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you can try uh yeah ya know so in this week's video we were going to do a soft drink comparison video using these soft drinks here and my good friend now ski was going to try them drink them and see which one was best but it turns out he's drunk more already because he can buy them in Japan and I wasn't really thinking that through so we didn't want to waste them all though so we've come up with a rather unpleasant drinking game in the last 10 minutes we just bought these drinks here we've got Campari California white wine Suntory whiskey and smirnoff vodka now I'm going to make a cocktail using two of these drinks one of these alcoholic drinks here I'm going to pour them into a glass Nancy's going to drink it and try and guess what the three ingredients of he's convinced he can guess what's in the drink I don't think he can but hopefully he can't because if he's successful in guessing all three ingredients then I've got to have a shot of one of these drinks here and he gets to choose which drink it is on the other hand if you can't guess all three ingredients then he has to shot one of these drinks and I get to choose which one it is hopefully he's not very good at guessing what's in a cocktail otherwise I'm rather screwed but let's find out let's gonna find out and remember drink responsibly apparently drinking battery or something she sells seashells by the seashore see Chelsea sambaiah she'll be getting married getting man do you think you can guess what's in the quarter hmm easy oh really mission career nasty oh nice Cara okay mmm your first drink let's see if you can guess the three ingredients bit down bare feet most of Campari welcome most compound origins the first engraving pant very good that's one ingredient and another taste no no catch cold up right now and bet boof yeah one more chance Ong now who fished difficult a short time Muslim mother Margie there oh come on boys stomach but next okay okay now ski drink number two hmm oops nope first ingredient salty stop ah vinegar ready go meaning it faith eager Wayne mine Oh boy plus one sprite like Red Bull Oh No this time you can have a shot of California white wine yay good good really at you know Oh in the UK University students drink this it's very cheap one to part on to drink number three you ready this games really floor does not drink number three oh good good color hmm Ong and monster monster Orangina maybe made whiskey poor [ __ ] rocky you can only choose one whiskey or vodka you can choose where Zulu whiskey and vodka yeah which one whiskey and vodka I'm Christy oh did it did it whiskey Oh easy Oh [ __ ] you can only choose one of the cocktail what's that free that's that's horrible the price for sleigh Leah Oh crikey that's horrible that's not fair justice justice does it harm do see Robert solid on that ski three more drinks the a great number four okay trick number four I'm Julia Oh what is Campari Campari no yeah good skits comforting and Elaine junior no net let no mmm come now Oh golly you said you could guess all the all the ingredients nOCA I do up come here v go whoa oh no oh no can't bury end there surprise hey hey oh oh oh the critical slides during number five here so you've lost three one one so far let's see how you do this one true bag Ted but just man Malibu hunted you answered jeez what a being greenest well done and orangey no no Walker what okay ni night died now no boo can L but [ __ ] one Oh whiskey good good good one Pepsi no whistling oh now it's time for a special drink revenge [Music] the taste of failure mmm nice now yeah [ __ ] smell you can try no no not angry - one girl Rick oh oh too heavy oh that means it's time for the six drink yeah six of last night bye well sorry Freddie yeah like know what good no no no bro he was so arrogant earlier I miss a coffee sprite yeah and the Fanta and the last one guess one guess yes please make me a nice shot thank you half on yeah yeah I love one good good thank you thank you Audie eat Ellie Oh finish thank you oh come on I'm indifferent that's not sure that's it last long thank you Moscow um oh come on Sammy Sammy to stash for country just the smell is it yeah kill some other finger graceful challenge time look Charlie this is this is what I said you've drunk in this massively floor so cheap it's all I care oh come on good man Lucas well I think though bye-bye good night [Music] maybe [ __ ] that's good [ __ ] oh oh you win the prize - you have very poor because a 20-bit cup cat Sam cat as one more one more gift one more present yeah good good the best of your cycles [ __ ] passes searches good blood yes just drinking scare what's back by streaky Davis very bad [Music] yeah this drinking game was awful don't play nothing good has come from it nothing
Channel: Chris Abroad
Views: 447,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fun, japan, japanese
Id: uNrWzpY1wNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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