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hello everyone as I'm sure you all know by now my name is rose shards but you can call me rose Rosie Chloe or honestly whatever you'd like and today my speedpaint topic is going to be a little bit different than usual and the reason why is because this is actually a raffle price for someone on a me now if you guys don't remember the other month I hosted a raffle where the winner got to decide on the topic for one of my upcoming speedpaints and the one who wanted me to talk about some of the characters who have been considered to be the worst parents of all times can give my own opinions on them but before I get any further into the video I'd like to take a moment to talk about something that I think you guys will be pretty excited about as I'm sure you guys know I absolutely love creating art and animations for you guys to joy and so because of this I'm busy creating content 24/7 but despite this a lot of what I make doesn't actually make it into my videos this is why I was really excited by aminos brand new stories feature which allows creators to create short but unique videos but honestly really caught my attention I also really find it cool hell unlike most apps these stories don't actually disappear after a certain amount of time they're permanent and can be viewed whatever which is why I'm super stoked to announce that I've partnered with amido to produce some of my own stories where I'll be showcasing a lot of my content that doesn't make it into my videos such as my warrior cat design process you can download amino by clicking the link in the description or pin a comic or by searching up amino-acid then find my stories by searching up my username Roche arts make sure to follow me and click the bell to be notified of whenever I post a new video every time you guys watch my videos it will actually be supporting me as well so I'd really appreciate it if you could check out some of our videos over there anyways if that's all I have to say about amino stories for now sowho back to the topic of worst warriors parents if you guys remember I also had you all comment and vote on who you guys thought the worst warriors parents were and honestly it was really entertaining to see your responses I tried to choose a lot of the popular votes but unfortunately there are a few characters I just couldn't talk about because I hadn't read any of the books they were in such as pale bird but because these characters seemed really interesting from what you guys suggested I might make a video on them at a later point please just don't spoil the stories of these characters in the meantime in the comments please every time I've said I haven't read a certain book I've gotten spoilers for you guys so I'd really appreciate it if you could just wait for me to read the books first anyways speaking of spoilers in case you'd like to avoid spoilers yourself the characters I'll be discussing in this video are leather stripe bright flower queer sky storm tail blue star pine star and a maple shade so if there are any names you're unfamiliar with I suggest clicking away now anyways let's go on to the actual discussion portion of the video I wanted to start off with lizard Shrek because she received the most votes and I think the majority of you guys know why she got the most votes she was honestly pretty horrible and there's no excusing her behavior for those of you who may not remember lizard shrimp was a shadow clan queen and yellow fangs secret and is also the queen who took a broken star after he was born blizzard struck never wanted kits and made this fact very clear to everyone around her and never once looked at the idea of having kids as a positive experience she complains about them before they're born and then goes on to say that if toms could have kids she'd make her mate have them instead though she grows more tolerant of her own kits once they're born and treats them with decency things become really bad when broken kid is introduced into the mix she is the only queen and therefore the only cat who can nurse him but makes it very clear he is unwanted and that she resents him because the yellow fang a dragon star have no other choice broken k is given to the lizard stripe anyways where she essentially abuses him until he's old enough to become Apprentice she was very cruel to him and wanted to make it clear to him that he was not wanted she treated her own kids far better than she treated him going so far as to nip at him treat him with aggression and even deprive him of milk to remind him that he was not one that he was not wanted by her it's even stated many times that robots are likely got his nasty traits from her and thought that aggression and power were the only way to get respect from his clan mates he even hated everyone around him because of her basically lizard shrimp is the reason why one of the evilest if not the evil as cats grew to become that way ask for my own thoughts on her I obviously can't defend her at all and agree that she is horrible it's a huge thing that yellow Fang had no other options at the time honestly maybe even dropping him off in ThunderClan territory in hopes of him getting a better foster parent could have saved him but yeah since it's very clear she was a bad parent I wanted to talk about her purse because there's not really much to say she sucks begins anyways on to the next character bright flower is also a character from Yale Fang secret though she's not talked about as often for those of you who don't know her she is actually elephant's mom anyways a bright flower has three kids with roommates crack and foot I mean well everything is good there's no issues the scene that makes people think she was a bad parent however is at the very end of yellow fangs secret when yellow Fang is exiled from shadow clan basically what happened to spray flower has to kiss despite being older than yellow Fang who was described as ancient at the time but whatever these two kids go missing yellow Fang and her mother searched for the kids but no luck yay laughs Anglin eventually finds their bodies outside of camp assuming they were just recently killed by a fox she burped she brings the remains back to shadow clan and bro bizarre uses this opportunity to accuse yellow Fang of murder bright flower believes him for some reason and also uses her of killing the kids when the other thing says she would never broken star clamps that she must have done it because her scent is all over them though a few catch try to defend her she is then exiled and her mother stares coldly at her as she leaves so I guess it's understandable why some see this as bad parenting on bright flowers and but honestly I'm already going to disagree with one of the options on this list brave flower was a really good lemon yellow Fagin her siblings and yellow Fang really looked up to her mother and wanted to be like her as a kid she even felt pride because she had a similar muscles for her mom bright flower was supportive of the elephant during the entire book aside from one small incident where she thought that she was lying about feeling sick as a kid I don't think that all the good things that she did with and or her kid should all be discredited because of that one scene at the super edition I know that murder is obviously a really serious thing to accuse someone else but she was grieving and in a really bad mental state in the moment she probably didn't know what to say or believe after her clan leader the cache she should theoretically be able to trust the most suggested that her daughter could have done such a thing this explanation is sort of similar to my dog health video when someone has just been hit with some serious news and his grieving they likely will not be able to rationalize things properly for a while there were so many emotions flowing through her at once I really can't blame her for lashing out in the moment Brett flower obviously loved her daughter and showed this all throughout the book so I don't think it's fair to judge her character based on something irrational she did while she was essentially having a mental breakdown and it was likely not capable of thinking straight I also think that yellow fangs secret as a whole suffer from extremely poor writing so honestly the sudden shift of character could have easily just been due to poor decisions made by the rock by the writers also unrelated fun fact I actually drew this scene for my first attempt at making this video but my recording software did not save any of the footage for some reason so I had to draw a whole new piece anyways I have a lot of characters to talk about so on to the next ah clear sky have so so many mixed feelings towards him he was good and then he was bad and then he was horrible then he was okay and that he was pretty bad again then he slowly got better and then honestly got pretty good but at the same time I don't know if he's been able to fully redeem himself anyways if you've read Don of the clans I'm sure you guys know why he's on this list after clear skies group moved to the forest area he began to act more and more hostile towards others even his own friends and family what was probably one of the worst instances is one grey wing brings Thunder clear skies only surviving kit to him and clear sky rejects him he refuses to take care of him and rearing raises him instead after clear sky sees Thunder again and after a fire breaks loose in the forest and thunder rushes in to help the others clear sky invites him to join his camp and Thunder accept and till he realizes a clear sky is pretty bad and then leaves and I'm not going to lie this was pretty bad on clear skies and but at the same time clear sky is just such a complex character that on one hand I can sort of understand why he behaved this way the books make it really clear he was suffering from some sort of intense trauma after witnessing fluttering birds death as well as indirectly getting his first mate bright stream killed by an eagle these are two things he struggles with for a whole lot of the arc he also feels built over storms death at one point as well which is where things get really interesting clear sky turns Thunder done the first time saying that he couldn't protect storm and that thunder needs a father who can protect him and given all these things that it's known he has felt guilt over you can really begin to understand his actions the fact that three of his loved ones died and he can do anything to save them was something he genuinely could not forget or even seem to live with and so he instead turned away from those he cared for most so he didn't have to experience such tragedy again he felt as though he was letting everyone down and was afraid of all the bad things that could happen to them while they were under his care he genuinely felt responsible for some of these deaths it's really difficult to live with something like that but at the same time he did not consider the fact that he'd be hurting his family more by turning away from them and he ended up making them feel even more pain instead of protecting them and he isn't able to change until Thunder is all grown up and has already grown resentful towards him even though it's made very clear about queer skype regrets his actions deeply and uses these feelings of regret to inspire him to never let his new litter and mate down this doesn't change the fact that he was not a good father figure at all to Thunder so well yes I think he was a bad father to Thunder I think there's a lot more to his character than whether he's just good or bad honestly you're writing the script has made me realize he's a pretty awesome character but we still have a ton of characters to talk about so I think it's time we move on storm tail was probably the first father I ever heard of that was supposedly bad in the warrior series many many years ago so when I finally got around to reading Bluestar's prophecy I was not expecting him to be decent at all and well he wasn't entirely bad I suppose but he wasn't entirely good either I'm pretty sure that there are two main reasons why people think he's a bad father the first being he was never fully involved in the lives of his kids and that he let moonflower die in the battle against one clan when he could have saved her there's not really a lot of crucial history for the first point he's just not really around and kind of seemed awkward around his kids at first he kind of just seemed to prefer to do other things why don't this was because he didn't feel he was ready to be a father or not is up to speculation I guess but regardless it doesn't really excuse the fact that he wasn't really involved with his family there are at least a few points later on where he where he expresses he's proud of him and defends blufor from physical even as well as comforts her after the death of Stouffer so there were definitely a few good moments there when he kind of just like became a bit better but they're still theirs he still wasn't really spectacular or anything now for the point that he left moonflower side in battle - instead helped topple tale yeah that was really good at all he raided the medicine cat den alongside his mate moonflower but once she started getting a tag-team kind of just left moon feller moonflower tried to run off but didn't make it very far as I'm sure you all know he completely had the opportunity to stay with her and likely even save her but he wanted to be with dapple tail instead who he then spent a lot of time with hinting at there being a romantic attraction between the two and while I personally think that this was a horrible thing for him to do that doesn't make him a bad parent just about mate you could constantly yell at your partner and just be mean to them but if you still treat your kids very well and show them nothing but love you're not a bad parent just a bad partner and of course there is a point where being a bad partner can turn you into a bad parent because it will obviously at some point affect the lives of your children and make them upset but I don't think storm tail was really in this boat he kind of just wasn't there it's not like he was abusive or anything so of course it's not good to be a bad partner and it's not good to treat anyone with disrespect but I don't think that the I don't think that this can be used as an argument to say that he's a bad parent in this case I mean I guess in a sense it kind of makes him a bad parent because he could have saved moonflower which would have made the lives of his kids better but I'm pretty sure he wasn't purposely aiming to get her killed either I think it was just a bad self-centered decision that indirectly got her killed but I'm sure he wouldn't have run off if he knew that she'd died if he did so I don't think he was that bad a person or maybe he knew it was a possibility and just genuinely didn't care I don't really know enough about him to tell because he wasn't really around either way as a parent I'd say he was pretty mad he's bad but he's definitely not the worst parent out there so he honestly just gets a myth from me not a lot not a lot to say about them on the other hand I do feel like I have a lot to say about his daughter bluestar now this is an interesting one for sure and I'm very glad that she was voted up here at all even if it wasn't by a lot I'm sure that everyone knows who she is and I'm sure that a lot of you guys should be able to understand why shouldn't here just right off the bat but Bluestar became pregnant as a result of a literal one-night stand she had with Oakheart she didn't really know what to do with the kids she cared for them yes but she didn't want physically become deputy instead of her so she tries to smuggle them across the river pen border and mosque it ends up dying yeah bluestar maybe her plan could have been a little bit better anyways there's not really much to say other than this the fact that she gives up her kits and love them ends up dying because of it speaks for itself she was not really a good mother I mean if anything she could have even turned around once the storm picked up and then tried to take them to her go plan the next night if she really felt she had to give them up and I already know I'm gonna get a ton of anger comments like Rose how could you say blue star was a bad mother you know she had to give up her kids so that physical would become the leader and to that I say sure she could have felt it was very necessary to give him up to protect her clan but that does not make her a good mother at the end of the day she still gave up her kits and one of them died because of it whether it was the right decision to make is a completely different story but regardless it's not good parenting that being said I don't actually know why she felt she had to give up the kids like I guess it's not impossible that some of what happened in the book may have slipped my mind after reading like 40 other Warriors books but do we even set that this will call would have become too if she couldn't like for all we know Lionheart or something could have been chosen to be deputy now that I'm thinking about it I really don't know if the idea of the Sahaba coming deputy was anything other than blue for a speculation in fact why was some start choose her to be deputy after she proved herself to be emotional and irrational many times during the book Sun star personally having to talk to her about it many times so many questions this book was so poorly written ah anyways well I personally don't think that blue star should have given up the cakes considering there are a lot of other options she could have had I guess I could see why she chose to do so this doesn't change my mind at all though as far as I'm concerned she's a pretty bad parent it doesn't matter what her reasoning was the kids would have all survived if they'd stayed at ThunderClan and it would have been easier for them so the fact that she knowingly gave him up and put them in danger during the storm kinda shows that she was not the best mother up there again though her reasoning can be justified to an extent I does not mean that she was not a bad parent I'm going to move on to the next character before I make you guys even more angry the next character on this list is actually another Thunder crime leader this character being Pine star again this is a character that I think the majority of you guys know but in case you don't remember he was Tiger Starr's father Wow a lot of leaders in this video anyways he ended up stepping down from his position as leader and leaving to become a kitty pet while tiger star was still just a tiny kid and I'm not going to I just looking at that alone it's pretty obvious why he's on the list you would think that PI star would want to stay to watch his only surviving kid grow up but no he was definitely pretty different in fact he was so different that I almost kind of put him in the same boat as clear sky though what he did was still wrong I can kind of see why he left before Tiger kid is born pines are is visited by doe star in a dream who says that this kit will essentially destroy ThunderClan and that PI star needs to teach you what's worthy so the clan avoids destruction after tiger kid is born he can't seem to forget doe stars warning and is genuinely afraid of his kit he then has a nightmare where Tiger kick grows in size and blood appears everywhere his voices repeatedly tell him to kill his own son which he refuses to do gives five event tells them something about how history matters honestly I'm not making the scene sound as cool as it is this is definitely a scene I want to animate one day in fact I might animate this entire novella one day I honestly just really enjoyed it but anyways that's besides the point point is - or knew his kit was going to cause mass destruction for the plans and he felt powerless to stop this destruction I mean I'm pretty sure that between goose feathers outburst about Tiger kit and pine Starr's nightmares warning is about him Tiger kit was destined to become evil and is it right to leave your only son because you know he's going to become evil not necessarily but I can still understand his reasoning on top of that pine star was just going through oh ah in general he feared battle had a hard time making decisions for the clan and just felt a lot of pressure all the time he clearly wasn't ready to become a leader or even a father and I'm not surprised that he finally just cracked there was too much weight on his shoulders and he didn't feel that he had what it took to prevent his son from becoming evil I mean in one of his dreams hearing voices telling him to kill his own son at one point he just told lines how to tell the clan that he's been found dead it's clear that he would have just suffered at feed state and this really wouldn't be good for him or the clans considering he's supposed to be helping them and how was he supposed to do that when he's not in a good state himself but anyways I mean it was honestly kind of responsible cuz I had to step down for being a leader when he knew he wasn't strong enough to lead but that's kind of getting a little bit off topic it wasn't right for Pines star to leave his son and I will say he was a bad parent for doing so but again there's so much to his character and he was put under extreme stress due to a lot of things and so I can't say that I don't at least understand his actions especially when he thought that he may be faced with the possibility of having to kill his own son if he stayed in fact maybe he thought that by leaving and not having to be put into that situation he was actually saving his son kind of making him a good parent who knows but yeah at this point I think it's safe to say that he was not the best father and now last but definitely not least we have maple shade not going to lie I'm actually a little bit surprised as to why I saw some votes for her but regardless I thought I'd be interesting to talk about her so here we are I'm sure you all know who this on their clan she cut is so I'm going to skip the introduction now that I'm thinking about it a lot of ThunderClan hats made this list maybe that's saying something about ThunderClan anyways apparently there's a decent amount of people out there who think that maple sugar was a bad parent because all her kids drowned under her care and while this is tragic I feel completely confident saying that this was not a result of maple shade being a bad mother in fact maple shade may be in a sort of twisted way one of the best mothers in the whole series she was a lot better than all the characters on this list I can tell you that much for the entirety of maple shades vengeance we are reminded of how much maple she that loves her kids they filled her with nothing but joy while they're alive and when they die she is completely devastated and her whole world turns upside down like she has a breakdown so intense over the hospice she frequently sees them in hallucinations and convinces herself that the only way she can make it up to her kids is by killing all the cats who wronged her and indirectly got her kids killed she literally cannot rest or feel satisfaction until all of these cats are dead I'm sorry but to me that sounds pretty intense as for the actual death of her kids she obviously had no clue they were going to die if she attempted to cross the river otherwise she definitely would not have attempted to cross to that point she was a ThunderClan cat who knew nothing about the river current and unfortunately attempted to cross at a bad time that ended up getting all four kids killed I mean she attempted to save them so she obviously didn't want them to die she was traumatized by the image of them wailing for help in the water as it's proved by her flashbacks and her hallucinations the deaths of her kits were not a result of bad parenting but a result of a tragic accident she didn't know that they would die she crossed the river she was attempting to bring them to river class so they could be safe with their father she was trying to look out for them but unfortunately things just went wrong Maple Shade was a fantastic mother and devoted her whole life to caring for kids so much so that their deaths completely changed her forever even in the afterlife Maple Shade is honestly a character I feel great sympathy for because in her situation I don't know what I do this is why I think it's crazy that there's anyone out there who can even think she was a bad parent for a second when she very clearly loved her kids more than anything and only wanted to protect them so yeah that's about all I have to say for this one I know that this topic was a little bit different from what I usually talked about but I honestly had a lot of fun talking about these guys and it really allowed me to see some of these characters in a new light and ironically appreciate them a bit more despite them being on a list that's literally talking about how they're bad let me know who you think is the worst parent out of all of these cats well other than lizard strike maybe I mean she did get the most votes and she was undoubtedly pretty bad and also let me know if you're able to see any of these characters in a different light due to this video it would be cool to see what you guys may think of these characters now if any of you guys would be interested in purchasing a print of this piece Prince will be five dollars off for a few days and I'll also have a limited edition larger size available shop link will be in the description I also figured I to show the piece that I initially attempted to record - honestly if recording this video was crazy first my video program wouldn't record but I had to upgrade it and then my recording stick up 24 gigabytes of space and I had to use a free screen recorder online then my programs weren't working properly because I had almost no space left meanwhile my headset is glitching out and making me listen to annoying sounds and Static as I record I swear all my technology turned against me for this video it's honestly ridiculous anyways I think I'm starting to ramble so it's best I end the video here remember to check out my amino stories for some additional content I hope you guys like this video bye for now
Channel: roseshards
Views: 127,393
Rating: 4.9441667 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, pinestar, mapleshade, tigerstar, bluestar, clear sky, skystar, brightflower, lizardstripe, speedpaint, art, artwork, digital art, timelapse, cats
Id: VjKxPxhf4Tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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