Worship Night | June Edition

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[Music] good evening and welcome to worship tonight this is International Christian Center Nairobi and we are so happy that you could plug in and join us today we are honored to have your presence readers today you know our objective for worship that is to have an awesome time of worship together but beyond that as well is to have a time that we as I just car ministered to you so during the time that we have together today if you'll have a prayer item a prayer request please our pastors are willing and ready to minister to you so drop us a comment on the comments section or you can send us a text using the numbers on the screen we are ready to pray and have an awesome time with you as well secondly if you want to give during the live broadcast and you want to worship the Lord through your giving you can also do so by the numbers on the screen so before we enter into a space of having a ball and a band or sometime in the presence of the Lord I want to know how has your week been today this past week so using an emoji please drop us an emoji describing how your week has been and we'll have an awesome time thus spending and interacting together today you know the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 3:17 and the Lord is sweet and where the presence of the Lord is there is Liberty there is freedom so get get some space get some space around you as we have an awesome time in the presence of the Lord father we just bless you we thank you for this opportunity to worship together my father yahwah tells us where two or three are gathered there in the mist you are my father and we know you're in us and realize right now my father and as we worship together my lord but you give us joy in your presence but we experience freedom we experience your love we honor you we bless you in Jesus name Amen and amen [Music] I could never ever have enough Jesus you are more than enough [Music] waiting on you I'm waiting on you today [Music] what we [Music] Oh what [Music] we let let me miss it or you're sick but now it was idea Tasha [Music] yeah now come on [Music] we were you [Music] blow like the just warrants I know we know blah I go far yeah [Music] my career [Music] like the rain too small the Weasley way [Music] Wow Wow we [Music] you are too yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cool move amigo 90 or take I don't [Music] Kokila Behati Baba dunya equitable way [Music] Lucas at my nanny a ping gun there's no way [Music] [Music] [Music] tinium hours I could so totally bad too messy my my belief or sour [Music] blah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can your mate [Music] I mean cool idea tonight go away what's it feel [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Coolio anytime I wish I could knock it up [Music] [Music] takuan Nemea wanna see my now to go to Mecca I got to cool it away to make good to go pee pee paw [Music] [Music] I go in wanna see any purple I knew to bona fide okay yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hey Baba pour kerosene fubuki asifa's a to taku taku celeborn a MooMoo persimmony a santoku pendo aku as - santoku America queer - born otaku Kurtis Emma Cuellar India Baba hakuna come away howling Ganesha Bana - a niche we were to cook up on a munguia - Taku Sifu Johnny Alejo first - santoku Pandorica queer - Lord we bless your name Lord we honor you know to lift you up come on just say Amen on the comments section and bless His name for he is faithful he is good he's a covenant-keeping god I've got who keeps his promises you know the word tells us in the book of Psalm 105 Bible says all give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people sing to him sing praises to him tell of his wondrous works glory in his name let the heart read let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice seek the Lord and his strength seek his presence continually remember the wondrous works that he has done the his miracles and the judgments that he uttered or offspring of Abraham his servant all children of Jacob his chosen ones he is the Lord our God his judgments are or are all in the earth he remembers his covenant forever the word that he could accommodate for a thousand generations that our God is a covenant keeping God the samisen structures sing praises to the name of our God remember of his wondrous works I don't know if you're watching and you can't remember I just grasp a time that the Lord has been faithful to you remember that day the day he healed you the day he gave you that job they day he gave you that spouse the day he granted you that offer that prayer request because he's a covenant-keeping god and as I know as the years progressed and in those things have not turned out the way that you had planned but remember his word the one that they gave you in the onset of 2020 that were that he told you that they shall be a year of exponential growth at this year will be or favor upon you he is a covenant-keeping god who as the word tells us keeps his covenant to generations and generations so today I want us to invite us into a space of Prayer just singing praises and thanking this faithful God we have who he is a covenant keeping God Alice how he tells us remember his wondrous works remember his miracles had it done a miracle to you has he been faithful to you has he answered a prayer for you that is reason enough my brother my sister to give praise to his name so aunt into a space in your own home now just thanking this faithful God thanking this glorious God thanking this wonderful father who is wonderful in every way who is faithful in every way Lord Jesus I come before you today not as I just love you just say thank you to your presence o God you've kept your covenants my father with us my lord your wondrous works my father has been with us my father you have been continually faithful with us oh god not your word tells us you're a friend who sticks closer than a brother that you'll never leave us nor forsake us that you are present in our time of need my god and today we just want to sing praises to your name because there is none like you Oh God there is none in the heavens over on the earth and under the earth that is out like our God who is faithful who is slow to anger abounding in love in every single way who answers and hears our prayers my god do tell Lord we lift our voices in praise to you my father just declaring of your goodness my king the carrier of your glory my father declaring of your presence my father became the Lord indeed there is none like you come and just lift your voice wherever you're watching us from let's praise His name father we bless you Oh God what are we in lauritas in awe of your presence my father as a song sang nanny come away now Queen WaMu we're too late you yell airbornimal boo-ki some money as santa barbra they said to kopi lowak oak where to Nina said the corner may come when we need more go ahead where Mohawk whom Aquinas even goober - don't go Sifu bernalillo thank you Father for your comfort my father thank you for your strength upon our lies my father thank you for your miracles but I thank you that Lord indeed we have you as our God my father as I was Saviour father as our king my God we lift you up to date Clary of your goodness my father became the Lord indeed there is none like you my father in the heavens my god under the ask my father holding an issue - an issue in a year your tip on a munguia - you are worthy of all praise Jesus you are worthy of all honor my god your adoration come on just lift your voices wherever you are break into a song praise His name for his worthy of your praise father we lift you up Oh God let me declare your goodness today we declare your faithfulness to day my father we declare that indeed you keep your covenants my father and your answer is yes and amen let me lift you up until don't we remember your vow that you gave us my father in the onset of the aeronaut indeed you are with us my father and you never leave us oh god I do not depart from us let me stand on your word my father because your word is true no one is far my father your what as your Bible tells us my father once you speak out your world my father it has to accomplish that which you've purpose way to do my father for we stand on your word today O Lord Lord we bless your name Jesus we declare your faithfulness Jesus commands as if to voices again bless His name bless His name he is worthy father we endure God Lord we bless you Oh God nanny come away reborn how Lincoln is reborn how fun an is reborn up don't go - coos allez au bonheur santanico in morocco thank you Lord for your presence O Father Lord we lift you up Oh father we stand in your word okay we stand on your word and so what tell us where your presence is the easily but you father but we speaks freedom in this atmosphere Oh father the Lord indeed miracles will be I read thus to be my father that not in signs and wonders will follow us to do God will experience rest in your presence will experience your freedom in your presence my father we lift you up my father because there is none like You there is none like you you are worthy of praise Jesus you are worthy of honor Jesus you're worthy of adoration we enthroned my god we magnify Jesus we lifted on high we bless you bless you come on just lift your voices again we bless you Jesus we are you Jesus thank you Father who bless you Jesus hallelujah Jesus is who you is [Music] [Music] how fun another nice Nike - I can't we Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me too [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I'm not fine [Music] damn [Music] why [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] see with his see with his you are eating by how fun and easy Nikita [Music] Nikita mom when you evil boom when here we both unite to my god [Music] now kids ooh brother me too [Music] Nucky too cocky cocky I got a flu [Music] new true [Music] the key to but an instrument [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a double always you go find one a double how easy [Music] how come [Music] yes sir [Music] how'd she know your tell us when you see fee where you sue [Music] see the away is sue who manually were how can I come away where soup you see the away yes Oh [Music] leyasu who me [Music] Elin [Music] sit Sealand [Music] [Music] yes sir [Music] anyway that's why we're here today Lord sit hakuna come over [Music] [Music] well anyway [Music] the key [Music] well and and cool Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] talk to Susan tako sibling we've come to worship your Lord the interim [Music] and thrown in this place no being thrown in this place come on it's your voice and watching me nips your song if you saw you - I'm not gonna I know Kalinda now coach Charlie I cannot [Music] [Music] Oh Lord we enthrone you without praise no worship there's no other god like you Jesus father you're welcome here we sing to you and declare but you are to hold it's your knee jehovah raise your name jehovah [Music] by your name [Music] - very great in that very your name - Homer - over [Music] check home [Music] where is your name [Music] you're much less powerful name [Music] Oh [Music] my to Orion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] mighty warrior the king of kings and the Lord of lords hakuna winging calmly [Music] you were you were me with me when the way [Music] we were we were [Music] let me weigh anywhere with you anyway Oh [Music] me where you were [Music] you everywhere everywhere [Music] why did you [Music] Sooni well [Music] anywhere [Music] yes [Music] there [Music] we went [Music] [Music] you were soon [Music] kuna my body way yes so new [Music] you anyway chameleon aku take a marrow langu you why me [Music] found our found baby [Music] oh by now on hakuna moon will come away hakuna Yankovic ah Masako hakuna leer now where's Okinawa ko Baba truck we know otaku Pacific there is none like unto you or God you are our way makeup you are the promise keeping God you are awesome in all your ways you are mighty would just take a moment and worship Him lift him up he's worthy worthy of all the praise worthy of all the honor worthy of all the adoration that's the God that we served this evening he's a mighty mighty God and there is none like unto Him and so Lord we give you praise we give you all our worship receive all our adoration receive all the honor receive all the glory we exalt you Lord we love you we love you may you be our chief delight may you be our joy and it is in Jesus name we honor you and we worship amen and amen good evening it's good to see you some of you I can see you online it's good to just have this moment to connect with you what a pleasure and what a joy and you know as we've been worshipping and spending time in its presence I believe that God has a word for you this evening I believe that what God wants to meet you right where you're at and we're going to spend a moment and reflect on the grace of God the grace of God grace means free and unmerited favor a type of health help and strength that comes from God and this is manifested at two levels one salvation of sinners through the death of Jesus Christ who bought us back with a price on the cross and secondly just the continuous blessings that God bestows on our lives on a daily basis grace is unmerited favor which means that we don't earn it Jesus already paid the price and he gives us a gives it to us freely you see all of us need the grace of God all of us in Romans 3:23 the Bible tells us that for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ so all of us we are in need of grace doesn't matter where you come from you're black you're white you're brown you need the grace of God this evening and you see our God is a God of principles our God is a God who uses principles has or rather has placed a put in place principles and laws that operate in the world and in the kingdom and they're two laws that are currently working in our lives and I'd like us to go to the book of Romans chapter 8 from verse 1 to 2 and it says there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death so there's the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus and there's the law of sin and death the law of sin and death is a natural law that says we are born sinful and we are doomed to die in sin and hopeless and despair the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus is a supernatural law that says yes we are born in sin but Jesus Christ by His grace has brought you back to himself and therefore you no longer have to live in sin he can set you free and grant you an eternal life the supernatural law overcomes and overrides the natural law of grace sorry the supernatural law of grace overcomes the natural law of sin and death and the law of the spirit of life in Christ rates through Greece grace therefore comes in to overwrite and and overcome difficult circumstances in our lives and the law of sin and death and example is in physics and the natural world you see we have the law of gravity that holds us down the law of gravity stays where something goes up it must come down but there's another law called the law of aerodynamics and this one says that with the right shape the right speed and the right weight an object can actually overcome the law of gravity so this law of aerodynamics does not cancel the law of sin and or the law of gravity they are both operating at the same time but it can override it and overcome it and that's what grace does for you grace overrides circumstances and seen an overwhelming situations in our lives and right now there's so much that is overwhelming us and we need the grace of God God wants to take you off to another level yet sin is holding you down yet typical circumstances are holding you down God still has a plan and a purpose for you no matter how you're feeling right now no matter what is buffeting you right now God has a plan and a purpose and by His grace he can see you through you know this week I was calling a lady who had not spoken to in many months I just had this burden and I felt like wow it's been a while since I called so and so and when I called her she was at her lowest point in fact she had just contemplated suicide and and she saw everything seem to be going wrong around her her job went out her family situation was in a desperate need there was there was clashes with family members she was not feeling well she's the mother and she was wondering where will food comfort for me and my children and as we prayed and I prayed with her she said pastor Dave how did you know that today I was so low I said I didn't know if the Lord who knew and I believe that right now as you're listening to this word the Lord can hear you he knows where you act he knows your address he knows what you're going through and that's why he has ordained this moment for you to hear this so I believe that God is going to do something amazing for you tonight is the grace of a rights in grace of a rights judgment grace of our rights overwhelming circumstances and difficulties and when you allow the grace of God to come in and operate in your life he will meet you right where you are at he'll give you fresh perspective and he'll do one of you three things grace can do one of three things for you it will empower you and give you strength to be delivered completely from that issue or it can give you strength to move forward and through that issue or it can change you even in the midst of that situation and give you a fresh perspective that will make you a better person and you'll be able to withstand whatever trial you're going through grace lifts the heavy weight of the bud and that law of sin and death lays on you and presses you down grace is unlimited grace is free grace says come-as-you-are Grace breaks chains and frees us completely in Galatians five verse 1 it says it is for freedom that Christ set you free when the Apostle Paul was struggling with what he calls a thorn in the flesh there is something that he said is a thorn in the flesh in the Bible we don't know what it is but it's clearly distressed him greatly and we can read this from the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 from verse 8 he says three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me but he said my grace is sufficient for you my power is made perfect in weakness so today know that the grace of God is sufficient for you no matter what you're going through and he will be strong for you so what is the thorn in your flesh tonight what is that thing that seems to be bothering you is it a sickness is it joblessness is it an addiction is it sin is it financial lack worry you just relationship dramas is it weariness and fatigue with the season and how things are going is it fear is it suicidal thoughts is it depression is it just continuous anger all these things and more can be overwritten by grace all these operate wouldn't in the law of sin and death but grace can overcome and so when we are drowning in all these things and and understand the consequences of seeing the consequences of a fallen and broken world the consequences of our mistakes Jesus comes to save us like a life saver from drowning and you know what when you're drowning you cannot fight with a puzzle who's trying to save you all you do is surrender and say you can swim better than I you are stronger than me you are greater than me right now I surrender to you as you saved me and that's exactly what Jesus wants to do for you so instead of allowing yourself to be drowned with all that that heavy weight would you surrender to him tonight and allow him to save you and grant you his grace Ephesians 2:8 says for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourselves it is a gift of God it's not by work so that anyone can boast so the formula for receiving grace is simple you just open up your heart you believe and you say Lord I receive it so tonight I'd like us to pray and I like us to pray first of all for those people who do not know Christ and you need him to rescue you you need him to save you you cannot anymore continue to operate under the law of sin and death you need freedom you need to know the love and mercy of God let us pray Heavenly Father would you just repeat after me and say dear Lord Jesus come into my life free me from the law of sin and death and instead fill me with your spirit and let me walk in Supernatural grace I confess my sins to you and I ask you to forgive me cleanse me and wash me by the blood and make me a new creature from today I declare that I am saved and that I am born again in Jesus name if you prayed that prayer for the first time know that today you are already a child in India of God and your name is now written in the book of life and you are saved and I'd also like to pray for those who might be saved and born again but still they are struggling as you look at your life around you right now everything seems so overwhelming and the grace of God is not evident and you are weighed down by so much would you join me in this prayer right now father King of glory we worship you and honor you once again and I thank you for every brother every sister every child watching me right now I speak life over them I speak your grace upon them Almighty God I pray that the law of sin and death that may be operating in the life will break right now in the mighty name of Jesus we decree a divine turnaround of every dark situation in the mighty name of Jesus Lord Jesus would you shine your light where there is darkness would you lift up would you heal would you deliver would you redeem would you make her way where there seems to be no way not to a new and mighty thing Lord I pray for relief for my brothers and sisters I pray Almighty God that tonight that would says a new hope rising that will sense their visions and dreams being renewed there was sense Almighty God a sense of joy and peace like never before to a new and mighty thing may them that the grace of God just overwrite every difficult situation right now and give you the strength to help the favor that you need to live a victorious Christian life and it is in Jesus name we have prayed we have believed and we celebrates amen and amen God is good not that we love you we appreciate you and he has great plans for you he has a purpose for you he's not done with you yet so don't quit yet because he still keeps going he never sleeps he never slumbers and he loves you dearly amen [Music] there is no one like our [Music] the weapon maybe form but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it will prevail coz the god I serve knows only how to try it oh my god never fear [Music] I'm gonna see your victory I'm gonna see your victory for the battle belongs to you I'll never see [Music] your victory for the batter [Music] - there's power in the love Jesus every war he wages he must scream backing down from any giant cuz I know how this story is singing us No [Music] Oh and you turn it for a girl you turn it for good oh you take you take for the enemy wait for me and you turn it for girl [Music] he takes what the enemy meant relieved turning around for me take the air turn [Music] [Music] you turn [Music] I'll never see you [Music] you [Music] this is how I fight my bad [Music] fighting it out [Music] [Music] look like [Music] let me know [Music] like [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] by you [Music] we find our batteries on our me [Music] we worship you love [Music] you would [Music] he is my faith forefather calling me out [Music] Knight cannot whisper way what he says in [Music] he is my firm found my head cold be [Music] storms may collide but my soul is on fire with his word when listen to the sound upon my lips [Music] Jesus has broken the curse he has never lost a battle great mountain you should not bow low Jesus defeated the darkness has never lost about all [Music] and he never will and he never will he never will and he never will he's my favorite father he is my fee for [Music] boarding the dog [Music] in odd whisper way what he says in life you are my foundation [Music] storms may collide but my soul is on fire with his fur sing it out with us [Music] to the south [Music] because lost [Music] who are you great mountain you should not bow no [Music] now raise it in this room [Music] more power all night [Music] never lost [Music] you the two should not bow [Music] is to be [Music] and he never and he level [Music] a great defender our strong town he's never lost a battle [Music] he's never lost a battle our great you my strong tower [Music] and you gather lost a battle you've ever lost a battle make this your declaration our great defender [Music] a strong tower [Music] last about never lost [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the curse who [Music] you with [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] he has never lost [Music] should not Jesus to beat he has never lost who are you who are you great mouth who are you great loan are you worried [Music] who are you great mountain our Lord has never lost a party the Bible tells us at his name every meal every name boughs down every tongue confess that he is Lord is the amount that you're facing submitted to the name of the Lord because he has never lost a Colossians 2:15 says he disarmed the rulers of this world he disarmed the rulers of this world and make a public display of them so are you facing anybody are you facing any war he has never lost a battle submitted to the Lord because he is victorious he has won the victory for us already so maybe my brother my sister walk in strength walk in weeks because he has never lost a battle thank you so much thank you so much for joining us today I hope that you've been ministered to I pray that the Lord has specifically spoken to a specific need that you have because he is a personal god I pray that as pastor Eve said that you will surrender and experience His grace and His grace is the free gift you don't need to work for it he's given you freely you freely so please experience the grace the freedom the gift of God thank you so for plugging in we are always here every first Friday of the month for sheep rides to lie Edition I hope to see you there I pray that you will be blessed and also join us for service on Sunday at 8:15 10:15 or 12:15 p.m. through our social media platforms thank you so much for plug in and as we just closed on the hands let's be caring a good god no the Bible says a common plane that we see here in Kenya and out sometimes our part in the world in 2nd Corinthians 13:14 the Bible tells us may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore amen and amen who are you but you in [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] every knee will bow and proclaim the name of Jesus [Music]
Channel: ICC Nairobi
Views: 62,102
Rating: 4.9376945 out of 5
Id: RpNTiIJz_bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 2sec (4862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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