Worst MMO Ever? - Fiesta Online

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i'm gonna be real with you i am writing this review just after christmas and the only way i could make it through eight hours of this complete garbage fire of a game was to get very drunk so strap in and hold on because this was an experience ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh drafays i've spent years playing the best mmo games available now it's time to do the opposite and find the worst of the worst i'm gonna play them all so you don't have to join me on a journey through the most awful mmos i can find drop a like on the video and subscribe to the channel for more awful mmos and ring the bell so you don't miss a single future video if you're enjoying the series so far and would like it to continue please consider supporting through the patreon like all these awesome people have you'll find the link in the description below today we are playing fiesta online i'm going to be 100 completely honest with you a few days ago i got an email from an influencer marketing agency representing gamergo a company responsible for making loads of mmos they said they liked my channel and wanted to work with me well fiesta online is made by gamergo and after this video i guarantee they will not want to work with me anymore so fiesta online is on steam the trailer video has rock music playing which is odd and seems out of place but it's only a 30 minute download so let's get this baby downloading so the launcher opens up and see just see if you can spot the very small issue the same issue that i spotted it's hard to see but if you look closely you'll notice the two website windows that should have opened up on the left have both 404. two broken web page links in your own official steam launcher what a great start also these wing particle effects are stuttering on and off and the whole thing just looks bad coupled with the fact you've got a 10 second loop of generic music just playing over and over again this whole experience is just not fun but it's only a launcher so let's just wait and hold out some hope right this is what i was afraid of the patches are applied in waves from version 1.0 forward basically when you download a game normally you get the whole game with the latest patch installed but some older or generally worse mmos do this thing where they download the base game then they apply patch one then patch two then patch three then patch four because each patch requires the previous version to work and no one has optimized them into a single patch yet so while we're waiting for this to patch let's have a quick look at gamergo's site remember these are the people who apparently love my content and want me to promote their stuff now thankfully because of my patreon supporters i don't need to shill for games i don't actually play so game ago have no real power over me these guys actually do make some pretty big named games archeage rift oh defiance 2050. i actually liked that game but they've got some absolute shovelware in their catalogue too i have no doubt i will end up playing all of these games eventually this is basically a gold mine for this channel right it's been 30 minutes and it's still patching so i break out the baileys and the eight hours of drunk gaming slowly begins i really expected a smaller game because now we're one hour in and we're still patching we're up to patch 1.05.114 i close then reopen the launcher to see if that helps oh it does now there's a launch game button which i click and it freezes i try again same thing i try launching the game from steam no luck i launch as an admin just constantly freezing i also love how steam says i've played 113 minutes of this game so far when all i've done is watch patches download and listen to a 10 second loop of music i wonder if other steam users are having this same problem so to the discussion threads we go and this fantastically titled question has the same issue and someone in the comments has seemingly solved it apparently the steam version of the game launcher is connected to servers that are now offline so you need to download the launcher from the official website wow you know i don't expect much from a game but having the launcher actually you know launch the game would be nice i mean even bloodlines of prima actually worked first time so i go to the official site and download another launcher which then also has to patch estimating 22 minutes and oh god now i'm getting reddit ads for fiesta everywhere they're on hotmail too maybe don't consider advertising your game so heavily if you're not even going to maintain the steam version gamer go finally the launcher is patched and i try to launch the game and it launches in the wrong resolution it doesn't have native resolution detection because of course it doesn't so i do some technical stuff and now it works kind of i make a new account and it doesn't log me in i am writing my account name and i'm literally copy pasting the password from one screen to another so there is no way this is wrong but i am drunk so maybe it is okay fine i make another account and brilliant we are on however alt tabbing from the game to the browser on the second monitor seems to have killed the sound so there's no background music anymore i'm not sure if this is better oh before we go any further very important notice all gamer go games download the zing code 3 anti-cheat software which is an incredibly invasive program that gives itself way more permissions than it needs and is also found in rift terror and black desert online so before this video ends i need to remember to uninstall this and then delete the file using manual registry editing because it really is that bad found the first bug clicking on the drop down arrow for the resolution selection i click on 1920x1080 and it gives me 1920x1440 every time it does not allow me to have 1080. nope not happening the only reason you can see it and i can play the game is because i'm watching the game through the screen recording software and i can resize it you know what fine i'm done arguing play your game at your stupid wrong resolution and i will play watching the wrong screen finally three hours after trying to download this game we are in character creation you've got five classes to choose from and one elite class i go with archer character made we go into the tutorial and this loading screen looks like it's straight out of a playstation 1 era game and not a good playstation 1 game like dino crisis or tenchu one of the crap ones wasd movement we have someone talking to me but i want to explore the movement first so i run around a bit and within 10 seconds i have clipped inside a house it's not even a hard to reach house it's literally next to where the tutorial begins you haven't even got collision detection on a wall next to where the player starts the game so i'd run around for a bit and then this happens you want to know what this is what you're watching right now this is me holding w nothing else i couldn't even believe this so here is a video i took on my phone to prove this is what happens when you run into a wall right let's follow the tutorial the game wants me to talk to blacksmith friends i follow these huge arrows on the floor and chat to him he's a merchant the game needs me to right click on the flashing items in his inventory and buy them to progress but there is nothing to tell you this is what you need to do it just expects you to figure it out and then another stupid graphic issue why does the anime style conversation overlay avatar of the blacksmith and the in-game model of the blacksmith looks so different they're not even wearing the same armor that looks nothing like the model how did you get this wrong next the tutorial tells me to open my inventory by pressing i and equip a bow despite already having the same bow equipped then it tells me my hp is low and i should press q to use a hp stone now i need to find skill master elog which again follow big arrows and he's here and at least these pictures match up this guy sells me abilities and just have a guess what the first archer ability is called of all the mmos i've played this is the most commonly named archer skill every game without fail has a skill called aimed shot and i am glad to see the tradition continues now we go to the healer and by hp stones this tutorial is just sending me to people and explaining what they do in the most boring way possible now press c to open your character page and spend your points on stuff to get better we already have some stats so into strength you go because i just want to power through this chat to ezra and how have you done this you've managed to get the animation overlay and the in-game model perfect but the colors are wrong the model is red and the animation is green how did this get past quality control did anyone check this this is a super simple fix and you've not bothered to do it oh also the quest dialog boxes move around like comic speech bubbles there's no main chat window so you're clicking all over the place to continue any conversation the game lets me know that q uses hp stones and e uses mana stones i can tell you right now mana stones won't be relevant for this entire video and here's something i just noticed why the hell is my entire ui christmas themed why are there candy canes sticking out of places and tinsel and little santa faces around everywhere i don't mind this but what i do mind is the fact that i don't have a choice this is how the ui must look over christmas but god that's not even the worst part of the ui design hover your cursor over the icons to the bottom right and you'll see the icons name and hotkey for it pop up in a little tool tip but instead of putting the hotkey in brackets like every well-designed game they've written i key oh key m key you don't need to write the word key after every single one you've not even put a space between the apostrophe and the word key look this isn't a mechanically game breaking bug but i'm quite drunk now so i'm going to nitpick everything in this game opening the journal lists your quests but the background has been updated with a garish christmas themed tiled pattern which is ugly and stupid right our first quest kill three guards and open three cages let's see how engaging the combat is it isn't i kill every enemy in one hit even with a basic attack and the cages open instantly also when you finish the quest you don't need to return to the quest giver you can just open your journal and get the reward there because the game is probably designed for people with zero attention span the next quest sends us off to kill a giant demonic demon because the designers don't know what pacing is and decided that yes this seems like a reasonable escalation of difficulty turns out i spoke too soon because they neither know what pacing is nor what difficulty is because you can kill the demon in a few seconds how am i so powerful well i suppose within 10 seconds of existing that had phased through a house so maybe i'm a wizard with the demon dead we hear a message from the actual bad guy someone who wants to be the supreme ruler and this writing honestly is making the worst fan fiction look good everything in this game reads like a 12 year old wrote it if you gave an anti-social teenager with zero writing skills who only ever listened to the rasmus and only ever watched edgy anime the task of writing an mmo opening they would come up with something better than this now i'm treated to this catapult animation it's not major but it does annoy me it launches a flaming metal band covered ball to this crater but you can't move into the crater and get hit so it's just pointless set dressing if you're going to have a battlefield let me get hurt on it i followed the arrows to stop the evil overlord honestly i'm not even sure i want to if they asked me to join them i'd probably jump at the chance anyway we meet the bad guy then we fight the avatar of pagal who is pagal why are they attacking why are we defending all very good questions and none of them are answered also this fight is just how can i describe this how could i use my mastery of the english language to fully convey exactly the feeling that i got when playing this game ah right i've got it this fight is [ __ ] the enemy just attacks the three guards and i just stand here slowly shooting a god with arrows then an angel appears and says i will save you honestly love i'm doing fine a few more hours and this god is going down but she insists and says she will save us by sending us back in time before these events began which is like the start of rift which is another game made by gamergo where you go back in time before the great battle against a god maybe gamergo just has a type of game that it really likes now we're done with the tutorial and we can explore the main game and holy christmas batman okay so i'm recording this on the 3rd of january christmas was 9 days ago so not only is this late but my god it's obnoxious the forced christmas ui is one thing but the repetitive christmas music in the background is quite another so this is the main town and hint windows keep forcefully popping up and telling me stuff in large info dumps apparently i can move using the map but only up until level 60. what an odd design choice to give players ease of movement up until the end game that seems backwards you want your players to experience the world at the start of the game not at the end you can move using the wa s d keys but you can also left click now normally you're able to talk to npcs by left clicking on them but nope my game is broken nothing is happening i decide i should quit close the game and relaunch it to see if that solves the problem and while doing that i take a quick glance at the steam player charts i am amazed that two people actually got this game to work on steam back in the game and cool now i can actually talk to npcs again julia gives me some stones and sends me to the village leader who for some unknown reason is dressed like a 1920s british explorer he explains the journal which is the quest log and how it not only shows active quests but local potential quests as well so we can always locate something to do then sends me to weapon master zack while walking up these steps i realized something odd you don't have a shadow not even a circle with soft edges underneath you you look like a layered over animation just moving around with no light sources reacting to you at all if this was a stylistic choice it is a bad one weapon master zack needs me to go and kill some slimes in the forest if you are playing crap mmo bingo i think killing slimes is the free central square so i go and do that but again the forced helpful pop-ups just keep springing up the game says you don't have a choice josh you will look at the helpful things the game demands it i kill five slimes they die in one hit because we can't have combat being engaging can we oh and also issues with picking up items clicking on an item dropped by an enemy makes you run over to that item but doesn't pick it up you need to click it again while you're directly next to it to pick it up i hate this i'm not clicking the item for no reason game i want it just put it in my inventory you don't need to check that i'm sure every single time head back to zach and he rewards me with a choice of five possible boots but there's only one pair suitable for my class this is a system that so many bad mmos use giving me a choice of five with only one viable isn't a choice just give me the boots for my class and stop pretending i have any authority here i take the stupid boots go back to blacksmith and he needs five mushrooms killed so back we go mushrooms also die in one hit making them mechanically no different to slimes at this level and seeing as this is the lowest level they will never ever be different to slimes meaning there is no reason for these enemies to actually be different i realize there's going to be a lot of running so i rebind auto run to the t key and then i try to auto run but find another odd mechanic see i've made a video explaining how you can judge mmos in only an hour and this is one of the weirder tests that i do auto run should be cancelled by pressing the auto run key again or by moving forwards or backwards only side to side movement turning or jumping should not cancel auto run but in fiesta nothing cancels auto run not moving forward not moving backward not moving left or right you have to press the auto run key again or you will not stop next quest is from skill master ruby remember i said the writing quality is dire one of your responses to being asked to pay for something is actually um i'm poor which is both not true in game and a line that i would cringe at reading even if a child wrote it she needs five mana pagora mano five mana pogba she needs five things killed so off we go i also need to mention the music because it has been on a one minute loop since we got here 60 seconds of the most grating christmas trash it has achieved the incredibly difficult task of being both intensely annoying and incredibly forgettable at the same time and it just keeps looping this quest takes us to the forest of tides see fiesta online doesn't have a large overworld it's actually many many small maps all connected together so it's not really massively multiplayer it's also got almost no players so it's not really multiplayer either but at least we can agree it's an rpg just this zone has left the christmas music behind and instead we get really well made ambient forest soundtrack with distant c sounds i'm just kidding we get this junk [Music] who thought this works who said yes for our first adventure zone a forested seashore we need some 90s funk with a generic beat and it needs to loop every minute if you told me the audio designer's 10 year old son made this on a casio keyboard i would believe you we kill five things and discover there's no easy way to return you can't recall to town so it's just running back all the way and on my way back the play help guide keeps popping up i need to stop this so i'd go into the settings and turn it off which will hopefully also stop the horizontal line tip that keeps appearing in the middle of the screen finishing this quest teaches us about the quest alert indicator the jeweled icon in the middle top right basically you can click on that and see any local quests then accept them without actually talking to the quest giver then complete them then hand them in all through that interface because you know having an immersive world and player exploration is for losers just do everything through menus oh but doing this still shows the quest conversation so the npc's picture still appears as if you're actually talking to them despite them being miles away because that makes sense too i accept all of the quests i can except the christmas quest because i'm saving that for later that's my special treat before i delete this game and burn my hard drive for even having it on in a handy touch the map shows the quest enemy locations so you know where to go then we get told about weapon titling and enchanting and upgrading and spirit stones and like four separate weapon enhancement systems all get thrown at you at once and all of them are information dumps which make you care about none of them look if you have a lot of systems game i respect that but if you throw every single system you have at me at the same time i'm not going to be motivated to learn any of them you need to learn pacing the game also tells me for the third time now that i can open the map and click to move or i can click an npc to go straight to them or click an enemy to find it for the third time i do it and for the third time it doesn't work as far as i know you cannot move by clicking on the map or an npc icon or an enemy icon the map movement straight up does not work and why is this goddamn help guide still appearing when i turned it off earlier does the game just not listen to your choices i tried to set the resolution to 1018 the game was like no you're playing in 1440. then i turned the help guide off and the game was like no help guide stays on well i guess you know how i enjoy mmo's best game i finished the quest and now i'm told about the holy promise system which sounds all mystical but it's basically just a mentor system old players get gold for helping new players and new players get boosted experience i'd happily sign up for it but there aren't any old players around as far as i can tell i am the most experienced person right now while killing this gang imp another realization i haven't adjusted the in-game audio at all and this is what fighting sounds like [Music] you hear that you hear those combat special effects and battling sounds no exactly there's no combat sounds or the combat sounds are so low compared to the music you get no audio feedback of the fight no hits or deaths or heels you are forced to listen to the in-game music which isn't just bad it's forgettable it's nothing music it's soulless honestly try and play this game listen to a few seconds and then later in the day try and remember it i guarantee you won't be able to i promise you no matter how much you listen to this music it will not stick in your mind because i am writing this script immediately after playing the game and i cannot remember a single piece of in-game music all i can remember was that i hated it another message from an npc tells us that when we level up we will be eligible to join the guild academy and our character responds in that stupid mindless idiotic anime way of saying guild academy as if there's no [ __ ] clue what those words mean yes you idiot guild academy two very easy to understand words use your context clues and figure out it probably means an organization where we can learn new skills or become better at stuff how did that concept confuse you earlier you were fighting a god and now two very basic words seem difficult i hate when games make me play a brainless [ __ ] i open up the quest menu and accept everything it's all sending me back to the same map so may as well be efficient here you know while running around and looking at the god-awful scenery and listening to the god-awful music i'm reminded of an actually really good old game slight tangent but a few of you might understand this you see years ago the playstation 1 had demo discs released with magazines each month and my parents would buy them for me and there was this program called net eros where you could make your own games and sometimes they'd be included on the discs and one day i found a game called terra incognita and it was just goddamn brilliant a third-person short action-adventure puzzle game made by mitsuru kamiyama who by the way went on to be technical director on dragon quest 11 and final fantasy crystal chronicles anyway fiesta reminded me of that because the scenery and music are similar but terra incognito was full of heart and humor and made in 1996 by two people and this is a pile of [ __ ] made by a multi-billion company i mean look at this pallet swapping is the laziest way of designing enemies we have discussed this in my seven sins video and here we have crabs and behind them blue crabs literally called blue crabs same model but a little bit more blue this is dire if you designed this you should be embarrassed oh and the item icons that enemies drop they're not 3d models they're 2d player-facing sprites you can move the camera around and see them you can even make them virtually disappear when you look at them from above because they only have two dimensions i was going to say they look like something from the 16-bit era but that's unfair because the 16-bit era looks good these look like poo now for the greatest moment so far we get our first mount now normally games like this give you a free mount to show you what you can expect and the free mount normally looks awesome to tempt you into buying it so what do we get here a hobby horse and not only is it a hobby horse it's a hobby horse that clips into our character model so it looks like we've just shoved a stick up our ass but amazingly that's not the worst part the worst part is the face which blinks they've just taken their head from a regular horse with giant blinking eyes and rammed it onto a stick this is terrifying if i have nightmares this will be in them but i've got a game to play so with that sorted me and my blinking horse head fly away with my magical ass stick there is a forum icon to the bottom right it is the only icon without a hotkey i wonder what this does oh it launches the forum and it also kills the in-game sound whenever you're on the forum window what great optimization we have you can also see how popular this game is when the hot topic of the week has 600 views and zero comments here's something i didn't even write in the script and only noticed when i was actually editing the video look at the background of the message board window see how it's the christmas icons they haven't bothered tiling or scaling it they've just stretched the one graphic they've got to fit across the box and it's pixelated all the pictures this game also has so so many overlays and they all stack if i just click around on every icon i can get everything to pop open and stay open and they all have various levels of transparency but then i get to the help menu and i realize how badly designed this game truly is you see this is the help menu a list of topics and the last topic is guilds but there's a bronze arrow at the top and one at the bottom pointing down so this clearly isn't the end of the list you'd think if i clicked on these arrows it would scroll the list up or down to help see the remaining topics right wrong even if you click directly on the arrow because the arrow is over the guilds topic it just opens the guilds topic and then you have to scroll through the rest of the topics by moving down one by one by clicking the link at the bottom and to make it worse see the search box to the bottom they've missed a letter in the description text they've missed the first e from the word enter so it just says words this is just this is just bad so far the game has been shallow and overwhelming which is a combination that should cancel itself out but it doesn't and it's really really boring and it has so many systems that are so complex and yet so badly explained and everything is just a giant info dump and who is this game for i do the only thing i can think of i accept every quest and i just set off following the map to another issue initiating combat doesn't make you dismount you can lock onto an enemy while mounted you can even be attacked while mounted but you won't dismount or retaliate you have to press the mount hotkey to get off before you can fight back but i wanted to make sure i was using the mount system properly so i thought you know what i'm going to use the help box and try and learn something so i typed in mounts to the help box i clicked search and guess what it found nothing so then i typed in the word mount just singular no s and it found a topic and guess what the topic was called mounts with the s wonder how the water affects the game it doesn't it doesn't slow you down you don't wade you don't even make a splash there is no visual or audio clue you're even in the water and you can clip the camera below it and there's no camera ambience when below the water i expected nothing and i'm still disappointed on the opposite side to water doing nothing these stones do everything you can't walk over them or jump over them truly they are impassable objects an insurmountable challenge we will never be able to conquer so i finish every quest in this area and travel to a new sandy beach and that brings with it its own new and equally awful music have a listen and see if this reminds you of the beach [Music] i kill some enemies get some honey and find an enemy card so fiesta online does have one system i actually really like any enemy can drop their trading card and then you can complete your trading card collection i like this system because it means even low level enemies can have value and i personally enjoy the process of collecting trading cards i kill some wolves then go to take a shortcut down this cliff edge but nope invisible wall very much like dream of mirror online you cannot move up or down slopes it's a way of keeping map design easy you can click the on-screen thing now to watch the dream of mirror review it's bad but it's not as bad as this it is still bad though you know whenever i'm playing a bad mmo i always try and find one reason to recommend it one system it does well that players will enjoy just one thing i can say yes it's bad but it does this really well now fiesta online has got the card system but so has runes of magic so fiesta online is one of the few games that so far has nothing there is zero reason to play this game ever it's not fun it's not interesting it's not memorable it's not unique even bloodlines of prima a game i thought was very very bad was unique interesting and memorable and that was made by one guy a guy who actually watched my video of me ripping into his game and even responded one guy made a better game than a multi-million company functional errata to my bloodlines of prima video that is not the worst mmo so far fiesta online is i accept even more quests than ride the ass stick to my destination and just keep on killing things every quest i ever accept is just kill x amount of this by now i've figured out i can also spam the space bar to push through dialogue but some quests are repeatable and don't tell you so i've accidentally accepted a repeatable quest like three times and finished it three times some of the quest destinations are so far away that even with the other worldly speed of my ass stick i still finish an entire music loop before i get across the map to the new enemies into echo cave we go i finish a quest by killing one skeleton and the quest rewards me with a bow which is not as good as my starter bow why even have this quest game you know what bow you're going to give me why would you give me a worse weapon you are deliberately making redundant items who is in charge of this game design i've been playing this game for about four hours and i like to be thorough with these reviews so we've got four more left to play so i refill my drink knock it back and settle in for four more hours of the worst mmo i've played so far there is no way to overstate how immensely bored i am right now the only saving grace of this experience is how it's christmas and i have enough alcohol to get me through this my next quest needs me to mine some copper but to do that i need a mining tool i need to buy those at a shop so i might come back here later if i can be bothered or remember where this is completing all the quests here leads me to the next area the forest of mist so have a guess at what kind of music we're going to get maybe a spooky ethereal ambience maybe some high-pitched strings or natural wooden percussion maybe it's going to be horror combined with suspense a misty forest nope it's house techno i'm not even kidding by now i'm drunk and i've given up even caring so i spend an hour just playing to the beat of the music [Music] enjoy [Music] so [Music] this gameplay is the dullest thing i've ever played and i've played kingdom hearts 3. the car drops are the only thing keeping me going i'm even noticing inconsistencies in the ui look at this the map ui shows the map overlay and has a green x in a square box to the top right to close it but the attendance check which is their daily login bonus page has a red orb to the top right these two designs don't match at all you could find a ui designer on fiverr who could do a better job i foolishly take on a group quest get piled by boars and die so now we can see how death works you can resurrect at a local resurrection place or be resurrected by a player but when you die if you're over level 19 you will lose experience it's an xp penalty on death game but don't worry there's a cash shop item that prevents xp loss because of course there is xp penalty on death encourages playing safely and not taking risks when taking risks is exciting and enjoyable if you have an xp penalty you're basically encouraging players to play your game in a boring and safe fashion which is the exact opposite from how an action game is supposed to be when i revive the techno beats start again so i can get back into raving and questing now some quests do require returning to the quest givers so that's just an inconsistent system too oh also i can't do these kingdom quests which i think are instanced group quests because one there are zero players in any of them and two they start at certain times of the day and i'd have to wait for the time to begin good lord this is like shots being closed in new frontier all over again i accept more quest from the blacksmith the game lags and i pray it crashes any excuse to stop playing just give me a reason but unfortunately no it stabilizes and we must continue you know what screw it i'm done i'm doing the christmas event let's go and see what the designers think is a good christmas distraction if i know anything about mmos and i like to think i know a thing or two i'm willing to bet the christmas event is absolutely nothing to do with the actual core gameplay loop it's not going to be combat it's not going to be crafting i bet it's going to be a specific one-time only physical thing because bad designers always feel the need to add in random unrelated mechanics to mark special occasions i need to find winter ming i have no clue where they are they're not in this small beginner town but i do find a teleporter and go to what looks like a bigger town scour the map for a while and aha there you are spot winter ming so off we go she is standing by a portal which takes us to the christmas event a snowboarding race around a track i freaking called it so i do the races and i do badly because it doesn't explain if you're meant to hit the colored gates or slalom around them so i try and avoid them like an actual race when it turns out you should hit them instead so i do it again i finished the first race with zero points but i do check the rankings and it's only me and one other person right i'm gonna do this so i click close on the rankings window and it doesn't even close the window it just wipes the names from the board you need to close the window with the top right x not the close window button because why would the close window button close a window this game just doesn't know how user interfaces should work i try the race again and yes you do need to hit the color gates and you get a speed boost when you do so then you need to avoid the hazards and after a few attempts i score some god damn points i do this race again and again and again i spend about half an hour repeatedly doing this and eventually i score 789 points which absolutely eclipses your score lilu i am the rank 1 snowboarder in fiesta online all those hours in ssx tricky have paid off i am the snow king so i wonder what kind of rewards you can get from your winter festival coins this is the holiday shop you've got cosmetic items and mounts and wait what the mounts only last for seven days even the winter festival ones even if you win all the coins you can't buy permanent mounts in the game you basically need to use the cash shop this is just low you know for some players there's no point in playing a special event if you can't get permanent rewards that's why you've got so few players in this main city if you can call it that there's about four people standing around and one guy called levi ackermann because of course there's someone called levi ackermann in an anime game you know what bloodlines of prima had heart it had soul even if that soul was remarkably weird and poorly optimized and impossible to understand it was something that one guy made and did his best this this is a pile of crap this isn't anyone's best this isn't the best that a ui company could make or the best that a music company could make or the best that a quest writer could write this is the very definition of phoning it in and making something that's barely passable and when every part of your game is barely passable it all adds together to become a massive pile of forgettable junk fiesta online is the new zero my scale from bad to good now starts at this game this is the lowest bar by which all other games are now judged i exit the game and i uninstall both from steam and from the official launcher then i go into my program files menu and reg edit and manually remove all trace of the zinc code 3 program which is done by removing the x hunter files i will link a guide below if you need to know how to do this so fiesta online the only good part of this experience was that i was drunk and don't remember playing it if you like this game then i won't tell you you're wrong but i will tell you we won't get on and if you're thinking of downloading this game don't game ago if you still want to work with me after watching this video instead take all the money you would pay me and hire a goddamn ui designer to fix your broken buggy mess of a game to end the review i award fiesta online the lowest possible score fiesta online out of 10. cheers for watching if you want more worst mmo ever videos then drop a like or sub to the channel a massive thank you to all my patreon supporters and twitch subs who make all my content possible if you've enjoyed the video and would like to see more you can support the patreon from only one pound a month comment down below with any game you think deserves the title of worst mmo let me know if you like fiesta online then explain to me why on earth you do then check the video descriptions for links to the patreon twitch twitter and discord and as always have a great day [Music]
Channel: Josh Strife Hayes
Views: 1,825,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst mmo game, online gaming reviews, worst online game, mmorpg, best online gaming, worst multiplayer game, worst adventure game, massively multiplayer online roleplaying game
Id: ZBZjU9-Y6fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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