World's Simplest Electric Train
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: AmazingScience
Views: 48,315,892
Rating: 4.896121 out of 5
Keywords: 科学, モーター, 乾電池, 電池, ネオジウム, ネオジム, 磁石, 実験, ローレンツ力, 自作, battery, Neodymium Magnet, handmade, science experiments, motor, coil, copper, 銅線, Neodymium, 電磁石, Electromagnet, Electromagnetic train, force, how to make, magnetic train, Magnetic Propulsion, 簡単, Magnetic Field, small, リニア, リニアモーターカー, リニアモーター, wire, science, Solenoid, linear, Faraday, 導線, how to build, DIY, dry cell, power, invention, idea, very simple, homemade, toy, cool, easy, new technology, super strong magnets, 電車, hyperloop, amazing science experiments
Id: J9b0J29OzAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 26 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love the url in the end.
roughly how long would a battery of that size keep its charge and send the electromagnet train around like that?
world's simplest motor
Science q. The reason this isn't perpetual is because the battery is draining of charge. Slowly but surely right? I understand the science but I forget the specifics. Any one nice enough to jog my memory
In case anyone else was struggling to read the URL at the end:
It's just the channel page for this YouTuber.
Can someone explain how this works exactly?
listen to one of the great minds of the last century explain why he will not explain that.
So simple yet so cool! Now I have something to tell when a kid asks me for a good science exhibition idea.