IT'S TIME to build my CASTLES!

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welcome to the shadlands yes indeed it is time to begin the journey to build my castles and in celebration of this milestone event and to chronicle the journey to build these castles i am launching a new youtube channel called the shadlands so please do come and join me and my family for every step of the journey and while we're at it we're going to be having loads of fun as well with behind the scenes vlogs family activities projects tests experiments planning and even some crazy adventures so one of the things we need to test out is uh going up a steep hill we yeah begun the very first steps towards building these castles but there are a whole lot of other steps to go i really do hope you'll join us there there's already heaps of fun videos but what about the castles themselves because ever since i bought the shadlands the vision and the path forward has changed and evolved into a plan of action that's far more feasible and the designs of the castles have changed to match these necessities indeed i'm even planning to build more than the first three that i had envisioned so let me dive into this and showcase each and every castle design that we are beginning the preliminary steps to be able to build many of you are probably very well aware that i love castles and so when i approach to the tyson castles that i'd like to build i take it a little bit seriously and what i want ultimately is to build kind of like a living history museum but to achieve that i do want castles that are very historically authentic or plausible drawing from many references and i would love to show you the different type because when you look at historical castles there are so many different flavors and and designs especially in terms of location and time period i would love to have i'm not sure i could get like an example castle for every single design style but at least representative of the primary ones so that means i'm not going to be going into full-fledged fantasy designs though though there is one that i will show that has some fantasy inspiration attached to it and that is a castle that isn't necessarily a castle yet it kind of is and that's my dream home and so one of the first buildings that we do want to do build is a home my dream home on the property it's gonna have a larger studio and everything and i'd love to show you the current design i've already kind of showed it in the previous video it's gone through changes as we try and get a more realistic view of what we can build what the budget is limitations of location as well as design and everything the design of the house has changed a bit to something that is more modest and plausible and so this is the current house design right here and i actually i really really do like it this design it's still in a bit of flux because we want it to be perfect and so there's already a bit of a change we have an additional second story section that comes out just right on the edge here but overall this is very close to the final house design that we want but there are stages because you might be thinking that's not super castle you know it's got very distinct kind of castle elements one of the approaches i had with this design was to combine classic medieval cottage you know look feel and cottage aesthetic with castle aesthetics and i did that with kind of the little pointed towers here uh that's got turrets on the side but you know there are aesthetic uh crenellations and things there is a second stage that's going to take a lot more money to build this house here is very feasible with the resources that we have available and other things there is a very clear path forward to build this house if you want to see some of the interesting things about finding location the cut and the side and everything again it's all in the shad lanes regular updates are going to be on the shad lanes for us to build this lovely dream home it's my own personal dream home right here and there's a video that's come out in conjunction with this one that i think you would really like to see because as i go through and share these castle designs that are we're planning to build on the property perhaps you'd like to see where these specific castles are going to be located on the shad lands and actually see the shad lands that many different parts and we even have drone footage of it and so you can get a brilliant you know view of what's going on and get a tour of the entire property and the locations of where we're going to build these castles so again that video is out now with this one please do go check it out uh after we go through the castle designs the second stage i don't know if we'll ever get to the point where we could build the second stage because it's uh it's a bit elaborate and this is very much where you get the castle component i guess the the bigger castle component of this design as to where the second component is going to go in conjunction with the first this stage one that is still in a little bit of flux we have a uh a kind of design that we're a bit uh you know happy with but this is the second stage right here now as you'll see it is following the same aesthetic style of the stage one house of but of course this is in a larger kind of keep design and so this castle here can be attached to the first one in multiple ways and the way that we have it fixed at the moment this view here has the second stage attached to the first stage on a 3d model representation of the shad lens with a satellite image that we've attached to it as well and i'm i'm not sure if this video will be out but it will be out soon we have a video discussing the the cut and you get some insight as to how accurate this 3d model is because it's based off of the surveying um and contours that we have done on the property so this or this model is also uh it's the rough one where we're working you can see the extension kind of added here it's not finished but you also see this castle attached to it and how it will fit on the property and that's where it's looking like at the moment we're pretty happy with it but there still might be changes in the future so this is the castle house this large one you know the the big section the keep section is basically a really awesome office studio with lots of room to expand and uh hopefully do some great fun things in the future as you can imagine building that stage one house is going to be difficult there is certainly a journey uh we hope to get it you know underway in the next year or so it's a long process but i'd love you to join us in that process and see what we have what we're doing to build towards it to get things ready uh and you'll get to see the difficulties that we need to go through in terms of the historically accurate castles these ones are a bit tricky because they can vary in cost wildly depending on size now if you remember in the original video where i got to announce that i actually bought the property which is now called the shadlands i had three main designs i was considering and one of the first ones was a really awesome norman style keep and i had erroneously thought that i would need about a million dollars to build it well that would be closer to around 10 million if not more it's a very expensive elaborate large castle and i don't know if i'd ever have the means to build it but i do want something and so what we started looking at were smaller designs and the smaller designs something that could just kick us off start us in the direction something that we could do with the resources we have at the moment that could be a beginning set piece because even if you have something small if it looks good it can be this great set piece to just have fun things being done around it we wouldn't be out at launch like a living history museum with something this small but it would be a set piece for activities like a medieval festival like uh larp reenactments and various other fun activities and so we went small and then we we actually went small and smaller to the point where we actually we have a design that i'd love to show you this design right here i call this the rangers tower so it's not necessarily a castle yet if you look at my video on watch towers you might be surprised at what actually gets classified as a castle so this is a castle type building because watch towers are in this interesting aspect of it but something this big or this small i should say is something that we could actually build much sooner than you might think of course a lot of the resources we have to begin with are focused on their house that is most definitely a castle we're building on the shad lands and that is one that we definitely will but we can also do this one and as to when and where it does depend on where we can allocate our resources but something like this if you see the door size you can get an idea of how big it is if i was actually just measured the base it is i think it's a yeah three by three meter base this is something that myself and granddad jack whose granddad jack is on the shad lads oh that's the other thing i'm not the only one on the shadlands channel my children are joining us my father is joining us as a regular member on the shad lands and even the lady her wonderful beautiful voice appears very regularly as well so just it's heaps of fun and so granddad jack like he's gonna be our main builder he's a qualified architect as well and uh he helped me kind of look at the the feasibility of something like this and we could build that pretty easily one of the great advantages of this size tower is that we don't need to permanently fix it in place and even if not we're going to be casting it as more of a set not a habitable building or structure it's a temporary or movable so not non-fixed set for filming which we will be actually using it for filming quite regularly as well and as a result we could build something like this without needing permits and going through the big process and we can get this beautiful big set piece right there i mean it'll be big but it's not as big as i like you'll see some of the size differences but it's something that granddad jack and i could absolutely build um greta jack he's gonna he he's a builder he knows how to do it so he'll be doing most of the work i'll be there for emotional support i suppose but also helping out where where i can as well i really like it has great character and we have a great spot for this uh tower do you want to know where this one is there's a video remember the video where you want to see where this is going because we have a game plan going into the future of the different castles because this is just the beginning if we get this built we want to build another one and another one another one and each one we build are going to be in specific planned locations to help develop the shadlands into something really awesome so after this first design we have the second design now this one i really love it has a lot in common with the first one in terms of height so if we look at these two towers side by side they're actually like the internal design is somewhat similar it's a three by three but you can absolutely see this second tower is far more elaborate what i wanted for the second tower is to showcase some of the most beautiful design aesthetics in castle design that we see in the late medieval period and so we're seeing turrets we see of course matriculations we absolutely need those we see a gothic style window feature and also gothic you know lancet windows that are a bit you know like cathedrals you see them as well but they're thin enough that there is or of course still marshall validity they're not open windows that are easy to get through and of course it has a flared base as well giving a great silhouette to it this is just beautiful this one it would be costly but not as much as the large ones of course but all the like bells and whistles the adornments that you see like the turrets like the matriculations and everything i added has a more complex roof line would be fiddly and end up costing it's still quite feasible like i i'm very confident that would be able to build these first two towers most definitely and that would kick us off to doing some really fun things on the property are doing activities and events and whatnot and just to show you what the internal kind of basic uh beginning framing model uh there's a couple of changes that do need to be made so this is not by no means the final version but we've already been exploring how to literally build this and so these ones would be built out of timber and given a uh like a veneer a fake front that would look really you know nice and authentic we're going with something that is similar to the castle backdrop i have in many shadowversity videos but there are some kind of fake stone veneers that look even better and that's the ones that i would like to use for this one here but you see what the framing looks like and how we can even make the matriculations out of wood and then if you paint them they can come up looking brilliantly so this shows you that it's very possible we have the means to do it the knowledge the skill and literally granddad jackie he knows the proper architect and so there are a couple of things that might need to change like the sizing of the timber and stuff just to make it sure that it's structurally sound but that is looking really good and so those first two um castles or tower castles i should say are very very realistic in terms of plausible for us to build that it's feasible the the this is something that i'm very confident will be able to happen going forward in the future as to when do not know like i said the priority is the house first but we are starting on the first steps towards that house all access road planning out the house site cut and other things but there are other castles i'd like to build as to when i can get to these ones i do not know because these ones will be more expensive but it is my dream to build up towards them and so the next design is this one you might recognize this design from a video i did on wooden castles what most car medieval castles actually might have looked like in the medieval period and i designed this one as a representation of something that i feel was actually very common in medical period but often underrepresented and that is the fortified manor house and so on this you know living history museum i want representations of what the most common types of castles were and because the fortified manor house was actually very common including wooden castles as well i really would love one that represented this almost forgotten class of castle throughout the past it is a simple enough design it would be timber but there is some fiddly work in it but this internal is fully designed um it's got a you know a small grade hall with a bit of a solar slash kitchen with a separate kitchen and living quarters solar as well and this again like it would be small if we i can actually compare the size this is the size comparison to these other towers so this is actually a fairly feasible and possible design it's in terms of the uh romantic kind of imagery of castles it doesn't really capture that this is far more a historical this is what a lot of castles kind of look like this is why the second tower is uh i really love because it captures that romantic kind of design element that really awesome castles had but i love the more grounded wooden castles as well i want a representation of each type so these designs i'm fairly set on some of these other designs i'm about to show you might change uh depending on things that we need to consider budget constraints but maybe we've got more money to work with then i could do something a little more fancy or elaborate i'll just add in quickly i also would like to build a mott style castle for it to be representative of the mott and bailey style castles of the past the reason why i failed to showcase it in the video is that i haven't designed this one yet it should be a fairly simple design and there's multiple options i could explore this one i'm showing you here is a possible option definitely i would love to have a mod style castle and i just wanted to quickly mention that but the next cast i'm about to show you was actually one of the smallest castle designs i thought i could be satisfied with before it was a granddad jack that actually proposed what if we did something even small like a tower a guard tower and i'll show it to you right now it is this castle right here this one is actually a bit inspired by kawth castle the keep of course castle in terms of the buttressing on the side but it represents one of the smallest types of stone castles in the medieval period this is technically four floors if you could include the cellar so it has a cell level and then three main levels and then a roof level a lot of historical castles were as simple as this a bait a square a square with a battlement on top of it and because of that i feel it would be important to represent the simplicity of so many castles and that's why this was kind of like if i really want to show a fortified stone castle this is about as small as i'd be willing to go we did a bit of a pricing on this we framed it in timber as well as large concrete kind of bricks and these are like big concrete bricks and did a basic costing of each and it came to around four to five hundred thousand just this one and uh the timber one was about a hundred thousand dollars cheaper than the uh um concrete brick one so even something as small as this is pretty darn expensive but i would love to build it and if we built this one we would try and do it so the interior was something you could explore running into issues about um if it's a public building here in australia victoria it needs to have disabled access and that is clashing with my authentic style thing because not all castles of course had wheelchair access and things like that and so if we do we might just have to turn the front part into a ramp and only have the first floor public accessible with the other floors special i don't know case something for people to see but at least you could see the first floor or what you know a uh um you know the the dining hall great hall of this type of design could be like if it was actually a medical period one of the things that excites me about this shadlands project is that when i build these castles i want them to look like what they would have looked like in the period and that's actually different to even many surviving still-standing castles that were originally built in the medieval period because even those castles a lot of them actually had renovations and changes throughout the history in which they're being alive oftentimes they have larger windows put in on them as well as the interior decoration is different there are some cases where they try and restore the in interior of these uh still standing castles to what they would have looked like say in the 11th or 12th centuries and those are brilliant i would love a castle that looks reflects the period on the outside inside completely and very much when it comes to these castles right here that's my desire i'd love these castles to look like what they look like in the period and one of the things you might notice about this one it's whitewashed this would be a whitewashed cup not all castles were whitewashed but a decent number of them were and i'd love this one to reflect the that a lot of castles they were stunning brilliant shining white you know uh structures that just looked immaculate and that one yes most definitely there are more designs though like remember when i have large dreams and things it gets even bigger than this so the next one is this castle so in terms of size difference well i can show you so you see the towels that we started with and then we go up in size once again to the castle that is inspired by quarf castle and then we go up in size once again so this castle here i need i do really need to name these castles yeah guys i would actually interested in really good authentic names for each one of these castles remember i have the rangers tower the next tower i'm pretty sure i'd call something like the knights tower the fortified manor house i'd love to name it after you know some type of noble family or something like that and then the corps of castle design i'd love to hear what what do you think we could name the quarf castle this next castle right you actually might recognize some of the design elements around it if you've played something like kingdom come deliverance it's inspired by the castle designs of like medieval bohemia or the germanic regions they're about and they have a really distinct roof style that i feel would just look great this one would cost maybe 20 to 50 percent more than the previous quartz castle design so it's not double the price but it's still more expensive it's about the same height but it has this kind of barbican style gatehouse attachment to the front giving more security to the castle and it's the stone part or you know is about the same height but then it has the wooden battlements on top of it which would add extra money as well this has beautiful very characteristic distinct style and i love it because it shows the difference in design in region and it'll be represented of the germanic styles of just brilliant so i'd love to have that one cost again big thing to consider in regards to it but again then we go bigger and you might recognize this next one right here this is one of the designs or at least part of it without the outer wall appeared in my one of my first videos in the castles i want to build this one is representative of the development of castles as they were building towards matriculations and so this is a hoarding battlement castle the type of battlements that you see at the top instead of matriculations it has wooden hoardings and it just looks stunning i love the profile of the towers what it gives i really would love to build this one what i'll probably do to try and build this one because it would be pretty darn expensive is to build it as kind of like a film set a shell where i only build the front nothing behind it and that would bring the cost down considerably it'd still be something like 500 000 or more uh even building it as a set to build it as complete either timber framed on the inter inside or even out of concrete bricks and stuff like that this would be in the millions this would be a very expensive castle to build i have the internal design already laid out and everything and it has a great hall it has an entry hall uh has a solar kitchen separate rooms as well it has a chapel in this one in regards to size like it is bigger of course considerably so but it doesn't approach the huge sizes of what medieval castles could achieve but it's actually a bit more representative of the general size of many cars this would actually be considered on the larger end of most medieval castles most medieval castles were small how small well you know like i said they're about uh this small right here that's why i really like this design because it's representative of what's of the larger majority of castles it's just that the bigger more prestigious ones that were built by the kings of the past tended to have survived a bit longer but even a good number of them have not there in ruins but this design right here is where we're beginning to show what some of the king's castles would have looked like some of the most wealthy of the lords nobility and royalty of the medieval period uh and of course i'd love a castle represents that so after this one the next design is a new design you haven't seen this one this one i would almost want to build before this set like so the hoarding's castle it would look really great and i'd want to build it you know more as a set piece just to try and bring down the cost to make it more feasible but because of that this next castle i'd almost want to build first because this one i want to build as a complete castle this is the one where i wanted the the like all the bells and whistles the romantic kind of look of what high medieval castles looked like and that is this design right here you can actually see a kind of sneak peek of the design in the shadlands youtube banner because this is one i'd love to build so much so it is actually on the smaller scale it's it's more modest sized but it's about as small as i feel like a go to represent the grandeur of the romantic kind of high medieval castles with the matriculations the turrets the high angled roofs it's just it's got a lot of character one of the things i like about it this is that it's a non-symmetrical design few castles in the medieval period were symmetrical there are examples of them being symmetrical one of the classic ones i think it's bodium castle people love it has a great silhouette so don't get me wrong i do like the symmetrical ones like the hoardings design castle previously but i also like i wanted to show you non-symmetrical design castle that looked really stunning from many different angles as we can see as we pin around here and so this one has an interesting connection to the knights tower that i might be able to combine them how and where again the the video where we show you where these castles are going on the shadowlands youtube channel check it out because you get to see where i plan to put this one and perhaps combine it with the knights one as well because they share a bit of an aesthetic i really love this one i would love to build it and i designed this one because the final in-game castle if i'd ever be rich enough to do it and i don't think i would ever be able to do it with this is why i made this design was honor guard i would love to design honor guard honor guard represents the like grand jet there are some fantasy elements in honor guard and i've always been very clear about that but i'd love to build it as kind of an homage to fantasies slash historical castles merge together but has some of those beautiful rome many of the beautiful romantic castle kind of design elements and i'd love to do it but i don't think i ever would and so this design here is a far more plausible one that fills that same kind of romantic position of the high medieval castle uh what what do you reckon would be a good name for this design i don't have a name for it yet i'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below and ah this is a high priority one this is after i build the towers which we know we can i would almost be willing to skip many of the other castles even the fortified manor house if i could get to this one this is the big one this is the ah the main one i owed be a big draw people would love to come and explore and experience water castle what this would look like and it is just stunning it would look amazing in pictures people would love to have weddings here just to come to take photos i would love to do it it would be brilliant and because of all those reasons and i love the look and everything it's a high priority i'd really i really would love to build this one and after this one well you might you might recognize it this is like i erroneous believe that this was like be the first castle i could build on the shadowlands and actually this is one of the end game ones because it is huge and i would need millions to be able to build it but i would love it this is very representative of the norman style architecture so norman style castles norman keeping things where we have many roman influences you see these rounded arches not pointed archers these are roman arches we have roman style windows roman style doors and even roman style arrow loops this is a very norman roman-esque kind of architecture which is what was this a lot of the early norman stone castles they had these design elements rounded arches and stuff because they were building off of roman style architecture okay that's where this is with the evolution of architecture and i'd love to have this as a representative piece of what the early large scale key like the kings would this would be a king-sized castle for the 11th century okay uh what they looked like i really would love to have it and this is where the living history museum would be at a kick into like full-blown where we're moving forward because this is would be a very authentic historical inspired castle i could have i've designed it to have a hidden elevator so it'd have disabled access and that means we could have public access on every single level uh so you could explore and just get experience what a real early medieval castle was like the other big element to this castle is that it has more commercial utility because of the rear if you see behind here see this large kind of attached section to it that is a very large great hall and at the very least i would use it as a venue location for medieval feasts also weddings and other things events birthdays all those things like uh not you could have kids birthdays but this is like you know adult birthdays who wants like a real medieval environment and stuff um and i also there's enough room in here that i might even want to push it and make a restaurant a medieval themed restaurant like where you actually come and eat food that's authentic to the medieval period and get immersed in a whole another time period it'll be expensive very very expensive but how awesome would it be if i could do it and i have the best location for it the location for this one is situated perfectly because i have like easy road access parking and other things like that it would be on one of the highest points on the shad lands it would overlook the uh the living history museum and it could operate on different hours to the larger living history museum as well so this is like this is this is uh would be if we get to build this the the game on you know um structure to kick things into overdrive if you want to see the location again you can check out the video and and you can see how it fits all in together that this is probably the largest biggest final castle i could build on the shad lands and only after this if i got a stupid amount of money somehow somehow i don't know one of my books gets a a world-class movie adaptation i get paid loads of money for people to buy the rights or something like only in like the dream of dream instances could i move really build that that's i would need the dream of dream instances to have the money to build this one let alone the final one and you know what the final one is it's honor guard or at least the main primary keep of honor guard oh gosh i love it so much um you know i love honor guard there's a has a special place in my heart for it where it combines classic medieval historical and fantasy elements with this giant tower next to it uh it doesn't have the adjoining you know walls or anything like that it's the primary keep but there's a spot that i might be able to fit on a guard on to i don't think i'd ever get to build it but you've got a dream don't you and i'll have a look at this so remember the size comparison we can zoom out and uh you can get to see these castles so we have the beginning tower moving down to the uh fortified manor house to the more representatives smaller castles to the hordings castle to the high medieval castle early medieval castle the big one and then ending in autocad like the size is like we're here and uh like this is a big this is a big castle all right and then we get to honor guard it's like oh zoom out you can't fit and honor guard is like twice as big um like nearly i'd say pretty close to twice as big as even that big early one so there we go these are the castles that i want to build what are some names that you think i'd love to hear suggestions even you know with the fortified manor house on woods like i'd love to hear a name for each one and so you could count them by number uh number one being the fortified manor house number two being the early corp style castle going up all the way through you cut you're not renaming on my honor guard honor guard is fixed but all the way up to the early medieval norman style castle i'd love to hear your naming suggestions uh it's interesting though sometimes they can be like um named after people like buckingham castle or something like that but also locations uh sometimes it's named after things like keystone or other stuff so i'd love to hear what your thoughts are and suggestions in the comments below and of course if you'd like to see where i plan to build each one of these castles well you can check out a video where you basically get a tour of the shad lands like after you can just click it click it jump right over onto the chad lens and subscribe to that channel so you get to see the journey that we're already embarking on to build these castles and our dreams and of course thank you very much for watching i do hope to see you over there and until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 256,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UV9Sc9RSz3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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