Worship | 10.3.21

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do so so so so so our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven is love our god is from is come by here my lord come by here come by hear my lord come by here come by hear my lord come by here sing in all love by please by here come by hear my lord come by come by here come by hear my lord come by oh hear my lord singing lord is is lord oh oh oh make a joyful noise unto the lord all nations serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the lord he is god it is he that have made us and now we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter into his gates for thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name his mercies are everlasting and his truth endure to all generations spread father god our god we thank you lord so much for everything father thank you for our blessings we thank you for our struggles we thank you for our trials and our triumphs father we thank you for family we thank you for our dear great big brother jesus christ thank you for allowing us to be heirs with him and him to be a mediator for us father we thank you for this house your church house that you allow us to be in so we can be in you through your son father accept our worship in this time in this house and bless us father overlook our infirmities our weakness a mental incapacity an inability to do things the way you would have us to do them but bless us father and continue to love us through your grace and mercy with that father we actually accept our worship as we try to offer it to you properly as a gift sweet smelling savory and your dear son jesus name amen all glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you oh god oh god oh oh oh god yes all the power belongs our heart belongs to you our power oh hallelujah hallelujah oh oh oh oh hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever forever forever forever i'll serve you forever i'll serve you forever lord i'll serve you i'll serve you forever i'll serve you forever i'll serve you forever glory to god glory to god forever glory to god forever forever my master i love you i adore you i love you i adore you oh glory to god say glory to god glory to god glory to god forever glory to god glory to god glory to god forever this this song is marvelous yes yeah yeah it's pronounced praise the lord praise the lord is oh is praise the lord please is is thy shall we me forever his name forever release forever glorious glorious glorious shall the glory grieve be forever forever he's done a wonderful wonderful glorious peace he's done marvelous things incredible things thank you lord thank you thank you sing songs and the world can do all is uh that's what i want two good job two weeks take two weeks me gotta be taken ready me me let there be help us let there be was thinking deep in sin far from the peace is it was say souls in danger look above jesus out of the angry ways wants to be it was is love love me but god so loved the world when he gave his only son how many of you know love really lifted you up how many know you woke up this morning because you were touched with god's finger of love and we used to say growing up in the church we said what your alarm clock and what your spouse and what your kids that ran in the room but it was god who saw fit to give you another day and so we say love lifted us as a matter of fact we are sustained by his love amen amen y'all i'm just so happy to be in the house of god this morning i figure attendance will be a little life if the game come on at noon amen so for those of you who are actually saved i thank you for being here this morning in spite of all the life's temptations y'all know how to ever do he'll throw something in your face and get you to lose your religion praise the lord amen but y'all said we gonna come here today because they might lose anyway praise the lord oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that let me just say that i saw somewhere the falcons won last week praise the lord amen on our way to the super bowl hebrews chapter number 12 if you can if you can find it as we prepare to land this plane amen if you have a copy of god's word and willing and able to stand for the reading of the word of god hebrews chapter number 12 verse 25 through 29 and i said below uh the text itself is largely self-explanatory and i want to land this play have this chapter just been so phenomenal inspiring life changing amen i'm just getting all every week of what god does with his word i mean this document that we read from is thousands of years old but it reads like it was written today and that's just shows you the incredible nature of god's relevancy that god can give you a word that endures for generations amen hebrews chapter 12 and verse number 25 i'm reading from the english standard version the bible says see that you do not refuse him who is speaking for if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven after at that time his voice shook the earth but now he has promised yet once more i will shake not only the earth but also the heavens this phrase yet once more indicates the removal of things that are sinking that is things that have been made in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken and thus let us offer to god acceptable worship with reverence and awe for our god is a consuming fighter amen is that your copy of god's word amen i want to preach this morning from a simple subject the unshakable kingdom amen you may be seen in the friendship of god amen amen for those of you who are watching at home thank you so much for worshiping with us whether you be here in person or virtually if you like to learn more about our congregation if you'd like to request prayer any point in this service you decide that you'd like to be baptized and give your life to christ you can do so by going to greater metro dot church uh click on any of those links there you can also give there or you can text it in at 816.205.8755. we thank you for your continued support of our ministry and and we thank you that hope that you've been blessed if you have a copy of god's word as i prepare to land this plane uh at the end of this chapter chapter number 12. just want to give you a quick recap especially for those of you who are just joining us today and you're at the end of our series if i don't recap it then it won't make any sense to you uh so the book of hebrews in itself is a text it's a book written to christians who are in persecution in the midst of some of the most difficult days that you'd ever want to have being a child of god the time period we believe to be is around the time that emperor nero sets fire to rome and blames the christians for it thus a a great persecution has broken out and folk are seeking to bring those christians to what they believe to be of justice it is under this idea or this uh persecution or this threat rather that christians have began apostasizing that is to say that they are turning away from christ and christianity and going back into judaism judaism where they are more comfortable judaism where it is an acceptable form of religion under the roman government in judaism where they will not be persecuted and they will be safe from physical harm thus the church is seeing a great exhibition of individuals who are seeking to save their life and while it's easy to to come to a a monday morning quarterback uh solution or or a monday morning quarterback which i'm looking for and we can draw a conclusion from their experience we don't live during their time period and so as you look at this i want you to to put your judgments away and just listen to the what's being said to them because we would look at it and say it's a no-brainer stay with jesus but but when you put yourself in their position to say christianity is also a new faith uh it's only been around at this time here for maybe about 30 years versus judaism that have been around for thousands of years and so the writer here is introducing some knowledge to them that they don't readily know right away the bible in itself is still being compiled so they don't even have a complete understanding of the new testament word of god so the writer sees fit to send them this book that we call the book of hebrews to encourage them these christians to stay in the fire and of course you know that early on in chapter number 12 he tells them to continue to run the race because times get difficult things get dark and we understand that it's tempting to drop out of the race truth be told you and i have not faced this kind of persecution where folk are actively wanting to kill us and some of us have been ready to drop out of the race some of us have been ready to drop out because we had we needed some help hands and bills drop out because the relationship went made drop out because i'm having trouble on my job and i feel like god ain't listening and so he tells them that even though days are difficult to look at it as a chastening or a disciplining from the law and so as we begin to to go down this text i won't read it all i'll give you this quick summary that after he tells them to continue to run the race look to jesus the author and finish of their faith look at his example of how he endures the cross then he tells him that this is god's discipline and after all of that he tells them that that you have come to mount zion you have come to the mountain the heavenly mountain that is to say that there is a contrast between the old covenant and the new covenant and the new covenant is much better than the old covenant and so as he comes down the line as we get ourselves to verse number 25 i want you to back up to verse number 24. verse number 24 he leaves with a very interesting phrase and we talked about this last week he tells them that they've come to mount zion in a numeral company of angels they come to the church of the firstborn all of these things that are referencing the church and he says to them and you've also come to jesus i told you when you see jesus and not christ they want you to connect to the human image of jesus and you've come to somebody who was flesh like you who understands what you've been through y'all can stop preaching right there do you understand that that is the connection of the essence of what it is to be a believer in jesus christ is that you've come to somebody who knows what it's like to walk in your shoes you've come to somebody who's had every temptation that you've had with path to taste somebody who's walked this human earth of this earth in human form and have been hungry who's been tired who's been angry but yet he still managed to do it perfectly you have come to jesus not moses i wish i had some help in here let me bring it closer you've come to jesus and not brother mills because if you come to brother mills you will be let down but if you come to jesus me see because when i'm testing like you're testing i don't always have the response of jesus sometimes i have the response of brandon mills oh my goodness y'all know what i'm talking about don't you he said he's the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood here's where we are i want you to get this last line before i begin to parse verse number 25. he said to the blood and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel i told you last week that when abel was killed by cain his blood called out for vengeance and justice but when jesus blood rolls down that cross it calls out for mercy and grace he said but now watch this now but then he said in verse number 25 see that you do not refuse him that speaks you know when i saw this i thought to myself this is such a powerful powerful statement see that you do not refuse him that speaks well obviously the hymn is god and if we can connect 25 to verse number 24 that jesus is blood speech so then the him who speaks has to be that which is divine right right but but if you if if i only give it to you from the english you won't get what's actually being said see that you do not underline the word refuge refuge and i want you to write the word reject now y'all come in come and come and next to reject if you still don't get it i want you to write the word decline the writer tells them after all of this after painting the picture of what they've received in christ jesus normal company of angels in the city of the living god uh after they've received the blood that was said for them we still got a problem right and the problem is there's still some folk here who will hear all of this and decline there's some folk who will say that this is still not for me there's some folk who will say look i appreciate what you tried to do for me but this thing is not for me and the context of the passage is that the declining comes from those who are already been invited into the faith we're not talking about folk in the world who are declining the hitler force of god we're talking about folk who once accepted the faith but after blake hit the fan they decided that they were declined and this hate for me i wish i had some help in here i'll just have some help with it because there's a whole lot of folk who come to god when it's good when it's convenient when the weather's nice outside when the sun is shining and as soon as dark clouds are rising they start declining this thing and saying this ain't what i thought it was y'all they talking back to i came to tell somebody today that this is not a cruise ship it's a battleship and you can't be with god only on good days he says see that you do not decline him who's speaking i can't imagine can you imagine sending your son to die for somebody and they declined the offer after he's already died for oh my gosh i started thinking about this and i said i can imagine how god feels that he sent his son to die for us and one of the most difficult things that a parent could ever want to do and then to have the folk that you sent him to die for saying it for me well why isn't it for you because my life got cut off right now y'all are talking back to me because i'm late on my rent because i got trouble on my job because my marriage ain't what it needs to be so therefore i'm declining because this ain't for me look what he says though look at the texture i said i wasn't gonna be long i want to be in there all day he says see that you do not decline him who speaks for if they watch this transport back to the old testament if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth he should have talked about god speaking inside now he said they did not escape when they apostasized or went into idolatry inside now watch this he says how much less will we escape if we reject him who won from there y'all got to come in y'all going to see this you're going to see this if they didn't escape from the old testament who would who rejected him at china how much less what do you mean how much less because they rejected when they didn't even see jesus oh my goodness they rejected when they didn't have as much as we had right they rejected when they didn't live in the city of god rejected when they couldn't approach god they rejected when they didn't have this mount zion the innumerable company of a rejected but they didn't have jesus and he said they didn't have any of that and still did not escape how much less oh my goodness are you gonna be able to escape having had all of that oh my goodness y'all i'm talking to some folk in here today i'm talking about some folk they got every excuse in the book when god has given you every resource you could ever need oh my goodness you got every resource you can heavenly you live in the city oh my goodness he says how much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven i want y'all to see this now here here's here's what i what i see in this is to reject in this moment simply is defined as returning back to judaism right leaving christianity leaving the faith going back this is what he said is a rejection of god so that means whenever you decide that you're going to give up on god you have rejected god coming come and do it and everybody like to say god left me but god is saying no you left me not only did you leave me you rejected me and declined i could be coming he's saying that regardless of how bad it gets there's never an acceptable reason to reject oh my goodness that means if you homeless no reason to reject hungry no reason to reject lying in a hospital bed as a paraplegic no reason to reject ellie talking back to them because what you have in christ is better than anything you could reject foreign that means that god has an ideology that there is no there is no right to retreat right oh my goodness there is no right to surrender which i see you are expected to simply go through him oh my goodness am i talking to anybody in here no man you are expected to lace up your boots and go through him without even knowing what deliverance will come yeah oh my goodness y'all i was thinking about this i was thinking about this and i said man that's that's rough to be issued in order of no retreat i thought to myself but then i began to think about some of the famous the famous uh military leaders we had who issued those same orders no retreat and no retreat simply means that even if it is apparent that you will die on the battlefield there will be no retreat i would have you to know that such orders that were delivered by incredible military minds in some of the most dangerous seasons of our life is the reason we are who we are today one of the most famous orders to not surrender and to fight to the death was issued by sir winston churchill that he had four thousand men who were completely surrounded and were seeking to be um who was seeking to be delivered they wanted someone to come rescue me at the same time he had 300 000 troops that were stuck on an island and he couldn't get him out and so he issued a proclamation that every citizen in in the united kingdom who had a boat had to paddle row whatever you had to do to go get these 300 000 soldiers while he orders the 4 000 troops to fight to death and there is one moment that changes the tithe when he issues his secretary to send the order to the commanding officer that he will not be rescued you must fight and the secretary issues the order and begins to cry as he types it the question was what's wrong with you i'm crying because my brother is in that regiment and she's being forced to type the letter that says that you are not coming home because winston churchill has ordered there be no retreat why because they're fighting a man who's the biggest evil that you never want to meet in the person of adolf hitler and they discovered that hitler didn't care how many people he had to kill to get to you so therefore we must not retreat because what's worse than hitler i'd rather be there now come here come here come here that's churchill hitler has made a pact with joseph stalin who is the communist leader of the soviet union and has renewed on that agreement and has decided to invade the soviet union joseph stalin wakes up out of what is to be a political stooper when he realizes that hitler intends to take the soviet union and he's already began taking times starting issues in order to every single one of his citizens and says to them if you surrender or if you retreat then i'm going to kill you and it is faced with that kind of opposition that the soviet union battles back and forces hitler out of their country when i look at this text the lord said by retreating into judaism you would think that you're being saved watch this but there is no escape for apostasy if you came to jesus the expectation is that you stay with jesus even if it takes you a life oh my goodness because even if it does the place where you're going to is far better than what you have on earth he said you shall not escape how dare you fear people who can destroy the body but not him who can destroy the soul there is no escape oh i wish i had some help in here i preached a church of generals of soldiers who understand we fight until we die i wish i had some help with him is there anybody in here who knows that you've been down to death you've been facing imminent destruction but you kept the faith and the god to serve delivered you and made your way of escape but there is no escape by turning back but if you go through there is no escape by going regardless of how tired you are regardless of how bad it is regardless of the sleep you lost regardless of your heartache retreating is not an option go through hell and you'll find out the other side of it was a loving god who was filled with deliverance with grace and mercy and comforter who kept you in the roughest to fight until until death the enemy cannot know cannot know that that he can force you to retreat watch this shot i said this is why you can't retreat here's why there's no safety in escape so many of us need to learn this lesson that there is no safety in escaping this is why look at verse number 26 at that time his voice shook earth but now he's promised yet once more i will shake not only the earth but also the heavens now he's talking especially he's talking now about the end of time he said you can't escape because even if you run back to judaism one day i'm shaking everything oh my goodness and not only is the earth gonna say but one day heaven shall sink i said so this phrase yet once more indicates the removal of things that are sacred that is things that have been made in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain what he's saying is that when he shakes earth everything that's man made is coming up said that if man created it it's coming up because it's it is not made by god then it's unstable right now look at this y'all he said i said shaw he says therefore verse number 20 and this is when i wanted to get up and just run around my house therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be saved because i want you to see this because he says we and your bible may even say receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken let us be grateful may have switched the verse around but receiving the kingdom is present participle it implies that we are in process of receiving this kingdom or rather it is continuing so we receive the kingdom when we come into christ but living in this life we are receiving the kingdom right right now come and come and come in the power of this kingdom is that it cannot be shaken right now come here everything else on earth will shake goodness but the kingdom will not watch this god has so much forethought that he gives you stability and safety in the kingdom before he shakes the earth that before the foundations even begin to rumble god hit us in the kingdom y'all come and come here yeah but y'all don't see it because that means when your life starts shaking when your job is unstable when your marriage is unstable when your money is unstable when your friendships are unstable when life is unstable you are standing on steady ground in the kingdom oh my goodness somebody ought to be here today and say you can say whatever you want to say god save my money save my life shake my car shake my house shake my jaw but i shall not be moved up i've been planted just like a tree because the gate of my man is stable and shaky times i was thinking about all this stuff that's going on in the world in politics i was thinking about trump running in 2024 thinking about the threat to our democracy i'm thinking about all this uh voter fraud they claimed happened but didn't really happen the upheavalness the social unrest and i'm thinking about what's gonna happen and i began to feel unstable but then i remember that it's okay for it to shake it's okay for the world to save me because i'm stable in the midst of a global pandemic right but as you look around and realize that as the world was shaking we were in safety that's why when we used to sing those songs back in the day leaning on the everlasting armor faith and secure from all along we were trying to tell you that through the world's sakes in christ unstable oh my goodness i think sometimes we forget that we that we have this stability because we begin to focus on those things that are shaking but even if the foundations shake we good to go i have time to deal with let us be grateful some of y'all anxious when you just have some gratitude yeah some of y'all depression you just gotta be grateful some of y'all stress me you ought to be grateful oh my lord some of us got anxiety when god is saying be grateful because the ground you're standing on is stable you ain't got time to be depressed because your foundation is and this ain't one of them new construction type of bills either where they build it with plywood and all kind of cheap materials this is a sure foundation i got to go i i gotta go i gotta go receiving the people that cannot be shaken and thus let us offer to god watching god acceptable worship my goodness he's saying look at him i know so as the world shakes that's going to praise the lord i'm trying to hold it up because what would that look like if we truly just went ahead and worshipped while the world was shaking who if the vote would come here and see our building rocket and they think that it's unstable like that they don't realize no we've taken the place because we worship it and praise him because the god we serve has already given him stability in our honor in a safety world he said acceptable worship this is why the church will not be trying to quell your praise this is why you ought to be able to come in here and literally lose your mind because you've been given stability in a sacred situation somebody would look at me crazy get yourself up and take over because god has been good to you that he's given you safety security safe from all along he says give him acceptable worship with reference and he's expecting you to stand in this kingdom and look at your god and look at how you ain't moving while the world shakes and it ought to make you be in awe oh my goodness y'all i'm talking about this is a different kind of art here this is the root word of awesome is art wonder magnificent glorious looking at the beauty of what god has done he said that you are all for acceptable worship and he said just in case just in case you forget why why we do this look at the last phrase that i'm doing why i ain't even have time i was supposed to get you a hate guy and everything just blank fire my god that means anything in his way oh my goodness israel was getting ready to take the land getting ready to take the kingdom get ready to take jared uh uh um uh getting ready to take canaan and all that kind of stuff and and that's how we gonna do this how are we gonna fight these four we need to train like this and all of a sudden the law said hey don't worry about it when i go before you nothing is left all you got to do is come walk on me this this is why you can't turn back and leave you the devil better and the devil can't do nothing but god almighty so when you'll say consoling fire sweet perfume i want you to know what you're saying this is why we all turn back folk and the captain had began to be sellers had turned into seeing and as they asked an important question to them and the question was simply this who can dwell with a consumer my goodness i said you're saying to them god is so holy god is so pure that if you don't come into his presence yeah you better be right because sinners can't live with a consuming fight oh my goodness who can dwell over the and i thought about that all night for several days just this this question of who can dwell who among those they ask the question who among us can dwell isaiah 33 14 who among us can dwell with a consuming fire i want you to see regardless who among us can dwell with the controlling fire who among us can dwell with everlasting burden oh my god he who walked for righteousness and speech don't miss it he answered the question look the sinners are true yeah y'all seeing it the senators are trembling and asking who among us all of us sinners who among us can dwell with the consuming fire talking about the lord and then the answer is given he who walks righteously oh my goodness make sure it's acceptable the all the inspiring the reference and he says don't don't forget he's a consumer fire that means the only way to make it is to be righteous and i know we don't talk about this in church no more like we should because we're so busy helping folk get better and live in life that we forgot to tell you you were supposed to be righteous yeah thank you yeah didn't say perfect i said righteous and look right and be walking right and be doing right and making an effort to do right that's how you derail because while this shame consuming fire cleared the path for them to get to take the promised land this same consuming fight tore them up and do the runnerman nine when they turned into idolatry when they laid that animal on the altar and god would burn it up and leave nothing left it was always an open show to them that god is a consuming fighter anytime you turn back from god it means that the thing you turn to you believe had more depressed and turn away from god stop coming to church you believe that the thing that got you is more powerful than god himself because you allowed your job your marriage your everything to pull you away from god you gave that more power than god and god is saying i didn't mean to preach this long y'all of god cause it might turn around on you somebody needs to get righteous in this place talking to a preacher's friend last night we were going over some scripture and he said he said we've been preaching all this stuff in the pandemic it's time to preach and tell folks to get right yeah yeah and i said isn't it amazing that the church deviated from that message that folk needed to know you better get your life right yeah preach that when i was coming up it wasn't always about helping you deal with your headache and everything else but it was you better get it right because god is coming and one day and even the young folk young folk always feel like they're going to live forever i always think they're gonna live they got time to live right you don't you got less time today than we had when we were coming up come before we had to deal with school shoots before we had to deal with with all of this stuff before we would ask worried about police pulling us over today back in the day like we are today we were worried but we wasn't worried to the degree that we are today you got even less time than you think furthermore if i was a young person today with the challenge that you have to face in america i would want god on my side and i just say to myself god you were even so good that you kept me even on some of the mistakes i made and blessed me anyway somebody needs to be baptized and give your life to christ somebody needs to come down here or if you don't like watching somebody should go to our website and click i want to be baptized and you need to give your life to christ that consuming fire so so that way he instead of him burning you up right that's why i don't worry about a normal church i don't worry about it no more because i know you standing in my way ultimately you're sitting in guardsmen come on guys and who can dwell with a consuming fire come thank on i lord want to thank you i just want to thank are alone we thank you for teaching us how to love you we thank you for allowing us to help one another to guide us to help us hold us up to walk together father father thank you for accepting us at your children and telling us whenever you stand and then you told us that we need to ask and pray for one another father right now pray for sisters without even touching her so father we ask him that you bless her through all of this through all of her times and trials and struggles and every pain father and he bless her son that he says through calls prayers cards sometimes father just sit quietly with one another father what we've had moral issues we thank you for blessing us through it by the way we've had health issues we thank you for blessing us in it the father where we have been the problem in life ourselves we thank you father we've heard your words we thank you for your dear son the messenger in this house the angel that today you have blessing with 33 years of great service father we thank you for his life we thank you for this day this birthday of his love we hope that he we is you for everything and i shall continue to look out to us look over us and forgive us in jesus name amen i just want to thank you amen and as we get ready to thank god for giving us what he's given us we have this portion of service that we call offering an opportunity to give back but a portion of what god has given us we've heard many scriptures and such but sometimes we just need something to dwell on so every one of us have seen the loaf of bread every one of us what if somebody brought you a local bread and said every time you get a loaf i want you to take out two slices and save them for me but i don't see you i didn't see you come get it last week i didn't see you getting last month that does not matter take out two slices and set them aside for me i know you did and every time you do it i'm gonna bless you even more all of a sudden a truckload of bread is that you'll do it because you set aside two slices because the bible says give to me and see when i bless you with a blessing that you can't even receive my god is an awesome god we're going to sing a song we're going to celebrate that our goddess while we give back to him we're going to take up an offering at this time amen bless that wonderful name of jesus your lord blessed and wonderful man in the name of jesus there is is yes is father god we thank you for every blessing and every opportunity to be a blessing father the things that we've collected digitally and here in person father we ask you to bless bless you to grow that it can continue to be a seed that serves you through your people through your community and through our hearts of love in jesus name we pray amen and now this time the reason we do all of this is because of jesus christ that we talk about sing about is because jesus christ the son of the living god that son that he preached about that sign that we study about we teach about from the time you were little children in the sunday school classes learning about jesus christ because everything is about jesus this time is about jesus because everything he did for us in the end he did the greatest of all he gave his life for us he gave his life to take away our sins to take away the punishment for our sins and that we can be ushered into christ through his blood so that when people say are you saved we can say yes i am saved from the wrath of god because of jesus christ and when we come together at this time to commune with him to dine with him to suck with him to remember him we need to do nothing more than think on him so let us take time to commune together to spread his body just cup his blood let's pray why we have this father god for your son we thank you we thank you for every minute he spent on this earth but we thank you for those hours he spent on that cross thank you for every word he did not say to remove his suffering but we thank you for every tear he shared to get through the suffering we thank you for his sweat his blood and his tears father we thank you for his suffering so that we might be able to be with you someday father let us endure never give up let us hold fast stay steadfast and continue to think on the love of jesus christ because it is him that this goddess to you it's in his name we pray amen is is amen we've come to the conclusion of our service we thank everyone for being here we thank our guests i see several guests in our audience some with my family some of the other families but all of us with the family of god and the family of christ amen you heard me say that today is brother men's birthday sharia is that right he is 33 today amen amen brother brother is going to come up and close us out of the service i got the words of my mouth in the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh lord my strength and my redeeming you may be dismissed my
Channel: Greater Metropolitan Church of Christ
Views: 65
Rating: 0 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 37sec (5737 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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