Dunk Tank FIFA | Dude Perfect

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Dude Perfect. I'm Ty-- And I'm Gar-- And welcome to our brand new series, Games With Consequences. Hey, coach we'll call you when we're ready. Just give us a sec here. And we have got a wonderful match up tonight. We have got a little Dunk Tank FIFA. What a treat. Gar, why don't you tell them a little bit about it? Well, tonight we have a little twin match up in Dunk Tank FIFA. When you get scored on, you get dunked. Oh, that hurt. And what a privilege it is to play on a screen like this, Gar, am I right? That's got to be close to 100 feet wide. What do you say we get one of those for the office? And Gar, tonight we are fortunate enough to be joined by a sideline reporter who's actually got a rookie gig tonight. It's his first time out there, but he's all too familiar with the sideline in high school, if you know what I'm saying. Cody Jones! Cody, how's it going down there? Thanks, guys! No, I'm doing great. I'm Cody, I'm here with Cory. Cory, are you excited about the dunk tank opportunity? It is going to be a fun, fun night. Absolutely destroying my brother. He is, as they say, garbage at FIFA. You heard it here first. I guess he doesn't care about the other contestants. Yeah, it's a-- Again, if you could run behind the cameras-- Hey guys, it's Cody again. I'm here with twin number one. Coby, how do you feel you fare against your brother? I feel fantastic against Cory. We've played probably 1,000 games in our life and I probably lost less than five. Awesome. You heard it here first. Back to you guys. It is time for Dunk Tank FIFA! Cody! Cody! Stay on the sideline. What is that man doing? Oh, and what a beautiful night at Old Trafford. We have a great match up between Coby, who has chosen FC Barcelona to go against Cory and Manchester United. And the game is under way! Boy, we got Coby in the background, kind of just passing back and forth, feeling the controls-- [INAUDIBLE] Coby has put a great through ball and he is in! And he's in the final third, the cross comes through to Suarez. Oh! Oh! Oh, this is awkward. Oh! And the line comes up-- And ladies and gentleman-- He was offside! We have had ourselves a little premature dunk. I prematurely pushed the button, it was an offside situation. To be clear, the score is 0-0. No goal. Back to you guys in the booth. Cody Jones, you got to feel for the guy. Whenever he gets his chance to play, boy, does he take advantage. And Cory is about to cross-- Oh, and he gets ripped last minute! Turnovers are the worst! Yeah, and Cody is back in midfield. That's a good pass. And here comes Barcelona with a banger. Oh, wow! Oh, and it is-- Gosh! Thank goodness-- Coby has a dominating possession here early on. And we've got a breakaway. Oh, and he pulls it out. He does some moves-- Lionel Messi -- What happened to your defense? I deserve that one. I put that man in the blender, and that's not a place you want to be. Back to you guys. Thank you, Codes. Here at Games With Consequences, the person scoring the goals actually gets a consequence, as well, to hinder their performance and keep the game spicy. Cody Jones, what do you got for him? Thank you, Ty. Coby, after his one goal, gets an eye patch. Oh, yes! Good luck seeing with that on. Back to you guys. And here we go. Oh, and Cory finally has some possession. Oh, there's another side of the field. Yes, there is. Oh, wow! He may have a chance to put a shot on goal. Is he going to get-- Oh! Oh! He makes a move, he's got a shot! Oh! Defense wins championship. I can't see! He's got another chance at a cross-- This is exciting, this is exciting! Ah! Good news for you, you get to lose the eye patch. Back to you guys. I got to say, good call to pizza, Ty. Thank you. Cory, don't celebrate too long. Time for your consequence. And Cody, what consequence do we have for Cory? Thank you, Gar and Ty-- Wow, that was disgusting. Cory, you're in luck because you earned yourself two kitchen mitts! Codes, do you mean oven mitts? Yes, sorry. Pardon my English. Oven mitts. This is horrible! Yeah. Is this a serious thing? All right, let's resume the match! Well, and here we are. Coby's got a three on two. I picture a goal coming here. Oh, I had my hand on the dial. I gotta say-- I'll give a clap for that. Oh, and Cory-- See you, newb. Oh, trash talking! Oh, and Sanchez has a break! Oh, no I'm not ready! I'll tell you right now, Coby, I didn't think I'd see you in the water that much after the first little bit. That'll humble you quick, when a man scores on you with oven mitts. Cory, I've got to hand it to you. That's two straight goals for Cory. One with oven mitts. Ty, let's tell him what his next consequence is. Yeah, unfortunately for Cory things are about to get much more difficult. In addition to the oven mitts, he's going to have to play this round looking through a mirror. That means he's going to be in reverse, correct? Yep, Codes. That's what looking through a mirror means. Hey, good looking. Quick shout out to Panda up in the booth for helping us out on the technical side of things. Panda, how we doing up there? Ah, I'm sure he'll get it figured out. OK, back to some game play! Cory, how is it looking through a mirror? Impossible. It's impossible. Codes, you can probably go and hit that button if you want. And...goal. Good news for Cory is he is free from hindrances. And Coby Cotton will be starting off with a doozy. As soon as the kick off happens, he must run the bases and leave the controller unmanned, giving Cory a golden opportunity to score. Let's see if he takes advantage. All right, Cor, kick off and Cobes, it is on you! Run to home plate. Cory, take advantage my friend. And he regains possession because Coby's player is just standing there. Here comes Coby. And he does a little dance at the top of the box, makes one move-- And he's got a chance -- He's got it! And there it is. Wow, look at the commitment from Coby Cotton. Well, that will take us to the second half, and the consequences reset. And Gar, why don't you tell the folks at home what we've got in store for the dunk tanks? We're going to add ice. Oh, straight to the point! Lots of it. I was looking for a nice drawn out description, but you just hit him with a cold, hard fact. Hate to do this to you guys. Kind of enjoy it. Welcome, the viewers, to the second half. It's now underway. And Cory is absolutely toying with Coby right now. Manchester United looked to be the better team. They deserved to win this game as of now. It's a good pass. He's going to have a shot opportunity. Oh, what a stop! Can you say shots on goal? Wow. Did we get a penalty kick? We got a penalty kick. Unbelievable! Oh, and here it is. Messi, line's up. Oh no, way too much. Oh. Yes! Yes! Absolute garbage. That was atrocious. That was hard to watch. All I know folks, is this water is freezing. I would not want to get scored on right now. You know what, I got to give it up for Cody. That's the first useful thing he's said all night. And Coby with the offside ball-- No, he's onside, he stays onside, he cuts in -- It's freezing, folks. Just so you know, I don't want to take anything away from Cory, but I got some water on my hand and it is absolutely freezing. Back to you guys. Thanks Codes. We're actually going to have to send it right back to you, because I think the next consequence requires Coby to get in that tank. And folks, he is in it. The consequence for this round is playing from the icy tub. And the kickoff, here we go. The hypothermia is kicking in. Is he even going to be able to press a button? Look at him shaking over there. I don't know. But at this point Gar, I'm worried about losing the man. And Jessie for the hat trick! Nice! And with that goal, Cory takes the lead 4-3. And we've got a new consequence in town, boys. Holy smokes, if you know what I'm saying. Oh, I got it. Do ya? Yes. That's a smoke bomb. Ha, he actually did get it. Game on! Oh, wow. And smoke is officially popped. Good luck seeing through that there, buddy boy! And Coby has got the ball right where he wants it. And he's going to take advantage, he's at the top of the box And he shoots! And Coby Cotton takes advantage! Cory, what did you see on that one? Blue smoke. And with that goal from Coby, the score is evened up 4-4. Unfortunately for him, we've got one of my favorite consequences coming up. You were eyeing this thing all night. We like to fondly refer to this one as the Mystery Dish. Why don't you pull that out there, Gar? Put that in Coby's lap. Coby will open up the Mystery Dish and must finish whatever is inside before picking up his controller to play. And once the ball is kicked off, Coby, you can start! Coby, open that mystery dish! Oh my gosh, Twinkies! Oh, wow. Oh, they're so hard to open. I have to eat all three of these? Yeah, you might want to eat all three of those. Cory has the press. He could end it here. They really are good, though. He really could end it-- Oh, and it's a stop by the goalie. Well, this is kind of awkward. Thank goodness for Cobe. All right, guys. He has two Twinkies down, he's got one to go. And Cory-- Cory is on the cross bar! And, that's game, guys. That will take us into OT. Cory blows a golden opportunity, going off the post and it can not get closer than that. I gotta say, we are moving into a time of Golden Goal. Mano y mano. I say, next goal wins no consequences. I like it. This is uninhibited soccer. Game on! And Coby starts with the ball. And a possession that he's just doing diamond passing right now. My fingers literally are slick from Twinkie. Oh, I'm in Cory's zone. Wow! And here comes the corner. It's in-- And the goalie catches it! Here we go. Oh, and Cory put a move in. He is off to the races. That was a move and a half, if I dare say so my self. Folks-- Oh, my goodness! And I'm gonna-- Any-- He's toying with it. And that is a happy, happy man right there. I enjoyed my time in the booth with you. Absolutely. Thanks for joining us here. Do we have anybody else to thank on the team? Panda! Yeah! Panda. We-- Hey Panda, I just want to say, appreciate the technical help and we'll see you guys next time on Games With Consequences. What's up, guys? Thanks for watching. If you're not ready a Dude Perfect subscriber, click down here so you don't miss out on any new videos. Special thanks to our friends at Whistle for making this video possible. Click right here to check out their brand new series No Days Off, where they showcase some of the best young athlete stories in sports. Click down here to subscribe to their channel. And if you want some ideas for your Christmas list, check out the DP merch store. Signing off for now. Pound it! Noggin! See ya! Oh, I'm still cold.
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 32,870,996
Rating: 4.8748803 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, FIFA, games, consequences, dunk, tank, sideline, reporter, frisco, rough riders, baseball, messi, manchester, barcelona
Id: 5LZ_G8jRGHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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