Worst Place To be a Pilot - Season 1 Episode 1 |HD
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: FlyteSource
Views: 1,598,277
Rating: 4.7984791 out of 5
Keywords: Livestream (Website), twitch, episode, season 1, episode 1, bajan, aviation, planespotter, skbenergy, pilotdynan, dantorp aviation, bluerockpr, deez nuts, unknown, trending, viral, crash, cnn, bbc, Episode Part, News, Full, 1st, premiere, Pilot (TV Episode), barbados, tourism
Id: 7fLTIagVznQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I've watch this video before.... Let me make an 'opinion'
Di video ini kita liat kebanyakan pilot yng latihan dan dilatih itu pilot luar, alias not Indonesian, why.... Idk??
Masalahnya, paman pernah cerita kemaren terbang kemana gt kt (gw ama die pisah duduknya) orng sebelah dia 'komplain' anaknya kaga dapet kerja karena diambil asing semua... Udh setaun unemployed.... Anaknya lulusan pilot.... Ktny kalo orng asing gt bayar spy dpt 'flight hours' di Indo..
Sekian terima kasih
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Thought about sharing this with you guys a while back. Glad I finally did 😊
That's a pretty good documentation, mate.
Thanks for sharing it to us!