Worst to Best Mora Knives

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10 more is in 10 minutes that sounded like a fun video to me uh so we're going across my collection of 10 I've got 10 um Mora knives and I'm going to rank them for my least favorite to my most favorite more knives this isn't the order they're in so you're gonna have to actually watch the video sorry this first minute it's the interaction minute so it should be an 11 minute video if I can Freewheel it from start to finish successfully my favorite more is the ones that are cost effective as well as being high quality do the job that you get them to do well a little bit of Versatility sometimes helps too so this isn't going to be probably in the order you expect it might not be in the same order as you but uh this is how they lay when I look at them on the table and say hmm I like that one and I don't like that one as much and hear all the ones in the middle see how it goes so let's get started with my 10th Mora my least favorite Mora and that is the Maura thin in the ash Series so a couple things I don't like about the knife the main thing is I don't actually like the Tang protruding around the wooden handle here I would prefer if the wooden handle was either flush or even went around it a little bit which I know adds a bit of expense but they're getting a lot of money are you when you buy this guy this is like a 240 knife in Australia 150 in America it's the most expensive model this range are the most expensive morons they kind of try and justify the price by saying they're made of recycled steel and stuff but then when I looked at the range the whole range is now made out of recycled stainless steel even the garberg says recycled stainless on it now so none of the other red Mora has really gone up in price so that's kind of the main problem for me you know it's got like a it's got a sharp spine which will throw some Sparks okay not as good as a lot of the other ones a little leather sheath that doesn't come with the complete dangler system just kind of as it is here so you sort of need to just carry it with you this was a bit of a misfire for me and I did not enjoy the thin Ash and it's my least favorite of my 10 Morris uh my next least favorite number nine is the more up Pathfinder so this is well no it's not in the way and it's not in the order that they're coming so the Pathfinder to me is just a bit of a big odd more I don't quite get it I don't need a Scandinavian grind this long a lot of people in the review said oh it's a luku and yeah I guess there are those long skins and even Luke who Knives have actually ordered an interesting looking one which should be coming for review in the next week this has got a flat spine um spark strikes you know Pharaoh Road really really well um the main thing with me was the sheath I don't like the sheath has to be attached to a backpack or you have to get creative with paracord or cable ties or whatever and make it uh you know a belt sheath which just seems silly to me just sell it with a belt loop or just make it so put a buckle here or something I don't get it I don't get it um everything about it the elements here are fine it's well made and stuff it's strong enough as strong as it should be but to me it's just a bit of a Miss mainly for the sheath that offer also for the size not quite what I'm looking for foreign the next one also because of the size not quite what I'm looking for the eldris so the Idris is a Nifty little and I would say this is like a fire kit knife so it's a tiny little blade that fits in your hand pretty well I would prefer I would have actually preferred a little tiny longer handle keep the small blade whatever it's like a little whittling spoon carving style knife with a little sharp spine um it would be a great little knife to fit in like a little you know Square Altoids tin style fire kit you know leave it in there and forget it's sold as a neck knife neck knives just don't gel for me I would have even preferred like a little uh in Pocket hook or something like that that would have been cool to keep it inside the pocket and not too bad but seeing as it's very much a fire Focus knife I would have preferred it came with similar to some of the other sheave other knives came with like a little fire still on it attached to it you can buy it with a fire steel kit which I do have but as a package it's just a bit of a Miss for me well you know well made high quality all fine but still not my favorite Mora number right next is number seven so my seventh favorite more is my Mora basic 511 and this is my my mouse knife my just most disgusting I've I've actually taken it to the spa and given a bit of a bit of a de-rust and a bit of a cleanup basic is the word they're just so cheap though like it's the best piece of cheap steel you can get as long as you don't want something super robust or super rugged then you'd probably get a hold to force GK but uh yeah just a really good basic cutter these don't go higher though these models because I don't like this handle as much I prefer the companion handle and the cheaper Morris uh the bone style is a bit too abrupt in between and at some points I feel like my hand was a bit too big for them I just prefer the companion handle and that's pretty much it these aren't refined they don't have the sharpened spine or anything like that they're just basic scandi cutting sort of knives to be put wherever and more or less forgotten about and as a rat knife it does a really good job so the basic is number seven I believe alrighty moving on the robust is next so the robust sort of similar to the basic it's kind of like just a really big Burly version of the basic when you look at them next to one another it's just got a slightly taller blade it's thicker it's just that same model as the pro line I think was the was the line where they started doing these rubberized handles with the sort of the the double you know the hand capturing part here and it's mainly because of that hand capturing part that I don't love it as much as some of the later mores but still a super rugged robust knife as the name says a real competitor like the halterforce GK for Like a Knife you could just Hammer through drywall and uh yeah just a really effective tool there's nothing really bad to say about it I think people love the robust it comes in a really good sharp scandi Grand not a complete zero scandi as I've found with all the moros I've finally got the microscope out and looked at the brand new ones as well none of them come zero ground scandi would you believe it they all come with a little micro bevel but as far as micro bevels go even on a thick knife this is a slim one and as such really good knife just you know the other ones from this point on I like them a lot better moving on moving on to the companion the companion the companion heavy duty just less refined than some of the later on knives but I like that handle more it's a bit more neutral it's a bit more forgiving you can hold these and sort of slide your hands up and down and around them while still having a lot of good grip and enough of a forward finger guard stopper there to stop your hand from apparently flying up onto the blade companions are great I wish they had sharpened spines if they did that would be much higher on the list and spoilers there is one that is very similar to that Which is higher on the list but yeah the ultimate basic Mora like 30 in Australia for a simple companion you get a lot of cutting power you get a lot of potential and really there's no excuse to have a bad fixed blade knife when there's also the moro companion in the world so great knives um simple basic sheaves what more is there to say the internet needs another companion video like I need a thicker bit of Glass on my glasses that's getting outrageous moving on my next favorite more is the garberg so the garberg is it's a great knife in your hand it's you know it's a very good successful Mora it's just at that point where the price is getting pretty high and the materials aren't really expanding that much more you're not I don't feel like I'm getting 70 more material or design frankly in this knife than the eldris for example no they are just the cans bowl for example which is a knife of similar Dimension slightly thinner steel and obviously less Tang so yeah they add some price up for the privilege of it being the beefiest more because it certainly is the beefiest Mora these are almost self-destruct self-destructing indestructible now they're coming in these stainless recycled steel now so I don't know if that's recycled 14 t20n or if it is literally the same stuff that you find in the thin series but it makes the fin series look even worse because even though these are a bit pricey it's still half the price of a fin knife crazy huh 140 in Australia basically for a garbage without all the stuff great knives very strong but I like the next ones a little bit more this is my garberg with it's all cheap fire steel and a and a diamond sharpener which I'm probably never going to use moving up is the Bushcraft black this used to be my favorite more until I've had a couple of other ones come through my door my longest serving Mora flat spine really comfortable handle this is possibly my favorite more handle just for my hand it seems to fit me perfectly you know a little bit of a risk it's got little finger groove there some people's fingers might not line up with it as well but great knife comfortable knife this is the carbon steel version I think they might do it in a stainless now but bomb proof really strong knife good knife for like scaling up from just a basic you know light use belt knife up to you know almost to survival you know really quite durable I've seen a lot worse done to these knives and they should really be done and they've lived to tell the tale and even this one certainly has Live to Tell the tail of my knife which is you know quite a story one by now moving up my second favorite Maura is the cans ball so the cans ball is a new Mora to me but my goodness this is the one that they made that actually slices the best this is the best cutting Mora out of all of them it's got a couple of different grinds to it it's got this this it's still scanned the all the way around so this this edge here is the same angle so you can still sharpen it however you sharpen your scandies but they've actually really like tapered the the knife down to its tip so this front part really does slice through things like cardboard and things that perhaps Amore wouldn't usually cut through as well but then at the back you store your more rugged section for getting in and doing your you know Bushcraft yeah wood prep whittling and that sort of thing it's got the garberg style handle but this is such a light knife so much lighter than the garbage but doesn't really feel weaker or or crummier in any way so really really great knives uh flat spine strike Sparks uh basic sort of the straighter Loop sheet it's really really like it full review on this one coming yeah in due course but my favorite more lately and this is because it's a combination of all the things that I think Maura does great is the companion spark so the companion spark is basically a companion with perhaps a shorter level of tangage into the knife but as a fire still in the handle gimmicky you may say I disagree I think this is the exact thing that most people have these morals for little bits of firecraft here and there that's what I have it for this is my knife that I'll keep in my little yeti kit to carry around or keep it in my EDC thing to to wear around the block it's just cheap enough that you don't really care what happens to it as much but every job you turn to it to get done it does it really well this is the stainless model I think these are all stainless at the moment it's got the straightened spine so the second companion with a flat spine and a fire still in the handle everything's about is the same and it's only like ten dollars more a great Mora and it really does about everything I like more to do in terms of value quality materials capability everything that's 10 more is in 10 minutes and a little bit of salad dressing on either side good video I hope hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all the next one goodbye
Channel: Cedric & Ada Gear and Outdoors
Views: 115,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EDC, Tool, Survival, Bushcraft, review, Win, Fail, Every day Carry, Comedy, cat, british shorthair, satire, joke, test, science, art, goof, Cedric ada, Cedric and Ada, Cedricada, Steel Testing, edge test, Best steel
Id: Teiy2bCdeBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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