World's Most Powerful Supercomputers

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today's video is brought to you by brilliant uh wonderful website and app built on the idea of active problem solving because it takes more to learn something than just watching it to really learn to do something you have to do it and that's why brilliant has thousands of lessons on the platform for its lifelong Learners with new exclusive content being added every month and as any working professionals can tell you brilliant is just the best way to learn maths science or computer skills interactively for example if you ever wanted to learn how to compute a program but you were put off by intimidating a coding language well brilliant can help you learn how to do that without having to dig deep through the weeds of coding syntax instead you get fun low pressure interactive challenges that teach you the fundamentals of computer language and are brilliant it's not just about memorizing or regurgitating facts for a test you could just pick a course that you're interested in and give it 20 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while the means of describing your computer's power or speed have changed over time the most common measure of computer performance for supercomputers is flops or floating Point operations per second the world's first supercomputer was the cray CDC 6600 at the time it was three times faster than the previous record holder with a performance of three Mega flops now that might sound like a lot of operations per second especially as floating Point operations are complex operations however an average modern processor will have a maximum performance of over one teraflop and high-end graphics cards will perform orders of magnitude more operations than the computer's CPU now this shouldn't be a huge shock to you the simplified version of Moore's Law is the technology doubles roughly every 18 months with the craze 6600 having been built in 1964 technology would have doubled 32 times since then 2 to the power of 32 is over 4 billion so it's no surprise that today's average computers are over a million times more powerful than the 1964 supercomputer but that's just an average computer what about today's most powerful computers started in 1993 the top 500 project ranks the world's 500 most powerful non-distributed computer systems as the name suggests a distributed system utilizes multiple different machines connected over a network to work towards a singular goal because the goal is to track the most powerful supercomputers in the world it makes sense to exclude anything that isn't a single machine the list is updated twice each year once in June and once in November each new list is released to coincide with an international supercomputer conference and his goal is to provide a reliable means to detect and track Trends in supercomputing each top 500 list includes the name and model of the computer its manufacturer processing speeds year of creation and the site where the computer is located it also tracks the operating systems but unsurprisingly the computers are almost all using some variety of Linux of the top 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world 149 of them are located in the US that's an impressive feat since Japan is next in line with only 32 but it's not nearly as impressive as China who tops the list with 173. with it being June at the time of recording ah not quite it just turned into July the newest top 500 list has just come out so we can give you the most up-to-date rankings which are going to get out of day very very quickly and it's a good thing because as of this month there's a new champion Summit is a supercomputer developed by IBM for use at Oak Ridge leadership Computing facility a facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory it takes up an estimated 9 400 square feet that's 873 meters and was the end result of a 325 million dollar contract from the United States Department of energy however not all that money went towards Summit the contract was actually for a pair of computers the other being named Sierra Sierra is housed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California it's operated by the national nuclear Security Administration is used to run nuclear weapon simulations so there's not really a whole lot more we're able to say about it because of you know classified stuff besides Sierra was the less powerful of the two computers anyway when Summit was completed in 2018 it stole the first place spot on the top 500 from China's Sunway tahu light the Chinese supercomputer had maintained its dominance for two years before being overtaken by summit's 50 increase in performance Summit performs at 148 petaflops one petaflop equaling 1 000 teraflops with the nuclear Security Administration having received their nuclear weapon simulator Oak ridge's expensive new toy was tasked with civilian scientific research some may provide scientists and researchers the opportunity to solve complex tasks in the fields of energy artificial intelligence human health and other research areas it has been used for earthquake simulations extreme weather simulations Materials Science Experiments genomics and for predicting the lifetime of neutrinos there was actually a third computer that was part of the Department of Energy's plan although this contract went to Intel and cray named Aurora the original computer was intended to release at approximately the same time as Summit and have similar performance however delays combined with the change in the project scope have led to it not being completed Aurora is planned to be completed later this year and installed at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois that's expected to cost 500 million dollars and is projected to have twice the performance of Frontier a supercomputer that we're going to discuss shortly Aurora's planned functions include research on low-carbon Technologies subatomic particles cancer and cosmology [Music] assembly of fagaku began in December of 2019 and by May 13 2020 was finally up and running with a performance of 422 petaflops fugaku had nearly tripled the performance of summit it was an absolute beast in terms of speed and it surpassed the performance of the next four top supercomputers combined vegaku is housed at the Rye consent of a computational science in Kobe Japan and was produced by Fujitsu limited fugaku is an alternate name for Mount Fuji by the way fun fact after reiken announced the supercomputer's name in mid-2019 they also unveiled its official logo which depicts Mount Fuji as a symbol of fugaku's high performance and the wide range of its users according to nikai in 2018 the total cost of developing the supercomputer would be approximately 130 billion yen or 1 billion dollars the statement about the wide range of users wasn't just corporate puffery either vegarko has been used to forecast weather and predict tsunamis in real time it has been able to evaluate fuel economy and flight speeds for aircraft it was even used to simulate the spread of covid-19 and run research on Covert face masks now while the top 500 is the list that we've been focusing on for the episode today there are other means of measuring computer performance by testing different kinds of workloads not only did fugaku rank number one in the top 500 it also claimed the top spot in the graph 500 HBL Ai and The hpcg Benchmark it was the first supercomputer to ever lead all four rankings at the same time in November of 2020 pagaku would receive an upgrade increasing the number of processors no other supercomputer was even close to matching its performance but you know there's no harm in trying to stay on top and it did stay on top for two full years until being finally dethroned in June 2022 bye Frontier [Music] finally we end our list with the newest and fastest supercomputer in the world and the world's first exascale computer exascale means that the computer has a full extra flop that's a thousand petaflops of performance or in this case 1.102 hexaflops it has a measured Peak though of 1.685 hexaflops into theoretical peak of two extra flops making it 10 times more powerful than its predecessor Summit and more than twice as powerful as the previous record holder just in case the prefixes are getting a little confusing one extra flop is one quintillion floating Point operations per second surely that's gonna make it much easier for you to visualize if gaku was a beast then Frontier is the entire pack of beasts that surpassed the combined performance of the next eight most powerful foreign heaters like Summit Frontier is hosted at the Oak Ridge leadership Computing facility in Tennessee the computer cost 600 billion dollars to build and takes up 7 300 square feet that's 680 square meters it was manufactured by Hewlett-Packard or more specifically their subsidiary cray that's right the makers of the world's first supercomputer nearly 60 years ago have once again claimed the title with the hpe cray ax235a Frontier is intended for scientific research with the official website stating Frontier users will model the entire lifespan of a nuclear reactor uncover disease genetics and build on recent developments in science and technology to further integrate artificial intelligence with data analytics and modeling and simulation with the supercomputer just becoming operational we'll have to wait to see what incredible Feats it's gonna perform but Frontier is also topping more charts than just the top 500 it took the number one spot on the green 500 a similar biannual list that measures the most efficient supercomputers it may have 10 times the processing capabilities of summit but it uses less than two times the energy wed Rogue artificial intelligence finally goes insane and eradicates Humanity it'll be nice to know that we designed it with the planet's survival in mind pradir wasn't the only ex-235a to debut in 2022 Hewlett-Packard has provided the components to the CSE data center in kajani Finland the computer named Lumi isn't even completed yet and it has already debuted at number three on the top 500. however even once completed it's not projected to take the number two spot let alone number one the projects expected to cost 144.5 million Euros or 151 million dollars and is co-funded by the Euro HPC joint undertaking and the Lumi Consortium which consists of 10 different European nations numi may be powerful but it has different goals than raw processing capabilities Lumia is to be powered using 100 hydroelectric energy rather than expensive and complex cooling systems to deal with the immensely generated by a supercomputer lumi's heat is going to be captured and used to heat nearby buildings Frontier may have ranked at the top of the green high 100 when it launched but it seems loomy is destined to steal that position once it's fully operational Dojo is a supercomputer designed by Tesla to help handle the massive amount of video data generated by the self-driving cars the data is fed to a neural network that will use all of that information to improve their car's driving ability there's a lot of hype surrounding Dojo much of it from Elon Musk himself because of course it is separating hype from reality can be quite difficult there are countless news stories that are constantly recirculated around social media making incredible claims such as how Dojo will revolutionize artificial intelligence and that it is the fastest supercomputer in the world with a potential performance of up to 1.8 hexaflops because these articles are so prevalent would be remiss not to give Dojo a mention most of the concrete facts we know about Dojo came from Tesla's AI day in 2021 when they revealed Dojo to the world or at least they revealed their proprietary processing chip and oh one tile of what will eventually become the supercomputer Dojo unfortunately failed to make the top 500 because it it's not actually built yet the computer is supposed to be completed this year and may be revealed Tesla's upcoming AI day but the grandiose claims have cooled down a bit based on estimate regarding dojo's actual capabilities it will probably make the top 10 or even the top five but barring some revolutionary development it will not be the most powerful computer in the world it's believed that the dojo is capable of 1.1 extra flops of AI compute but that is very different from regular exaflops using the stand at Lin pack Benchmark system so what does all of this mean for the actual computational abilities of Dojo well we don't know there's a good chance we'll find out later this year or when it's finally revealed we've continued to see the performance of supercomputers double or triple on a nearly annual basis and there's no reason to believe this is going to stop anytime soon until technology has advanced to a point where we can upload human consciousness to the cloud there will always be more work to be done it's just important to remember that the computers on the top 500 are only the computers we know about despite already leading the world in quantity of supercomputers there have been reports for over a year that China secretly developed supercomputers using their own technology Frontier May officially be the first exoscale supercomputer but it is possible that China won that race by over a year and has been operating the computer in secret to avoid U.S sanctions as of May of this year China is allegedly home to exoscale computers but there's no way to substantiate these reports [Music] remember foreign
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 198,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Most Powerful Supercomputers, World's Most Powerful Supercomputers, supercomputer, super computer, supercomputers, fastest computer in the world, fastest computer, fastest supercomputer, fastest computers, what is a supercomputer, the most powerful supercomputer in the world, most powerful supercomputer, top 10 supercomputers, the fastest computer in the world, best super computer, Sideprojects, world's fastest computer, world's best computer, fastest processor
Id: PYTuhFqHjH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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