This Is Better Than Winnebago Ekko! 2023 Maverick AWD Ford Transit Camper Van From Chinook

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] boom welcome back to the channel I'm heck strange this is stranger palooza we are at sunshine state RVs there you can see my friend Nick of sunshine state RV I'm gonna shake your hand without even looking and we've also we've got Seth of Chinook joining us you guys saw him in the shorts that we put up going and today what I want to talk about Chinook has this is the Chinook Maverick behind us right this is a b-plus and to me to me Nick I think this is very competitive against a Winnebago Echo and I think it's competitive against the leisure travel the Wonder on the vehicle Transit yes so but I think we both agree that it blows them both out of the water I think so because as a b-plus it's legitimately a B plus yes right and it's it's right there in that sweet spot between utilitarian and luxury what do you think yes it is and Seth here has to be politically correct so you can't say anything about any of these companies but we can say whatever we want no one being stranger palooza no one beat up Seth he's a good guy he's a good guy but the Ford Transit all-wheel drive is you know definitely the chassis to build this is the thing this one deserves the stripe Seth the sports I just want to say that the sports cars right of motorhome yeah the Ford Transit my favorite my favorite chassis easy to build on this is the best the fourth Transit has the most horsepower most torque okay all-wheel drive amazing so we're gonna get all into that and since it's the three of us I will try not to it for the folks out there who get mad because I interrupt you can I get three times let's see if I can three strikes if I can keep to that yeah let's get all into it right now foreign a new Venusaur t-shirt design is out just in time for the winter season it's called winter camping fun even here in the Sunshine State it feels a lot like winter if you're a fan of outdoor life then this is a great way to give someone you care about a gift or get something for yourself and support this Channel at the same time all you have to do is follow the link here on YouTube just below the video description to the stranger palooza store where you will find this winter camping fun design and other fun cool stranger palooza gear let's go for it guys let's start Nick with Sunshine State RVs Seth with Chinook RV and we're ready to do this I mean this is a Maverick so this is a 24 foot Ford Transit all-wheel drive chassis and so typically the transits are like 22 feet like a Coachman Beyond or the the Chinook Bayside is is 22 feet that they build on all-wheel drive this they just take the Cutaway which is just the front of it which is the guts of it this that's the best part the part that feels like a sports car when you're driving it real comfortable that all-wheel drive Ecoboost V6 engine and they build like this really cool bus by the way yeah yeah no it is it is definitely my my favorite B plus on a Ford Transit so I've seen I mean there's other ones out there the echo you mentioned we've seen the cross trail we've seen the leisure travel uh Wonder um there's other b-pluses built on the transit and out of all the ones I've seen Hank um this one kills them all I mean I mean this definitely blows out that Leisure Travel that I the echo's different I think so this is the conversation me and Hank have had for last hour the echo is just so different where this is way more like the leisure travel and when you're comparing apples apples I think the echo is more like an off-road I think Seth was saying it's utilitarian it is it is and that is true and this doesn't give me that utilitarian feel so this is this is way more luxury yeah way more higher end comfortable leather wood you know but you guys build this though for people to take it into the frozen tundra absolutely yeah okay yeah it's got a gold star certification for Four Seasons um camping so you can through truma right through true I mean truma did this huge test on it that's like one of the things people always say what what are the top three things about the coach you know obviously the Ford Transit all-wheel drive obviously the fact that it's 24 feet with that aluminum siding the fiber that's all that and then the truma gold star certification is huge for cold weather they can get down to what five degrees or something degrees black gray tanker completely enclosed with truma ductwork going in there and heat pads right and they're completely sealed they're not exposed at all and your fresh water tank is above the floor and all your water lines are above the floor okay so let should I just ask this this is my one this is Interruption we've only been doing this a minute you're already into your first colors so this does look really good in white do is there color it does it does yep so they also make a silver just like the summit that we did last week okay they make a silver and that so white and silver so I want to have one of each so people can see it we got a big Ocala show coming up yes we do tomorrow RV Show we're going out there tomorrow this will be there this will be there tomorrow just drove it here myself if Hank pulls an all-nighter maybe he'll get this video out by the time the show starts I will so what's cool these are some of the things I noticed right off the bat set back up a little bit so painted bumpers I love that right I love the painted bumper look I love the stripe down the middle it just adds to it I like the projector headlights I really like these Xenon headlights like I like this look a lot it gives it like that sports that luxury feel yeah I like the Ford aluminum rims that are Factory from Ford I think that's great um this is a nice size step here when you're walking in it's not a little dainty step I mean this is this is a good size step so I think people really like that you can open the thing right there this is this is Dash all-wheel drive EcoBoost people love that EcoBoost it's a V6 engine what's the torque and I'll let you know all that stuff it's it the torques are 410 something like that so 310 horsepower and I think 410 or 405 torque yeah that's the that's the best yep these allergies are killing me yeah I know me too man driving both chassis both the Mercedes and the Ford Transit I gotta say I love the response out of the transit more but the Mercedes-Benz for those looking for a more comfortable wide with heated seats and stuff and there's the advantage there yeah okay um but definitely a quicker chassis if you're looking for something more fun pet to it step I recommend the Ford Transit okay so pretty cool you get the onam 4000 generator a lot of the bees come with the 2800 yeah that's a big 4 000 watt this is a gasoline generator and it is the quiet so it is quiet for its size um okay and so this is AGM this is AGM so four agms in there 800 amp hours 800 amp hours okay which we all know is a little different than lithium but I like how it's here you know why I like it because it can be upgraded like that absolutely and graded to 104 100 amp hour lithiums very easy and people say this is better for cold weather ATMs okay yeah yeah well that's part of the truma cold weather they'll hold their charge rate a little bit right let me hold this thing so this is the deal over old weather look at this have you guys ever see those sexy legs before look at that we don't believe in cold weather here in Florida you could only get so much so thanks for that Nick we don't get cold weather here in Florida today we are in February no today's March 1st yep and it's 80 something degrees at pollen is everywhere allergies are killing me yeah so yes cold weather these are better today there ain't no cold weather around here oh no guessing the stripes come standard right yep so yeah this is the one paint Scheme we have so far it's full body paint and that's a mask that gets put on and each stripe is painted okay so this is aluminum so almost like an aluminum Airstream or like an aluminum shell like a car this is all aluminum sides and then fiberglass on the front shell fiberglass on the back benefit with doing the aluminum it's a little bit lighter and it's a lot stronger of a build so we're Sika bonding these aluminum panels to the substructure you have two bottom panels two top panels and then a roof panel and they all overlap about an inch so you have no water intrusion yeah we need to do that factory tour Nick yeah I I told you I did it so they gave me oh you already saw it him Phil the owner and Jeff their GM gave me a factory tour and I left there saying holy crap this is nice oh sweet they they know there's something but I'll go with you Hank if you need some company yeah if I need someone to we can take a trip it's either you or Lola I don't know who you have a twin bed RV right no you know twin beds I put them together okay um what's in here so this is another storage compartment well actually this is the Water Bay this is heated so they put a heating duct into here so that way none of this stuff freezes in the in the cold weather yeah so we'll give you guys a little look underneath go for it black tank 24 gallon you got all your water-based stuff in there your fresh water tank fill you got your black and gray tank flush you got your outside shower and then um yes he's right this is a heated base so you got a heat pad on this tank itself and on the top side there's duct work going into this Bay in the bay on the other side to help maintain temperature for the tanks oh nice got the outside shower and so you don't have to leave this door open there's a metal Port here here and then your hoses go up and in that's like a quick connect it ain't too quick Seth I'm sitting here trying to do it you have to know how to do it right when you know how to do it it's quick see these pins yeah they got a match in oh I'm assuming you hear a click yeah you have to hear a click I think you pull and push it nope there you go put a little pressure on Seth here uh oh come on Seth uh-oh there it is Maybe there it is there it is perfect that was quick a little wet yeah and so this is where you're talking about this comes out and you can drop your lines down so check this out I've never seen this before Hank so you have a tank meter back here you see that right there yeah so you don't have to go to your app you don't have to go to the app or you should have to go back inside to make sure you're empty you can actually see I've never seen that before that's cool that that's convenient that's pretty neat right yeah so what's cool about this also is whenever you're done dumping and filling and doing all your stuff you can clean everything off right here hot and cold water it says there yeah and so you can clean everything out you you store the hose there and you use it right there right so how great is that yeah pull it out here hook it in dump it and then when you're done unhook it clean it and put it in right there you're going with six inches back and forth to handle everything I think it's pretty nice that's very convenient it is and I like this here the nice long so that way you can you know clean your hands your feet if you're like Robin Williams in the movie RV this will be like Robin Williams don't be like Robin Williams don't do it I want to see a video of you I heard that yeah I've been there it's not fun is there a video of that um it will never be shown come on I think we should start a live auction for charity to see that video of Everything exploding I'll start the bidding at a hundred dollars it was accidentally deleted I will start the bidding at a hundred dollars for that video it happened to me though it happened yes okay so I always talk about the smart plug I love these I love how there's a light on there when it's in there it clicks in yep um and then there's a light there so it clicks in on both sides and the plug actually lights up knowing that you have real power which I think is so big right every video I say the same thing that we get lots of phone calls so here at sunshine set reviews we do a full walk through so we have Justin who's one of our technicians Corey Matt one of our guys they're just finishing a walk through right now these people came in from uh Tennessee to buy their Beyond right they named it Lola I think they named it after your wife well that's cool no it means life hey Wayne what does Lola mean what's it mean anything living boom there you go there you go it's a stranger pollution oh boy absolutely this is Wayne Hoover Wayne how you doing good to see you buddy I hope you don't mind being on camera well hey so Wayne just came in from Tennessee involved not Tennessee Kentucky Kentucky I love Kentucky they bought a uh Beyond and they named it Lola oh sweet yeah and then I told Lola about it she was honored oh I love Kentucky man Kentucky's always been nice to me if you like uh Bourbon and you like horses brother you cannot go wrong yes yeah I'm going to Kentucky Derby this year are you real that's me I am you gonna be there uh no I tell you what we live about five minutes from Keeneland okay and um if when I compare Keeneland and Churchill Downs I would take Keeneland a million times off the church announced I'm gonna check it out then yeah it's it's a great it's a great sport awesome well we appreciate you coming in man I know Hank was a big part of your uh decision making as well yeah I loved his videos awesome I have been we sat what we say we have been done as we have for the last three months been doing RV porn on YouTube hahaha you know worse things could happen that's right I don't know there's worse out there I promise right I probably did was watch how to how to do this what God's people have done right what a great time they're having cool and I'm just I'm impressed with the quality of people and their willingness to interact and share with other people yeah because you don't get that in everything yeah there's a good Community out there how have the Sunshine State RV guys treated you we talked to other people uh but when I went to do reviews God's honest truth and I told Nick this I I didn't see one negative review about sunshine state everybody was outstanding and when I talked to other people I'd go well Sunshine State wouldn't do this or Nick wouldn't do this and you know it was no brainer really when it came to making the decision awesome if you're going to get one and you're going to make that leap this is the man okay okay I saw about 10 bad reviews oh boy and this is where we cut now no I just fell down so hate just finishes walk through and the reason I was saying that was because how big of a deal the smart plug is because a lot of people go camping and they've never done it and they don't plug their RV all the way in yeah and so what happens is it starts arcing and then you start shorting things out and messing it up and I think it's such a big deal that you're that you're beyond and this should have both have this really cool smart plug that locks it in so that way it doesn't come out which is a huge is Wayne going to be at the Beyond rally yes he's coming to dinner tomorrow night yeah we're coming and uh but the the thing that impressed me I saw your for your videos first when I was going through and I his enthusiasm was contagious um but you know just little things impress me uh being built in Elkhart Indiana because we're Hoosiers originally okay so um and I know they do a good job so and we looked at we looked at a lot of different models and there's a lot of great models out there and and of course sunshine state carries almost all of Class B's but if you want somebody that's a Class B expert don't go to somebody that's got everything else on the lot go to somebody that knows Class B's specifically there we go man I agree yes it is you're going to be in our ad that we are wait I appreciate you I hope you gave him that dollar yeah thank you sir now my three months of purchasing from Amazon I have to translate oh boy there you go that'll be fun okay because uh they've got Amazon's got me on speaker okay that's cool nice little break I don't think anyone will be good that break okay yes sorry um so yes that was UN unplanned right obviously but I do believe in the smart plug and that's a perfect example this is what we do at sunshine service we give you a real thorough walk through I think he just had a two hour walk through with one of our technicians and these are things that they get taught during that walkthrough yeah that how to plug in how to use it how to dump how to and we put you up at a local Campground for two nights and we go through all that so that way if you have any issues at all we can be there with you for your first two nights of owning the RV because that's when you're really going to learn and yeah I mean you learn a lot in your first first two nights yeah so you gotta get in there and break something yeah absolutely oh my water so yeah let's take a look as we continue so we got the storage right we got so the storage is next to it the tank is the uh where you where you dump it is there and I think this is pretty neat to have right there as well so this is an outside storage right that also has has a heating from in there there's a lot of space yeah lots of space I would use this as like a little mini bar hang I mean how how cool is that I agree with you I'm gonna chime in on this one so this is about a hundred pounds rated for outside kitchen use the cooktop inside the induction cooktop pops up out of place and you can bring it out here so now you can cook outside say like tilapia or something stinky you're not cooking inside the coach now you can bring it you can put a portable grill like we have a portable electric grill you could put it here that's cool yeah I like that you could pull up anywhere I've seen people do it that you just you know you're just stopping somewhere but you could just quickly Grill some burgers and you know and then close it up that's awesome you know we talk about this what's written in the right sports cars motorhome sports car motorhomes can we do some racing so absolutely let's take it to the track Hank has Hank has the Audi from Iron Man yes very very fancy I don't know if that will beat this sports car or if he has a real sports car my little minivan will not even come close this one this one I like it it's on a it's on a Transit it does look a little bit it looks sporty it's on a Transit it deserves the stripes yeah yeah so this has the the thumbs approval from yes absolutely there we go there we go so Chinook a little bit of History before we move inside or to the other side Snooks were around since 19 1938. was assembled as a truck bed camper 1938 under Meyer and Sons it was a truck bed camper and over the time it progressed they didn't help them with that I mean 1938. I'm not sure I know it went from they got really famous with the uh Class B conversions and their b-plus conversions as well they did some travel trailers they did a lot of different things Henry Ford was one of the first overlanders but the yeah they used to they used to go out Overland their most popular model was the speed plus this is like a concourse yeah and like 98 to 06 they made a chinook Concourse on the Ford Chassis they made some on a Chevy yeah mainly on the Ford and we've sold hundreds of those absolutely love them such high quality the construction that just everything that Chinook has done there I I really feel like they're picking up that mantle and running with it Chinook has always been known for quality over quantity and that's something we're going to stick with all right awesome okay so let's keep moving back here as we're still moving you have one step and it's nice and it's not power you just pick it up and drop it down Yep this is a very big deal I know we touched on it earlier and we'll touch on again as we walk over there cold weather certified you don't see that sticky where anywhere on me right I'm not cold weather certified yeah I am a Floridian but this RV is cold weather certified five degrees pretty cool the truma test that they did um more storage this is yeah so this is is this heated this this is a heated Bay as well so this is heated in here yep and this is all storage so on camping so okay so on the passenger side or camping side as you're saying that's all storage space three this is this is awesome this is awesome Lola would love this and then check that out so you have a quick connect right there so you can put a grill right here you can Grill under the power Gerard awning yep yeah you put the awning out and you can sit here you have a grill there I'm sure you got a 110 plug somewhere over here you can plug in there's a plug in this one right here on the back corner plug in that one Quick Connect Air so you have some music out here you can have your your or the induction stove that comes out you can put that there you have a grill here table chairs whatever you want under the awning hanging out I think this is great yeah even though this doesn't have like slide outs like there are some beetles to have that yeah this has a lot of stuff but also you notice it doesn't have a side door yeah so that's pretty cool that people aren't coming in and out right through your campsite you know the the door is in the back which is pretty cool that was always a chinook thing as well from The Concourse and the summit back in the day that they always had that rear door which I love it I think I think that disrupts the least amount of the RV having that side door it does it lets you use all the side room space you know you don't have to find room for a door here or a door here you can utilize all the sidewall space put what you want make room fits and boom I also like how these doors open out and set it up yep you know the door the ones that open up gravity tends to take over sometimes and they fall yeah this here they open they open out like this so you put something in there and then you just close them and most of them are lockable right all all but the generators except the generator that has to be accessible it has to be accessible because of propane fill oh okay okay cool so that generator feeds off of propane uh the generator is actually a gasoline generator and when we order these transits we order them with the larger 31 gallon fuel tank so you get a whole nother six gallons of fuel use with your generator versus a lot of the other guys that's good that's a plus yeah I like that yeah usually you see like 25 yeah 31 gallons in this guy yeah awesome yeah so we've got Maverick here Maverick pretty cool name Maverick Ford all-wheel drive and then also one thing I like to point out is the body line match oh I didn't notice that people really noticed that and that's interesting oh engineering oh okay so you guys build that to match what Ford does at Ford or Mercedes or Mercedes oh okay cool that's that's cool this is I mean it's just I love the quality of paint I like the type of paint I yeah I just I I mean I really like this whole thing it looks great I'm a fan of this oh did you film this truma thing hey oh yeah let me show that so this here this Maverick into a rigorous temperature testing when the unit was sealed in a cold chamber at negative 15 degrees Celsius overnight typically to beat the gold standard five temperature sensors are applied not Chinook they did 21 temperature sensors there you go so for the test all usually it's five sensors all five sensors have to hit 65 degrees within four hours we did it with 21 sensors in three hours and 20 minutes beating the gold star certification wow we were one of the few b-pluses to be able to do that and the only in North America wow yeah because I was going to say that guy so there's no leisure travel that does this there's no so any other B plus is on this Ford Transit that does this I mean I think this this a lot of this stuff is what really sets this Chinook apart is stuff like this just that attention and quality so absolutely that's awesome I love it yeah thank you interrupting my lunch again Chick-fil-A will be here in a few minutes so this will be the quickest video we've ever done Get on Up in there I've only interrupted you one time oh whatever oh boy okay so rear entry is nice yep because it's wide so I like how wide this is I also like how it doesn't interrupt anything else up there in the coach right so it gives you lots of space for the couch dinette beds twins whatever it is um this being 24 feet exactly there's a 24 feet five five inches you have this huge this closet is amazing yeah I mean I don't even have this many clothes at my house like my clothes is not even this big I can't tell you another b-plus or you know B for that matter obviously but I don't know another B plus that has a big closet like this if you buy a hat set or if you buy a hat do you a free RV yeah if you get a free hat don't let him pin you down Seth don't let him put you down can Hank have a free hat is the question I love the I love these buttons here you like buttons I just think that's cool so awning outside stuff lights and then there is a screen here this is kind of like a a firefly-esque screen so you got your lighting here so the light the light does dim as well as you hold it they kind of dim look at that chicks love the dimmer yeah well you know when you're partying you gotta dip I don't I've been married 20 years Hank oh okay I'm happily married for 20 years yeah um me too so lighting you got air conditioner you have all kinds of does this work on an app also yes yeah you can um at the kib app through your phone so you can download the app and you'll have full accessibility through your phone and that's on there you also have an app on the EQ and a few other things inside the coach that we'll touch on as well that's nice yeah truma as well yep um truma does have an app yeah so the truma combi so you have a True Modern app you can have the whole Multiplex system here on an app you can have your hydraulic jacks that's something else we haven't even touched on this thing comes standard with hydraulic jacks that's insane that's cool so really nice big closet there and we're gonna keep so very neat as we're walking something you notice here this is a vinyl floor it's a a woven marine grade here check this out it's actually a PVC wall PVC that's what I meant PVC tougher look at that adorable that's nice and soft feel I mean that's thick too yeah I mean I like this a lot I mean this is not so that's good sound deadening um insulation as well as obviously like a traction floor yeah yeah I like the feel of it it's waterproof just like a marine grade so you can take a power sprayer to that spray I wouldn't recommend that in here no but I wouldn't either so this is but this is all one piece flooring right when you guys put this in so when we before we put anything on the coach it's one big piece three quarter inch sub four um and then we do the PVC floor over that um in one piece and it's completely glued down it's not just the furniture holding it down and on the back side instead of where a lot of guys do like a tarp paper underlayment we do a full fiberglass underlayment and then you have insulation between there and that um so it's an insulated floor and then insulated walls and we'll get into that more just a second so I'm not saying that you you know you can't just wash this out if someone parties too much Nick not you not me either but someone else you know you can just wash this all out man if I learned this to my 18 year old um all right so what's really cool so you have a separate shower that you don't give this a lot especially in b-pluses either you do not get this a lot a separate shower that a big old dude like myself can fit in six foot tall 230 space up here extra space you got some light window so you got things can come check you out here you got everything so really nice there hot cold water privacy yeah pretty awesome this is a big deal because someone technically man could be used in the shower at that same time somebody's using this which is my favorite yeah this is insane this also has a a vent in here you do not see this full sink bathrooms that's amazing I would challenge any leisure travel to show me that looks better than this yeah that's awesome Isn't that cool I like the wood I like the appointments like that that little strip of tile is pretty cool the mirror like all of it all of it I mean there's an AC vent in here yeah there's a Dometic fan with a remote I mean you have your controls look at the cabinets down there it's insane yeah that's so awesome man TP RV specific TP so people like to see people in the bathroom sort of see the size so lots of size lots of room everywhere I mean you know you got a little charger I'll close you in did you survive I did yeah I did yeah see but then you can get privacy I can yeah you mind giving me a little privacy you can hide out in here and either I'm gonna hide out here with my lunch next time no this is really nice this the the shower and the bathroom those are really nicely I agree and you know what's cool about Chinook is you know everybody has kind of their thing that they want to do to set them apart from everybody else and so I think building this on on the transit all-wheel drive with the quality all that but on the base sides which is a regular Transit van 22 feet they have a separate shower and toilet they do no other class B like true Class B has that so just very unique you see rare baths a lot but this is not a split rare back you always see a wet bag yeah so this is like a dry bath that's huge so really nice um something else that in the last video you remember this yes I know where you go for it so this is a Dometic what is it 7.3 cubic feet um I think it's a actual 6.3 6.3 okay um in in Canada it'd be seven or something you know they do different metrics right sure I got no idea um but what's really cool is that this is bigger than most other B pluses so we did a little comparison and this is bigger than like the Airstream bigger than the leisure travel but what's cool is you can access it from right here a nice big freezer trick to it nice big fridge right yes so then what you don't see often if you're bored you can access it from this site that is cool come on I mean because this is probably I've only ever seen that on real super high-end stuff I've never seen this on anything oh yeah in my life I don't do super hanging so I got four kids Hank right yeah I know poor guys so to go in on that bridge and why we chose it so with the rear entry you can walk in you can get your drink from one way or if you're relaxing inside you don't have to go and open the door against yourself you can open it this way okay so more of making it easier to use so yeah this is awesome I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying you can open it from this side right okay and then when you close it you can open it from this side okay I got that check this out I wonder if I can open one for one side what oh look at that you are gonna break the world I mean this is gonna break the internet yeah this is yeah that's cool that's awesome this is better than Taylor Swift concert tickets I love I love it it's awesome I mean check that out this is really convection microwave it only does one door it's just lame uh it won't do both sides do all kinds of stuff all kinds of stuff Pizza spaghetti I've cooked biscuits I've I've baked cookies I mean so much so many people have air fryer capability no it's got It's uh microwave uh convection so that's cool yeah real cool yeah so this is eight or ten inches longer than the summit so yeah yeah come up here yeah come up here Seth we're at eight inches longer than the summit so the Maverick's gonna have a few bonuses we don't do any frame extension so what we do is in this model we put this cabinet in here next to the cooktop and then you get a larger rear Ward so the Wardrobe so the Wardrobe is larger in the Maverick than the Summit and this is only in the Maverick this cabinet right here is not in the sun yeah so if someone goes back and looks at that video that was really cool I was impressed by that this has how much more space uh six inches eight inches longer eight inches longer so you got more storage for stuff so let's see eight inches yeah you know I mean so Miracles have been known to happen lots of uh drawer space here this is your cooktop that comes out more here comes out cooktop comes out and yep which is cool it unplugs right there so if I'm if I'm being 100 honest with yourself yep I don't know why I'd ever take it out tilapia yeah if you want to cook something outside you take this out well then you plug it in yeah Different Strokes are different things in the back like we were talking about in the back that thing you could take it out there there's reasons there's reasons together this is cool this one this is cooler I mean it really does you know I'm borrowing this van from you right anytime honey yeah anytime that's part of our deal that is you know since I'm a brand ambassador who are my brand this RV the brand ambassador let me know how it goes yeah are you all being a good Ambassador oh you know it you know it okay got a lot of stuff right here Chef you know more about that stuff yeah the Merlin solar charger so this is just more of an info screen you got here in Xantrex 3000 watt inverter okay and then this right here is something special it's a Coca-Cola bottle opener that the Chinook owners put in the Chinooks from the 70s all the way until 2005 and that was uh it's just a little piece we wanted to bring back as far as the Nostalgia yeah um so something really cool am I allowed to open beer with that absolutely yeah just don't open a Pepsi with it yeah it helps you wear that real Coca-Cola from Mexico that's the real stuff Pepsi where is my jet that's why so you got both sides of the kitchen and they're again having a rear entry you do get both sides which is nice so nice big sink I like how big that is check this out it's huge country sink right there you can not a country sink Hank this is a farm sink yeah uh uh okay I'll go with what you're saying it's a pharmacy it's a country style sink it's a farm farmhouse sink it's huge and so what I also like is I like that this thing can come off you can do a lot with it hot water cold water you can even move it out of the way if you need yeah but look how big this is and this thing fits in there she can put pans in here at all types of things yeah that's awesome yeah a nice big deep sink look at that that's another feature you don't see you know as we're standing I feel a breeze coming through there from the fan like I mean it's it's nice we don't even have the AC on and when we say 80 degrees probably yeah probably yeah you know we talked about this last time which is pretty neat these are adjustable as well so nice spice rack you can put all your spices very cool canned goods I've a good friend of mine who's like a high-end Chef here in town he says you'll need any spices except salt and pepper let me say this might be true might be true salt never does it all if you're if you're a Gourmet Chef so yeah nice big storage underneath there yeah that's awesome yeah so lots of space you know in a 24-foot RV you have the luxury of having outside space and inside space and Chinook has done a great job of giving you a lot of both of it I remember last time Hank we got to open all these cabinets open all of them I'm gonna keep going back we're gonna kill your battery opening all these things all the cabinets open every single one Lord there you go how's that does that make you happy yes every cabinet is opened and look at them they're all standing up too none of them gravity has not beat any of them yet look at all that room this is just on the passenger side right here and then we'll flip over losses the driver's side lots of nice hard construction you can see how firm this stuff is can't you hang from these I could probably hang from these yeah but I'm 135 pounds let's see it now yeah let's see if you come in here I got on Chick-fil-A today oh okay it's actually up there right now so you are making my Chick-fil-A get soggy oh no when I was younger I think I was you know 35 pounds all right so a couple things out I do wanna Haze it a little bit we're not body shaming anybody here I want to bring the light the wall finish so we're doing a padded vinyl instead of the industry standard paper wrap blue on right so when we do this we actually finish the wall before it gets put on the coach and that's important to note because when you look at all the finish work there is padding in between all of your Woodwork and metal work and on the roof here there is padding over the aluminum them wall in between the aluminum trusses on the roof okay it's gonna very do a really good job at quieting down all the squeaks and rattles while you're driving down the road so that extra step in sound dampening is huge for us because you're gonna have a lot quieter you just drove this thing A Thousand Miles down here I did so my question about that I do like that right that's really cool for sound and everything now what about the wires running through there how do you guys do that and what if you had to like get access at those wires so actually wires and more done lower and then there's done in the roof you're going to notice they're not really in the side walls themselves okay so just a completely different philosophy I think on that right and also the note on those wires everything's color coded so if there was an issue later on down the line there won't be yes these guys will be able to identify them quickly oh we do that you know hey there's you know if there's something going on with the enzantrex inverter it's got its own label um and it's got its own color so the technicians can get the schematics from us that's cool and then find out what the issue is yeah okay that's one of those things you don't see but it's a good thing to have so I love this floor plan by the way Hank I know last time it was me and Lola hanging out here right she's better looking than Seth this I'm not gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna switch I'm going to switch over here you could go wins up so so lots of seating we lost we don't necessarily have to show the folks you know us taking all of this out but this is great seating we did last time remember yeah you want to do it I mean I feel like we have to if we're okay if we're truly gonna show people these RVs you got to show them then can you just use the video from last time and just implant no that's too much work man so anyway so I got you big strong so this is a couch right are there seat belts on this couch there are not seat belts or no seat belts this is house you don't even need seat belts and then you have a dinette so you got two seats there three seats here so there's five people's fit very comfortably here yeah now there's a lot of variations of this right so you can do a king size bed you can do twin beds yeah or you can do the couch so we're gonna show you okay so you can get different layouts here well yeah well out of this layout oh out of this that's right the other layout that shouldn't have offers is two couches yep so oh okay we do a double sofa where it's a sofa here sofa here and we do Laguna tables instead of the dream dinette or you have this one the dinette sofa oh okay um I like that this is a good office like Lola can sit and work over here and work at the same time huh who would be driving um this thing drives itself man that's not hurt did you hear that story yeah you could just put it in uh adaptive cruise some salesman told a personal time that the survey practically drives itself so they're driving down the road they get out and they come in the back and start cooking until it cracks because it didn't actually drive itself this has adaptive cruise control it does happen it does which will stop you if you do something silly like that don't do that though that's our warning do not do that let's lay this thing out yeah and show everybody let's show the people ready I'm gonna clap like the clap on and clap off lights okay ready okay so now this would be the setup for two twin beds yep so bed over here bed over here so six foot tall do I fit on this yeah almost if I had a pillow right here I said yeah you go so pretty cool right yeah that's cool pretty comfortable all right I would say that one's a little bigger than this side it is so this is going to be your bigger side because that's a dinette drop and these do not remove versus on this side you can take these off for a little bit more room if you need it okay cool pretty cool all right we got another one okay here it is there you go here's Johnny so big big king size bed yep you can lay this way if you like I mean that plenty of room you can lay from the back side to side whatever these things even removed if you want yeah I'm like these things here move as well so lots of space yeah that's huge it's big right yeah it's a lot of room right there I like that you have like a family like a kid or two you can put them on here as well yeah yeah absolutely so you have the couch and dinette you have the twin beds and this is the king bed layout so lots of flexibility with this floor plan that I think really sets us apart from as we've been saying the whole time the leisure travel yeah and everything else a lot of the other b-plus yeah on a Transit chat nicely done nicely done yeah and then I mean we're not sweating that bad no all right we want to clap off clap on or whatever yes there you go boom so so pretty cool you know there's there's there's a lot of stuff that's really unique about a chinook and this particular one the Maverick on the transit but what else is cool these are 3001 inverter 400 watts of solar the 4 000 watt Onan generator and then you have the 800 uh amp hours of AGM batteries which could easily be switched to four to eight hundred amp hours of lithium batteries absolutely and like on Hank's van what we did for you we upgraded you to lithium you have your generator and you have lithium and solar and inverter you have like this whole power pack to where you can go Boondock be off the grid anywhere you want to be especially with the truma gold seal on this set you should I mean you can camp in the upper peninsula you can go to Alaska and be ready for cold weather and be ready for power needs the the type of buyer buying this is gonna be the person that wants to go anywhere anytime any time of the year No Limits whether you want to go somewhere warm like here in Florida it here or if you want to take this thing up to Alaska yeah or anything like that you can you can do that and we're seeing a lot of positivity from that because we wanted to be a little bit separate to ourselves yeah so that's kind of our Niche I think doing the cold weather package with the type of power that they give and the flexibility to be able to change that you got your hydraulic jacks if you are off off terrain somewhere you have the all-wheel drive as well Hank you love that I love that flexibility to me that's like the best chassis do we want to show some of the upfront stuff here absolutely yeah let's show uh behind there is Storage so you can put your blankets your pencils you got a bunch of plugins for stuff over here if you want to add anything and even that one if I put a kit up there I got a little kid maybe a cat a cat yeah you can get away with that EQ there yeah so what does that do so that's a leveling hydraulic leveling system so you have a jack how many Jacks are in here three four four jacks around the whole coach you press the button and it levels you just perfect yeah so really nice yeah that's really and then up front they do a leather seat here um and then and then you have that big what is that a 10 or 12 inch screen touch screen are those switches so yes those are these is that like hydraulics not hydraulic up on switches that's for if the customer wants to add a light bar or something after market and then on the left hand side is the trailer um break so that's Incorporated from Ford we order it with the trailer brake and it's got the 5 000 pound hitch on the back so you can tow up to 5 000 pounds with it yeah that's really cool we forgot the JBL there's almost bad boy Alps also so some nice sounds you could get and the Bluetooth you can hook up Bluetooth to it yeah and also radio and uh look at that it's pretty neat huh yeah I'm digging it I'm digging it so that's gonna have inside speakers and then it's gonna have a subwoofer under Nick oh okay yeah and one of the things talking about that brings me up to the ceiling so we this is a Dometic AC right attic AC right now and then ducted Air ducted ac yep right so that's all through yeah it's everywhere so that way it's not just blowing right in your face yeah I like that you know drying you out at night yeah same with the heat as well you have duct work going throughout the coach if you notice you got oh yeah down low and you also have heat in the bathroom ah okay I see download assisted us when we were engineering the duct work for the Four Seasons capability a lot of times you're gonna have um hot spots and that was something we didn't want to have we wanted to keep all the coach at one temperature or close to versus hot over here cool over here yeah very nice do you want to go outside and wrap this up what yes I do one more thing yeah totally missed that Isn't that cool yeah more storage there's a lot of storage there is there's a lot of storage I think I really like and appreciate that you can be gone for a long time in this thing yes that's what I would get if I you know I don't know if this might be my second or third or fourth or 20th Interruption if I got something like this I would get it just for that what you just said storage no because you could really take this and get out on the road and live in this like two people you could get out and live in this thing 100 um and have like everything if you want to be able to have everything so I mean you know like the best driving most power easy to drive all that kind of stuff storage uh amenities you want it to look good on the inside look good on the outside lots of cool stuff this is a sports car motorhomes right and if you don't want to wait two years for a stinking Leisure Travel they're starting to build these I mean this is it should we go outside wherever you want let's go outside let's do it it's a stranger all right so we're gonna wrap this up I'm gonna let these two guys do the wrap up anything we missed something talk about no I think Chinook has hit a home run with this I think that being made here in in USA in Indiana they have chassis on the ground this is one of their first ones coming off the line and so what's cool is Chinook you know Seth comes in town he's like hey how can we make this better and I really feel like they're a factory and manufacturer that wants to make these better I think they did a great job with this one but like anything um except you Hank everything can be improved right I know I mean that's so true I can't argue with that now is this is available if Hank does not buy this this is available for you're allowed to borrow why would you buy it you can but you can use it anytime you want I'll lend it to you oh okay this is available for this will be at the Ocala RV show tomorrow it'll be here in one hour and 30 minutes probably right yep you are driving it from here to there it'll be there tomorrow for sale we'll have a Maverick we'll have a summit we'll have a Bayside with a twin bed and a Bayside with a single sofa awesome all four of them in Ocala for sale to drive away then absolutely and you can place orders from they got chassis they got silver and white we can take an order we deliver for free anywhere in the U.S also pretty cool about buying from us is this is all we do we we specialize in Class B's QB pluses we guarantee service appointments in five days we have a technician teach you how to use the RV just like what Wayne talked about earlier in the video teach you how to use it bring in here pay for your airfare to get here put you up for a couple nights at the campground and then we give you tech support the whole time you own the coach so anybody calls us any issues any questions they call us we get them taken care of right away and from us you know one thing I'm giving my customers is they can reach out to me directly if you have an issue while on the road I'm doing that for all the first customers as we get started and then also we give you a two-year 30 000 mile warranty with it so it's giving you a really good warranty yeah I mean if you have any issues along the way we're going to be right there with to make sure it gets fixed and you get back on the road awesome awesome so let's do this man big thanks to Seth of Chinook for uh showing us this no problem I appreciate it of course to Nick Schmidt yes some people have different things that they say they call you different things but it's Schmidt it's all right there you go that's how you say it of sunshine state RV everything yeah come see us at the Ocala RV Show so I have to be there I'll be there we'll be there I'll be there Lola will be there these really cool Vans will be there plus more uh especially Seth needs this let's go get some sandwiches awesome we're out of here peace
Channel: StrangerPalooza
Views: 212,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chinook RV, chinook, chinook maverick, Better Than Winnebago Ekko, maverick class c rv, chinook marverick rv, class c rv, rv living, rv camping, full time rv living, full time rving, chinook class c rv, 2023 chinook marverick, class c rv tour, ford transit camper, 2023 maverick ford transit
Id: Uq0UOlwL8Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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