Worldwide Prayer Meeting

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the worldwide braille meeting held at simon international school of ministry would you join us as we worship god amen [Music] yes [Music] he is alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] alive he is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with authority [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is thank you jesus hallelujah yes you are alive lord thank you lord thank you jesus and you are worthy of our praises [Music] we give our praises to you tonight lord because you are worthy lord with your name oh jesus [Music] thank you lord do you feel the word is broken do you feel the shot no sleeping [Music] do you know that all to talk about stop the light from getting through [Music] do you wish that good at all [Music] is is a new creation coming years is the glory of the lord to be the light within our ears is it good i will remind ourselves yes it is [Music] is [Music] to rest on the stairs [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] worthy of all [Music] praise [Music] [Music] is you are worthy [Music] rejoice in life and darkness tries [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] the light and [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great [Music] good evening and thank you so much for joining us praying together believing for god to move among us and to answer our prayer he's a living god we're not praying to a dead god but he is a living god he was and is and will be forever the same one that loves us and loves to answer our prayers it's been on my heart to pray tonight for healing there's so many people that are struggling in their health struggling going through different sicknesses but we come to him and we're not only finding spiritual healing in him but also physical healing one that says this i'm in the hospital please pray for my heart and for my heart husband we are both in 90s also mohan from new york city says this drtc family please pray for my 82 year old mother who is battling kidney problems that are affecting her whole body she said jesus is the boss i just love that that she knows that jesus is the boss and god can heal you as well from new york city raphael is writing a 42 43 year old who needs a miracle in his kidneys which are hardly functioning he has a very low heartbeat and needs a valve replacement also from georgia please pray for my daughter christy who has been sick for over a month and doesn't seem to get any better she needs healing and salvation and also has been on my heart to pray for people they had side effects from covet i was on a phone yesterday last night with the church family that comes here to tham scripture summit campus and their families and their friends in india right now and as you know that india is very taking a very big hard hit with covet and so many people are dying and they reached out to them and and asked to pray and we're going to pray tonight for india for god to come and give healing for god to come and stop this disease that is just massocrating so many people only god can do this and we have to cry out for people that are struggling worldwide prayer meeting that we are having tonight we're gonna pray for those people that around the world and also has been on my heart to pray for a friend of ours kate hughes that she's dealing with side effects as well from covet for god to touch her body as well and let's just lift our voices and pray together father we come to you and we're asking in jesus name for you to touch all these people that have been writing these prayer requests all these people that are struggling with their health with their failing parts of the bodies with the kidneys problems lord we come to you and we're asking you to heal them we're asking your father to touch their bodies it doesn't matter how young they are or how old they are we are in need of a touch from heaven today lord i pray that you answer our cry you answer our prayer father i pray that you touch the heart disease you touch those kidney problems lord you touch those areas that maybe it's not seen for people lord but you know them and you are aware of them it seems so small in our mind of god but they are so important for our bodies to function lord i pray that you heal the areas in our hearts in our bodies that need healing for us to function for us to be able to go to work for us to be able to laugh and be with our families oh god lord i also pray for india right now lord we pray together for this disease to stop in the name of jesus lord you see and you know how many people are battling the sickness of covet 19 lord i pray that you come and stop this disease especially in countries that don't have all the medical equipment especially in countries that don't have all the oxygen that they need and they're struggling people are just in line at the hospital struggling for the for the air that they have to breathe to be able to live lord but i know that as you came and and breathe life into the nose of adam lord i pray that you breathe life again into this nation lord lord let these people die on the streets and in line to get help god we pray for india right now we pray for your mercy we pray for your mercy oh god to be upon this nation and cause them oh god cause them to cry out to you in the midst of all these religions of thousands of religions there lord you are the true god and only god would you cause them to cry out to you for deliverance and healing and would you move miraculously among this nation one more time to show your saving power lord i pray for the people that are just dealing with the side effects of covet or would you touch their bodies as well would you touch their bodies would you return the strength back oh god lord and we pray for kate hughes right now for you to touch your body lord i pray that you come with your holy spirit whatever she is right now o lord and fill her heart with joy and trust in you knowing that you can heal her knowing that you can make her body whole again or father i pray for this sickness to go away in the name of jesus lord i pray for health in her body for her to be just a mother for the kids to be able to just live her life and invest in her kids lord i pray for this disease to just leave her body in the name of jesus and we pray all these things in your name amen god i just thank you that you know us so well you you love each of us so well god and i thank you that each one of your actions comes out of that love god i thank you that nobody can measure your understanding and i thank you that even in the midst of feeling like we're imprisoned inside of our own bodies god you you see us and you know us god i thank you that we get to rest inside of your hands and i thank you lord that you use every circumstance good and bad for your glory and our good god god i just pray that every person that is dealing with a mental disorder right now god or a physical ailment that you would heal them lord god let them know that they overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony god god i thank you that it's your victory that we get to rest in god god you give us victory in life and you give us victory and death you give us victory and health and and sickness god i thank you that you work all these things out to your your grand plan god i thank you that you saw our lives before we were even born god i just ask for every person right now that is struggling with this sickness god that you would remind them that you are for them god that you are with them god till the end of their life till the end of the age you're with them god and god i just pray that you would continue to strengthen them lord and give them wisdom god as they walk through this sickness god with you jesus lord would you heal them though would you heal them and show them lord that you are mighty to save god that you can overcome anything and god i thank you that all we need is the faith of a mustard seed and god i thank you that faith comes just by hearing your word and trusting in it and believing it god i thank you that you you have even given us the ability to trust god that's not even out of our own strength but god it's you that gives us this out of your kindness god out of your gentleness and lord we thank you that you will never leave us or abandon us god i thank you that we have heaven to look to and that is our ultimate eternity lord god i pray for the salvation of men and women that do not know you yet but god i pray that you would put an anointing on the hands of the christians that go up to pray for them god and that that would bring salvation in lives jesus that people would look and see your miracles god and see that you are greater than this world lord god i thank you for who you are i thank you that you have such an amazing character god and that we can trust in you and look to you in all things god we love you so much lord and we thank you that you are with us right now in this moment lord and i pray that you would speak gently to these people listening questioning whether their life has meaning questioning whether or not you love them god i pray that you would speak to them i love you i pray that you would tell it to them time and time again until their soul actually believes it god let them know that you hear them god let them know that you are the one who seeks them out and finds them god and let them trust it god to know that no matter what man says over their life god that you love them more than any person ever could and let them rest in knowing this jesus use them as evangelists and teachers and preachers god people to save the world god use their voices use their testimony god to bring people to you lord we thank you that everything you do is good and you do it all well lord we love you so much god and i ask all these things in your name amen [Music] this is in the presence of my enemies it's your body and the blood and is is how i find my battles [Music] there's a table that you prepared for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's your body and the blood is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this is how i find my battles [Music] and this is [Music] [Music] thanksgiving and this is [Music] and this is [Music] and this is [Music] i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you in may it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look [Music] i'm surrounded [Music] and this is [Music] [Music] how i find my battles and this is how i find my battles and this is how i fight and this is how i find my battles this is how i find my battles and this is how i fight [Music] praise god times square church family it's um it is also on my heart to pray for people who are very seriously ill and they have been a long time in that condition they're maybe starting to fight some of the depression and some of the repercussions of that and we just want you to know that even though this wasn't orchestrated that pastor pavel and kirsten were praying for sick people and long-term sick people that it's also on my heart and i really believe the lord has come tonight to encourage you and to let you know he you are seen by him and that you are special to him and every time you write in a prayer request we care and we take it to the lord we want to pray tonight for you and i'm thinking of in hewlett new york please pray for my nephew he's 20 years old right now in the hospital fighting bone cancer for um don't you love technology i'm so good with it somebody is praying for park someone that they love with parkinson's disease and that we could remember them in prayer the medications it's a very long road in their fighting depression i also want to pray for tracy carroll with this also that we remember her and the lord touch her and all that she's facing there's also a pastor's daughter who is from new york city who is fighting a very terrible disease right now and also i want to remember kate from anvil so lord we just thank you tonight we thank you o god for um how you he are with us as we pray for these precious people lord we saying this is how we fight our battles and that lord we you are reminding us that we are surrounded by you but lord i ask you would you visit each one who is seriously ill tonight would you just come by their bedside would you just make your presence known to them would you show up in such a special way oh god that you would flood them with your spirit oh god and that you would do what only you can do lord we i know that you love them and they're so special to your heart and sometimes they can feel so alone and forgotten in moments like this but i thank you o god that you have never taken your eye off them and you are always extending o god your hand towards them now lord i pray for miracle healing lord your word says we have not because we ask not and i pray for those long forgotten by people who have just given up lord praying for them i thank you tonight oh god we pray for those that have been a long time lord in this in this affliction and i pray your healing upon so many tonight oh god and i pray that they could would give you the glory as you touch them lord i thank you you've come to touch us body soul and spirit and as you're touching their body oh god i pray also you touch their spirit that they would not fall into pr depression i pray oh god you would draw a line and say no further because they would call out on your great name that they would say your name o god and you would become oh god that place not just of refuge but of wholeness and healing oh god you are so good and you have not left them and you will not forsake them o god i just thank the bless that we just pray the blessing of the lord be upon these special ones today and lord i lift up caregivers that are weary i pray for those that must care for them oh god and the families that care and i pray oh god just a quickening touch of your spirit oh god and that these families would unite and call you good and call upon your name and you would do something so special by their bedside and i thank you o god that you have not forgotten them and they are not lost to you and they you are right there by their bedside so lord i just ask you to bless them in a special way tonight let them know lord that they are on our hearts because they're on your heart so i just thank you lord for you hearing the prayer of these special ones that have called oh god and we just thank you for everyone that is written in oh god let those that are ill keep writing in oh god because you care and i thank you you're doing something special oh god for these ones in this time thank you jesus amen amen god i just thank you so much that we have a god lord that you are our god and that you care lord to hear us so god that you ask us oh god lord to cry out to you oh god lord that you are not scared of our prayers oh god and lord that we should not be fearful oh god to ask for things like healing oh god to ask lord for you to move in our body oh god for you to speak over our organs and touch them oh god lord may we we may not be fearful god lord of your presence o god and those fears and those doubts oh god that surround us oh god allow that to stir us so god stir us lord you just believe lord that you are going to continue lord to heal us and we were made oh god not only for this side of eternity oh god but for the next o god lord allow those o god who have been healed oh god to use their testimony oh god to encourage those that are still struggling oh god to uplift those o god lord that may doubt or that your presence they may doubt lord that you are even powerful enough to heal them oh god lord touch those that are old oh god touch those that don't believe touch those o god that need just your joy oh god they need your spirit oh god we me wait we blessed so god those that have just been called to take care of us oh god and lord just believe that your hand is upon them oh god and you provide all things all things of god from medicine oh god to technology to doctors oh god that those hospitals bills that are not covered oh god that they will be covered lord in your name that may we just trust in you oh god trust lord that you see us or that you have called us o god and lord that we are chosen by you lord allow us not to doubt that not for a second lord that you are our father o god lord and for those that don't care about us here on this side of eternity oh god that we have a father that does care about us and he hears us and he wants us and he's calling us oh god allow us to just raise our voice to you and faith oh god regardless of that our own body lord may be failing us oh god but we have a god that doesn't fail we have a god lord that cries out and hears us and touches us and heals us heal those oh god heal that that boy oh god that is struggling with his body struggling with cancer lord touch him in this moment touch them and touch him in this hour oh god touch his mom oh god the lord that she's just crying out to you god and she's asking that you hear her prayer for her son oh god lord be her be her father oh god comfort her heart oh god comfort that little boy who who may have so many questions oh god he may be doubting you oh god but just touch him oh god in this moment heal him in this moment oh god mighty name i pray amen [Music] now saucing fall like lightning i saw darkness run for cover [Music] but the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven and i believe in signs and wonders i have resurrection power still the miracle that i just can't get over my name is registered in heaven my place belongs to you forever this is my testimony from death to light cause grace be wrong my story i testify by jesus this is my testimony this is my [Music] testimony [Music] come together sons and daughters with water sing the praises of the spirit son and father our god will finish what he started [Music] jesus christ is my testimony this is my testimony if i'm not dead then you're not done greater things are still to come oh i believe if i'm not dead you're not done [Music] things are still to come [Music] my testimony from death to light as christ he wrote my story i'll testify [Music] this is my testimony [Music] this is my testimony from death why jesus christ are righteous i'm justified this is my testimony this is my [Music] testimony [Music] praise god thank you jesus what an awesome testimony that we have in him amen i think one of my favorite interactions that jesus ever had with the pharisees takes place in matthew chapter 12 where he's casting out demons and the pharisees accuse him of doing so by demonic power and jesus immediately confronts them shows them that what they're saying is illogical it doesn't make any sense but then he gives this brief little parable and he says you can't plunder the house of the strong man unless you first bind the strong man up and the only way you can bind the strong man is if you're stronger than him and so he's giving this as an example to say these people that are possessed by these evil spirits they're like a house and they're being occupied by a demonic spirit that is stronger than they are and the only way that you can liberate that person liberate their body liberate their mind is by being strong enough to bind up the spirit that's occupying them and so what he's giving is a reply to the pharisees and he's saying i'm not casting out demons because i'm demonic i'm casting out demons because i'm stronger than them and there is not a single kind of darkness not a single kind of evil not a single kind of bondage that jesus is not strong enough to break and there are several examples i want to read to you tonight of people who are feeling enveloped by darkness and they need the power of the name of jesus to come through for them and we're going to make war on their behalf from illinois i ran back into porn and lust please pray for me i'm so tired of it then i'm not i need deliverance from somewhere in the the u.s please pray for brian who went to teen challenge today pray for strength deliverance and healing from childhood traumas that haunt him from queens new york thank you for your concerns and prayers i am not suicidal but very badly attacked by demonic forces it is like a curse i feel very alone and misjudged from the lore india greetings in the name of the lord i am just 16 years old and i was saved recently thanks be to god i struggle with lustful thoughts i must overcome it thank you and then from beth in plymouth massachusetts please pray for christina her mom found a satanic bible in her room and her daughter admitted that she is finding it interesting thank you tsc not one of these things is too much for the name of jesus he is stronger than every kind of demonic power every kind of oppressive force that we will come up against in this life and we're going to make a plea to his name that is above every name that this darkness in your lives will be driven away and for those of you that haven't even submitted a request jesus sees you and he is strong enough to set you free so saints let's stand here in the house and let's go to war jesus we thank you that because of your obedience unto death on the cross your father has given you the name that is above every names and when your name is mentioned and when your name is invoked every knee must bow of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father jesus we ask that you would demonstrate your power over the demonic that you would demonstrate your power over satanic bibles you need to show your power over pornography addiction you need to show your power o god over torment and harassment that comes against the mind lord jesus we confess that you are strong enough lord god there is nothing that can overpower or outmatch you jesus we pray that you would reach in to these very dark situations and that you would bind the strong man you would plunder his house and you would set the prisoners free god we thank you that your name is enough your cross was enough the spirit that you have given us is enough o lord jesus for as many people as know to cry out to you god respond to their cries o lord lord for those who don't know to lift their voices this young girl christina who is finding interest in a message of evil and darkness god i pray that you would speak to her reach her o god let no evil touch her o god lord i pray that she would not come under the influence or control or power of anything satanic lord god almighty rescue her lord rescue her oh god before she goes any deeper god let her see the evil that she's dabbling in let there be no attraction in it whatsoever god almighty protect us from ever being fascinated by the darkness lord we look to you for light we look to you for truth we look to you for power and we thank you lord jesus that truly your name is sufficient your power is enough and it's in us oh god it's in us oh lord and it's in your name that we pray amen and amen thanks be to god thank you lord jesus christ for your power dsc family once again we want to thank you for your continued trust your faithfulness to work alongside us in the vineyard of the lord through this prayer meeting and also for your generosity and your giving you make so much possible and we're going to go into our regular time of giving in just a few moments and you'll be told how you can do that and continue supporting this ministry but following that we have a special video that we want to play for you i'm very sure you'll be plus blessed by after that we're going to go into our time of hearing the word of the lord thanks to your generosity times square church we have been feeding 100 plus kids for over 10 years in the casa ogar group home located in reynosa mexico elma who is the director of this group home would bring these kids to different communities to share some of what they've been blessed with thanks to utsc recently elma felt like the lord was asking her to do even more elma became aware of a nearby community of people who have nothing in fact many times these people were depending on scraps that they could find around a garbage dump because of the generosity that elma has received from utsc she has been able to lead outreaches to this community that provide groceries clothes shoes meals and even bibles for these kids and adults who were previously depending on scraps from the garbage dump this is a great reminder that god can always do more with our giving and our money than we could ever do on our own because of your generosity to elma and her group home she was inspired to be a blessing to these people in her community when you give you are saying god i trust you with my tithes and offerings to reach and serve the people who need it the most thank you again for giving to god's work if you are prepared to give today i want to remind you that there are four ways to give here at tsc you can give online at give you can text give tsc nyc to 77977 you can download the pushpay app or you can mail your check to our office thank you tsc for being such a generous church [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you lord turn his face towards you and give you peace the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon be gracious to you lord turn is face toward you and give you peace [Music] [Music] um [Music] make his face shine upon you and be gracious [Music] peace [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] ah [Music] may his favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children [Music] and their children [Music] be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children make his favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children these presents go before you and behind you and the size [Music] and rejoicing he is for you he is for you he is for you he is for you he is for you he is for you he is [Music] uh [Music] and your children and your [Applause] he is with you he is for [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] praise god praise god how wonderful it is when brethren dwell together in unity and uh i just you've probably heard of the the blessing the song that went acro around the world there's a blessing uk canada u.s sweden i just happen to like the one from canada because that's where i originate from and i know a lot of those churches i've actually spoken in some of them and i just want to thank god for what he's doing and how good it feels doesn't it feel good when you see brethren well dwelling together in unity you know there's so much disunity in this generation there's so many people that uh are angry and violent and uh there's proponents of division and hatred and unforgiveness but how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and that's what i want to share on today and after i do share we're going to go to communion tonight so that you have an opportunity to get some bread and some juice in your house and then you can partake of communion with us i'm going to speak from psalm 133 today so if you have a bible or similar device if you could be kind enough to turn to that so father i just want to thank you i want to thank you god with all my heart tonight lord for the touch of heaven god that you put on your word the leading the drawing that we are all feeling in our heart that you are bringing us to something bigger than any of us can fully understand we recognize that we live in a generation that is being literally swallowed by darkness and there there is no standard there is no resisting it there's no standing against it apart from the shed blood of jesus christ and god the testimony you've established in the earth is in your house and among your people so lord would you give us the wisdom my god would you give us the strength and the grace that we need at this time to recognize the magnitude of the battle and the greatness of our god give me o god this day the ability lord to speak for you and on your behalf and father i thank you god for your word that always is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path would you help us not to resist truth would you help us my god to be yielded to your purposes on the earth would you give us the great grace that all of us are going to need in this generation and we thank you for it in jesus name now before i begin today i just want to read a few prayer requests the title of my sharing today is we need you it's really simple we need you and i'm speaking now to people all over the world that are with us this evening from atlantic city new jersey pray that god would free me from homosexuality i'm really trapped and i can't break hold of it pray that i would be born again jesus save me whoever you are we want you to know tonight that we need you adelpha from new york my husband is threatening to leave due to a misunderstanding he has changed i'm trusting god to heal us adelpha we need you and we need your husband in the body of christ from gutenberg please pray for my daughter to overcome her depression and eating disorder she has been purging has lost so much weight and will not accept help from illinois i ran back into porn and lust please pray for me i'm so tired of it i need deliverance we need you in illinois in the body of christ john from tom's river please pray for my marriage for god to be glorified in restoring what the enemy is trying to destroy from finland please pray that god would have mercy on me i feel i've gone astray in my walk i need forgiveness and deliverance from god renew a right spirit within me we need you in finland in the body of christ from dallas fort worth texas i'm sinking back into my old ways my marriage is broken i've lost my children to the world and i feel lost confused and shattered please pray for me we need you in dallas fort worth texas in the u.s i'm so lonely in a house full of strife and anger please pray another one says please pray for me i'm so lonely and my life seems just hopeless from stupid ontario canada praying for complete healing of my physical disability i've lived with cerebral palsy my entire life 37 years i would like to receive god's healing from sydney australia my husband has heaps of unforgiveness anger bitterness towards me i keep forgiving but it never stops married for 45 years i plead jesus blood we need protection and help and lastly from sweden please pray for my oldest daughter who went through with an abortion the child would have been born now she was a believer at a young age i am in grief and we're praying for you two as a parent but also for your daughter because jesus loves her and she is much needed in this end time that we're now living in in the body of christ and for the testimony of god psalm 133 says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious oil upon the head running down on the beard the beard of aaron running down to the edge of his garments it's like the dew of hermann descending upon the mountains of zion for there the lord commanded the blessing life for evermore how good and how pleasant it is now when i speak of unity i just want to make a clarifying statement i'm not talking about ecumenicism ecumenicism is about unity at the expense of truth i'm not talking about that kind of unity in the body of christ i'm talking about the unity that is based on salvation by faith through the shed blood of jesus christ on the cross 2000 years ago that group of people that group of believers who have trusted jesus christ for their salvation in spite of the name that's on the church door they've trusted in him and him alone for their salvation he has redeemed them by his blood and the holy spirit of god now indwells their physical body that is the true church of jesus christ the true church of jesus christ is is a body from all different locations and all different places different denominations different names on the door and yet the body of christ has different distinctives by distinctives i mean it's certain practices that each of us incorporate and we believe these to be true we may be right and or we may be wrong we we may have we may have a complete truth on our hands that we practice or maybe our truth needs to be modified just a little bit when i speak of distinctives i speak of things that are not consequential to eternal life and to salvation and we are allowed to have those distinctives you believe the the the rapture of the church is going to happen before the tribulation begins you're more than welcome to your view if you believe it it's going to happen mid-tribulation then god be with you you believe it's going to happen at the end of the tribulation as i always say you can have my truck and please feed my dog because i will no longer be here but you're free to believe some believe there is going to be no rapture of the christian church at all and you see these are these are distinctives these are things that we hold to there's other other churches and places where they believe that communion has to be in a shared cup that you pass from if it's going to be genuine it has to be from in a cup pass from hand to hand others believe it has to be crackers some believe it has to be bread that melts in your mouth other believe it has to be hard crusty bread it doesn't matter these are just distinctives you understand what i'm saying but the real what what brings us together as one body is that we have the same spirit the spirit of god is upon us and and we don't always like the pharisees in the scriptures they didn't they didn't like they all the people that jesus hung around with but wisdom is justified of its children and it is a pleasant thing when brethren dwell together in unity in this time of incredible division in the world that we are experiencing today we just see this little video of all these people singing the same song and it makes you feel good now some people don't like the names of the churches and it doesn't make them feel good and that's just the reality of of what causes disunity in the true body of jesus christ but the reality is it brings a good feeling in the heart because there's so much division in the world today and what an opportunity we have as the body of jesus christ to come back together again at the foot of the cross in spirit and in truth with a heart of sincerity to want to live for god and to want to love one another as christ commands us to love one another he says in the word of god in this place it's like there's an anointing there like the anointing on aaron that ran down to the edge of his garments this this anointing that separates us from the world this anointing that jesus said will tell or show all men that we are the disciples of christ this this presence of god that is inexplicable apart from the spirit of god that gladdens the heart it stirs men and women i remember in times square church in new york city precovered days people would walk into the church and see people from 104 different nations and nationalities and cultures and races coming into the house of god and worshiping together with one voice i remember people who were unsafe breaking down in the in breaking down in the sanctuary and say surely god must be in this place because they had seen this incredible power that god is willing to unleash in a sense when he finds the people who are willing to walk together in unity the psalmist goes on to say psalms king david it's like this dew that descends upon the mountains in the morning this this dew that satisfies the thirst of a thirsty humanity and in this place of unity this is an incredibly powerful statement god commands the blessing of life ever more that's a phenomenal thing you know there's nothing worse than a disunified church i don't know if any of you have ever had this experience but when you walk into a church where there's no unity there really is no presence of god and it's sometimes it's actually a dreadful feeling when you walk in the door you don't feel the presence of god there's just something in the water that's making it foul may i put it that way when there's disunity in the body of christ but when we walk into a place where we've just become mature enough to recognize that none of us have it all together we'd all like to think that we have the corner on the truth but we don't i've often said that the throne of god the first thousand years we're all going to be slapping our foreheads for a thousand years saying oh wow that's that was i had that wrong and i had that wrong and i thought that was right because like isaiah where isaiah was in ministry isaiah was was a young prophet in training in the year king uzziah died isaiah is drawn into the presence of god and when he sees god he's undone when he sees god he says woes me i'm undone my lips are unclean and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips now keep in mind he's talking about the people of god of that he's talking about those people that are set apart in the earth to to bring glory and honor to god their divine purpose in the earth is to bring god's name to glory but having seen god he now recognizes how far they had gotten from who god actually is and how mediocre the description of god or maybe the representation of him and the earth had actually become in mark chapter 10 in the gospel of mark we have a story of jesus on a journey beginning at verse 46 it says they came to jericho and as he went out of jericho with his disciples and a great multitude blind bartimaeus the son of timaeus sat by the road begging so this is mark chapter 10 beginning at verse 46. when he heard it it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry out and say jesus son of david have mercy on me then many warned him to be quiet but he cried out all the more son of david have mercy on me so jesus stood still and commanded him to be called and then they called the blind man saying to him be of good cheer rise up he's calling you now we're just this poor guy they were just all telling him to be quiet now when jesus stops the whole parade and calls his name they change their tune and throwing aside his garments he rose and came to jesus and jesus answered and said to him what do you want me to do for you the blind man said to him rabboni that i might receive my sight then jesus said to him go your way your faith has made you well and immediately received his sight and followed jesus on the road so i want you to just journey with me just for a moment with jesus you're in the crowd we're walking out of jericho and obviously he's heading to another destination everyone is walking with him and they're all walking with him for a specific purpose everybody has a a reason for walking with jesus you have if you're walking with him tonight you have a reason for walking with him as well as anybody else around you and suddenly this man starts to cry out from the side of the road who who in their opinion has nothing to offer to their objectives isn't it sad when we get like that as the body of christ we have jesus you see and the the core statement that they're making when they're telling this man to be quiet is we have jesus with you you see we're going with jesus to a destination some think that he's going to overthrow the romans some think that he's going to forever give them free bread others others i've seen the healing and they're just very enamored with the healing others have heard the stories and they want to see more they want to see more miracles there's there's others maybe feel that they're going to be raised up by him to positions of prominence and power are they going to be given knowledge that they've not had before everyone has a reason to walk with him but this poor blind man on the side of the road you see he's not adding to the agenda in their opinion he's just taking away from the agenda and they don't understand the value of this one person the value of this person that they they feel has has nothing in other words they're saying we have jesus we don't need you and you know you look at it today and you see how wrong-headed that was for that crowd we look at this crowd as a bad example they're so far from the heart of god aren't they i mean this poor guy is crying out jesus has come to set him free he's come to deliver him he's come to go to a cross they're all walking with jesus they've all got this agenda but they they're look they're looking at this incredibly hurt man on the side of the road and in their heart they're saying we don't need you and we we look at that and and we look at this example of scripture and we say there's an example of a wrong-headed people they're so far off in their thinking but do we do the same thing with other members true members of the true body and i'm talking about the true body of jesus christ and you find the true body in in every denomination because you your denomination is called pentecostal doesn't mean everybody in it is saved you can be baptist not every baptist is saved there's people in the baptist church that live like devils people in pentecostal churches that live like devils they're they've never really they have a form of religion but they're not in relationship with god there's people in other places that we maybe would not necessarily want to frequent ourselves but they have cried out and they found him as savior and the holy spirit has come upon them and they've they found themselves forgiven but we pass them by on our journey and we say exactly what this crowd said to the blind man we don't need you we don't need you the pentecostals say to the baptist we don't need you the baptist say to the charismatics we don't need you i'm telling you we we make the mistake of thinking that other people have nothing to add to our agenda but if our agenda is truly to honor god in the earth if our agenda is to usher in as as it is the presence of god through a body of people that will bring men and women out of darkness and into the freedom of christ i need the members of the body i need everyone who's called by the name of jesus christ and and you are allowed your distinctives you're you want to bob your head when you pray go ahead you you want to pray like you're having an asthma attack it doesn't bother me you want to be quiet be quiet you want to march the aisles march in the aisles what i really care about is that you know jesus and that makes you my brother that makes you my sister if you have crossed that bloodline into redemption by faith in that shed blood of jesus christ two years ago you are my brother and you are my sister and i'm more than willing to hang out with you no matter what the pharisees say in this or any other generation praise be to god i don't ever want to get to the place like the apostle paul warned about where the eye cannot say to the hand he said i have no need of you nor yet let me read it to you now he says there's there's one body but many members and the eye cannot say to the hand i have no need of you nor again the head to the feet i have no need of you no much rather those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable on these we bestow greater honor and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty instead of passing by we stop tonight and call out to you and for you because we need you everyone whose prayer requests i read tonight and those that i was not able to get to you're struggling you're you're in a trial you're in a place of difficulty you're on the side of the road and you feel that this whole parade called the church of jesus christ is somehow passing you by my word to you this evening is we need you christ is calling for you yes the whole crowd may miss you the whole crowd may think you've got nothing to add to the church of jesus christ because of your addictions and your afflictions your struggles your past your present everybody may just pass you by and maybe you can't tithe maybe you don't have a talent as you see it to offer the body of christ but let me tell you what you do have you have the opportunity for jesus christ to do a miracle in your life because your miracle is needed the testimony of your miracle is needed in the body of christ as pastor tim dalina shared on sunday morning last sunday you might have only a little wee lunch a few loaves and a couple of fishes but god wants to take what you have and multiply it and use your life to feed thousands and thousands of people just the testimony of what he is able to do in you and through you we need you we need your testimony we need you to rise up from where you are this particular man when christ called him and said what do you want me to do for you the scripture says he cast aside his garment and he came to jesus he put off the old he was tired of living the way he was living he was tired of begging on the side of the road and he recognized that jesus was passing by and i hope with all my heart tonight that you recognize that jesus is passing by your house he's passing by your living room you might be on a park bench listening to this on your telephone but he's he's passing by you and your cell phone right now he's passing by your broken marriage he's passing by your wounded house your broken family your wayward child he's passing by and calling for you oh yes there's a lot of people may forget that you even exist but not the son of god he came for you and he needs you and that means we need you in the body of christ as well there is a place for you in the body of christ we need you we need your testimony we need your song in the house of god whatever it is you have whether it's a lot or whether it's little or whether it's nothing bring it to god and watch what god will do in and through your life and watch the testimony that he will establish through you we need each other in the body of christ and we need you in the body of christ you who are reaching out you who are calling from the side of the road you will be a blessing to each of us and to the testimony of christ and the story of your miracle will bring glory to god so here's here's what your part is when you hear him calling your name when i'm thankful that the crowd stopped and didn't keep walking at this moment which which gave him an opportunity to get up and actually join those that were walking with jesus i'm thankful for the moments where the the church has the courage to stop and say maybe we've missed something along the way maybe we've not been as pure in our following of jesus christ as we'd like to think that we are maybe we've actually missed the very mission of god maybe we've lost the heart of god in the house of god maybe we've given preferential seeding to those who tithe more to the work of god maybe we're we're giving into titles and positions in the house of god and we forgot that god himself said i stand at the right hand of the poor if you're looking for me that's where you're going to find me suddenly the whole crowd stops now what is your part in all of this if assuming that we're just more or less stopping tonight for you we're we're not singing at the moment we're not moving forward at the moment we've just stopped and now god is calling you jesus christ is speaking to you when we've stopped and suddenly by the spirit of god we've taken notice of you in your situation in your mess in your pain this man had been blind his whole life he was unable to see a way forward he didn't see a purpose as many tonight are could say i don't see a reason to live i don't see god's hand in my family i i don't see the provision i needed i just don't see and jesus said to the man what can i do for you and he simply said i want to see i want to see a reason for life as we sang earlier this evening i want to see my name written down in god's book of eternal life and the scripture says he got up and he threw aside his garment now you have to understand he's a blind man the odds of it being there when he was able to even find his way back are probably not very good he it maybe had was the only thing that had given him comfort then your garment might be your drugs might be your addiction might be pornography it might be selfishness that's destroying your home and your marriage there's a lot of things that garment means but he got up and he says i'm i'm throwing this off that's what repentance means repentance means i'm putting off the old way of living i'm putting off the old comforts i'm i'm putting away all of these things that once gave me comfort in the sense of well-being as much as it could and i'm now coming to jesus because he's called me and he needs me you are very needed by the son of god i want that to go very very deep into your heart tonight you're very needed you need to get up from where you are and put off that old way of living and come to him and he simply said to this man go your way your faith has made you whole in other words there's a journey now set before you you now have the eyes or will be given the eyes to see it and your faith it doesn't say just has has given you sight which is great but it's also made him well there's a huge difference it was a deeper healing than just his eyes he had a reason to live you know the crowd that was passing by the the scripture doesn't record that any of them got a miracle in all of their pushing of jesus to their agenda but he got the miracle this poor guy on the side of the road and so tonight would you let god do a miracle in your life i'm serious would you let him heal you would you let him open your prison door would you let him give sight to your your eyes that don't see a way forward for your life would you let him give you faith so that your heart might be healed or the wounds that keep driving you to do things you shouldn't be doing or living a way you shouldn't live or maybe in marriage you're just abusing others in a way you shouldn't be verbally or physically as we saw in so many prayer requests tonight would you have the courage to let god just touch you admit your condition for this man it wasn't hard he was blind and he knew it and everybody else knew it a lot of people know about you they know about the way you live they know your family does for sure if you've hidden it in the workplace at least your family knows so there's nothing to hide you simply get up and you say i'm done with this old way of living jesus is calling me and i want to see i want to be well believe that he came to die for you on a cross and pay the price for your sin so that you don't have to be separated from god anymore and just confess him what what more could this man do it says he immediately received his sight and followed jesus i can just imagine everyone else's that we're we're all telling him to be quiet they don't have much to say now and he's he's the guy in the crowd going jesus gave me my sight back jesus touched my life jesus gave me a miracle all he did was tell him to be quiet and so they're just more or less a bad example but he gets the miracle you see the point is we need you we need you in the body of christ we need your miracle we need your story we've grown a little weary and we need fresh life in the church of jesus christ so i'm going to lead you in a prayer and everyone here in this sanctuary is going to pray along with me so that you can know tonight that you belong to god not just for now but forever just pray these words with me lord jesus christ thank you tonight for hearing my cry thank you for loving me even if nobody else does thank you for stopping for me and coming to my house tonight i hear you and so i'm getting up by the power of god and in the mercy of god and i'm coming to you i want to put away my old life my old comforts and my old way of doing things and i want the new life i want to see the new life that you promised to give me [Music] so tonight i invite you into my life to be my lord and my savior [Music] i give you the rest of my life [Music] let me see now the purpose of my life and let my life glorify you jesus christ you are now lord of my life i will follow you for the rest of my days now if you prayed that and you really meant that i'm going to ask you to take a step of faith and just text the word decided to 51 000 decided to 51 000 and somebody at times square church will send a video to you or get in touch with you if that's what you desire and help you get started in this new walk with god oh thank god for those that are coming through to eternal life in christ tonight and i want you to know that we need you because jesus needs you we love you because jesus loves you and we see your value and we see your worth because jesus sees the value and the worth of your life come join us how sweet it is how wonderful it is how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity welcome to the family of god we're going to go to communion together in just a few moments here the band's going to sing in one phrase song join us in this and then we'll go to communion table and we're going to celebrate this incredible victory that god has given us through his son jesus christ god bless you [Music] [Music] is [Music] all my [Music] we fears in you there is hope there is hope in the promise of the cross [Music] our god [Music] one [Music] your promises [Music] there is hope there is hope [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] our god if you have the the bread and the juice ready at home especially for those that gave your life to christ tonight the bible tells us the angels in heaven are rejoicing right now over you over you if you can only understand how much you are loved by god for i have received to the lord that which i also delivered to you the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me [Music] in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes [Music] thank you jesus god we we just want to thank you lord for for every person tonight that just rose up out of the ashes of whatever the situation is and chose to let you give them beauty thank you for your mercy oh jesus christ would you help us to walk in unity with you lord so that we can walk in unity with one another when we lose you lord that's where our unity begins to break down help us lord help our poor hearts god to once again wholeheartedly embrace your mission on the earth thank you my god thank you my god we give you praise and glory tonight for calling us to you and we thank you father in jesus name amen as always we close with the song of victory here on tuesday night and we remind you that sunday morning times square church is online at 10 a.m eastern time at and we'll be back here again next week at 7 p.m and next week is a special week because it is our last week that the students of our bible school summit international school of ministry be here with us in chapel and uh so you're going to we're going to have a chance to pray for some of the students that are heading out to different countries some as missionaries some going back home we're going to believe god for them we're going to pray for our education system in this and other countries we're going to believe we're going to believe that god's going to raise up one last generation for his glory in jesus name we'll see you then god bless you [Music] and i try with all my might but i just can't win the fight i'm slowly drifting a vagabond [Music] and just wait [Music] he [Music] can change forever free i'm not the same i think the master i think the savior i thank god i cannot deny what i see got no choice but to believe my nails are burning [Music] you can just keep it moving here [Music] [Music] is [Music] because he healed my heart and changed my name forever free i'm not the same i think the master i think the savior i thank god [Music] i am free i am free i am free i am free [Music] i am free i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and changed my name forever free i'm not the same i think the master i thank the savior i thank god [Applause] thank you for joining us this tuesday night please join us again next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 6,997
Rating: 4.9186993 out of 5
Id: k_iRHZKM4O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 1sec (6601 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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