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well here we are last day of wheat for 2023 it's a little early to get going here so while we're waiting for this Dew to burn off we're gonna go ahead and put some new plastic on uh this head here so we've got a piece missing right here and then down on this left side we might as well go ahead and put a new piece on there I've got time to kill so I might as well be doing something we've got some new pieces and then we'll get the old ones off and we'll show you how these rivets go in these are just a pound in style rivet I've got an option of either cutting the old rivets off and pounding them out with a punch or drilling them out I think I'm going to try grinding them off first and we'll go ahead and get some new plastic on there and we'll start in Cotton wheat in maybe an hour or so we've got 44 Acres left and we're hoping to finish it today so the one piece I don't have oh I might I might take that back I think I do have that one so yeah I think I do have that one so we'll go ahead and uh get on it yeah well we've got all of this plastic into place for the most part if we don't lose any pieces today this should be good enough to go ah for next year I've got this one on this end here is a little boogered up but I don't have that piece I've got a few of the others left and the only other oddball is uh this one here I've got two of these and I've got one more of these left so we'll go ahead and uh get fired up here while we are actually into the following day uh this one particular piece of wheat here there's a little bit of grass that had come up in it and we got into a about six o'clock here last night and then of course the Dew started to set in around 7 30 or so and it didn't just moked us up for today we're doing the last little bit this is the best side of the field here what I did was I got into the site that is in kind of behind the Drone here I started to do that first knowing that once the sun went or started to go down and this grass was going to start to get tough to run through the combine I thought I was gonna allow myself enough time to get it done however that did not happen so we don't have a grain buggy operator today I am running solo on doing this week uh Alex and Sarah they are running Terror discs on uh wheat ground that we did on the first day so we put manure down and then we are going to of course see everything down to Alfalfa this is the last little bit here that we have to do uh the rest of the crew they're balanced straw I've got maybe 45 minutes left here and we're gonna try to check in with Jared and Andrew they're raking and baling uh Davey Colton and Nate Sarge who else have we on the Bell uh operation here so we're trying to get some footage of that here in on this video as well today uh this is the first that I have flown my drone since we did since we planted corn I just haven't really taken any opportunity to get it out of the uh bag usually I have it in the chopper with me I have it in I had it in a combine about every day but it's just a pain in the butt usually to get it out get it up in the air get things coordinated so that I can send it up and show you guys what things look like now I get questions from time to time hey Andy what kind of a drone do you have well I have a couple of drones the first drone I bought was a mavic pro uh I have it uh is it called a patrol yeah and uh the one that I'm flying here right now is a mavic air tube and this damn thing is phenomenal it is the original Air 2 the mavic pros I have crashed a few of them and this little guy here this does really good for getting it out of the bag set it on top of the cab of whatever I'm running lift it off I could just start flying and just start recording and bang bang it is just on the mark it is going uh I'd like to get another drone uh just for the sake of being able to have a little more operating time uh sometimes it takes a few minutes to get set up sometimes it takes a little while to maybe get the shot that you're looking for the next thing you know you're out of battery the battery's on this one and on the mavic pro lasts about 20 minutes they say 27 minutes to ah 27 minutes to a half hour but I have only ever been able to get about uh 20 minutes not even really about 18. out of uh the Drone here I gotta find where I am at with a combine here because I wasn't paying attention to uh the screen so there we go I do have the ability to run the combine on auto steer however I do not uh have the uh Auto steering unit in the combine uh the combine was not Auto steer ready in other words the steering system doesn't have the automatic steer motor installed like the newer ones do our Chopper is that way uh the newer tractors are all auto steer ready so we do have uh I think it's called an ATU that we can put into this combine what we're currently using it in the 9320 so that them guys can use Auto steer to uh apply manure of a 9410 we're actually running Auto steer out of the armrest control unit and it is also uh Auto steer ready but uh outside of buying a automatic steering unit another a second one for this combine I just don't feel that it is necessary so when I'm flying the Drone and combining I have to actually run the controls on the Drone while I'm combining the chopper has Auto steer but when I am chopping hay for example unless the well I guess I could record a guidance track and then hope that the guys merging are following and staying straight exactly straight with the uh guys that caught the hay uh we could do it that way but um as far as running Auto steer on the chopper chopping hay I do not use Auto stair chopping corn maybe one to two percent of the time uh there is row finder where to follow the row or I could run off a specific guidance track and I do uh neither so as you can see we've only got a very little bit left uh in this field here a narrow strip uh the wheat has been phenomenal this year as far as eel and quality the straw really hasn't quite been there being that it has been as dry as it was in June uh this week just didn't have a chance to build a an ex real tall stock which if they had a tall stalk with the amount of cream that is in the heads of this wheat I feel that it would have fallen completely over so we're gonna get done cutting weight here I've got a little bit of a large gap there because I'm not really paying attention to what the combine's doing we'll see if we can get some shots of these guys balance straw and we will go and check on the girls where they are uh running the uh Terror discs so we are gonna go ahead and get this guy landed it's like maybe one time off and back and I'll be done what do you guys think yeah 40 feet or is it 50. thanks go it's probably going to be 50. swap there it is so we're gonna go ahead and uh get you guys landed and we'll we'll check in with you momentarily here and uh we'll see what the other side of the operation is up to today wow we are all done all done cutting weight we got rakes and balers on the way and what I'm going to do is I'm going to clean off all of the heavy material you know the little stalks of straw and dust and what have you I'm gonna blow that off of the head then once I put it on the header cart we can pull it up to the pressure washer oh I got my hand in there so we'll go ahead and get it blown off hit it with a pressure washer tuck this guy away we'll do the same thing with a grain buggy so we're going to start moving equipment out of here and we'll see if we can't coordinate some clips in here with some raking and some bailing of this straw I only had just a snippet of a video here a balanced straw here the other day just whatever usually we don't really worry about baling any straw we just combine all the wheat then start belly belly Bell a little bit of it and so we can get some manure going but it's been raining here so frequently that we've kind of had to clean up things as we go so let's go ahead and get this blown off get some equipment move back to the barn and we can slowly yeah it rides back over here to move the stuff back and forth we've got two trucks here combine grain buggy and the uh third on the header card so well let's start throwing some wind on this little guy just a little 20-footer all right yeah Purdue well we're leaving the field here because these guys haven't quite got here and there is the big man on the 40 20. so we're rolling down in through the village of Marcellus we're gonna start shuffling equipment at home and we're gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna ride back with the guys that are hauling Bales so I've got two silence trucks oh wait a minute they're grain trucks now because we're putting grain in them and that guy needs an electric bike deeper going there buddy the baby fell out of the baby carrier he doesn't know it yet we'll tell him in a little while so we're gonna get this guy home right back of the grain truck you know because we're grain farmers at the present moment and uh well no they're they would be considered bail trucks and I will get them trucks out of there that have grain on them try to get you some footage of the raking and baling operation but I might not be able to yeah they've only got 20 there's like 22 acres in that field so we're cruising on through the beautiful town of Marcellus and uh we'll be home and then we're gonna ride on over with Mike and slowly get this equipment moved home so yeah somebody was wow Stu was asking about what is this this guy here and I thought he was talking about the the little dongle going up to my GPS receiver well this car that I have right in the middle of the the veal here goes to my iPad that I'm running field deal on these uh he was wondering if I could lengthen that well the thing is it needs a certain amount of amperage in any uh lengthening card that I had to hook onto that one then then give the iPad the proper amount of amperage so what I would have to do is get I don't know if that's a eight millimeter or a nine millimeter a six millimeter card maybe I I do have to get a longer one to hook into the uh cigarette lighter there so we're gonna try to get this inside I don't want this to get wet it has gotten wet enough here and uh any of the wheat that you see spilled on the like the feeder House of the combine for example and that is not from the grain tank overflowing that is just from the auger spitting it back up on top of the feeder house that'll start growing we actually have some wheat growing down in that freaking crevice that's on uh a feeder house there so whoa get this guy home and uh we'll join up with you in a little while once we get back to the field and we can maybe get some footage of the uh guys raking and bowing so yeah well I do have to apologize to you guys we are pulling back into the field but we are a little bit of time passed well I do need to apologize to you guys we do not have or didn't we didn't have the ability to get any Balor footage it was a little bit of a lack of communication here between the failing crew and the truck and crew so on and so forth here I got back to the farm to put the combine away and every freaking Bale that they bail there today was still piled outside I said well I guess I am the candidate to do that the plan was is I was going to ride over with the first truck that came to this field start shuffling these trucks back and then I was gonna get some footage for you all I was just gonna I was gonna sneak it in I was just gonna ride along get a little bit of footage of the Baler rolling the rakes rolling roll out of the field come back Bing Bang Boom but uh the guys that were running driving truck they failed to mention anybody hey there ain't nobody here putting Bells away I passed Andrew down in town here he was maybe a mile and a half from the field I passed the first truck halfway between this field and the farm the Baler was seven miles or actually by 10 miles the other way we are about seven miles north of the farm where they were piling Bale or where they were bailing prior to this seven miles South to the farm 14 miles away probably a good 10 miles away from each other that first truck he was just gonna get here and he was just gonna wait maybe get on Facebook maybe sulk a little bit maybe piss and moan about geez you know it's Sunday night I shouldn't have to work so late yeah so we got him turned around we had him bring one of the trucks back and now we are picking up the last load so I got a hold of Nate I had all I got all the bells piled away just before ah the last truck or the first truck left the field that's Jared how many Bells they were how many bells that there was here and he says hey there's like 60. well we had two trucks uh um I don't know tailgate won't open we ah yeah that's real good gate locks I might have to have Nate help us with the tailgate they said there was 60 Bells 40 Bells already left and um yeah so we got this tailgate glued shot we're gonna have to have Nate pick it up with the uh Forks we've had duct tape do this before too we have the gate pressure turned down to the point where it won't break itself oh wait a minute there it goes there it goes never mind never mind okay all right so what we have is a sticky lover I don't like these hydraulic levers I like the open ones the ones that accept the hi boy uh relief valve so at any rate we'll get back to our story here I said well I've got all the straw put away I'll be over another Salvage truck the first two loads we won't have to pile away for tonight we can leave them loaded Nathan called he says hey I'm starting to fall asleep here can you get me an energy drink oh we went ahead and got him an energy drink it feels a little earlier that Bell wouldn't have broken Nathan oh well just push her in with the other ones you'll make it work all right so that water man in a minute wait a minute wait a minute he hesitated for a minute so I could get my camera off in there yeah this is some of the green stuff I told Jared just fail it all last crap in the barn will be the first crap out and we will get rid of it fast like so this truck holds 20 I don't know 27 or eight bales um we're gonna put that on the forks so yeah we are due to get we are due to get um an inch and a half of rain between yeah it's not working too good what we'll have to do is have him bring over the next Bale we'll just pick that up and uh put it on top of it so hey just bring over one bale and I'll just toss that crap right up on top of her so yeah we've got two four six eight I don't know is there 10 or 12 bells or you guys count them and two here yeah we've got more than enough room to get it on there so let's get this shaft picked up and uh yeah take the bottom one let the top one fall there you go bang bang foreign so if you've seen one Bell go in the back of a truck you've seen them all go in the back of the truck they are so we are gonna let him get loaded up and we're gonna roll on out of here so that is gonna do it for this video I didn't get only just a snippet of a video here of the baler and I don't know was it the last video I haven't edited that footage yet and uh yeah it's unfortunate but that's how we have to work things so we're gonna go ahead and pull on over there let him load that up and uh we'll go ahead and get on out of here they say that it could start raining at like midnight so it's good to have this cleaned up originally I was just going to leave this field let it get rained on let the uh we had a lot of grass growing on this side of the field here this field has never done that well anyways and I was just gonna let it bake itself out let the greenness get out of it and uh ballot after it dried itself out but we had to pull the Tedder over here rakes you know do all this horse in the crap uh I thought too you know maybe we'll just bail this long part but then we're leaving equipment out longer than it needs to be and let's just get this freaking job done so we're gonna let Nate get these loaded up I've rambled on long enough and that is gonna do it folks for this video thanks for watching and we'll catch you at the next one oh he's gonna want to dump them or decide I guess I don't know got one that's too long won't fit the width of the box oh well would have been one at a time Nathan one at a time there you go there you go trying to get him done early but it ain't working it is ten after eight so take it easy folks thanks for watching and we'll catch you at the next one all right we're rolling on out of here Andrew left the rakes here he took the green buggy home one of the girls grabbed the automatic truck that was sitting there when we pulled in uh you guys seen it and hey grab the uh the Third and the grain head so that is heading on out of here uh uh yeah just to add a little bit more to the video so I again I do apologize for not getting any balance footage for 2023 so yeah now this is it all right take it easy well we'll see ya
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 22,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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