Worship night with Dustin Smith & Corey Voss

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what a great opportunity just to be together in the worship and as I've been praying about you guys today and thinking about you you know I know people are gonna watch this later on and we're gonna pray for some people there's there's been how many just say over a hundred people have turned in prayer requests online and you know that's just that's just a small percentage of people who really need a touch from God and there's gonna be a lot of people who watch this later and you just kind of remember like you know I want you to experience God first we're always talking about trying to minister to other people but really I want you to experience God tonight and I want you you know some of you are dealing with things in your own life that I want God to just come down and just be able to pull pull that weight off and be able to maybe renew some joy and some hope and some healing but as as I've ministered and we've minister around the world one of the things I know is that a lot of people ask God to come down and come into their situation but scripture says from your bellies will flow rivers of living water so is it sometimes that God's not coming down or maybe you're just not letting him out so tonight is your chance to let him out because the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you and so the enemy's kind of duped us to think that silence equals reverence but the truth is tonight you have the power in your own voice maybe to even chase off some of those things that are attacking you so I know some of you are weary it's been a long day for some of you and for us it's been simple we just came in here just played all day so but I want you to feel a new strength and the Bible says those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength the mount up with wings like eagles they'll run a knock you weary and walk and not faint so tonight let's just place our hope and our trust sir can we do that are you ready are you sure some of you guys need to be like shaking or something it's like so grab your neighbor just shake them a little bit you know it doesn't matter if grab somebody else's husband or wife and shake them you don't have to do you have to do your own just shake them and it'll wake somebody up I promise all right here we go [Music] he's knockin fine he confounds he will not resign [Music] he is not restrain the son so funny incoming you gotta move some mountains the earth is shaking the levy waking to the gutter moves the mountains Gary moves the mountains [Music] he's not surprised [Music] cannot be stopped Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] the weary [Music] [Music] you say Smee and we say move and you say watch what you can do and you say trust and then you prove you're the God moves the mountains the God it moves the mountains me you say watch what you can and the god the road the the way way gotta move the road [Music] [Music] gotta lose the Oh with me we speak to every man in our way [Music] every mountains got about every mountains got about every mountains got about at the name of Jesus every mountains got about every mountains got about down every mountains got about at the name of cheese singing out every mountain every mountains got about him every mountains got a bow every mountains got about at the name of Jesus singer every mountains got about every mountains got about Mountains gotta [Music] everybody's got a bow down every man every bounce [Music] every mountains gotta [Music] every mountains got a died every mountains got a bow every mountains got a [Music] about got about [Music] speak to every mountain in our way we say you must we speak to every mountain tonight we speak joy where there is sorrow we speak hope where there is lost tonight [Music] your tears with dry your heart women your scars will heal and you will dance again sing out again your tears will dry your heart with your scars will heal and you will dance again praise tell your neighbors all about let the whole earth sing and shout our God is babe for his love [Music] [Applause] for his amazing [Music] people [Music] heeey [Music] [Music] here's we'll try your heart I'm in your scarcely healed and you will dance again and of his kingdom there will be no end for Christ our King is coming back come in it's coming [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] come on let's lift up a shout [Music] [Music] is awakening the merchants are chillin the oceans hold there this holy [Music] it's less like a river streams upper master [Music] god and holy saints and sinners reserved for the king is king for the king [Music] the darkness is breaking now Jenna see the stars you churches rise with fighting - can't be and holy years the states [Applause] but the key is king we found for the kiss the king [Music] in the holy holy is that firstly David's physics cars Vermeer's murder to the throne eternal praise too Oh the sky [Music] let the earth resound for the king is the king is for the king is using that [Applause] the king we fell for the king [Music] oh he's here with us for the king is King [Music] [Music] let's see there's a reason why the cursor since broke again there's a reason why the darkness runs from light there's a reason why we stand here now forgiven jesus is alive [Music] there's a reason why we are not over tea reason why we sing on and why [Music] praise the king he [Music] praise the king he is alive praise the king cuz this ah [Music] Oh [Music] there's a reason why a heart and why the dead la this resurrection Jesus [Music] raise the [Music] praise the king he's alive raise the this [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] we sing Oh [Music] oh the crate could not a no no babies right hell where is your teacher death where is your sleep the world cannot ignore when all the saints are re hello where is your lid then where is your sting good night nerd with hard for me the world cannot ignore with all the saints are or is your where is your sleep where is the king he [Music] he's alive this TV Oh [Music] [Music] let's see that more time praise the king he is we praise the king he's alive praise the king Oh [Music] [Music] we're gonna sing this next song and I just wanna pray over us a song called canyons and it just talks about just being filled with God's love I think a lot of times in life we find those moments where our hearts feel empty whether because we've been busy or just have things going on in our lives but I just want to ask the Lord just to fill our hearts tonight just a refreshing of his presence a fresh outpouring in our hearts so Lord tonight I ask in this moment Jesus that as we enter in because we've been singing your praises as we've been worshiping you Lord I pray in this moment that you would break in just continue to minister that the rest of this evening Lord I pray that your presence would rush in fresh tonight Lord in our hearts God I prayed that you a livery any cactus and I learn anybody that's struggling I pray I just buy freedom in the house right now over there and I pray that your love will just fill the canyons and our souls Lord and even if we're full I prayed that you would just fill us even more to overflowing tonight in this place I just I speak freedom and release over this place and there over these people in the name of Jesus take me higher than the Angels five where there's freedom and the open sky and bow will never cease or die [Music] take me wide babies and West justice appear and my heart is open free [Music] because there is no limit to you in this just when I doubt it there's so much wrong the burette she waterfall it overflows its feeling cannons in my soul take me deep the [Music] I don't want this this I am thirsty down here I'm sure see me deeper [Laughter] [Music] let's love just when I doubt it there's so much more the rushing water falling it's in my there is just when I doubt it there's so much more Loretta fatherfather [Music] get away you take me take all of me when you take me back take me take all of me I will not hold again take me take all of me there is no limit to your endless love just when I'm down it there is so much more the Red Sea water father birth lose it's fairly canyons in there is no limit [Music] just when I doubted there is so much more rushing water father fellows it's merely [Music] these can your just where there's freedom the old sky [Music] me don't take me high your tickets higher to the next level take it high Oh high above it all we can see you clearly take us higher you love boy every circumstance about you if you take a side load and we see it all from your point of view give us your perspective there is no limit to you in this love just when I doubt it there is so much more the rushing waterfall it overflows its merely canyons in my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] you are not flesh it on you not me you are everything brave and bold you're fighting for us you are not distant a cold your heart's not angry blows even in ways we don't know you're fighting for hours you won't hold back way to come see your children you fiercely defend us do we stand 11 you're fighting for us [Music] always fighting for us and you don't back down facing armies of thousands you speak one word and they scattered around us you're fighting for always fighting for us fighting [Music] you've never closed your eyes you've never been surprised whatever war may rise you're fighting for us come on do you believe it tonight and humor with only range in all your miraculous ways and we simply stand here amazed you're fighting for you won't hold back when it comes to your children you fiercely defend us do we stand there you're fighting for always fighting for you don't facing armies of thousands you speak one word and they scatter around us you're fighting for always fighting for [Music] [Applause] you're always Fievel your words never [Music] the conquering father [Music] the conquering you won't hold back when it comes to your children you fiercely demand us too we stand you're fighting always fighting for you don't facing armies and Isis do you speak one word and a scatter around us your body [Music] always fighting for you're still flying [Music] [Music] and you all hold back when it comes to your children you fiercely defend us do we stand the live your fighting for us always fighting for [Music] and you don't back down facing armies of thousands you speak one word and they scattered around you're fighting for ass always fighting for ups you fighting can you just for a second just lift up your voices and thank him that he fights for us just lift up your own song I know we can throw more songs on the screen and we can sing another song but what comes from your heart right now the Bible says the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks so come on just tell him thank you thank you for the way you fight for us you're always faithful you're always faithful thank you for the way you fight for us you're always faithful you're always faithful time and time again you've proven you're always me come on let your voice sing a song of praise and thanksgiving even in the middle of the storm we still praise even in the middle of the battle we still lift our voices we won't be silent we can't be silent because we've seen because we know [Music] you can always see he is man [Music] his love is better we declare it tonight is the ronique Larry right now [Music] is there yeah is better than his [Applause] is bad he's bad [Applause] just the voices singing out his love see you now hissa this man see you now here sir is there come on get it deep inside you now here's the this bed his look here sir is better his love is bad he is better than he is now I believe that tonight I've had many chances to to really get to sing about his goodness over the years as funny wisdom sent me some questions to answer on some video and one of the questions is how do you how do you keep up the passion of the energy for God you know and I sat there for a second I thought me and how how could I ever lose it it's funny because I know sometimes you can get tired you can get worn down but the enemy is really good you know Corinthians says this says for the weapons we fight with and out of this world but they're powerful to demolish every stronghold argument and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God it's interesting because we always talk about the weapons that we have and stuff like that but I don't know if we know our purpose with them sometimes we're like kids with swords you know we're just like swinging a sword randomly around you know and you usually just hurt people when you do that you know like just a random sword but the truth is the sword is on purpose and words are on purpose and the purpose is to tear down walls and so you got to know that the Bible says to tear our walls that the enemy is setting up to keep you from the knowledge of God the understanding of God and so throughout the years I've realized that the enemy wants to use confusion and doubt he wants to use sickness he wants to use every weapon he can to build up walls and he wants to build up walls to keep you from understanding the authority you have to keep you from understanding the power of God for your own life but for the life of those around us and it's interesting as you stand in a room like this I know the authority that's actually in this room and I know the authority that's in this room through you and I said it when we started you know the enemy is really good at bringing in our personalities or bringing in our own desires and our own wants or you know we got to be cool you know so like I don't want to sing out because I don't want to I don't want to not be cool the lucky thing for me is I've never been cool so it's amazing you know what happens when you're not cool I said like if it takes skinny jeans to be cool every pair of jeans I've had since I was 10 have been tight on me so I've been cool since I was like 10 years old you know like I can hardly breathe right now they're so tight so I don't look tight but they are but this honestly we've fought for cool so long that we forgot we're supposed to fight for authority we forgot where folks supposed to to fight for people and so when we started to put this out there to do this we our worship went ahead and put out a thing and said if you need prayer tonight then we want to pray for you and hundreds of people have already responded and so we have those cards I know some people has everybody have a card we have cards all around so make sure you get your card if we haven't we have anymore [Music] I'll take one so so in these moments you have to remember that these aren't cards these are people and it's interesting cuz I've gone to church my whole life and remember stepping into church and it's always really been about me getting something when I go but I found I got my most healing when I actually came to bring something instead of just received something because you were never meant to just be a cup to be filled you were actually meant to be like a you know you're actually to hook up to look your the water hose you're supposed to hook up to like a water one of those things you want to say socket it's not a water socket what a dumb word you know faucet hey that's a pretty good word right there but you're actually hooking up to you know you're just you're just like a fire hose but you're the fire hose without hooking up to the faucet we got nothing so it's powerful because in this room what we've been trying to do is just connect ourselves to the faucet but now a fire hoses purpose isn't just to be filled with the water so it can get cooled down it's actually to put out fires right so tonight we're gonna sing a song it was actually birth for that purpose song called miracles and I just want to tell you a couple real quick we were we were leading at a youth camp and we had gotten done at the youth camp is the last night we're just worshiping and the kids are just going for it all of a sudden I see huge like a pocket of people just start jumping up and down and like worshiping like screaming in the middle of worship and then over here there's like a pocket over here happening and there's like pockets jumping up and down and so worship gets done and these girls come running up and they're like people were healed during worship they just started getting heal there's one girl who actually had to go to the hospital she used an athlete she sprained her ankles so bad they told her don't put any weight on her you may not be able to do sports ever again you got to be you got to watch how it's happening with this another guy I pulled his hamstring so bad he couldn't even walk and just in the middle of worship the presence of God was so powerful in that room that people just started getting healed that girl actually starts jumping up and down and like running back and forth in this kids like jumping up I was like does anybody else healed and there's this little girl raised her hand and I was like wow what happened to you and she's like I've been half deaf my entire life and tonight I can completely hear out of the ear I've been completely deafened and those are like instant things that are just happening we're not praying for is just the presence of God becomes so strong that it starts to outweigh it starts to press down every enemy and I've watched even depression I've watched depression bow off of people people say how do you know about I said because it always starts in the eyes I can always see the change in the eyes first and as it boughs then you can see their mouth start to start to either sing or start to smile and then you can see their arms start to lift and you just watch that that enemy that's held them bound for so many years start to bow off of them and some of you have been waiting for things and you've asked God for things and you stopped asking God for things but I think it's important I heard Bill Johnson say one time you know that there are times God fights for us like we just sang about in that song because he wants us to know we have inheritance there's other times he wants us to fight because he wants us to know we have authority and some of you have waited for God to step on the scene and you haven't spoken it over your own life and tonight is your chance to speak it one more testimony so this is my son drew that's here in the camo hat drew had when he was 1 years old I gave him a bite of cookie dough because cookie dough is I thought it was from heaven at the time and I still believe that but it wasn't for him it actually threw him into the hospital for a week he stopped breathing and we found out he was allergic to egg he's allergic to peanut he was allergic to milk like he's allergic to all this stuff when he's 1 years old and it put him in the hospital for a week his breathing was so low they were having a hard time getting it back up and so we've been every single night he's 12 years old now and every single night I'd lay hands on him I'd say you're gonna be healed you're healed in Jesus name and so you're not gonna deal with this your whole life so you're not gonna deal with these allergies well we went into the doctor he's seven eight nine and they said well usually if it's not gone by seven he's gonna have it the rest of his life and just a couple months ago he took a bite of bread at a restaurant that we didn't check on we always checked we didn't check and his tongue started getting tingly and Gnome and that's what starts to happen so you got to get him benadryl and stuff real quick so he was at the same youth camp that we were at and it was about the third day of the camp as before all those healings happened and stuff and he walks up to me and just tears running down his face he says God just healed me of my egg allergy I was like sweet you know I was like how do you know and he's like God just told me I was healed I was like David I pray for you he's like hope and I was like what's that goes against everything we believe so it couldn't have happen you know I'm just kidding so and so so we didn't have any food that night to test it you know we're a youth camp and so you don't eat their food or you'll die and so it's been about a month and he was at my mom's house and my mom knows the story and my mom's a nurse well he ate some chicken and my mom's like I think there's a gannett chicken and she looked it up and there's four eggs per batch and so she's like I'm not gonna tell him for a couple days I'm gonna see how he reacts you know so two days later she looks at him and she's like hey how much of that chicken did you eat the other night he's like how many pieces was it three pieces or something two pieces he's like two he's like why was there egg in it she's like yeah there was a lot of IgG in it he's like can I have a Krispy Kreme donut he's never had Donuts like what a poor kid you know what I'm saying so she got a Krispy Kreme donut and she cut it in quarters in the kid ate three Krispy Kreme Doughnuts not just three quarters he ate three Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and then two nights ago he had his first taste of red velvet cake then he ate a chocolate chip cookie and now I was like okay now we don't have to pray against diabetes so I need you to slow down how do you know like this is like but I tell you that because he was 1 1 years old when he was diagnosed and I've laid hands on every night but I never stopped believing he was gonna be healed and he didn't either yeah we had to adjust there to make adjustments but then right then the power of God comes down nobody's even praying in form it's just in the presence of the Almighty God and that enemy just boughs its knee and I want you to know tonight that enemy's gonna bow its knee I believe it for you not just for these cards because healing isn't supposed to just come through you it comes to you so it can come through you so we're gonna sing a song and I'm gonna ask you to look at these peoples names and I'm gonna ask you to believe for them tonight and if you're needing healing the Bible says says pray for others that you yourself may be healed so this is really we're gonna end tonight we're gonna end tonight just praying over these and I'm gonna give us just maybe two or three minutes because there are people who are probably gonna watch this video later on and they're gonna see this moment and I don't want us just to jump into a song I want him to hear some of your prayers I want him to know you're really praying for these these actually really got prayed over we didn't just say send them out and we're not gonna do anything with them but we're actually praying over these tonight so we're gonna take a couple minutes just to maybe sing over them or Cory you get to sing over some of them and we're just gonna sing over and pray over them then we're gonna sing a song miracles and just believe that God is going to do this we're gonna see testimonies come out of this tonight all right so Jesus we have these prayer requests in our hands and we're just gonna call them out my name just say the person's name just just proclaim healing over their bodies by His stripes they are healed right now in Jesus name we speak life and we speak provision we speak recovery from surgery like this needs right now for someone's wife we speak healing to her right now in Jesus name a quickening in her body right now in Jesus name come on let's just lift up our voices come on hear these prayers [Music] it will be sing will be in the name of love in the name of love [Music] here oh yeah [Music] let go let go [Music] thank you he loved way to climb it right now [Music] [Music] guy [Music] [Music] Mighty River floor [Music] you know what if you need Athenian healing won't you raise your hand right now No nobody everybody's good anybody need heal everybody's good like that nobody needs healing anybody have family members uh need healing all right why don't you put your hand on the person that has her hand up just set your hand on their shoulder just just declare how I'm healing right now we declare healing for our family we declare healing for families we stand in the gap tonight we stand in the gap tonight [Music] my there's a mighty [Music] the one who made the Bligh's smoothly in front of me moving from me [Music] the one who made the Defty beside the sea every field size I believe in you I believe in you you're the god of miracles come on declare it I believe in you I believe in you you're the god of miracle [Music] one who does impossible is reaching out to make me whole reaching out to make me whole you put in its place his life is slowing through my [Music] the other got a miracle I believe in you I believe because come on declare it again you're the God of miracles and you I you're the God we believe you only see one there is no one like you no sickness can stand in your presence you're the one who was and is and is to come [Music] God was is to come [Music] the power of the risen [Music] the God raised the dead to life you're the god of miracles you're the god of miracles [Music] [Music] you're the god you're the god of miracles I believe I believe I I believe in you I believe in you sing it out I believe in you you're the god of miracles I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you you're the god of me [Music] [Music] we said I'm strong goes we tear down strongholds hit the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we tear down strongholds we tear down strongholds at the name of Jesus and the name of Jesus we did Armstrong halls we did I'm strong horse at the name of Jesus at the name of Jesus we tear down strong walls we did our strong at the name of Jesus we turn and shadows we dance trembles at the name of Jesus Jesus we [Music] the name of Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chose we say a shout out in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we turn we turn have strong lovers in the name of Jesus Oh [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] we just sing it over churches and our city every strong [Applause] sweet n lows we tell us at the name of Jesus the name of Jesus as we turn our strong nose please sit up strong those name of Jesus [Music] [Music] when tonight as we as we go from this place god lord I pray that as we give Lord that we'd be on assignment Lord to keep interceding to keep praying to keep believing for the breakthrough Lord I ask as we take these prayer requests God as we as we lay our heads on our pillow tonight Lord I ask that your word would just come to our minds and our hearts Lord and that we would lift up and intercede for those who are hurting and a broken right now Lord those who are desperately in need of healing physically mentally emotionally where we declare the kingdom of God right here on the earth where we declare your will be done and that you would Pierce and pull back every layer of darkness until your perfect light shines through in every circumstance Lord I ask God for faith to arise Lord in every heart and every mind god I just I thank you that in your name every curse is broken the curse of sin is broken lord I thank you that in your name by your blood we enter in and we have covenant with you God thank you for that Lord and so god I just asked tonight that the the melodies and the lyrics and the things we've been singing tonight that they would just continue to swirl and resonate in our hearts that we would just go out worshipping you Lord and that we would just see miracles Lord I believe we're gonna see we're walking into a season we're gonna see the miraculous Lord we're gonna see more of it than we've ever seen before so increase our faith in this nation in this time Lord can we just pray for our country and for our nation just for a moment just begin to lift up our leaders and just let's ask God for a movement of his spirit in our in our in America I know he's doing something I can feel it so Lord we just lift up our nation right now the United States of America we ask God that you would start with us start with your church Lord pray that you have purify us Lloyd from head to toe god I pray that you would wake up your saints Lord and begin to stir their hearts God for passion for you for your word and for your kingdom Lord God I pray that we would see one of the most mighty moves of salvation and healing that we've ever seen Lord we know you're coming soon Jesus we know that Lord that you could come at any time the Lord end this in this time that you've given us god I pray that you would teach us to stand in the gap Lord teach us to stand firmly on your truth Lord in faith Lord I ask for our leaders for our president and all of that Lord I just ask that you would cover them with your spirit Lord and lead and guide and direct us Lord and God I just I lift up our our nation and the nations of the earth to you right now Lord we just ask for salvation where we asked for healing and your kingdom your government Lord to be established Lord in our hearts first and just move from there go we thank you Lord for what you're doing and we just step out of this place in faith and in confidence and boldness knowing you're gonna do mighty things in the days to come and right right now so we just we just speak all this in your name Lord and we just want to follow you Holy Spirit wherever you lead us we want to follow you and we love you and your name
Channel: WeAreWorship
Views: 17,106
Rating: 4.9544158 out of 5
Keywords: Christian Music, Religious, Inspirational, Church, Praise, Worship, Integrity, WeAreWorship, worship night, worship team, worship leading, music, live music, writer in the round, worship music, jesus, jesus music
Id: CmR9Dw84_-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 15sec (4095 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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