Hydrogen storage in powder : Breakthrough or Busted??

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Well here I am again coming at you with yet  another video about hydrogen, which if you've   watched some of my previous offerings on the  subject you'll know is an element with great   potential but also a whole raft of issues and  challenges on a practical level. Hydrogen is the   most plentiful element in the universe, which  is nice. But here on earth it doesn't tend to   float around on its own. It has to be forced away  from the other elements it's reacted with, which   currently either means hitting fossil methane gas  with high pressure steam to break apart the carbon   and hydrogen atoms, which is a process that  generates more greenhouse gases than burning   diesel, or it has to be separated from oxygen  atoms in water via the process of electrolysis,   which is much less efficient and currently more  than twice as expensive at about five dollars a   kilogram compared to one or two dollars a kilogram  for hydrogen from steam reforming methane. Once   you've got your hydrogen you have to store it  somewhere for transport and all that sort of   stuff. As an energy carrier hydrogen contains  120 megajoules in every kilogram compared to   only 44 megajoules in a kilogram of gasoline.  That's why it's such an attractive prize. But   at normal temperature and pressure gasoline is  an easily manageable liquid whereas hydrogen   is a gas with a very low volumetric energy  density. That means hydrogen either has to be   compressed to about 700 times atmospheric pressure  to get it into manageable sized containers   or it has to be cryogenically chilled down to  minus 253 degrees Celsius so that it condenses   into a liquid. That's only 20 degrees above  absolute zero. Both those processes need a lot of   energy and expensive infrastructure, so I suppose  it's not surprising that clever science boffins in   laboratories all over the world have been trying  to develop alternative methods for liberating   and storing this potentially transformative  element. And now a couple of research teams   reckon they've worked out how to store hydrogen  safely and more or less indefinitely as a powder. Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think.  If you're a regular viewer of the channel   you'll know that over the years we've looked  at all sorts of ways of storing and converting   energy from electrochemical reactions in various  battery technologies to thermochemical reactions   in energy storage media. Now we've got a new  term to add to the lexicon - Mechanochemistry.   It's a phrase that came to prominence only a  few years ago when this paper described how the   rather unfortunately titled process of dry  ball milling could be used to strip graphite   down into graphene. Now a group of research  scientists from Deakin University in Australia   has embraced this technology and  combined it with good old Nanotechnology   to achieve separation of gases without the  need for heat or light or an electrochemical   reaction. Their initial focus was to find  a way of simplifying the separation of   hydrocarbon gases like alkene or olefin and  paraffin from petroleum which the fossil fuel   industry currently achieves in distilleries  by cryogenically cooling everything down   into a liquid and then reheating the mixture and  siphoning off each gas as it evaporates at its own   specific boiling point. That's quite smart science  but it's also very expensive and energy intensive.   The process that the Deakin team have  developed essentially involves a cylinder   containing Nano sheets of boron nitride powder and  a bunch of steel balls. The breakthrough discovery   that the team have identified is that when defects  are present at the edges and within the main body   of boron nitride nanosheets they act like a  catalyst to accelerate the absorption of gas.   By rotating the cylinder and allowing the steel  balls to tumble onto the powder the researchers   have been able to greatly increase the number  of these catalytic defects in the material.   When a mixture of olefin and paraffin gas  is introduced at room temperature and normal   atmospheric pressure the nanoparticles of boron  nitride selectively absorb much greater quantity   of olefin gas over paraffin gas. That means at the  end of the process pure paraffin gas can simply be   siphoned off and the olefin can be recovered from  the boron nitride powder via a low temperature   heating process. It's really very simple indeed  and according to the research team this scalable   mechanochemical process offers substantial  energy savings over the existing technology.   It's not a particularly quick process. It can  take more than 20 hours for olefins to be fully   absorbed. But the team found that rotating their  cylinder for that length of time only used about   32 cents worth of energy. According to the  paper the full scale process is estimated to   consume 76.8 kilojoules per second to separate a  thousand litres of an olefin / paraffin mixture,   which is two orders less than the cryogenic  distillation process. Now you know me,   I'm not one to arbitrarily promote anything that  might be perceived as being advantageous to the   fossil fuel industry, but if this method could be  scaled up and used in the petrochemical industry   then it displaces a process that, according to  a report by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory,   accounts for as much as 15 percent of all  energy consumption in the United States,   and presumably a similar high tariff  at distilleries elsewhere in the world.   Technology writer Loz Blain spoke to the paper's  co-author professor Ian Chen for a recent article   that you can find at Newatlas.com and I'll leave  a link to that article in the description section   below. Chen told Blain that although their  research paper focuses on paraffin and olefin   they realised that the process could also be used  to absorb and store relatively high quantities of   hydrogen gas... "it doesn't require a lot  of energy" Chen explained "and it's safe   under normal conditions. It's quite stable and the  hydrogen won't be released unless it's heated to a   couple of hundred degrees" Even with that heating  requirement at the end to liberate the hydrogen   from the boron nitride powder, Chen says their  initial small-scale experiments with hydrogen   suggest that their process would use only about a  quarter of the energy needed to compress the gas   to 700 bar. That can most likely be improved as  the system scales up and the operating parameters   are optimized, plus in relative terms the more gas  you store the less energy you need to release it.   Tests indicate that each gram of boron  nitride powder stores about as much hydrogen   as 11 centilitres or just under four fluid  ounces of compressed hydrogen gas, which the   team claimed to be about double the capacity  of other solid-state hydrogen storage methods.   The boron nitride powder isn't an infinitely  reusable material though of course. It is pretty   stable but the process of pummelling it with steel  balls does mean it loses about one to two percent   of its storage capacity on every cycle. The Deakin  team are now looking at ways of treating the   spent powder to restore its absorption levels.  That's by no means a done deal just yet though   and there's still quite a bit of work  required to prove out an effective process.   so we're definitely not at the stage where we all  need to be getting giddy with excitement just yet.   As is so often the case there will most likely be  several years of further research and development   before we see this process at industrial scale in  the real world. And that probably holds true for   another completely different powdered hydrogen  storage technology that was announced in the   very same week as the Deakin paper was published.  This one comes from a company called Epro Advanced   Technology or EAT, based in Hong Kong, and it  involves storing hydrogen in a powder by not   storing hydrogen in a powder at all! Yeah, I know.  Now I'm going to share the very brief explanation   that the company provides for how the technology  works but I reserve the right to retain a healthy   level of journalistic scepticism about this one  until it's been road tested and peer reviewed   in the real world because it sounds a little bit  too good to be true in my view. And as you good   folks are constantly reminding me, if something  sounds too good to be true then it probably is.   Anyway, see what you think, and I'll be interested  in your comments and feedback at the end.   The company are pitching their  technology as the 'easiest   safest and most economical way to generate and  deliver hydrogen that the world has ever seen.'   So you know, there's no shortage of confidence  that's for sure! What they've developed is a   material they're calling Si + which is apparently  a very porous version of silicon powder that,   when exposed to water, reacts to form silicon  dioxide or silica and hydrogen according to this   balanced equation that your chemistry teacher at  school would have happily been able to show you,   so nothing new there. They don't exactly say what  they do to the silicon to make it super porous   but their promo video suggests it involves the  input of electrical energy somewhere along the   line. The video shows the processed powder being  poured into a flask of water and hydrogen bubbling   out at the other end to charge up a one kilowatt  fuel cell. They plan to produce a small system for   domestic homes that could charge a five kilowatt  fuel cell which would be enough to run domestic   appliances. They're also hoping to break into the  global market as an ultra safe cost competitive   storage and transport medium for hydrogen.  It'll be safe because, as I mentioned earlier,   the powder doesn't actually store anything at  all! Just add water at the end and, hey presto,   instant hydrogen! They're not clear what the  end user is supposed to do with all the silicon   dioxide they'll be left with. That may not be a  problem for anyone living next to a beach because   it's essentially no more than a component of sand.  But not everyone has that luxury do they? So there   would need to be some sort of collection facility  which could get pretty cumbersome and expensive.   Nevertheless the company plans to deliver  domestic generators into the European market   and commercial generators in  Hong Kong at some point in 2023   and they're apparently talking to the Hong Kong  airport authority about replacing backup diesel   generators and providing a hydrogen refuelling  station at Hong Kong International Airport.   I'm not going to hold my breath on this particular  technology, but there's no doubt that along with   the high cost of production in the first place,  the safe, economical storage and transport of   green hydrogen is a major obstacle holding back  its mass adoption. So I guess it's got to be   encouraging to see the development of alternative  hydrogen storage solutions like these and others   like this solid-state metal hydride technology  from a company called GKN Hydrogen in Germany,   which is something we may look at  in more detail in a future video.   That's it for this week though. I'm sure many of  you have lots to say on this subject so as always,   if you do, feel free to leave your thoughts in the  comments section below. In the meantime, a massive   thank you as always to our fantastic Patreon  supporters who help me maintain the channel's   independence and keep all my videos completely  free of ads and sponsorship messages. You can join   them in getting exclusive extra content from me  and having your say in future videos via monthly   content polls, all for about the price of a coffee  each month, by visiting patreon.com/justhaveathink   and of course the easiest way you can support  the channel via YouTube is by clicking that   subscribe button and hitting the notification  bell. Completely free and dead easy to do. You   just need to click on the little icon in the  corner or on that icon there. As always thanks   very much for watching. Have a great week and  remember to just have a think. See you next week
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 179,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen powder breakthrough
Id: CmaV0LBlCUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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