No MORE Roman Wrist Leather Bracelets! RANT!

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hello never once welcome back to my channel this is the Metatron speaking in dear gods of Mount Olympus what the heck is that now literally this has become ridiculous it's a freaking obsession so here is a rant video you're welcome you know that I love ancient Rome and generally speaking any movie that is set in the Classical period because you know weapons armor epic epicness who doesn't like them but as you know I love real Roman history and archaeology and whatnot and here's the thing I was watching the movie Gladiator the other day and I was noticing all these leather wristbands on basically every other roman and I was like all the wine filmmakers are so obsessed with this then I was watching the movie Centurion and guess what here they are the movie the eagle Netflix series HBO Rome literally it's everywhere and it's in contrast to what we actually see in all sorts of evidence that we have whether it be funerary from statuary to paintings to mosaic you name it it's just not that so I thought when did this only wood trope begin is it a modern thing huh no I mean you can go back to the 1950s you can actually go back to the 1930s it's there it's everywhere and it's not even just the Romans the Greeks the Egyptians it's like people in the Classical period they you couldn't leave your home if you didn't have your leather bracelet and I am sick of it now I'm not saying that it never ever happened that a Roman wore some sort of bracelet or wrist band um what would you name it no I'm not saying it never happened it possibly did that it was not so Universal ubiquitous as they make it absolutely not now given archaeological remains don't really help us much because it's leather bracelets they were looking for well then being organic of course they would deteriorate the statues of emperors don't show anything paintings nothing statuary nothing monumental buildings nothing as I said mosaic gladiatorial combat so please please stop with this obsession the way now it's if you are representing people in the Classical period everybody has to have as some sort of wrist decoration it's like a mandatory law rule whatever you wanna call it feels like these characters would feel naked if they didn't wear one it freely drives me nuts it doesn't matter if they're military it doesn't matter if they're poor it doesn't matter if they're rich doesn't matter where they're from you don't leave your home without your wrist leather bands occasional metal and it happens in documentaries too and I'm starting to see it in reenactment societies as well we have become so saturated in our minds with this image that it's been imprinted in our brains then now if Romans or Greeks and one or Etruscans don't wear leather bracelets it feels like there is something wrong in that impression I think it's dangerous because it changes the way we perceive the past and again I'm not saying that it never happened I'm sure someone did have something like that but the way it's perceived now it's like EU you just you just thinking yeah every breathe it's giving us a wrong impression I really feel that if we could resurrect an ancient Roman and we showed him all this stuff it'd be like heck are they wearing I mean imagine if in a thousand years from now movie makers you know started to set their movies in in the early 2000s because you know it's something people like watching and every single human being whether it be someone from France or from England or from America or from Japan or India was represented wearing blue jeans everyone doesn't matter if you're in the military doesn't matter if you're rich you're poor everyone wears blue jeans there's no other kind of trousers allowed it's just what people wore and it's simply not true and this is basically what these movie companies are doing they are taking a piece of clothing which probably wasn't even as popular as blue jeans would be would be something in the lines of the occasional Muppet of War II and may it appear as if it was just something that was globalised into everybody's mind and then as you reach the Middle Ages they disappear now I've read a theory which I found rather interesting which could be that early movie makers you know in the 50s and in the 90s sort of had to do it because at the time differently from now when you wanted to know what the time was you didn't look at your phone of course but you would wear a watch and clearly when you remove your watch because you can't wear your watch or if you're representing an ancient Rome and you would still see the mark where your watch was because of you know tanning and sunlight and therefore they needed to cover that up and so they have the actors wear some sort of you know bracelets and I believe that they did that in the movie Ben hood or corvallis as well so that makes sense I understand but now they don't need that nobody wears a watch anymore or maybe some people but you know what I mean I haven't worn my watch since I was like frickin 14 I think now if you wear a movie maker of like I don't know - in 2020 490 and you want to represent the Romans what you do you just look at what other famous movie makers successful movie makers did and you just copy it it has become something that you either do it like this or you're going to be the exception to the rule and you're like you know these people they made a fortune out of it and people general public loves the Romans representing like that it just gives an idea it gives you the feeling of a complete costume if you will it looks good and pleasing to the modern general public eye and so now you can't represent the Romans if they if you don't do that and I don't like it I think it would be so much better to represent these people according to what we know according to actual evidence because it would be closer to what these people actually wore it's like this it's a similar situation that we have with you know people movie makers represented the Middle Ages that's being dark and gloomy and dirty and brown and everything was black and everything everyone was miserable whereas we know for a fact that was actually not like that you know medieval people they would wash themselves medieval people brush their teeth medieval people loved wearing bright colors like blues and yellows and red and Greensboro no in the movies it's just me they made a medieval period P everyone but it was miserable everything was black and brown and gray and there were no colors and everybody was see they wouldn't you know and it's just not true and it's become something that now the general population perceives to be true I was actually talking to a friend of mine the other day we were playing for honor red gang by the way and he was like thanks saying ah medieval period Oh must have been so bad you know everybody everything was brown and black and dirty and disgusting and people were murdering each other they have no respect for life I was like mate by the way his name is Johnny I was like Johnny have you ever actually looked at what made evil people more have you ever seen a museum picture representing medieval clothing because it's not it's simply not true we know what they wore and it's not like that not to mention some of you know the upper-class clothing was absolutely stunning stunning mate I like that word it's stunning and in terms of you know people gave no value to life because they were murdering each other well you know we bombed people up to fifty years ago and a bomb kills a lot more than sword and shield there what about Second World War how many people died so the point I'm trying to draw with this video is stop with the freaking obsession of the leather wristband pretty please thank you look really pleased anyhow thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you soon for my next video [Music] you
Channel: Metatron
Views: 137,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metatron, Armor, Combat, History, Military, Knights, Greeks, Spartans, Romans, Helmet, Beastplate, Sword, Spear, D&D, Role Playing Game, Defense, Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Middle Ages, Castle, Tower, Legend, Gods, long sword, war hammer, lance, battle, siege, short sword, shield, bow, crossbow, arrows, dart, helm, bronze age, iron age, spear, full plate armor, axe, greatsword, pickhammer, scimitar, warrior, barbarian, mounted, strategy, army, jousting, cavalier, armored pets, two-handed weapons, height, bracelets, leather
Id: rKSr816XA_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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