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apparently cow 388 has got some serious problems she's limping and the farmers worried about her we are a thousand cow dairy and this is the hoof gp so as i just said in the intro we are at a herd of a thousand cows and we just trimmed ten of them at one of the farm steadings or bases or units or whatever you want to call them and none of them had any real problems but the farmer did mention that at the second farm cow 388 was really struggling and he was a bit worried about her so let's get there and figure out what is wrong with cow 388. some people think the kvk is fruitery or difficult to get into position i can assure you it's really not watch [Music] you see it's as easy as that okay we're here and so are they jeffy's right let's see if we can see her okay three eight eight and remember these are the lamest of the lot every lame cow on the farm is in this pen out of a thousand and they're not all lame in fact i think there is only one that's lame possibly [Music] no no no no yes [Music] and what do you know she's the first guardian [Music] these cows have an advantage over many cows you see they live outside almost all of the year round and the pastures and tracks that they live on are fantastic but it's just not viable to do this everywhere andover creek i can't even comment you know i feel the need to say i enjoy filming i really really enjoy making videos and sharing what we do with the world and hopefully teaching people how to look after the cows better but first and foremost first and foremost when we're on farm trimming cows is the main thing for us the camera is completely secondary if it was in the way we'd throw it to the side and stop filming if it slowed us down we'd throw it to the side and stop filming so we try to limit what we do when we're on farm but still show you guys the best of what we do and the most interesting cases now i'll be honest folks i didn't think she was particularly lame when i saw her in the pen with the rest of her hair mates but the farmer was particularly concerned about cow 388 and just as i'm starting to think there's nothing wrong with these feet a problem may be starting to materialize the different coloring you can see in the feet is not a problem the white part is the outer wall horn and the dark bluishy brown blacky kind of colour is just pigmentation it's absolutely nothing to worry about and perfectly normal as you can see we can do the vast majority probably 99 of the work with the grinder but this is where the real money is made this is the difficult part and the part that really does make a difference [Music] it's got a bit of a problem in there that doesn't look like anything too major to be honest i think it's going to disappear [Music] and as if by magic it does we're just going to turn out this loose horn here we don't want to come too far down here but there was some loose cracking horn there and it's better to get rid of it while she's in the crush this voice doesn't put on for uh added effect by the way folks this really is my voice right now [Music] so if you look at this we almost never touch this fit at all we took a little part off here to balance it but nothing off the heel she had too much weight on that claw and that was causing her some discomfort but definitely nothing major if you go side by side right now like this look at the before and the after there's not a huge difference but to this cow it has brought more comfort right onto foot number two i didn't really detect any problems on foot number one and foot number two looks very similar so i'm desperate to find out if we can find something wrong with this food part of me actually wants to because that way i can tell the farmer i found the problem and i cured whatever was wrong another part of me wants the farmer to be completely wrong and we're just about to find out which one of those scenarios is correct this is where perception of lameness really comes into play this farmer was genuinely worried about cow 388 because she wasn't walking great it was the only guy he actually mentioned today because he was worried about her like i keep saying is perception of lameness and some farms this wouldn't be classed as a lame cow at all because their perception of lameness is different because they have lots of lame cows here because they're really well managed there are very very few lame cows it does help that they're outside but it also helps that we are here every two weeks to look after anything that goes wrong just like before here is a before and after side by side comparison i'm sure you'll agree there isn't a huge difference but just look how level those claws are now beautiful and now that our feet are back on the ground we can get a true comparison we saw that they were slightly unbalanced before so what do they look like now that they're on the ground yep still like cow's feet i know it has been a graphical video it's probably not been that interesting for a lot of you but scout 388 her week and month ahead have just become a lot more comfortable anyway we'll watch her ride off into the sunset as i say goodbye cheers for watching guys catch you on the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Hoof GP
Views: 860,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cfw60aR61cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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