Worst Ryan Newman Crash Every Year (2001-2020)

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what's up guys Nascar fan 4888 JJ here back at it with another video today I hope you do enjoy and if you do leave a like and a comment it really does help me out a lot also almost 90% of people that watch my videos are not subscribed so if you do enjoy NASCAR videos consider subscribing as it's free and you can unsubscribe at any time anyways thanks for watching and enjoy the video peace in the garage with Robert you're okay what happened I just got off three there last last that got a Miss in the car went down into one okay let me interrupt you trouble on the track Robert three cars involved up in turn four is Rusty going to is Mike going to give Rusty in turn four I think that 97 of Kurt bu wasn't he involved as well he he was he is driven away slides up in front of the 26 Jimmy gives him a little boot of course the 97's going around everybody jams up Mark Martin sliding through sideways Ryan Newman had nowhere to go Martin did a great job saving that car he turned that baby just turned it dead left that's his old dirt track experience coming in handy there huh another shot we see the shot that Jimmy Spencer is going to give Kurt Bush just drives onto the back of the car and and looked it looked from there like the 97 was loose and he slid up in front of Jimmy and he was still loose he couldn't get after the gas and Jimmy was already in the gas Michael Walter barely gets by him there yeah 15 he got into somebody big there his hood is a lot of damage there all over the again car Dave BL in the 77 as well and they're racing back to the caution and this could be the race and here comes Sterling making a run they'll come to the flag with three to go Michael walri leading them home Rusty Wallace looking for his first dayona win y there it is there it is a left side Tire going Down's going to blow the left rear tire and it's going to spin off the corner over here there it goes caugh the side of the 21 there went the 29 oh the 19 just squeezed through there's a lot of cars just squeezed by right there of course Dave blany the 77s one you can see that the left rear TIR is down and off the wheel that's what made come around right there he gets into the side of Elliot Saddler the 21 looks like you see the tire lets go completely right here and it comes around [Music] then trouble off trou Newman slams The Wall Mar down P comes straighter and Newman is in the air and over Ryan Newman last year's rookie of the year the rear end ripped from the car look at that thing lift up Larry just takes off like an airplane that's 3,400 lb folks just lifting up in the air like a feather and the right rear wheel digs into the dirt and tears the whole rear end loose from the car yeah if the tire had come off of the wheel it probably wouldn't wouldn't have turned over like that but once the wheel the tire came off and it just had it dug in and flipped it let's watch her here and see what happens oh Kenny Sher got out of control got into him oh that's what happened Mike his right rear tire came off car goes Airborne then when it hits the ground it digs in and just rips it apart looking out of Dale Jared's car wow what a what a what a sight to see after windshield turn two caution Flags out Ryan Newman punch the wall who's in the black car is that guy eight in points okay the field is frozen there's Newman wow what a hard crash he's had the left side has hit the wall awfully hard on the 12 car but here is Ryan Newman jumping out of the car and the other one is Brian Vickers he's mad oh he's hot at least he's okay he he's hot but he's okay hard to tell by that angle let's try this one well if there's two of them involved and they're both spinning yeah chances are they some contact between them right there my friend is actually FAS than what he ran in a spring race when he s on the pole here earlier on oh trouble that was a hard hit that was a hard hit I mean that is that's definitely backup car this is right where he had problems in practice earlier I don't tell you why I I don't think that car got loose that thing had something break or a tire went down on that thing that thing just went straight it never turned that was a pretty good look turn two Ryan Newman wow oh wow that is huge but this is the sixth caution of the day and it comes out at lap 201 Newman sliding up he was just in front of his teammate Kurt bus but didn't see what happened to cause him to slide up into the wall something happened in front of us I saw Casey Mir get sideways that uh I'm pretty sure Sterling Marlin's hairpiece just cut down in his eyes and he couldn't see what was going on so it unfortunate the altel Dodge we were just minding our own business staying around in the back we didn't have a good enough car to be up there in the top five or top 10 well no up the wall in the wall the 12 car up across the RAC TR and T the wall with oh my goodness he just ran the fastest lap of the race the lap before that wow he was digging for it never has one here wanted it so badly and three laps to go the car just roughly snaps over in turn twoing him three lefts to go in turn two now watch of 12 car just snaps sideway looked like he was gone from here and then all of a sudden just went away it just wiggled just a little bit and took offer here oh look at this Ryan Newman hello Newman that's not good w we just talking about that oh look out oh man oh clear up clear up no caution flag on the course yet just in that section of track need one bad get a caution now it's out oh man wow oh he's sitting driver's side first right off the TR they all miss him unbelievable and you know what that's a tough spot on this racetrack because where they have spotters around the racetrack can you get it fir I get 77 and stop pushing it's hard for the spotter to see somebody runs out of fuel in the middle of this man what a big problem that could create you can see that if somebody run out of fuel right there in the middle of that group it would cause a huge rest we' heard oh here's a car upside down big time crash upside down ran Newman see Kevin Harvick there Marcus Ambrose Ambrose is there comes across Harvick stops and Newman's car comes to rest upside down on its roof we were hoping it would not happen and here with five laps ago inde it of a job I don't know what started that car of Kevin Harvick now watch it as it happened in real time [Music] now the roof being peeled away with two laps to go and on the last lap made his move trying to root Kurt Bush up off the bottom rck Rick big Rick three cars around in the middle of the back straightway Ryan Newman is in it through the grass goes Matt or the 37 excuse me Travis qua Newman's car destroyed wed up back in there boys a hard lick that was a hard lick for the 39 car somebody turned Elliot Sadler got loose yeah he got loose and here they all com and just piled in the 19 of Elliot Sadler look at that 39 car those Splitters they're like snow plows wowot just missed qule Casey Kane flying around the outside he got two and turn two in that number four battling Stenhouse and legano oh in the wall two cars hard right behind them and three Gillan Newman Mark Martin okay boy that was heavy heavy lick sound like Mark Martin we just had talked about David Gillan in that 34 sitting up there in the top 10 his night will come to an end the corner getting three wide getting in there Mark was sailing it off in there on the outside of Gillan boy look at Ryan Newman he almost got o him his car went up in the air there really no for Newman in the 39 to go now gillan's car starts to come around but look Carl Edwards is right underneath him darl and I think what happened is I think Mark's Car Mark went on the outside of Gillan on the 34 and it sucked the back of that 34 round and got it in and we have caution Ryan Newman has popped the wall that's his tornadoes machine and right behind him damage for reg Smith it blew up blew up oh yeah yeah you when you get that kind see the fluid down there on the racetrack yeah and I think the 78 car just saw him come up the racetrack lock the thing up and went up the racetrack into the wall or got in the O early early early yeah let's just listen to a lock up [Music] left we just crash here guys there we go there we go there was no oh oh it's up and over in it Bobby lean's in it str's in it to the wall and he just couldn't make it and this gets ugly watch his thing right on top of Ryan Newman hadn't Ryan Newman had cars on top of him before here I think uh the 2009 race I think you're right Brad kazlowski this is it oh Newman and almond [ __ ] get together hard in the wall goes Newman man guys and both these drivers were having great runs especially Ry Newman they were battling for seventh cars destroyed on the back am Digger just got a little wee bit Loose as the Newman was going around on the outside and wiggled and got into the left rear of Ryan Newman fastest part of the racetrack he just watch that 47 it just Wiggles a little bit and it's just enough to get him up the hill into the side of the 31 now a big crash on the backstretch r Manning right up in front of more traffic Ryan Newman's in it David Reagan is in it fire and Chris busher was in it as well Chris Bucher involved the 83 of Dylan lton up on top for the 31 this should be a great view of it Jeff outside 14 19 straight back looking inside tight inside tight inside tight got like the 14 just kept coming down on the 31 on the back straight it wasn't happy maybe with what went on in turn one and big impact by the 23 you see right there Chris Bucher kind of bounces between them luckily gets through but that was a really big impact for the 23 of David Reagan great Newman spins in the 31 there's damage to a car that went by him in front we see the 31 of Newman he has already spun a lot of damage to the front and rear of that car coming to Middle three and four Newman taken out of the playoffs a week ago at Dober and you see the Flames already rolling out of the right side oh there you got fire on the right front there's a fire suppression system see how bad the damage will be to the 14 Clint Boer if he is able to continue on and be competitive yeah when you look at this and you always have to think that there's blame to be put somewhere but but you can also just look at that you when you're racing at high speeds at 160 mph on the exit of the corner right there sometimes you just run out of room yeah the two cars you got to beat you're not going to beat them the 18 and the four but look at all the other cars you can finish oh big hit by the 31 Ryan Newman blows a right front tire right here on the front straightway big hit wow Jamie that's the inside of that right front it looked to me like and and what you feel you feel a chunk of the tire or the cords or something snap that's why he knew it he felt some sort of vibration something changed instantly in the field in that steering wheel here he is on the bottom racing with Ricky Stenhouse Jr contact big hit into the wall same team by the way yeah Ricky Stenhouse Jr will be moving over to JTG D racing and now the contact between the teammates puts the six into the wall see right here the overhead shot I think Ryan thought that Ricky was going to be a little further at the RAC trck four for the final time blay to the outside to the inside Here Comes Hamlin up the outside crash into the wall into the air goes Newman upside down in a shower of Sparks on his roof Ryan Newman comes across the line fourth they Lo lock bumpers and turns Ryan Newman around upside down he goes Cory lej coming along making contact blay tried the top side tried to get low Ryan Newman goes around and the car goes to its roof and here's the on-rushing Cory lejoy picking it up and over
Channel: NFJJ
Views: 145,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar, crashes, crash, 2020, nascar heat, nascar news, nascar racing, nascar crashes, nascar crash, nascar daytona, best nascar crashes
Id: gpIkgGso5ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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