Worst Job Interview: Odisha Guy

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hi so tell me about yourself sir I am sitting in front of yourself uh myself Rakesh mahanti and um I am uh technology M but if you will ask me what is my passion I will say Hardware but this is for the first time I am doing on spiky Skype you mean pardon sir okay um go on sir I am from Jura uh I study 10th sarasti sisu vya Mand graduate Cambridge Institute RI not from England not it and I am putting my screwdriver everywhere and seeing what is happening I am a hidden scientist okay so what experience do you have sir I am working with BSNL telephone company whenever the line goes up I write the telephone Comba and make the line good and during my spare time I chat on girls on Facebook and also I collect pan Masala rappers I have a huge collection almost 2,000 and how do you see yourself progress in this career sir I will have a fruy career in your steamy company and I will perform and reach the clim exposition okay and uh can you shift to Oman will you have any problems shifting to Oman sir I do not have any problem to shifting uh abroad country but uh I will not change my religion otherwise I am very open-minded and I am always happy even when I am sad and I am morally very good morally very high and I have also my resignation letter ready from BSN okay so then we'll get back to you sir I am getting the job now we'll get back to you thank you thank you very much
Channel: mainduck
Views: 5,336,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst job interview, job, interview, O4, Digital, mainduck, entertainment, video, comedy, funny, humor, humour, jokes, laughter, hilarious, media, office, work, orissa, engineer, cambridge
Id: LuZV9kkzscg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2013
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