WORST Hate Comments TO DATE! Brace Yourselves

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hey Metatron what's up with all of these clickbaity titles come on what do you mean the worst comments to date today we're going to do an explored territory my friends here we go comment section held for review [Music] and welcome back to my channel this is the method on speaking in Festival let me say thank you so much for clicking this video you're really supporting my course here what I mean by that is that even though I've been on YouTube for many years now it's basically nine years and of course I've sort of developed a what you could call a thick skin when it comes to hate comments still it's not nice to get all of these comments regardless which is why with you clicking this video possibly sharing and commenting down below you're really helping me to turn this hey to this negativity into something first of all funny we're gonna make a light-hearted video it's gonna be comedic it's gonna be funny and I can assure you that the one thing that these haters would like the least is for me to make money which I'm gonna make thanks to this video so turn something bad into something but good turning lead into gold literally I feel like a medieval Alchemist right now so this video might be negative but you know what isn't negative this plushie which is part of a charity event to help children with cancer that I'm hosting you can read all the details about this by clicking the link in the description come join get your little plushie let's do something good in the world plus it's a frog mouth helmet let's go held for review let's see what the first one is ha what do you mean how dare you no one has ever told me ha before start it's okay what's happening there so just so you know because people do accuse me of oh Metron you removed my comment now I didn't as you can see the moment you put a link into your comments the system puts your comment into the under review section which after 60 days is gone at least apparently according to YouTube I don't always have the time to go check every single comment and see like this comment probably is not hate actually yeah besides I don't click links anyways so there's that liar extraterrestrial punks you mean secondary tertiary Powers committing Mischief on Earth against Apollo you [ __ ] with Apollo I can take anything don't you dare talk about Apollo you extraterrestrial Punk am I the Extraterrestrial is that what he means Apollo the rest of the comment is incomprehensible liar LOL learn American dumbass well first of all American needs to be capitalized we need a capital letter there also there is a full stop after LOL so learn should be capitalized too last but not least that's not how you spell liar and because it was the beginning of the sentence you should have been capital oh my gosh so how about you learn English in the American variety if that's your favorite you being European isn't an excuse your history is disgusting now this is of course from the video where I said that one of the reasons why I focus so much on European history on this channel is because I'm European and I really like the history of my side of the world so first and foremost I absolutely disagree I think European history is wonderful but of course there are some things that are absolutely disgusting within European history I agree but guess what you can say the same about the history of every single country in this globe that are wonderful things that are horrible things thank you for showing your bias let's move to the next one Metro and relaxing worship Zaki hawas I don't know who that is and is Lord and Savior a bunch of racists and these by my looks right I look like one of these guys oh my gosh I think these guys would have burned me oh my gosh this is great I'm having a great time this guy is a fast talking Rasputin wannabe con man there is no way that he actually believes the things he says let's put in honestly I have three times the hair and half the beard of Rasputin we don't look alike so there's that if you don't want to be called racist then you should be more accurate and tell the whole story of post from just his story oh my God she's one of the his story guys and believe it or not he actually goes on to defend it on a subsequent comment where he says man I guess with context comes the destruction of root words his story what do you think was meant when this word was made to the Define past events well first of all this word was not made in English the word is Greek so in ancient Greek the his part I can assure you 100 it is not a pronoun in the ancient Greek language let's leave it at that and this word was made delicious lemonade break to counter balance Dean decency and feel refreshed okay let's go one stupid question are you stupid yes you're correct that is a stupid question here are a few hate comments that I got under the video what I announced that I was being demonetized and I was actually losing money and the whole channel was not making any money through the views it was a terrible moment and many of you really came to help thank you for that thank you so much here are some of the comments I got under that video if these people hate content creators so much my question is why are they even on their platform go get a real job classy how about we share my short response to that let's go yes finally go get the real job I'd like to respond using logic and reason let's take someone who spends five hours a day researching every morning does he have a job of course he's a researcher someone who edits videos for many hours every day of course that's work he's an editor how about someone who acts or performs in front of a camera for many hours a day but of course he's either an actor or a presenter obviously that's work and those are jobs but here is the magic when you take all of those things and put them all together into one single YouTuber it stops Beam work and it stops being a job well welcome to Hogwarts if that's no real magic I don't know what is you want to know what isn't work hating and you know what isn't a job hater good luck putting that one on your CV hahaha you totally deserve it I told you to stay out of the culture war and stick to historical facts now look at you LOL yeah yeah you're such a civilized member of society if everyone was like you first something tells me that you don't stay out of culture wars second that's exactly what I'm doing I am sticking to the historical facts but of course you don't think that propaganda Channel going down or is this just a trick to get your money think before you empty your pockets great piece of advice propaganda Channel yet the horrible propaganda like treat people with respect do not bully others do not commit acts of violence against people that think differently or look differently than you skin doesn't matter we shouldn't judge people's actions intellectual positions and intelligence based on their skin tone yeah all of this horrible propaganda absolutely a channel like this needs to be shut down right instead it's people like you that are the societal example of Civility a paragon to follow you had it right in the beginning of your dad you're evil not a fan I think the last part could be considered obvious unless you mean this kind of fan in which case it wouldn't be obvious then it's greater you specified so you're not a fan does that include electric fans as well or is it just hand fans Italy has a [ __ ] up history hold on a minute two years ago YouTube you said that comments here are removed after 60 days I've got a comment from two years ago YouTube are you lying to me potentially inappropriate of course it's freaking inappropriate oh I think we need a little positivity here respect appreciate bro man F off stop using Afrocentric you are [ __ ] liar [ __ ] go learn your history idiot Rome stole everything from Kemet dot dot Egypt so I'm not supposed to say the word Afrocentric because apparently it's very offensive but he can use liar idiot F off all of that is fine so in other words if I tell you Mr whatever your name is [ __ ] you off you idiot I'm fine right because I didn't use the weather for Centric in that sentence you're a dumbass you don't know grammar okay let me teach you this one your is a possessive adjective what you're trying to say is you are and that's how you spell that great you can edit that Metatron is Ploy so I'm Ploy nice to meet you Ploy is my name well sure Ploy need to go to get it changed legally Metron is ploy to get people to believe in the supremacy of white man the great white Brotherhood which meadowton is a member the leader of goodness Grace I didn't know I was a leader I'm a leader apparently so let's see cult leader here check beard check what else do I need to be a cult leader maybe to have a cult which I don't have if I were to make a movement it would be the movement of Truth Freedom logic reason and equality that would be my but yeah evil I'm evil I forgot about that stop lying you idiots next you're going to say Nelson Mandela is Swedish no you I think you got it wrong I'm on the other side I'm on the side of people who say if someone historically is from a specific country or ethnic group represent them the way they are I'm on the other side I think you should send this one to my opposition oh my gosh skin color is irrelevant what the [ __ ] was the Cleopatra [ __ ] about then how can you how can I respond to this without sound condescending because it's difficult it really is difficult when I say the skin color is irrelevant I mean that it's irrelevant when it comes to the way you judge a person if a person is black or is white that doesn't say anything about the True Heart intentions in mind which is what the racists do on both sides the Cleopatra thing was that skin color is important when you're trying to represent a historical character within a documentary how you cannot see that is beyond me the fact that you said skin tone is not part of History proves you're a racist I can say white British invented Big Ben because I'm not racist I never said that I never said skin tone is not part of History why do these people put words into your mouth create a straw man and then proceed to debunk the straw man I never said it never said it let me use your people's own Logic the Vikings were Chinese because they don't look exactly like Germans did that's your fragile white eurocentric people in a nutshell LMAO I do not understand this one I just don't understand the analogy I apologize but I just don't well actually I don't apologize because it's you who you're not even able to write that coherent comment so you should be apologizing the Vikings were Chinese because they don't look exactly like Germans the this person is so historically ignorant and hasn't even overcome the orientalism typical of Italian mamani weak males I think you need to go through school once again I'd suggest the starting primary you Italian you know you racist Italians don't like black people absolutely not true in fact shame on you for trying to slander an entire people my people they are both white this is cultural appropriation and races from three years ago yeah YouTube is definitely lying about that one you consider yourself Italian not white and not just European no okay that already that already I need to address this is a problem in the first sentence here not gonna read the whole message by the way those three things go together you can be an Italian and a European and your skin can be white just like you can be from Florida being an American and being white it's not like they're mutually exclusive necessarily oh gosh you yet you choose to label all who disagree they're simply black no I never did that I specifically said at the beginning of the video this is not a white versus blacks it's just I'm just responding to some of the people that disagree with me I never label them simply black never but check the ending because it's gold by the way do you have family that still resides in Italy is anyone still dark in skin color since Italians were considered of Europe how long did it take your family to completely breed out the black in them these people are complete lunatics you live in a fantasy world and not and I'm not speaking to you like this because of your skin I don't even know if the picture is real I don't care what skin you have you're still completely out of your mind if you think that Italians like my relatives were black but he's not the only one as you can see people will tell me that my grandfather was black and my memories are wrong and the pictures of our family are wrong case in point as you can see why where many early Italian immigrants categorized as black in the U.S simple it was based on what the immigration Personnel saw with their very own eyes they were highly melanated don't pretend you didn't know that he's speaking to an Italian oh my gosh the sheer arrogance I mean look at that it really makes you feel like these pictures were taken in Congo right oh this is an old school Metatron video it's about medieval weapons let's get some old school hate let's see if he calls me a lapa some serious [ __ ] right from the start try to hit yourself with a wooden stick yeah I wouldn't recommend to follow that instruction or advice let's choose most boneless location your ass well technically it's your belly blah blah blah blah blah how it feels now move to the metal maze try it can you fight after this hit no well let's change location like still bad arm your belly your chest you already said belly by the way your spine huh did you see pattern here now move to Flame flanged mace try to hit your ass see the bloody mess it becomes yes this is why it's called Flying flange that's not called that okay let me give you a little context on this imbecile I remember when I made this video which was the 10 top 10 most effective medieval weapons and I talked about several weapons and I put them in order now one thing I said about the Macy's is that it's generally speaking can be considered one of the anti-armor weapons together with like a Warhammer and some types of polar arms like a polax so weapons that can still be effective even against someone in armor now of course as it always is unless you specifically say everything after every statement people are gonna take that out of context so what did he get from me saying Macy's can be very effective against someone in Arman it can be used as an anti-armor weapon he's telling me well if you smash someone in the head with a mace and they don't have a helmet it's still gonna kill them obviously oh my gosh okay so here's how next I'm gonna make a video like that here's a here's what I'm gonna say Okay so the mace in the medieval period could be a very effective weapon against someone in Arma although wait disclaimer it would also be effective if you take a mace with a broad steel or iron head and you smack someone in the head without a helmet you're still gonna hurt him everyone clear here so it's not that you're just gonna hurt them when they have a helmet but it's also when they don't have a helmet everyone clear can I continue he's a fraud he won't debate who the ancient Egyptians were clicks are the purpose of this oh no I'm more than happy to debate it this is why I'm making a full-on response to all those who have in fact made response videos or debunking videos of my statement so yes I will debate it soon dude your people could never live under the African sand that's why skin color matters what's so hard to understand interestingly enough this oh my gosh these responses it's so funny that people don't understand that I was brought up born and bred in Sicily which is not only the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea but it's also right next to Africa in the sense that just up to a few days ago the average temperature in the center of Sicily was 48 degrees Celsius and we were getting both winds from Africa and dust from the Saharan Desert and yet we can survive with this skin tone do we have to be a little careful if we go outside in the middle of I don't know at 12 maybe not wearing clothes yeah not a good idea but you know I'm pretty confident that people in the ancient Roman period already had invented clothing to cover themselves so there is that weird way to lure people into patreon but hey you scam them of a 5 000 plus Euro successfully good job yeah let's give me that's that's great it gives me an opportunity to do a little shout out and a Shameless plug to my patreon page if you wish to come and support me and yes my patreon is successful which is of course something in this person who's full of envy and jealousy doesn't like but I wish to say thank you to all of you have decided to support my work through patreon where I do publish extra content and everything is nice and organized into a neat list that you can find as a pin comment once you join my patreon and you can go through everything very easily not to mention the fact that as you can see the guy knows how much money I make on patreon how does you know that because I decided out of my own decision I didn't have to do that to keep it as a public information how much money I'm making on patreon and I do that specifically even though again I don't have to so that anyone who wishes to decide to donate I don't know five dollars well they can make an informed decision and maybe if they see how much money I make and then they see someone else another creator doesn't make as much money and they only have five dollars they can donate then they can choose not to donate to me and donate to another person who perhaps needs more this is what I do I'm not saying this to Virtual signal but I'm saying this as a defensive of course because these people they're just full of hate and hate is poison Metatron is proud to be European but black people can be proud of Africa of course you can be proud of Africa there was the whole point of my message I specifically said people don't listen people do not listen I specifically said just like every person can be proud of the area where they are born of course no they don't listen to that and it's people culture and places I specifically made a video where I defended the actual real black queens showing the real history oh my gosh these people are blind you don't know or speak for African or African-American or their history your European propagandist propagandist propagandist propagandists don't know don't know how to block to your racist channel in my feed but I'm trying look I'll do it for you I'll block you no problem blocked right great I have some questions about the ancient Egyptian status uh statues I think she means he's showing why is he showing light-skinned black Egyptian statues as having dreadlocks and he's saying they're not black you just said they're light-skinned Europeans didn't have dreadlocks them ancient Egyptian statues looked like they have African-American features I'll discuss the statues on a dedicated video but for this one I'd like to underline this thing how could ancient Egyptians from thousands of years ago have African-American features African-American I think you meant African features even though that as well there are lots of different popular people living in Africa so in fact you should say black or sub-Saharan features but I know people hate sub-Saharan so let's not use them but I'll keep using it but let's not use up siren in this case just say black African features when you say African-American you're showing me that you're quite confused I do Caucasians when I take Egypt away from Africa so bad if Africans claimed Italy was part of Africa you all would love them to Oblivion yes I have a video which I will debunk soon where there is actually someone who is claiming that Italy and the entirety of the Roman Empire was in fact black and African so there is that but I won't be just laughing because you know you want to be above that you just want to debunk with logical reasons still how am I taking Egypt away from Africans if I say that Egypt is in Africa geographically and it was Multicultural with black people with a higher percentage in the southern part brown people and a few white people depending on the period how it's because if you if you were to just read this you would think that now Metatron is the one who is saying that Egypt was white and that it was a European country which I never said I only said it was Multicultural but that's not enough is it funny this is still up with no mention of monetization being restored in the description at least guess the truth gets to have a breather in favor opportunity and greed really Noble this one classy it's literally everywhere in my community tab in the comments section of the other update on this on my Twitter I live a moment monetization was restored I immediately let everyone know even though the this video is still up I don't get donations anymore through that cause which is absolutely fine and again I'm very grateful to all those who have donated that's okay but the video stays up the video doesn't stay up so that I can get more donations as you can see I don't get them the video stays up as a testament to what happened to this Channel and I will not remove it okay number ones well I hope that you found this entertaining at least and thank you so much for watching until the end I really appreciate if you can just share the video so that people can have a little laughter and then we can turn some negativity into positivity thank you so much for watching as always and supporting my channel and I will see you very soon for the next video on the methadone's channel thank you very much for watching and remember the Metatron has spread his wings thank you
Channel: Metatron
Views: 103,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hate, hate comments, youtuber, facebook, social media, metatron, history, historical, discussion, debunk, destroy, logic, reason, debunking, accurate, horrible, funny, fun, commedy, talk, talking, discuss, worst, worste, best, better, laugh, great, amazing, intelligent, reaction, answers, owned, gg, annihilated, incorrect, not right, content creator, how to, tutorial, classy, class, address, speech, speak, is this ok, not ok, alright, delete, hater, haters, noble, liars, lie, truth, the truth, standing, believe, belief, social, society
Id: j9JP5vKM1dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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