World's Strongest Woman 2022

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the Olga former Arnold winner from Ukraine she's a fantastic app just you just so through this list and we have Stephanie Herod who is an amateur I would say in terms of this is still her first year of competing in strongman and she has made it to the official strongman game she almost won the houstonfeld carry I had at beerstone in Texas with an actual replica who's a fell and she's got some strength but this class of athletes there's no clear-cut winner so our first two athletes we've got Rebecca Chisholm from Australia and Jackie ochevski from Canada Jackie is one of my athletes looking forward to seeing how she does this year our goal is to try and get her into that top 10. Viking press one of her weaker events but getting those points big big two reps there and she's capable of a couple more she takes her time yeah she buys her energy she knows she can get more you can see it she's got long arms really range he needs to make use of those legs excited to see her on the moving events later she's really athletic we've worked hard on her pressing this year and so far three repetitions I'm very pleased with and chess I'm just falling a little bit short I see a lot of Readjustment of her wrist wraps here I'm wondering maybe there's too much tightness too little going on and we all we're talking about 235 pounds now 106 and a half kilograms four full-size kegs I wonder if there's beer in those kegs do we get to drink it after everything we should go and find out we think we're gonna need some by the end of today we've got the world's strongest world's strongest Keg Stand going on so we've got three repetitions there for Jackie and unfortunately zero for Rebecca good points on the board for Jackie [Music] of the Ukraine I just saw her compete at the shaw classic earlier this year a couple months ago she is absolute Powerhouse Cherry muchindo of Zambia in Lane number two Rachel fluegel of USA in Lane three and Jessica Portland of USA in lean four I have definitely got my eyes on logo on this one getting to see her perform firsthand in Colorado a couple months ago she she's a strong lady very talented very passionate she's a real athlete not just a Powerhouse very athletic look at this look at this you know he has been a truly incredible phenomenon to watch the fire lit under our Ukrainian athletes in the sport this year with all the adversion going on on the other side of the globe there is what they've had to battle with and yet they come and they perform they are warriors they fight hard for every single opportunity they get inspirational is look at this very technical conditions already look at that flugel in Lane number three going very well she's got seven but Olga her arms are still moving strong like cannons firing from chest to lockout and it's tough when you know there's so many great athletes to come she has got to give 100 get too many repetitions on the table that lockout flugel she just gave everything and wound up getting it Olga moving on to 13 reps eight for flugel as well that's fantastic as well wow so we've got 1308 and zero I believe our new leader 13 repetitions [Music] Lane Number One Rebecca wargan from England Lane number two Lori middle swath of the USA Lane number three Abigail deal of the USA and Lane number four Monica Johnson of the USA now Abigail deal in Lane number three has been competing just as long as I have I remember seeing her as some of my very earliest national championships that I took part of so I know she is a veteran to the sport and she has competed at many of these top level stages I've seen her a number of times on the international scene I'm like in Morgan's hat in Lane number one unfortunately it's not helping her with the Press deal taking her time focusing on one rep the deal also looks like the tallest athlete on this on this heat right now she needs to use those legs as we mentioned can't quite get the the angle high enough to get those triceps engaged halfway through our time cap 30 seconds left and this is going to be a heat of very hard to get repetitions for these athletes we have middle swarth already stepping off the stage knowing she's giving it her all Morgan and laneway is still all smiles and you like to see that people enjoying it it just makes it more enjoyable for us doesn't it yeah I mean this sport is all about let's not forget the most important thing is having fun you know that's why we do what we do but we are leaving that heat with Abigail deal the only athlete to secure a repetition on this Viking press Heat number four Anna harjapa I doubt I got that correct but she is representing Sweden I remember her from last year Kirsten Sherlock Knoll of USA in lane two Marine servant of France in Lane number three and Pauline de Pinto of USA represented that's so good to see it's nice to see that now Kirsten null Kirsten's gerlog Knoll is a Powerhouse I've met her before her husband Luke Knowles and also a Powerhouse they are just tremendously strong athletes and look you can see straight away look at the power there both have a power lifting background and you can see that bench press strength really showcasing itself here but what's impressive is the lake drug as well look how sharp and fast that leg power is nice extension through the ankles legs lock out perfectly there's no rebound or double dip at all there perfect reps there which is already up to 10. wow 12 repetitions and Anna she's got six on the board as well I mean she's she's looking good she just needs to really seeks his big point so fast it really is I spoke to Kirsten very briefly prior to starting and you could I could get the feeling that she did have some nerves stepping into this arena with the world's best but it's going to be but she is matching I mean just one rep behind Olga so far if she can get this 13th she is matching one of the best to do it [Music] couldn't quite get there but 12 is going to be that's huge superb result huge she should walk away with her head held very highly after that all right our fifth heat in the Women's Open category in Lane number one Elena's Heredia of the USA in Lane number two Teresa Grantham of the USA in Lane number three Inez caracchio representing Puerto Rico and in Lane number four Ellie Smith from Australia now Ines Castillo has blasted the strong woman scene since she started competing she has become the first woman in history to ever clean and press a 300 pound log and she has done some incredible things with equally heavy sandbags and Stones she won the Arnold amateur World Championships she will be representing the USA at USA versus Britain at Giants live and overhead is her favorite event so we need to keep our eyes on in as on this Viking press I think we could see something special right here [Music] she is one of the favorites for this contest this weekend I've got my money on her I've seen her in action in person and it is just jaw dropping every time she operates look how easy these first three reps are energy efficient perfect execution cool and collected and no signs of wavering anytime soon she's looking powerful will we see 20. I don't know you know what I think we could I think we could too okay foreign 15 so far she's put herself into the lead but she knows there are some big presses to come and I believe she feels she needs to get close to that 20 Mark if she wants to win this one and look how quick that lockout still is after she comes back from that rest she's so explosive and Powerful that's what's great about a real great all-around athlete and this is another one of those examples of like when Nadia Stowers came out she was the only athlete in her heat to walk away with points 16 repetitions I believe that's a very very good performance but I coach an athlete that I believe can beat that time will tell we will see time will turn it makes me very excited to watch but uh Inez definitely an athlete is going to be top two or three without question it could potentially win it's an unbelievable score and what's great about it is she's such a great all-round athlete very fast very explosive doesn't really have any weaknesses deadlift last year was a slight weakness with the amount of amazing athletes we have so I'm interested to see how much he's improved on that but other than that yeah I totally agree no weaknesses and lots of strengths which makes you a very very dangerous athlete to be up against and then she is also an athlete with quite an inspirational story she has undergone a dramatic transformation oh she's in the past couple years incredible amazing to see people come into the sport of strongman and it changed their lives in such a positive way there's a reason we all love this sport we're all a bunch of Misfits in this sport which is what I love we are like-minded Misfits in good company and here we have our sixth heat Jennifer Lyle of USA Jenna Jenkins of the USA Jesse nieber of the USA and Colleen Meredith of the USA stars and stripes on the field on four repetitions and it just shows how impressive that 16 reps was yeah it's about 235 pounds you have to be a smooth and confident operator under such a heavy load [Applause] Meredith Colleen Meredith in lane four our leader in this heat with four reps if you were competing and you kind of got to that point where it's just not going anywhere would you keep trying or would you try and save your energy knowing there's still six events to come it depends where I'm at in the clock I will say and I I am I would say I'm also very finely in tune with myself that I know even if I was behind my energy for whatever time I have left whether it's there or not absolutely and there is no point in Breaking myself down potentially taking away from my strength on the other events I agree you know but I I would love if it did come to that I would love to just set it down know that I gave it my all and turn around and cheer on my fellow competitors but all right this is going to be our seventh heat Annabelle Chapman in the USA in Lane one Julia Hamilton she is a Powerhouse I have seen her compete personally many times she is a new Pro to the sport here in the states chatting you keep an eye on Andrea Thompson on this one yeah Jackie Rhodes and Lane three and Andrea Thompson in lane four I mean Thompson she is chasing karascio in her 16 reps seven eight come on I know I shouldn't be biased but sometimes I can't help it I mean Thompson has proven herself time and time again at this she is a beast at this event I trained on this event with her and quite honestly she could beat me on it right now she was the athlete you were talking about look at this 17 repetitions by Andrew Thompson in Stout caracio but in Lane one we also have double digits now Chapman Annabelle Chapman is an incredible athlete she's been quite quiet this year when it comes to competition but she is a fierce competitor and someone that is going to be a threat in the overall competition 20 reps oh my gosh right my coach in your head is kind of saying now stop Andrea save your energy but she wants to put on a show knowing we still have some fantastic athletes to come such as Gabby 22 repetition down and Rebecca Roberts 235 pounds just incredible the highest weight Viking press so far and the highest repetitions so far Elizabeth Thompson has been wanting to prove a point for a long time Andrew is the current log left world record holder and she's been upset by people saying that there's other athletes can beat her she came here with a purpose I just want her to win this event she has come with a purpose to prove she has the absolute strongest shoulders and pressing power when it comes to the women's class you know Liz it takes a tremendously strong individual to make 235 pounds look like cardio I mean if Andrea was looking to make a statement her actions did just that here today I'm not lying to you when I said I would struggle to beat her I think I would struggle to be here as well this is that's just an incredible Display of Power [Music] now we still have four fantastic athletes here and reigning Champion Rebecca Roberts Rebecca has been training exceptionally hard she did something that blew my mind recently and she lifted the Thomas inch dumbbell the grip strength to do that is absolutely phenomenal for a pro strength man amazing athlete and let's see how her pressing has progressed over the last year it was really impressive to watch it's just how tall she is and not letting her height even face her she's going to get double figures no problem at all she's looking well conditioned she has trained very hard for this competition and look she's going very very well there is that 12 or 13 reps 13 I believe 14. and this is good by Rebecca she is showing she wants to defend that title and I I'm blown away by this performance by Rebecca I didn't expect her to be beating the likes of inners on a pressing event Stephanie Herod Gabby Dixon everyone in this group giving up they're all but 16 repetitions from Roberts 17 repetitions from Robert she is now chasing Andrew is 22. 18 repetitions that is a phenomenal result for the defending Champion Rebecca Roberts he's smile and wave Rebecca smile and wave wow that really was some impressive lifting there by our open weightless you know jar dropping Feats of Strength like this are exactly what this weekend is going to be comprised of as a whole and that is what we are here for the world's strongest woman title looms over all of these athletes heads and we are seeing no stone left unturned every ounce of strength left out here on the field and it is making for some sheer and dramatic spectacles just incredible absolutely so there are official results from the Viking press Andrea Thompson with 22 reps but Rebecca Roberts defending Champion hitting 18 managing to beat inners which I I really didn't expect it is good good overhead presser then Annabelle Chapman on 14 and Olga hitting 13 repetitions all five of those athletes will be in the battle for the overall when it comes to tomorrow evening look at this six athletes making it into the double digit range at this 235 pound 106.5 kilo Viking press this is I mean they are the open division they are the the physically strongest in stature in terms of the the categories of weight class we have today and it's just incredible it's absolutely incredible to see that the progress I've seen in strongman and strong woman over the last 10 years is quite frightening it really is and to see you know double figures on this kind of weight by any woman is just mind-blowing you know any stereotypes that exist out there about the sport or or even genders in the sport have been so totally blown out of the water at this point every athlete here at this Arena every athlete in this sport has taken advantage of modern Sciences of studying Elite level coaches of recruiting advice from all corners of the sport and knowledge bases to where we are left with just truly impressive machines at work here and I'm talking about the athletes are just primed ready to Peak and show us what what they're capable of and already one event down for the women and I've been absolutely so we move on to uh the very biggest and strongest of the women or so we assume and we shall see as 122.5 kilos per hand it's still 30.5 meters or 100 foot 60 seconds as we have just two coming out Rebecca chesham of Australia and Cherry majindu of Zambia in lane two getting away really nicely [Music] wow she is moving fast Khan in 270 pounds in each end to see that much weight in motion with such speed I mean we're nearing the 300 pound marker hand I mean heavy heavy weight and she is a smooth operator cruising no begs the question just because you got uh you're bigger you're heavier as an athlete as he crosses the Finish Line there does that automatically give you a better grip I mean it's an interesting thought isn't it that's the one thing does a bigger hand give you a better grip there's a question for you there is a question there for sure but you know it's it's one of those things where you can't just limit it to hand size it all comes down to traps lats hamstrings all that too but you know uh Cherry just brings the whole package here and it shows in her performance and to be one of the first athletes to go in this women's opens division she really sets the pace in the standard for everyone to follow outside and a very solid time indeed as cherry muchindu on 27.61 seconds for Zambia doing Zambia proud there that was a big run and if it's anything like the previous group that could well be a top six finish we'll have to wait and see [Music] as we move on to our next four and in Lane one it's Jessica potland lane two Rebecca wogan of England Putnam to the USA it's Laura Middlesworth of the United States in Lane three and Monica Johnson of the USA in lane four on the far side on the right hand side as we see it and down Sadler referee gets us underway [Applause] Johnson sprinting almost I think she's going for that top spot I don't think I've ever seen bigger strides in the farmers walk that was extraordinary it's he's really definitely definitely pays to have long legs and a long stride here more distance covered every step and Johnson wow clears the course you kidding me I think we may have a new leader we'll have to go back to the times there but she is very happy about that and she should be it's really impressive I think with tinder's time there got uh absolutely blown away and we'll find out why that isn't a second that will you see the weight we have uh Portland and we have Morgan of the USA and England they're not even off the line I think perhaps Morgan has managed a few inches we'll have to wait and see if the referees give it to him I'm not sure if she just pushed it or whether she did get a pick lift and drop as 18.05 by Monica Johnson sub 20 seconds even faster than what we just saw with our previous group of athletes no running up 15 meters and back 15 meters without any weight in 18 seconds isn't bad for something I said it was bad for me that's for sure I'm not alone with 270 pounds any chance very impressive indeed she definitely made a statement here with that Farmer's walk 122.5 kilograms and uh I can I can think back to uh well world's strongest man uh let me think uh Zambia 2003 Farmer's walks there were anvils in each hand I believe they were 125s wow so that was just barely heavier than that only by a few pounds when you buy a few pounds indeed yeah here we go then it's uh serving in Lane one heridia Landau in lane two Grantham in three and Smith in lane four Eddie Smith of Australia the two middle Lanes Americans and Marine Servo is from France in Lane one and right now it's Smith who's coming to the halfway mark in the lead Eddie Smith of Australia that's really good certainly at Johnson's time of 1805 not under pressure here just reminds us of quite how extraordinary that was the core strength there of Smith just starting to struggle I bet you can see the the waist the hips wobbling exhausting weight to have to pick and carry I think that's an understatement very gutsy she's going for it again and again here her back is a blasted you can see and even barely got some distance out of Lane number two yes so uh Elena landro definitely the the uh number one there was uh in lane four Ellie Smith of Australia Marie servant failing to get it off the line I believe as uh the weight just a little bit too much and then we had the two Americans in the middle two lanes well getting it uh a few inches maybe a few feet as we move on to our next four we'll have all the results coming up at the end of this category or certainly the top 10 at the end of this category and uh we'll have all the results coming at the end of the farmer's walk so uh before is up we have Jenna Jenkins in Lane number one Abigail deal in Lane number two Jennifer Lyle in Lane three and Jesse nieber in lane four all representing the USA it's an All-American race here we go thank you so on the way Darren Sadler has started the race our head referee and on the far side is Lyle versus Liber at the moment with neighbor just a foot or two ahead who's going to be quicker in the turn and pick both very evenly matched just neck and neck who's going to accelerate here and who is going we have that costly drop neighbor finishing the course clears it good efforts I don't think it was nearly fast enough to beat Johnston's time but to finish this course with so much time on the clock she's got a really good scoring ahead absolutely we've seen so far most have not finished quite a few have not even got it off the line it is a particularly heavyweight here for these open class women 122.5 kilograms per hand of my tiad per hand and over the Finish Line there that big deal clears it the real deal the real deal you can tell that deadlift was taking a lot out of her every time she picked the weight up off the ground but she had the grip strength the leg power to clear the distance and she got the job done 270 pounds that's a pretty chunky pretty chunky guy in each hand if you're jogging through an airport you know that is officially a male heavyweight athlete in each hand and more than most male heavyweight boxers that's for sure oh yes in fact who was the heaviest ever heavyweight champion Primo cornera who was about 270 pounds wow there you go and about six foot nine as well wow epic monster there you go all monster in that Arena I don't know how we would stack up here in this Arena the Primo carnero in each hand that's something else that puts into perspective it really does having said that there was that giant from Russia that's an old fact when I was a kid so maybe yeah things changed it was that seven foot enormous boxer goodness knows how heavy he was but quite a striking range yeah indeed yeah so we have our next four Pauline de Pinto USA in Lane one Jacqueline askedevsky of Canada in lane two Julia Hamilton in Lane three and Stephanie Herod in lean forward all USA athletes except for Jacqueline in lane two she's Canadian and she is blazing down the course really impressive wow for majevsky and uh that could put her inside the top three certainly Stephanie Hamilton times Stephanie Herron and Julia Hamilton just barely dropping clear of the finish line but both get it Pauline depinto looking at the clock is about uh 23 24 seconds left so you can guess yourself roughly where they've finished so far just a pinto to go [Music] just over 10 seconds left [Applause] and then that's it she's had enough three any more and you're probably just gonna mince your hands as Skin starts to come off we don't want to make costly errors in judgment prior to two more events today that need those hands intact yes they do yeah sandbag the shoulder I'd say bizarrely more than than axle deadlift just because uh straps exactly exactly and if you've got a piece of skin hanging off on the sandbags and you got that raw skin underneath it's I don't know I don't care how tough of an individual you are it is going to have a weight on the individual so cannot make any costly errors in judgment got to preserve that performance Jacqueline ojevski 20.21 seconds in the farmer's walks really impressive close to getting that tough time so close but just 20 20.2 seconds at this weight very respectable and very inspiring we have heat number six stepping onto the arena yes indeed claim number one Colleen Meredith Gabby Dixon Lucy underdown of England and Anya of Sweden in the far Lane and Meredith has already gone down but look at this Dixon and underdown what a race Dixon's charging forward she goes down as under down crosses the line and uh what was a spectacular race and even with going down Gabby does recover and get across the course but it was a costly drop she was accelerating faster than under down but that one drop is all it takes of Finland originally now via Sweden crosses the line and a real stalwart of this category has been doing it to every year since it began and good to see her still competing with the very best as here in Lane one Meredith time starting to tick away just four seconds left she's had enough waves to the crowd and uh good effort indeed we have two Heats remaining and a new leader Lucy underdown 17.95 seconds wow incredible time sub nine seconds on each length to get that measurement and it just if anyone can beat her it's going to be someone in these final remaining Heats I think she's got Gabby Dixon to thank for that being pushed all the way there and what was uh a neck and neck Sprint so uh do you see underdown of England 17.95 tremendous time there as you said taking the lead and uh Gabby Dixon of the USA who was in lane two was ahead at uh well about the three-quarter Mark but couldn't quite keep her balance over striding death of a sprinter as they say but uh would be death of a farmer's Walker as well when the pressure is on the pressure's on especially at a high stakes environment like this you know I'm sure that drop is going to try to haunt her but she's a well-conditioned athlete she knows how to tune out and focus on what's yet to come on X4 already and underway then in Lane one it is roads of the USA flugel of the USA in two uh Scurlock now of USA in three and Ukrainian uh liya shook in lane four and right now it's at flugel ahead of liashook in lane four and she's going all the way incredible really impressive casually walks off picks up a chalk no screaming no shouting as the Ukrainian crosses the line about 10 seconds slower they're in Lane one we have Jackie Rhodes with 15 seconds on the clock she could do this but it looks like Scurlock now the United States has had enough they both have now on off they go so uh just one group of four left this is the group to watch Colin we have animal Chapman who will be in Lane one representing the UK Inez caracchio representing Puerto Rico in lane two Rebecca Roberts from Wales in Lane three and Andrea Thompson from England in Lane number four these are the top four athletes that did the best in the Viking press and they really really left their Mark there again I'm wanting to see how their strength on the overhead event carries over if at all to this moving event but these are the tried and proven so far I think we can see some big things here right now so uh Chapman Annabelle Chapman of the United Kingdom and uh in lane two how would we say that in uh there we go thank you sir thank you Mr Gabriel she resides here in the USA but is representing her Heritage in Puerto Rico Puerto Rico absolutely Rebecca Roberts of course the 2021 champion and it's not forgetting Lane four Andrea Thompson the champion of three years ago looking really solid in the opening event winning that and we're underway in just a second or two went down in Sadler Lightning Fast Rebecca Roberts we've seen videos of her holding 150 kilos in each hand and more but it's Andrea Thompson who's the quicker of the two at the halfway mark Inez taking some massive strides but almost walking that line between control and not control but Thompson clears the course fast Inez with the drop the Puerto Rican goes down as the English woman last year's Champion crosses but it's Andrea Thompson who definitely took the win in this heat anyway and it's Chapman just left to go oh my goodness me it looks like carrasquijo in lane two did not finish and gets shouted back we'll have to wait and see if that's absolutely what her referee in that lane thought but certainly one of the uh the referees told her to go back and give it a pull just in case we'll wait and see she is uh she is finishing it with a smile on her face right there Annabelle Chapman the rules are it has to break the line so I have to wait and see again whether that was what her line judge actually saw because the line judge isn't in the line of fire as she walked off so we'll have to wait and see 17.25 seconds our new leader our new leader our winner of this group Andrea Thompson of England looking super strong and someone will see in the UK versus the USA battle in Liverpool in just a couple of weeks time and certainly right now you'd have to say UK and England looking particularly strong and if I was America I'd be a little bit worried hey Andrea Thompson with two event wins now back to back off the Viking press and now with the farmer's walk just phenomenal strength and yes Colin uh the Americans are definitely going to be taking note of that performance but you might guess from our accents that uh we are indeed Swedish and Finnish so we're sitting on the fence as we look at the overall uh results here Andrea Thompson then in the lead ahead of Lucy under down by roughly half a second Monica Johnson just a tenth of a second back from there in third ojevski again look how tight it is in fourth Roberts the a lot for a lot of people the big favorite for this category down in fifth position Gabby Dixon 23 seconds in sixth in fact all of the top 10 under 28 seconds Cherry machinder we saw her early on it looked like an extremely impressive time but in the end uh getting bumped down to 10th position Julia Hamilton and uh down to Ellie Smith in fact uh those who finished in under 60 seconds is down to 16th Abigail deal and uh from then on downwards uh 50 or sorry 91 foot for Jackie Rose onwards she was in 17th position and that was uh quite a group I have to say wow that was something and to do it with that amount of tonnage I mean to see the fastest times out of all of our strongman categories here in the open Division I think there's something to be said there there's a strong group who very well indeed laws how do you think she's going to handle this kind of weight Andrea is in phenomenal form right now but the woman to watch in the deadlift and I have to be honest you know as much as I want Andrea to win Lucy underdown is the one to watch here she's the world record holder in the deadlift unbelievable event for that lady Andrew is going to be up there but if I had to pick a winner and put some money on it it would be Lucy okay so Lucy the world record holder what what is that record on a normal bar 300 kilo deadlift 303 100 660 pounds that is extraordinary Andrea Thompson now does it is it gonna make a big difference on the axle will it suit either I think Andrea my goal for Andrew's top three on this one she's she's got power she's coming really focused with really focused on her all-round performance she's a great deadlifter very powerful off the floor good at lockout type deadlift she broke the world record in the Hummer deadlift at the Arnold this year but when we're pulling from the floor I've got to say Lucy underdown is the one to watch so we're underway then with Jessica Putland of the USA and Rebecca wargen of England in platform two smiling and she's enjoying her performance cheering on platform one I think we are going to see a number of the early girls go on this and struggle and then we do have such world-class athletes to come it's going to be very similar to what we saw in the under 82s I mean never mind an axle bar if this was on a standard bar 480 pounds it's a it's a big big deadlift oh it's massive and it's at the end of a long day let's not forget but uh so the first two come out zero reps we're now on to uh marine cervonne or France uh heridia of the USA Grantham of the USA and chesham of Australia are next four foreign next Heat underway 45 seconds to get as many reps as possible with this 480 pounds Chisholm is getting close can she lock out she's got it over the knees she needs to really drive those feet into the ground pull those hips through if she doesn't get this I don't think she's worth another come on she's got a fight so close just needs to pull those hips through the referee wants to give it up she cannot lock out though come on get the hips so much effort just not quite there that may well be the longest deadlift I've ever seen more perhaps Chevalier coffee the master of the long deadlift yes he he certainly knows how to grind the deadlift that was such a good effort there though by chairs unfortunately not good enough to get the down signal I couldn't quite lock out Rebecca chesham deserved it and uh an honorable mention for putting in so much effort but it zeros across the board at this 480 pound Mark as we move on to our next forum it'll be uh Gina Jenkins of the USA Colleen Meredith also of America likewise from America it'll be middleswarth and then again from the USA to Pinto and uh right behind me is the legend Gabrielle Pena excuse me one second here there's big mitt on my shoulder here right he's here ready to do more commentary oh I'm gonna Shepherds kick myself off and bring Gabrielle Pena in here pulling all these wires everywhere that's okay over to a thousand pound deadlifter here he is the pinto looking solid she's got four reps so far first athlete to really challenge this deadlift Meredith also on four repetitions and I am joined once again by gay Pena who knows a thing or two about deadlifting what a great introduction by Colin Bryce himself to bring me back onto the mic it's good to be back on the air and watching my personal favorite of the events right here the Axel deadlift this is your event right this is my event you put me in the midst of any deadlift event I'm going to come out on top I tell you what but I love seeing such power displayed here and I told you before I left that this isn't one event that really gets to separate some of the strength that we've already seen showcased on the Viking press itself and the moving event the farmer's walk but with 480 pounds on this long axle bar this is a supremely dead weight for our Women's Open Class [Music] so at a number of zeros so far but two athletes hitting four reps in this last Heat Now we move on Smith just on the nearest to us gets the down signal Sherlock now on two repetitions Lyle on three reps and Roads also on three repetitions and you know I was watching from the sidelines and you can see these athletes carrying along the stressors that they've already sustained from some heavy foreign six repetitions now for Road Seven repetitions she's gone well into the lead Sherlock now just managing I think to squeeze out that fifth rep we will confirm what roads there going into the lead right in the nick of time there if if they got it but we'll wait for the official count seven years [Music] we are moving fast in this deadlift our next Heat we have Abigail deal and a high upper Annabelle Chapman and Olga from the Ukraine curious to see how Abby deal does here you can see that that Farmer's pick on the last event was really tough for her she's a tall athlete a lot of distance to travel but she and she's a real athlete but the deadlift is one of those events who struggles a little bit more with Olga looking very strong on the far end she's up to five reps already a Powerhouse and higher puff also loves the deadlift she is on seven repetitions there's a lot of work to cram into a short amount of time I'll go working hard she gets her ninth Annabelle moves up to five wow double digits for Olga and she has her technique so finely tuned you know she does utilize a bit of a hitch but the Rhythm in which the transition from that initial explosion off the ground to the hip extension was just on point a finely tuned machine she's well practiced in that movement if she's going to walk off the field with her head held high proud of that number that she got double digit 10 repetitions and Reps for Olga and that goes into the lead all right Stephanie here in Lane one Julia Hamilton in Lane number two Cherry which Hindu of Zambia in Lane three and Jesse neighbor in Lane number four everyone but Cherry is a USA athlete [Music] and they're off all four athletes locking out their first rep strong dead lifting almost in unison there it's almost like a Mexican wave style it's great and you know Julia Hamilton a new Pro strongman here in the States but comes from a highly established powerlifting background deadlift is no stranger to her she going through reps both her and Stephanie Herod with four Cherry which you can do with five reps this is impressive and Jesse neighbor calls it with two Stephanie Herrod fighting for that fifth rep she gets it six Reps for Cherry in Lane number three there leaves this heat closely followed by Stephanie Herrod who is also closely followed by Julia Hamilton but Olga still in the lead with 10 repetitions Heat number seven is a big heat we have Inez caracio I have nicknamed her the Dominator in the past and she has earned that title at every turn but she is matched by Rachel fluegel in Heat number two Gabby Dixon in line three I'm interested in watching Gabby in this one Gabby's a huge deadlifter and Rebecca Roberts is an athletes that just seems to keep improving so I was like I said there's a Powerhouse of the heat on all four of these athletes in his good rep and Dixon firing off right away look at this this is a powerful Heat is looking nice and smooth closest to us Dixon looking so powerful there in Lane three Rebecca Roberts already on five I believe we'll see five reps Rebecca and Gabby just locking on her eighth rep she's showing no signs of fatigue she's gonna go the whole time cap cramming as much work as possible it is working hard now but still she can get this eighth rep resent those knees gets the down signal she's on eight our new leader Gabby Dixon locks out her 11. 11 repetitions there for Gabby and Rebecca is on eight can she get his ninth I don't quite think she got it in time Gabby tried for that 12th rep eight repetitions for Rebecca eight repetitions for Inez but eleven for our new leader Gabby Dixon incredible power displayed right there on the deadlift and for such a dead weight on this axle bar there's no cheating this bar there's no bending there's no flexing this is supremely dead weight and even where we're sitting laws I can feel the ground shaking beneath our feet every time those weights go down it's quite a power surge and now we have our last group of athletes and amazingly I have two athletes in this heat which is exciting I am proud coaching nervous right now Jackie ochevski and Andrea Thompson my two athletes one from Canada one from the UK then we have Monica Johnson and the lady I've put up as the favorite for this deadlift event Lucy underdown she's an incredible deadlifter it's always a pleasure to watch her when it comes to the deadlift I'm Andrea Thompson right now riding that wave of two consecutive event wins into this third event 480 pounds with 11 repetitions by Gabby Dixon as the score to beat and they're off Jackie with a good solid rep Andrea and Lucy looking strong in the far end Lucy very fast look how powerful Lucy is it's already at five Jackie going well on the inside on three reps Andrea really needs to try and focus on getting second place on this this would be huge points for Andrew if you can get second there's no point in trying to chase Lucy she's such an incredible deadlifter Jackie looking at hitting PB level here with five reps this is fantastic for Jackie ochevsky Lucy our new leader with 12 repetitions in Lane number three Andrea gets the tenth one more for Andrew would be good Lucy's on 14 if she locks this out and there we go Lucy underdown 14 repetitions very solid performance from Andrea Thompson I believe she got 10 it says 11. I will confirm for you and I'm super proud of Jackie ochensky there six repetitions that was huge for her incredible finishing of course in true fashion unbelievable we're at a 45 second time clock correct that's correct so for Lucy that is essentially one rep every three seconds that is crazy speed for a nearly a 500 pound deadlift I've had the pleasure of watching Lucy a number of times now and when it comes to the deadlift she is without question the number one deadlifter on the female side on the planet wow and it takes a a very different type of Beast to be a great deadlifter with short range repetitions and to be a great deadlifter at high range like this 15 reps I'm just a proud of Jackie there that's a big PB for Jackie hitting six and Andrea Thompson another incredible performance from Andrea showing she means business this weekend lots of stuff really motivates me to just get back don't you want to go and lift I want to go deadlift man can we have to leave two bars out for us we're moving on next up we have the Men's Under 80 kilos and they are moving the bar up to 550 pounds 249.5 kilos look at these bars there are massive you see our staff securing those plates making sure there is so are Women's Open currently Andrea Thompson top of the table on 87 and a half points Rebecca Roberts is in second place half a point ahead of Lucy under down that awesome performance from Lucy on the deadlift there in his Karis kilo on 76 points Gabby Dixon on 74 and a half algola Chuck from Ukraine on 71 and a half Jackie ochevski 65 and a half and a high upper on 63 and a half Rachel Fogel on 63 gets that down command incredible and here we are with our Women's Open category Lane number one Jessica Portland of USA and Lane number two Rebecca worgan and now the heavier serious heavier bag so we're going 200 225 250 and that final bag 275 pounds this is this will challenge a heavyweight man I got weighed in this week and that was pretty much my body weight I've probably put on 5 pounds since then being in the States but these women are throwing me up to their shoulder now incredible all right Heat number two making their way into the Arenas Marines servant of France in Lane one elinus I believe we're getting some letters cut off there on my display sorry about that of USA in lane two Teresa gransom of USA in lean three and Rebecca chesum of Australia in Lane number four everything that is it 200 pound first sandbag [Music] chessom gets it to her shoulder moving on to the second bag servant also gets the first bag up [Music] working her hardest to get that sand back yes get the arm away once he's balanced she gets it boom advancing to the third bag the 250 that we only saw Stowers and Crawford successfully lift [Music] just a bit outside of her wheelhouse there good performance though yes something to walk away with their head held highly indeed moving on to heat number three Jenna Jenkins of the USA in Lane one Lori middleswarth of the USA lane two Abigail deal USA in Lane three and Ellie Smith Australia in Lane number four missions an event where I think it favors a taller athlete but let's see look at Abby deal so quick on that first bag Abigail looks well equipped for this event explosive athlete good long levers and that's solid there through two sandbags [Music] good job 250 pounds for Abby deal one hand under the bag and now work it up your body oh she's just a little bit low needs it a bit more over the shoulder can she balance down signal is good matches the likes of Stowers and Crawford getting that 250 pound bag to her shoulder I think that means a lot to her she looks happy incredibly impressive from Abby I got a double thumbs up from her walking a little bit stiff off the field but that is to be expected with such high weight sandbags for events deep it's been an extremely long day we're looking at almost 12 hours these athletes have been here Heat number four Jesse nimber in Lane one Monica Johnson lane two Pauline depinto in Lane three and Jennifer Lyle in lane four all USA athletes images thank you [Music] [Music] depinto moving quick to bag number two [Music] [Music] the pinto gets the second bag advancing to the third bag at 250 pounds so far only Abby deal has been able to get it in this weight category everybody [Applause] happy deal managed three bags in 40 seconds she is safe still in first place moving on to heat number five Colleen Meredith in Lane one Julia Hamilton in lane two Rachel flugel in Lane three and Stephanie Herod in lane four all USA athletes I am Keen to watch both Julia Hamilton and Stephanie Herod both women qualifying for the OSG championships here at the Southwest Regional in Houston going head-to-head with each other also both competed at my event beerstone in South Texas Stephanie Herrod for a short amount of time had hun had won victory over the husafel carry over all the other competitors until Inez garofino came around but definitely a woman who can really woman handle these big odd objects and we're seeing that all four athletes advance to the second bag at 225 pounds [Music] really good strict power coming from Meredith in Lane one Herod and Hamilton answer the call and move on to the 250 bag they need to move time is of the essence can anyone get this third bag here comes Herod she's close bump it up onto that shoulder Stephanie Herod gets it she must get it yep I wasn't sure but I think she got the good signal I don't know if she beat Abby deal or not it was right around that 42nd very close we will have to wait and see because that was neck and neck but I knew Herod was going to do something impressive there and she did yeah Heat number six which will be a three woman heat Kirsten Sherlock gnall in Lane number one of the USA Lane number two or three I believe Lane number three will be Cherry muchindo of Zambia and Lane number four will be Jacqueline osukuzki of Canada lane two will remain vacant foreign s our leader with three bags and 40.31 seconds sure look now Lane number one let me chindu in Lane number three and ochevsky in Lane number four Kirsten a Powerhouse moves on to the second bag very rhythmic in her explosion up to the shoulder on those first two bags and chesky not far behind both these athletes on to bag number three Jackie working hard to get it up to a lap Kirsten is so explosive to the shoulder she needs a pop-up and I know chevsky's in a good position down command Kirsten Sherlock naul our new leader based off of time there we go good performance by both these ladies have they got time I don't think they do I don't think so but we just saw Kirsten in Lane number one get that third back to her shoulder faster than Abby deal that'll make her new leader both of our athletes there taking first and second place so far seven our second to last Heat Jackie Rhodes of the USA in Lane one Anna hariyapa of Sweden in Lane number two Ines Castillo of Puerto Rico in Lane number three and in Lane number four Rebecca Roberts of Wales and this could be a real battle between Inez and Rebecca both Longley but athletes could be built well for this one Inez has already proven herself capable of lifting 300 plus pound objects and Ennis was very fast on that first bag never seen a 200 pound sandbag thrown that quickly look at that that is impressive Inez the Dominator getting to the third bag in lightning speed 250 pounds in hand erupting it to her shoulder foreign [Music] keep working get it up to your shoulder she got 10 seconds so close here can she do this final bag El 275 pounds to her shoulder living up to her title just obliterating this four back series with that performance she's putting her foot down and showing she is here to be a contender unbelievable effort there by Inez Cara's kilogue and our final Heat Inez is probably going to sit and watch to see if anyone can catch her four fantastic athletes of Ukraine in Lane one Andrea Thompson of England in lane two Gary Dixon of USA in Lane three and Lucy underdown of England in lane four can they catch Inez caracchio with that jaw-dropping spectacle of power let's find out [Music] these athletes are ready to rock Thompson Dixon and underdown are fantastic Heat this will be Gabby Dixon just looking we're so ready all four athletes looking solid Olga inches forward in the lead Andrew Thompson slips there makes a mistake Olga looking very solid the Ukrainian power here she comes vying for that top spot and he knows his time oh God battling hard with this bag can she get this fourth bag up to her shoulder she's in a good position needs to drive come on Olga Olga gets it up to the shoulder can she balance she gets it our new leader incredible incredible did she beat the time she did Inez wow only had less than three seconds remaining and it looked like Olga had an impressive cushion of time right there of course and then we have the opens and look how tight it is at the top our top five athletes separated by just two and a half points Andrea Thompson currently on the top with 28 and a half argola chuck with 27 and a half in escaros kilo 27 Lucy underdown on 26 and a half and Rebecca Roberts on 26. we've got our first two athletes two powerhouses in Andrea Thompson and Gabby Dixon the difference there Andrea Thompson looking like she could rip your head off Gabby Gabby also has her friend [Music] Gabby is incredibly strong we saw on the deadlift yesterday she competed at my event also in South Texas beerstone coming out with a second place finish there and I'll tell you wondering is because it could be a fast heat between both these ladies I know how good Andrea is this Gabby is built well for this type of event powerful legs we know she's got great Squat and deadlift I think Gabby was the the photo on the official strongman games website for this event come on Andrea keep going no drops here this has to be perfect lightning speed by Andrea Thompson narrowly behind Gabby Dixon we may have just had our first sub 10 second run we will need to have it verified that was two fantastic runs by two incredibly powerful women oh my gosh Loz that was fast are we sure we took the engines out of those things I always get nervous watching Andrea she's a very very close friend of mine and someone that's been through so much I know every single athlete here has but when you've got that personal investment it's always nerve-wracking I prefer to compete than sit back and watch sometimes 9.42 seconds our first sub 10 second run of the day Andrea Thompson on the 700 pound car walk and I know Gabby Dixon was a very very close behind her Gabby's time would be interesting to see I wonder if we can find out Gabby Dixon do we have Gabby Dixon's time look at that stability the Implement is those long strides Gabby Dixon 11.57 seconds very good time as well very close both those times the fastest that we've seen so far today impressively strong yoke Walkers no match for them was a 700 pound car it takes a hell of a lot of strength to be able to run with something like that yeah and that's exactly what both of those women did all right our second heat will be Anna hariapa of Sweden in Lane number one and Lucy underdown of England in Lane number two how good was Lucy's deadlift yesterday oh my God Untouchable that's uh that's my kind of deadlift performance right there and the great thing with Lucy is it doesn't matter what kind of deadlift it is she always pulls huge weights foreign number one and under down in Lane number two here we go both athletes Up and Away Lucy looking nice and smooth this is where that deadlift power comes to play here a strong back strong posterior chain [Applause] can they get all the way without a drop I think it's gonna be a close one Lucy looks like she's just slightly ahead and she's over under down fairly inches out hurry up and I'll tell you what although it looks slow compared to our first pairing I think both of these athletes went sub 20 seconds there wow no drops so smooth maybe not quite as fast like you said as Dixon or Thompson but this is Elite World level strength that we are seeing displayed here and it is no surprise at the final of the official strongman games world's strongest woman title on the line Heat number three will be Rebecca Roberts of Wales in Lane one and Stephanie Herod of the USA in Lane number two [Music] is phenomenal at this weight load Stephanie Herod has proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with friend and a teammate to myself someone who has a prosperous road ahead but she is against the likes of Rebecca Roberts defending Champion defending champion you know one thing that's interesting about Rebecca she's defending Champion she's challenging here and she's never won an event here is this a chance this might be it but going against Thompson especially with a drop on the star is going to be hard to do Herod also goes down [Music] all right now Robertson found her groove that acceleration incredible that was such a good run once you got herself up just a mistake at the start she won't be beating Gabby or Andrea but that was very very quick after that early mistake if she could have done that after get-go that might might have given Thompson a run for her money but incredibly impressive regardless Herod persisting through the course clearing the distance is critical [Applause] and she does well done worked hard to finish that and let's remind ourselves we're talking about 700 pounds we've just seen a few athletes Sprint with this weight but this Women's Open Class is one of the most stacked Fields we're seeing all weekend the talent in this final 10 is incredible Rebecca Roberts finished with a time of 17.78 seconds still sub 20 moving quick after she recovered from that drop but Andrea Thompson subbed 10 seconds the epitome of untouchable we have two Heats left and we can expect even more astonishing performances out of these last two Heats in Lane number one will be Jacqueline osvesky of Canada and in Lane number two Kirsten Sherlock naul of USA jackievski she is another one of my athletes and she's done so well to make the final and she loves yoke type events so I'm looking forward to seeing her perform on this one here we see Jackie and Kirsten on screen both happy that they are here and ready to attack the 700 pound car I mean making this top 10 you really are an incredible strong one [Music] 700 pounds crushing down on these ladies needs to lift it come on Jackie got to get this up she can move fast once she's up Kirsten accelerating down the course everything going well what a forest Christian has to Spade herself to be no drops Jackie goes down Kristen finishes in around 13 14 seconds I look quick that might be a third place finish right there Jackie just struggling with this 700 pound weight once she's up she's okay let's go Jackie no more drops come on finish this course well done barely over 30 seconds Jackie completes the distance both women succeeding against the likes of a 700 pound vehicle let's see what time Kristen did that and she looked very quick still I think that first pairing will be first and second I think Kirsten might have inched away with a third we'll have to wait for the official scores and times after this final Heat Kirsten 14.94 as of right now that is good enough for a third place finish and in any other class that would have been first place but look at these two the Ukrainian and the Puerto Rican Inez caracchio representing Puerto Rico in Lane one oga liashuk of Ukraine in Lane number two just two fantastic athletes right there incredible the Asher coming off a win at the shock classic Inez Castillo winning just about everything that she has entered the Arnold beer Stone she's a dominator she's indeed but this is a step up for her that she won was the amateur Arnold you're absolutely Victoria long won the open Arnold's unfortunately Victoria not here that it is a shame that she's not here because she's oh she is here but she is supporting cameras kilo is someone that we've all been talking about as a potential female world champion she's an exciting athlete but she's up against the experienced athlete from Ukraine Olga the Chuck we need control and Perfection here from these two women [Applause] can Olga stay up she's looking very very quick she's gonna do this place wow and he knows it just has very fast finishes were solid but that was all about our Ukrainian athlete Olga unbelievable time there I think she's done enough to take first place I'm thinking that was somewhere around seven and a half seconds Lars that was blisteringly fast 8.87 seconds which is incredible and that was very finely walking the line between too fast and out of control but she did it so effectively managed to hold on and she was just moving rapidly and you know what lies I have seen some similar quote-unquote gambles if you will by her Ukrainian brother Alexi novikov and sometimes it pays off so sometimes it doesn't but you're at a world championship it's time to gamble time to go for it and it's paid off big time there what a performance because like you say she was quick it just looked pedestrian compared to the Ukrainian with 14.14 seconds still a very good time wow our open women really truly just stealing the show this weekend Olga there 8.87 Andrea Thompson 9.42 Gabby Dixon 11 57. in his Karis killer 14-14 Kristen was 1494. we have five athletes sub 15 seconds there was wow at 700 pounds and I think it's the first class where every single athlete finished as well foreign are now top of our table on 37 and a half points each inners on 34 Lucy under down 31 and a half and Rebecca Roberts defending champion on 30 points coming so exciting in this one opportunity the news is it's not too bad she doesn't want to make anything worse that's um Rebecca's thought process right now especially having drifted off where she was expecting to be at this stage this is a stacked lineup I've been going on about the women's open for the last few weeks but we just have so much talent right now let's take a look at the weights here then Lawrence as Herod against uh oshevsky come out it's a 45 kilos all the way up to 72 and a half kilograms 160 pounds that's correct 72 and a half kilos like Colin just said and ochowski managing the first dumbbell no problem second one goes up as well really proud of her first year making the top ten Jackie ochesky from Canada but if you're wondering why it's gone a little dark uh it's because the athletes had the lights in their eyes and it were obviously this is all about Athlete Performance first and foremost so please understand that we do realize that the pictures are a little darker than they were but we want the athletes not to be bedazzled by the lights to put in a great performance oh it was close good come on ojevski on the right hand side gives a big hit on the third 140 pounds so close to getting that 140. Harrod with the most uh the most magnificent belt I've seen in strong woman that's a very glittery belt isn't it it's very glittery yeah I want one we'll have to get you one for next time so so it should be on a high upper versus Rebecca Roberts but I think it'll be Anna on her own now she's pulling out why didn't we have one going on her own there ah okay we're just gonna have our second pair someone goes on their own it'll be Anna of Sweden formerly of Finland on to the first one just looked like she missed timed that there we go that was better sat in a better position timing is so important on the dumbbell if you hit it in the wrong position it's not going anywhere if you get it right it just goes up smoothly it can almost look easy when it doesn't actually feel easy is it fair to say the the elbow must be underneath the weight it can't be out of the side at all you want the dumbbell in line yes absolutely in line yes there's a forearm is in line with the dumbbell basically are you on the elbow high as well you don't want it kind of Dipping down too much reason being is you're forcing your legs to work I guess yeah you're trying to get a shorter range of motion as possible so you look at like uh Nova cough he's almost pointing the dumbbell up sometimes it's getting it balanced and then applying leg power don't think of it as shoulders and triceps strength you're stabilizing the weight with the upper arm but it's that leg drive that snap from those legs a blast that weight overhead and almost catch it locked out well done to hariyapa there no Rebecca Roberts to uh be a running mate in that one and as we said do not fear Rebecca Roberts is uh not badly injured at all and should be returning to compete in the UK versus USA event in two weeks time in Liverpool right here on there we go underdown against uh Scurlock no so Lucy just incredible performance yesterday on the deadlift dumbbell is something she's worked hard on and she's made great progress over the last year and there we go both athletes no problem with that second dumbbell 140 pounds now now it gets challenging Nile I think gets the good she clung onto that one Lucy it was so close to being good as score knock now goes for the big one here 160 pounds can we see her get this it's good effort Lucy needs this [Music] is struggling to keep it stable that's better positioning by Lucy unfortunately unable to get it I'm sure look now was good with our third demo 140 pounds we'll check her time foreign coming out now that's definitely worth watching is in his Karis kilo 23.84 seconds for three dumbbells for Sherlock now that is our current leader Kirsten Scurlock now is the leader as uh these two these two are two excellent lifters making a mistake there on that first one there we go she gets the first dumbbell Gabby Dixon on the right hand side for the US Gabby Dixon unbelievably impressive on the deadlift yesterday let's see what her dumbbell pressing is like ain't as good so Snappy from uh kawasakijo she's struggling with the technique a little bit she's got the power I don't know if his nerves but she's just making a lot of small mistakes here she gets the down signal though it's powerful in the end Dixon stuck on that 140. now can in his Karis kilo get this 160 pound dumbbell monstrous dumbbell she's got the power oh to referee gay for the down signal [Applause] there we go the first athlete to complete this course so Snappy with her feet really impressive and uh Dixon I'm afraid Runs Out of Time on the third so it'll be two dumbbells for her Tara skizo are first to do all four and uh well that fourth one he said it like you thought it might not be given laws you thought it was a little close did you I'm not the referee so I always say you can never you know I'd like to see it again but the referee says down as an athlete you put it down come on get off the fence Lord say what you think it is I'm watching from a distance over here it was I wasn't sure I wasn't sure it looked like it could have been questionable hold the boat again a second time four dumbbells it was given it was the last two athletes these two were unbelievable on the car walk Andrea Thompson just unbelievably powerful Andrea Thompson but she's up against the Ashok of Ukraine so Snappy again you know how well trained these ukrainians are on the dumbbell both of them managing the third and look at this lashook is on to the 160 she's quick as well oh did she hold it no momentary pause [Applause] she does it and gets the win that was brute power against her perfect technique she can't stabilize overhead come on Olga Andrea Thompson with one of the moments of the game so far the ass Chuck then she's got just enough time for one more hit oh she was so quick getting through those first three and she gets it yes oh the last shook unbelievable competitor wow what an exciting dumbbell event we had there magnificent Auntie Liz is beside herself with excitement [Laughter] we will check the times Andrea Thompson four dumbbells in 30.9 seconds who's coaching a loss I don't know if you can guess who coaches her I get a little excited when it might be my athletes I know I've got to stay impartial but sometimes Colin it's just not possible is it now this is a classic race a beautiful technique of course lots of power as well from the Ukrainian look at that against the brute power of Andrea Thompson and of course a lot of good technique workers as well from Orange Charley but look at this a lot of the the hardest thing with Andrew is getting her head in the right Zone she's got all the power she just needs to believe in herself and she's done amazingly well there doesn't need a big movement from Andrea she's so she's so strong she came and trained with me recently and I'm not joking when I said like she's beating me on things it's almost embarrassing but it's not embarrassing because it's Andrea let's just remind you the man next to me Lauren Charlotte fourth of the world's strongest man in his Heyday all right nine wsms 10 eleven eleven sorry so he's we certainly allow him to say that of all people but uh four dumbbells 30.9 seconds Andrea Thompson what was the time so powerful there we go Andrea Thompson all four in 30.9 seconds in his Karis kilo four dumbbells also in 50 seconds Olga after two failures managed to get that fifth dumbbell 57.97 and then we've got three dumbbells for sure look now and then we had a tie between a number of our athletes what does that do to the overall Colin Bryce well it means that Andrea Thompson sits on top of the pile by some two points ahead of the Ukrainian La Ashok with NF just behind in third series loses the lightest Stone and gains a heavier Stone 200 225 250 275 300 and 325 pounds are in the line Stephanie Herod moving solo on this Stone run she is an impressive athlete when it comes to odd objects and stones but she's also very fresh in her strongman career making it to the OSG final is an impressive feat absolutely something to be proud of in and of itself top 10 in the entire world Stephanie Herron moves on to the 275 what a Powerhouse she needs to maintain precision and accuracy ensuring that they get up and over the ledge 300 pounds [Applause] oh Just Dances right on the edge she's gonna have to re-pick she knows how high she needs to get it even getting this 300 would be big points this would be really big points but with 10 seconds on the clock oh that's really hard to recover from for Pride purposes oh so close so close but you gotta love that determination to even prove it to herself she knows it's there absolutely it's there as strong showing from Stephanie Herrod making her way to the OSG finals at her first showing at this world championship Arena Heat number two Ana hariyapa of Sweden in Lane number one and Jacqueline osavesky of Canada in Lane number two thank you [Music] now the athletes have truly earned their spot here they deserve to have every stone exactly how they want it before that whistle blows absolutely [Music] ready and we are off in the next Heat of the Open Women's category a one Motion in lane two [Music] people [Music] fatigue starting to set in two more stones to go but both women in synchrony moving on to this fifth Stone this 300 pounder the stone is no joke it was not too long ago that this was considered the world record for strongman [Music] Jacqueline ochevski onto the 325. [Music] having a bit of a slip but time escapes her as well very respectable absolutely all five stones from 200 to 300 loaded for Jacqueline ochewsky of Canada all right and moving on to heat number three Kirsten Scurlock naul of USA and Lane one and Gabby Dixon USA Lane number two [Music] thank you I'm Gabby Dixon watching her on the deadlift yesterday just an absolute Beast of a deadlifter and dead of strength does play very well when it comes to Atlas Stones yes it does that strong back those strong legs for that triple extension you can guarantee that has carryover onto this event but a strong back and legs are exactly what Kirsten Scurlock naul has in her wheelhouse this is going to be a good one oh okay all right and we are set for the next Heat and we're off any athlete to get all six stones will be the event leader at this point absolutely [Music] strong barely ahead by fractions of a second Gabby Dixon pulls ahead they are both three for three [Music] and on to the 300 pounder for both strong women [Music] there's that deadlift strength showcasing itself 325. first six Stone lifted both women preparing their tacky Kirsten the first to lift it gets her to her lap [Music] so close and here's Gabby oh both athletes the exact same spot you know Evan I see Kirsten null right there just with two belts on a soft belt and a leather belt I feel like if she maybe just had that soft belt there would be less room for slipping on that stone but just I mean you cannot say that just because I said it that's the way to work she obviously has a strength her first time here at the official strongman games and she makes it all the way up successfully loading a 300 pound Stone she obviously has what it takes to complete the whole run and I bet this ignites a fire that was never burning so brightly absolutely absolutely considering that this is her first time at this event and she already made it to the top ten you can guarantee that this is this is the best learning experience you could have possibly asked for at no doubt for the year's trading all of these events and working on our overall strength and athleticism there is no doubt that she's going to come in next year even stronger and better she's already proven to herself that she can make it to the top Gabby Dixon our current event leader with five stones and 34.5 seconds fast but just meeting her match on that 325. ogre Lee ashric of Luke Ukraine in Lane one and Andrea Thompson of England in Lane number two or let's see I'm I'm sorry this is Lucy underdown Lane one Inez Castillo of Puerto Rico in Lane it's a fast note got ahead of myself but Inez I've seen her lift big stones in person she is going for the full absolutely and Lucy underdown the deadlift monster we are definitely going to see this thing still loaded in this matchup Lucy was Untouchable the first to the 325 oh Lucy underdown laps the sixth Stone Wilds up that extension with ease Lucy underdown takes the lead with all six stones setting the pace for the rest of the athletes to come in fighting for the 325 [Music] [Applause] oh just tough Lucy underdown yesterday she was Untouchable on the deadlift with an incredible double-digit performance and that deadlift power once again shows to be quite useful 325 with ease my goodness the second she had that in her lap the hardest part was the pick and the pick look easy Evan I dare say that Lucy underdown is capable of a 400 pound Stone oh those are daring words they're in the words I'm gonna be totally honest with you I could see it too I really could she has the power she had the Speed and the skill I would love to see her get to Showcase her ability at a stone lifting Championship because well I could say the same about a deadlifting championship yeah that's also very true it's incredible our current leader Lucy underdown with 40.31 seconds and I apologize for that mix up in the the start of that last Heat now we have our final two Olga Lee ashuk of Ukraine in heat in Lane number one and Andrea Thompson of England in Lane number two oh this is for first and second this is for all the marbles this is the most important run on this entire of this entire grouping second this group has been so incredible in terms of caliber of athlete but especially these two no weaknesses no just none in undeniable power on every event both of them seeming to Sprint with that car walk at the start of the day absolutely that you want to talk about a feat of strength the way that they just picked that entire car frame up and not walked with it not ran with it but sprinted with it across that finish line that was something to behold it really was Thompson finished that dumbbell Series in 30.9 seconds the Ashok almost has she missed that last dumbbell twice and then came back and got it in the nick of time just before time expired but two incredible incredible strong women you know it is amazing to see Gabby or Lucy underdowns six Stone run in 40.31 seconds but I think it's in contention here yeah it's definitely with these athletes with their athleticism and definitely with their strength no time for that six Stone is safe nothing [Applause] when that whistle blows you can expect both athletes to flip the switch oh these athletes want this more than anything this is for that gold trophy that that spot at the top of the platform and the title of the world's strongest woman [Music] [Applause] sprinting to that first stone an easy first stone for both these ladies an easy second Stone Olga getting the lead keeping that speed consistent wow Olga is already on her fourth Stone she is blitzing these Stones she wants that Victory she wants this title one more Stone to go the 325 [Music] it's in the lap and it's there wow ogre I shook all six stones in an astonishing time we'll see the exact time she gets Thompson only with a two-point lead over the Astro there you go she needs to operate [Applause] absolutely phenomenal Stone run by Olga that was something impressive my goodness you and I just saw ogrely Ashok not too long ago in Colorado win the shock classic channeling that power on the stone runs second at the show classic oh second at the shaw classic did she really I thought it was wrong that is correct that is correctly Ashok second at the shot classic definitely avenging that that second place here yes yes yeah Victoria long came out on top there I know she is here this weekend supporting Dennis long that's her husband great to see her [Music] understandably Olga is doing laps around the around the arena very very happy with that performance as she should be it was incredibly fast by Olga the technical like like everything about what she did from the speed to the aggression that she showed that it controlled aggression that that triple extension from the hips even the transitions in between the stones everything was perfect you want a perfect Stone run to finish off a competition that is it that is it right there he's gonna have to inch out Lucy underdown's time of 40.31 we will get an official confirmation shortly thank you and there it is after event number seven ogre Lee ashuk takes the win and the title of the strongest woman in the world with 55 and a half points after a phenomenal Stone run Andrea Thompson second place the second strongest woman in the world 51 and a half points and Inez caracchio 49 points for a third place Podium finish not far behind was Lucy underdown after a very strong Stone run and Gabby Dixon in fifth place congratulations to all those ladies fought hard till the very end and again a huge congratulations to Olga very impressive Stone run just insane it's 3 25 at the end of a ladder blitzing fast and now we have our Men's Under 80. oh oh Quick Start all right our Women's Open category the top 10 strongest women in the world coming in in 10th place from the United States Stephanie Iran in Ninth Place representing svenin in eighth place from Wales Rebecca Roberts in seventh place representing Canada Jacqueline oszewsky [Music] in sixth place representing the United States Kirsten Scurlock naul in fifth place from the United States Gabby Dixon in fourth place from England Lucy underdown [Music] our bronze medalists this year goes to Puerto Rico's it is Carol skrillo our silver medal goes to England's Andrea Thompson [Applause] [Music] and this year's world's strongest woman it's Ukraine's oga Li a shark [Applause] [Music] foreign Make some noise for your Open Women's category how about Andrea Thompson for not spilling her drink very impressive
Channel: Official Strongman Com
Views: 154,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strongman, Colin Bryce, World’s Strongest Man, Giants Live, Eddie Hall, Official Strongman, Thor, Bjornsson, Deadlift, 500kg
Id: PPsc36LYkks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 2sec (6122 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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