Pokemon give us some suggestions of other animals that represent animals within the Pokemon Universe and maybe we'll make another episode like this where we go out send Mario on the mission to catch the animal and I'll open up the packs to see if I can pull it right out of a sheet all right we got a shanks oh hot diggity dog ladies and gentlemen look what we have here there it is the Helioptile coyote to Mario come in Mario for Mario you're not gonna believe what I just pulled I've got the baby heliolisk awesome so this were kind of tied right I got a baby frilly and you got that heliopath yes your baby dragon while I'm sure it was awesome I just canceled out with this little baby okay the neck hatch or card might win the challenge well may the best lizard Champion win I got more packs and you don't have that Dragon yet so I'm getting back to it this is officially going in a sleeve I am really excited about this I was honestly getting a little nervous because if Mario only catches the baby dragon and I did not get a heliolisk he would have won but now we've officially got a tie all right going at the top tier of my cards that I've opened so far and we're moving on the sun's not even completely out it's got to be high 80s like into maybe 90 degrees Fahrenheit it's so you see this tree straight through here yeah white colored yeah Brown he's on that back Fork he's probably as high as you can reach I'd say just jump as high as you can reach and reach around to the back and hopefully you get a tail all right here you go foreign I got him we got one got a big one he was a runner okay this is significantly bigger than the little one and you can see there it goes there's only one way to show you this unique display that's to actually get one in hand I mean this is like straight out of Science Fiction it's ridiculous it's like this lizard goes from being super slim to really big and that's intimidating if you are a predator and like you don't know that this lizard does that you're gonna catch it it's gonna Hood up furl out and you're probably gonna leave it alone not only do they Hood up but they gape with their mouths open and then when they hit the ground they go bipedal they actually run on two feet and when I was chasing this one it got up on its two feet climbed the tree nearest point of safety and I barely got him barely got them oh Mario I got another one you got another one another one he's he's even bigger than that one on the back of this tree his head's just poking oh my gosh I'll hold that give me that one okay here you go this whole time he's right there that's a big one definitely bigger than this one that's a big boy you can see how wide his head is two frillies better than one all right let's go I've lost sight of him you're gonna have to go for a blind grab [Music] that's a big one oh my gosh that's as big as it gets it's enormous look at the size difference holy smokes that's a dinosaur I've got a female here and yours is a big male and you can see how much more defensive he is as well she's not too worried anymore at all she's kind of relaxed she's got a thrill back in but look at him dude this guy is massive look at that frill I mean that is spectacular he's he's really impressed that's him that's I think there's only one thing left to do we got a radio into coyote I think so and tell him we won all right you do the honors coyote come in coyote here I think you want to come over to where we're at because uh we got two dude just just come on over here check it out we got two all right all right I'm coming right now holy cow all right it looks like Mario might have caught two real dragons they're on the far side of the park over here I can actually see them oh man I think Mario's gonna win this contest unless I can open up those last five packs and get a holographic Heliolisk holy cow oh my gosh what too freely oh my goodness big mail dude that is the biggest frilled Dragon I have ever seen he's gorgeous I thought you guys were kidding all right locky I'm gonna trade get out of town all right so I'm assuming probably female here and that's the big boy where did you guys get these tree just down there the female actually was in very thin small tree jumped off I had to chase it down and this big boy was right here in this tree this is probably his females it's probably like the dominant male in this area I'm I'm borderline speechless so I've opened up lots of packs of cards so far okay don't have the heel of this yet but look at how much this animal would have influenced that Pokemon creature yes even the spikes along the side of the frill look like the frill on the Gila list when you hold the two of them side by side you see quite a bit of difference between the male and the female the female is so much smaller darker in coloration that males got those bright orange display colors and look at those front canine teeth if the camera could see my wrist right now and all the scratches those claws are no joke they need those claws to grip the trees that's why they could just scale up the trees so fast the skin when you describe the skin the texture is like sandpaper I mean the design on the side of this thing is so prehistoric looking it's fantastic and it's crazy the frill is very smooth I would say kind of like like leatherish almost but they are scales there are some rods of cartilage that actually extend it out I think you gotta also check out the back of the frill so right now as it's frilled and looking at the camera I could see these two bulges of muscles check that out you see that that's like it's most muscles to I think maybe expand the frill but it's quite impressive if this lizard were to grab a hold of you it would hurt those teeth are sharp they're designed to just crunch up insects that's their primary diet they're insectivores they'll be climbing up on the trees perched looking at their surroundings if something's on the ground they're going to jump down snatch it up go back up the tree I set the challenge for you to go out and see whether or not you could actually catch the real life Pokemon character and sure enough you did it a juvenile a female and a male yeah you know what they say got to catch them all that's true well I'd say you definitely won this Challenge and I do still have five packs of cards left so I could get the Helio list but in the meantime we're going to release these lizards back into the respective trees and by the way I got a prize for you since you won the contest all right cool yeah stay tuned got some good stuff coming I'm coyote Peterson I'm Ariel dicola be brave stay wild we'll see on the next adventure all right lizards back to the trees with you [Music] thank you and that's how you catch three field dragons in one day peace catching Pokemon in real life was a blast but the challenge isn't over quite yet if you want to see what comes out of my last five packs head over to the coyote Peterson Channel on YouTube we put a link in the video description below will I catch the heliolisk or will Mario officially be crowned the lizard catching champion and don't forget write in the comments section and tell us which Pokemon character should we try to catch in real life next
Channel: Brave Wilderness
Views: 321,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real life pokemon, pokemon cards, pokemon video, pokemon TGC, frilled dragon, frilled lizard, real pokemon, catching pokemon, pokemon in real life, coyote peterson, brave wilderness, pokemon card opening videos, heliolisk, helioptile, pokemon game
Id: Q3cYNxde65A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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