World's Weirdest Pillow | OT 11

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I would like to bestow the honor of opening this episode to Gary Hilbert. No way. Yeah. Dude. I don't even know what to do right now. Welcome, guys. What do you typically say? You had one chance and that's what you went with. Yeah. [MUSIC - OVERTIME THEME SONG] Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser. Dude Perfects in Overtime. Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser. Now we're heading on to Overtime. Welcome to Overtime 11. We've got a great show for you guys today. Starting off with a little Cool Not Cool, followed by a brand new segment that you've never seen before. Then into some Absurd Recurds, and to finish it up, everybody's favorite, Wheel Unfortunate. But for now, let's head to Cool Not Cool. Recently, I decided that I needed to take charge, OK. No. For at least one episode, we will enforce the budget rule, so this is Budget Episode Cool Not Cool, $25 or less. I'm talking to one man, in particular. I mean, it's Coby. No. No. I definitely smell something burning. You absolutely do. Let me introduce to you guys my item, the hot dog toaster. Here's what we got. I broke some off, just so you guys can just taste. That is going to be the best hot dog you've ever had. Oh my goodness gracious. Dude. I'll vote first. Yes. The wiener cooker itself, it's pretty standard, but the bun toaster, next level. If it cooked anything beside hot dogs, I would be in. I'm eliminating it to one of my least favorite items. I really thought that was going to be my first super cool. You guys know me. You bring a food item and I'm in. From now on, I'm only bringing food items. And I was skeptical at first, but that puppy was cooked to perfection. Gar, I'm so proud of you. And how much are we talking there, Gar? $17.97. That is how you do Budget Cool Not Cool. I can follow that up nicely. A lot of negativity in the world today, and that is why I want to take this moment to pass out just a little bit of positive energy. Is that the Bob Ross energy drink? That is a Bob Ross energy drink. Wash your dogs down with some positive Bob Ross energy. Is it wrong that I want to check the ingredients label real quick on this really random item? Don't even look. No such thing as mistakes, just happy accidents. Toss it back. That is the best energy drink I've ever tasted. Holy cow, there's a lot of sugar in that thing. It's got 80% of your pantothenic acid. And for that reason, I'm out. I don't know what that is. Congratulations to the Bob Ross family who carried on his legacy. This stuff's good. Yeah. I'm a green too. I would love to tie in my item really quickly. Strange way to bring up an item I've ever seen. All right, pretend you're ready for a job interview. You got your tie on. You're feeling good. You got the cold sweats because you're nervous. And you pull out your necktie fan. Oh, that's nice. I'm sorry, what? Mid-August in Texas, you're going to want one of these suckers. Does it come in any different colors? I don't believe so. OK. Before you do that, Ty, I feel like it's unfair, dude. You just took a Bob Ross positive energy drink, and all of a sudden you're publicly shaming the Guy? Messed up. Gar, you're right. You know, I should be full of positive energy. I mean, come on. And for that reason. Thank you, Coby. For that reason. We're on our way, folks. That's two. What just happened? Is it plugged in all the time? All of the time. I like how you were trying to hide that. I'm sorry, Bob. I gave it all I had, but I got to go back. I will say, I hate wearing a tie, and on the off chance that this makes it better, I'll hit green. Wow. I just need a different color. I'm sorry. Sorry. The fact that it's pre-tied is a reason enough for me. You're just in it for pre-tied band? Yes. 100%, dude. Wow. It's a good item. Ladies and gentlemen, do you remember my unspillable coffee mug? Yeah, that was nice. For today's budget-friendly episode, I would like to introduce to you the unspillable coffee mug carrier. Now we've got our positive energy. Does everyone agree that is to the tippy top? That's pretty full. Normally, if were carrying this cup-- That is unbelievable. --it is spilling everywhere. What? No way. What a performance. No way. We need to invent this to where they have this hanging from the car ceiling so, you know, you're always spilling it and yeah I'm in! Like what an item. Yeah, absolutely a green. You did use partial of my item. Which is kind of like a compliment. It is, but you Not Cooled my item. But I did drink a lot of positive energy, so hey, all right. The fact that you have to keep this in your office drawer. I agree. I'm so on your page right now. The whole time? I just can't get on board. This is a piece of junk. I totally understand you there. If I may say so myself, I've had some legendary performances on Cool Not Cool. And legendary prices. Before I present my item to you, my only request would be before you vote, you must try it yourself. I proudly present to you the ostrich pillow. We've all been there. You're on an airplane and you just can't get comfortable. Pull your tray table out and just set your face down on it. Oh my goodness, your arms are just in a primo position. Your arms are in the other people's seats. Yeah, that's true. I need you guys to try it before you cast your vote. OK, this is how it goes? More or less. Before I cast any votes, I want to be clear-headed. That's not how you get clear-headed. There it is. There it is. I'm green all day. Looks unbelievable. Oh, that's nice. I told you, dude. The forehead comfort is phenomenal. I have a horrible time sleeping on planes. That is flat out. Unbelievable. Super cool. Yes. Guys, real quick, I know that today was a budget episode, and I know this may be hard to believe, but the ostrich pillow is actually $99. Are you kidding me? Are you serious? What is wrong with you? I'm making an executive decision. One game suspension. Next time, Cool Not Cool. No buttons, no mic. You say a word, you're spinning the wheel. Give me the pillow. No. Give me the pillow. I'd pay a million dollars to sleep on an airplane. Pillow's broke. There's fuzz coming out. No. Yeah. End the segment. No. Somebody. Welcome to the newest segment here on Overtime. Here at DP, we have arguments, just like everybody else. It's common in the workplace to have disputes, disagreements, and sometimes those are left unresolved. We decided to appoint one person to resolve our arguments, and there is only one place to do that, and that is in the courtroom of Judge Dudy. You are about to enter the courtroom of Judge Dudy. Tensions are high. Dudes may cry. But the rulings are final. This is Judge Dudy. 12 years ago, Garrett Hilbert accidentally broke Coby Cotton's desk. Today, Garrett is suing Coby for violating bro code and forcing him to pay for the desk. Rise up. Judge, hey. Please be seated. Case number 432. Hilbert versus Cotton. Thank you, Officer. How are we doing today? Good. Did you get your coffee this morning? I did and you took it. Ah. It's fine, though. Mr. Hilbert versus Mr. Cotton. Mr. Hilbert, you are countersuing suing Mr. Cotton because he forced you to pay $90 for a desk that you originally broke. Now you want your money back because you feel Mr. Cotton broke bro code. Am I understanding that correct, Mr. Hilbert? Yes, sir, and also countersuing for emotional damages on the friendship over the last 12 years. What is the total amount, Mr. Hilbert, that you're countersuing for? $450. $450. $450? Mr. Cotton, it is not your turn. Please wait. Mr. Hilbert, were you invited to the house? Yes, Your Honor, we were just having a good, friendly discussion. I leaned against a piece of garbage, unstable desk. It cracked. I was very apologetic. Then he proceeded to send me a bill for $90. Thank you, Mr. Hilbert. Mr. Cotton. Yes, Your Honor. What was the date of the incident, Mr. Cotton? April 2nd, 2007, Your Honor. Where was the house that you lived in? I was off campus, sir, in the historic district. Historic district. You must have a lot of money, Mr. Cotton. No, sir, it was a rental, sir. Where were you working at the time, Mr. Cotton? I was waiting tables at Red Lobster, Your Honor. Red Lobster. You like lobster? Actually, no, sir but I did like the cheese bread, sir. You like the cheese bread, but not the lobster. How much money were you making an hour at Red Lobster, Mr. Cotton? $8 an hour plus tips, sir. $8. So you were in a bit of a financial pickle, you might, say Mr. Lobster. Mr. Lobster. I'm going to call you Mr. Lobster from now on, Mr. Cotton. Mr. Lobster, how did you acquire the desk? I bought it, sir. You bought the desk with lobster money? Sure. Yes, sir. Yeah. What was your major in college? Communication. Communication what? Communication. That was the name of the-- You didn't study hard enough because you're having a hard time communicating with me, Mr. Lobster. Mr. Hilbert, what was your major? Irrelevant, sir. This isn't college, sir. Mr. Cotton, I'm not talking to you right now. Officer Trooper, stay over there. If he talks again, I want you to cuff him. Mr. Hilbert, you're a pretty bright guy. Mr. Hilbert, talk to me, please. Where was the desk from, Mr. Hilbert? IKEA, I believe, sir. Did you know the desk was from IDEA at the time or did you find this out after the fact, Mr. Hilbert? Looks can be deceiving, sir. I did not know it was from IKEA. Your Honor, it was obvious it was IKEA furniture. Mr. Cotton, when I talk to you, then you can talk back to me, Mr. Communication Lobster. It was a terrible desk, Your Honor. It was very obvious. Put the cuffs on him. Officer Trooper, next outburst, you have my authority to bust him with your nightstick if he does anything else. Mr. Cotton, how long have you lived in the house prior to Mr. Hilbert coming over? About six months, Your Honor. Would you say you had adequate time to set up the house appropriately? Yes, sir. How many seats were in the room when the desk was broken? I had one desk chair, Your Honor. One desk chair. And how many people were in the room, Mr. Cotton? I recall three or four people. Three or four people and we've got one desk chair in the room. Do you see the problem here, Mr. Lobster? It was my bedroom, sir. Mr. Lobster, do you regret breaking bro code? I did not break bro code, Your Honor. You didn't feel bad that you then took your friend, Mr. Hilbert-- he accidentally broke your desk, and then you said, you owe me $90. The broken bro code, Your Honor, was him not offering to pay for the desk, Your Honor. $90. Everything would have been forgiven. Was there anything else on the desk at the time? Just a couple of textbooks, sir, and my Bible. The Bible. WWJD, what-- do you think Jesus would've made Peter to pay for the table if he broke it? You make a good point, Your Honor. So are you agreeing to pay the full amount of $450, Mr. Lobster? Absolutely not. That's outrageous. Mr. Lobster. Sir, if he had said $100,000, would you have said yes? Mr. Lobster, that's enough. Thank you. Due to inflation, emotional side effects, and a complete waste of time on my behalf, I agree with Mr. Hilbert. You owe him $450 and a free lobster meal. Thank you very much. Yes. Thank you, sir. Officer Trooper, I'm finished here. Thank you very much. Got to be honest. Really happy with the ruling that Judge Dudy gave me today. I stepped in this courtroom, thought I was going to like Judge Dudy. The guy's a joke. Should have done this years ago. What kind of a friend sits on his friend's desk, breaks it, then charges 1,000% interest 10 years later? Probably should have asked for more, now that I'm thinking about it, but hey, I'm going to take my $450 and live a happy life. I'm going to go over to Garrett's house to see if I can break some things. Maybe I'll make a few million. I think that that is one of the best decisions that we have ever had, to bring in the judge and a courtroom into this office. I think that's going to solve a lot of problems. OK, well, it is time to move on. We had Michael in town a few weeks ago and we decided to break yet another Absurd Recurd. Let's take a look. It is a beautiful day to break an Absurd Recurd. Today, we are down in the kitchen with everybody's favorite, Guinness World Record adjudicator, Michael. Hey. Hi, everyone. How are you? Michael, glad to have you here. Why don't you tell the folks at home what Coby will be attempting today. Today, Coby will be attempting to break the Guinness World Records title for tallest stack of donuts in one minute while blindfolded. Oh, wow. That's absurd. Yes. So it's exactly what it sounds like. Blindfold, stack of donuts. The tower must remain standing for five seconds at the end of the one minute. I hope that doesn't come into play. That's a good note. And let's not forget about the thickness of the donut. What was this thickness that they have to be? They have to be six centimeters thick. For our American-speaking friends, basically, they need to be pretty thick donuts. OK, Cobes, how are you feeling? I don't have a blindfold, but I feel great. Oh, there we go. Now we have a blindfold. OK, you ready? I'm ready, guys. Coby, please wave at the donut cam. Somewhere over here. Correct. That was a direct wave to the donut cam. Hey. Hey. For the record, 3, 2, 1, go. It's a good first one. It's like he's not fighting time. It's more just the architecture. Move your top one closer to you a little. OK. OK. How about you start stacking? Just stack them and see what happens. Towards you. Coby, towards you. There you go. There you go. No, no. It's done. Done. done. Done. Tower's gone. What happened? All right, reset. Bring it back this way a little. No, no, no, no. To your left. To your left. Time. Put that one dead center. Oh, you had it. You had it. Let go. Let go. Coby, are you ready? I'm ready, Michael. For the record, go. A good stack right there. Only two more left. The last two will decide everything. Holy cow. Toward you. Towards you. Towards you, the top two. This one needs to be all towards Ty. All towards Ty. Top two towards me and you. We got time. OK, hold on. Top one away from you. A little bit more. OK, hands off. Stop. 2, 3, 4, 5. You went from zero to hero at the last second. Wow. That, honestly, might last as long as the Egyptian pyramid. Donut cam. Coby, the existing record was seven. You have tied the existing Guinness World Records title. Congratulations. You are officially amazing. Great job. Thanks, sir. Eat some donuts, guys. Oh, it tastes like a world record. It does. Oh, man. I will say, Cobes, much harder than it looked. Well done, though. Thank you. Great job. Another plaque on the wall. Can't complain. When you hoist it high and you feel the feels, you know it's real. It's true. What a saying. What a saying. That doesn't happen often for me, but when it does, it feels good. Ladies and gentlemen, for everyone's favorite and final segment of this episode of Overtime, I would like to throw it over to Garrett Hilbert. Oh, are you serious? I would like to do that. Guys, if I'm on the bench, it's my favorite game show to watch. This is Wheel Unfortunate. Much better. Much better than the first one. Yes. As always, I have a new hat for us to pick out of. I am using a pizza hat today. Yeah, the hats just don't do it for me, you know. You guys, I was under the impression that you guys were looking forward to seeing what new hat I bring out every episode. No, not really. I'm curious what kind of a reaction you were expecting. No. Oh my. Oh wow. There's toppings on top. Oh. That is actually what he wanted. You know what? All right. I have the hat. I would say, I would like Cory to pick out of the hat. All in favor of Cory? I. Yes. This usually goes well for me. Cory, do your worst. There's at least a 72% chance you land on Own a Cat. They're all the same. It feels like a 72% chance. Do you have it in your hand? No, it's not in his hand. He has the name in his hand right now. Hey, here's what I want you to do because this always gets me excited. Does it start with a C? Yeah, that's what I want to know. Yeah. It does not. Yes. Yes. Yes. No cat for us! I love the pizza hat. Muah. Ah, sí. I'm ready to just show it. OK. Wait, hold on. Hold on. Hey, what are you going to name your cat? It's me and I'm owning a cat. Ladies and gentlemen, the person that might own a cat is Garrett. Yes. Welcome to the greatest game show in all the land. This is Wheel Unfortunate. Well, folks, I'm Ned Forrester checking in. A little bit of a downer more so than usual, I guess. You could say we've been on the road. Boys are finishing up the tour. They asked old Ned to go along with them, and tour life is not for Ned. Aw. It's taking a toll on me, vocally, mentally, spiritually, physically. Just about every type of -ly you could possibly imagine, I feel it. Too many fans just screaming Ned, just cheering me on to dance, or taking every Golden Boy I had. I've got no Golden Boys left to throw out for you guys. Just bring them on. Come on up, Gar. Man, I gotta say, I cannot believe I have more energy than Ned. That is insane. Well, you know, looks like spirits are already pretty low, and I don't want to make them lower, so I guess I don't need to spin the wheel. So hey, you good seeing you, ol' bud. Yeah, you don't need to spin the wheel because I'm going to do it for you. Spin that wheel. OK. Here we are. Is this a joke? And let's see what we are going to land on... No. Dude, it says stand in lines at a theme park and not ride any rides. And that is exactly what you're going to be doing, Gar. Thank you very much. I'm Ned Forrester. Old Ned came here and he decided, hey, let's just make this a quick one. Gar walks out, I spin it. That's what you're doing. That's how the ball game goes. That's not how the game works. I'm supposed to spin the wheel and you guys are supposed to be, spin that wheel! Signing off for now. Say it with me, that's unfortunate. Ladies and gentlemen, we are here at Six Flags. Today is all about finding the longest line we possibly can, and four of the five of us having the best day of our lives. Who's ready to have fun? Me. Here we go. Dude, I'm totally going no hands. Oh, no doubt. Will you do no hands? Nope. Nope. Hey, keep it moving. Keep it moving. Hey, Gar. The coaster brothers, yeah. Bye, Gar. See you. See you, Gar. There's Gar. This ride is notorious for a three-hour line wait. Good news is we have fast passes, boys. Yeah. Gar, enjoy it. I'll hold that water for you, Gar. I got it. That's brutal. I'm a changed man. For the unicorn. 1, 2. Get it. Nice. Yeah. What's Garrett doing? Garrett, he's probably still standing in line. It's literally over 100 degrees right now. Hey, boys! Hey, I'd like some water, at least. Oh. Oh, man. That was a perfectly good-- That's so messed up. Honestly, the carnival is the best part of the whole place. Stop touching me. Want to give him a kiss? No. I hope he gets soaked. High-five buddy. High-five. Hold on, Buckey. Hey, good news. I say we don't make Garrett stand in line for this one, mainly because we need you to hold these while we go ride it. Are you serious? Yeah. Hold that. Thank you. All right, we'll be back. Yeah, that looks like a lot of fun. It has been a long day, but a fun day, one of the best of Dude Perfect's. I agree. Say it with me, folks. That's unfortunate. Sorry about that, Gar. Yeah, that hurt. That one hurt me more than it hurt you. What did you guys do with your stuffed animals? Kept him at home. Yeah, mine's on my bed at home. It's awesome. Special shout out to 140,000 of you that came out to our very first ever live show, the Pound it, Noggin' tour. We had a blast in your cities. Thank you so much. Thanks for watching, guys. If you're not already you Dude Perfect subscriber, click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos. Also, shout out to the guys holding down the fort while we were gone. Editor Edition 2 is live. If you haven't seen it, check it out. Signing off for now. Mics are fake. Coby went over budget, shocker. See you next time. He doesn't have button's next episode. Oh, yeah. I forgot. I suspended him. That's nice.
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 31,899,594
Rating: 4.8760643 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, cool not cool, ostrich pillow, hot dog toaster, bob ross, unspillable, judge, dudy, judy, desk, lobster, donut, absurd, unfortunate, overtime, 11
Id: j9I7jt4Y_-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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