Woodturning - Turn a Square Bowl [It's pretty simple]

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hi i'm chad and today in the shop i'm going to be making a square bowl out of this piece of catalpa the first thing i'm going to do is mark corner to corner in order to get the center of the piece then i'm going to drill a 3 8 inch hole and mount it to my worm screwdrive that's just my preferred way of starting uh you know flat-faced bolt and you could do it between centers i'm going to use the tail stock for support also so first thing i'm going to do is turn the tenon and then start shaping the outside of the bowl i find the easiest way to begin this to put the tenon on is to work from the inside toward the outside and flatten the piece out start making your tenon i'll go in with a skew clean up the tenon and work just the basic shape of the outside of the bowl ah as you're working on the inside of the bowl you're going to want to be aware of the corners obviously you don't want your fingers to be in the way of them you know you want to enter your cuts slowly and one thing that can help a lot with that is something that contrasts with the wood that you can put down underneath and you can see much more easily exactly where those corners are one other thing i should have mentioned is that after i just flatten out the front i'm going to come around to the back side and give it a little more shape and bring the corners up a little bit higher i like the look of a square bowl that has high corners so i'm going to try to get that as high as i can once i flatten out the front side then i'll come back and start hollowing out the inside foreign uh now that i've got the back in a nice form that i like i'm going to come around to the front side of the inside of the bowl and start hollowing it out i'll probably work both from the center out and from the corners in as i'm getting down to the final thickness i'm going to just be working from the corners in and you don't want to back up once you've established the thickness of your bowl so you want to be real careful to you know take some delicate cuts and show you how it's done hopefully [Applause] uh so i've made progress on the front and i think i'm at the point where that's about the thickness i want the bowl to be so i'm gonna try to stay away from these corners and just continue working my way down and bringing the the whole the whole side of the bowl to that about that thickness it looks like about maybe just over a quarter of an inch and also if you have one the curved tool rest can be pretty handy to keep you away from the corners another thing you can do is put some bright colored tape or something on the corners a little pink or something so you can see where they are because you definitely don't want to put your knuckles on ah uh [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] this is basically our goal the next step is going to be to sand it i got pretty clean cut so the sanding should go smoothly the first thing you want to do and i find this this works best for me at least is i'll use the stop on my wave and hold the piece stationary and i'm going to use the power drill with um a sanding attachment i'll probably start at 120 then 180 220 320 um probably up to about 320 400. first i'm going to with the 120 kind of hit any end grain tear out any just funky spots that i see any um grooves line tool marks stuff like that do that on both sides and then i will probably do some sanding with it moving and some without well it's stopped but let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] our bowl is sanded now i sanded it to 320 and now the next steps are to go to the belt sander and smooth off each of these so so [Music] we've pretty much got our finished bowl here the last step would be to remove this little nub sand it smooth then put some finish on it usually i use danish oil on most of my poles but this is catalpa and i'm not really crazy about catalpa so i think what i'm going to do is a second video where i will sandblast this because it has a semi porous green structure i'll sandblast it to remove the more porous wood then possibly stain it then fill that grain in with a contrasting color which should make for a cool effect so i hope you'll come back for that video and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Chad Eames WoodWorks
Views: 44,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, wood working, woodworking, wood bowl, wood turning bowl, wooden bowl, turning wood, turning project, woodturning project, wood turning how to, woodturning demonstration, wood turning demo, maker how to, woodturner maker
Id: Xo3D-_e9KXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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