WORLDS FASTEST BARBER! Fuel Altered’s Are Cool!

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[Music] well today's adventure we're running down to richmond kentucky i've never really been down to richmond kentucky but that's where i'm going there's a gentleman down there named kevin jones he's got a fuel altered uh if you guys don't know what a fuel altered is it's basically it's a nitro funny car without the body usually they have a big wing on the back and a big wing on the front and they're a handful to drive let me tell you matter of fact i had my special fuels license back in the day and i got to drive one of them things and i tell you what it gets your attention for sure but basically it's a nitro burning uh just like a top fuel or funny car motor and um in an altered in an altered way that's why they call the fuel but anyway we're going down there they've been having some problems getting it down the track um i think they're recommended uh through the laganas to go down there and help these guys out so we're just gonna look it over real well uh today and then tomorrow we're gonna take it out to a drag strip i've never been to kentucky drag strip i believe it's an eight mile track and we're gonna shoot her down through there and see if we can fix some of these issues so hang in there we're gonna go over some stuff some of this some old school stuff that uh maybe even you newer tuners have never seen before but we're going to get her down through there you watch but we're going to do a lot of maintenance that kind of thing make sure all of our eyes are dotted and our teeth teaser crossed before we go hit the gas on this thing so follow along [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're going to start out with the basics we're going to hit this pressure plate we're going to check this thing we're going to make sure this thing is straight now these things were disserviced but the guy who services doesn't necessarily have all the right fixturing and things like that for a top fuel clutch you're using some automotive stuff and maybe maybe something's not right or whatever but i'm checking this thing out and i'm not having that good luck i mean this thing's over five thousands taper you know within an inch and a half and that's not gonna fly i mean i keep checking the feeler blade and make sure what i'm seeing is right but it's right so when you're out in the country and stuff like that and you don't have a lot of equipment you've got to work with what you got so harbor freight came in handy you got this little belt sander and i'm just going to set here to surface this thing on there and man let me tell you what it's a little rough [Music] [Music] [Music] one that basically taken off a foul [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh okay almost well once we got the first one done i took a look at the second one and it wasn't no better you can see how much of this thing's hitting just on the edge so we had to do it all over again to another one it is what it is so another issue they were having was scuff the scuff is when it's taking the coating off the side of the piston it's getting the piston up against the cylinder wall and it's just scuffing that aluminum on the side and taking the rings right out of this thing and it's happening on every pass they've tried to add more fuel they've tried lowering compression all kinds of different things and nothing has seemed to fix this it's been my experience this thing doesn't have enough fuel in it when it's doing the burnout this is all happening before they even hit the gas to actually make the run itself first thing we're going to do we're going to put the pump all the way on in the burnout we're gonna give it more fuel than it needs and we're gonna see if it fixes this thing that way so this thing has got eight cylinders that all have good sealing that way so we're not dropping holes and that kind of thing and here's the name of this old girl altered ego owned by kevin jones kevin is a barber and owns a barber shop with about six chairs in it in richmond kentucky and there he is right there look at him walking in steadily like god he's a good looking son of a amy that's right and this here's david golden this here's his car chief we're teaching him a thing or two what to do on these cylinder heads we're going to go through these things we're going to verify every jet that's in this thing and we're also going to check the pressures on the jet nozzles themselves so basically it has a ball check in it and a spring and what happens is it's set at a certain pressure and you just don't want those on during idling but you want them to come on when you hit the gas so that's the enrichment for that cylinder then you can build you one of those fixtures right there so you can have that so you can check your because it's even more important for you guys to do this than it is for big teams because you don't get as many hits right yeah i really gotta make it count when you do it [Music] it sounds like a choo choo so now it's on to the ignition system now on this particular ride we're only running one mag you know a lot of top fuel machines they burn a lot more uh fuel so they need two mags but on this steel here it's only going to need one but this little cap here needs some service there's something special about these tangs that are on these msd caps a lot of people don't pay attention to it now if you don't have this at the right angle when it's touching this ball right here it makes a bigger spot so it's hitting more of an area when that thing is spinning in a circle basically it's making a bigger circle and when it does that it heats that tab up and it will burn it up but another thing that it does is it uses a bunch of energy to make a bigger spot on that rotor tip than what it would be if it's just a small dot that's why you want that thing level so when you put that cap on and it presses that down you want that thing exactly horizontal you know 180 degrees exactly to that ball and that's going to make the smallest dot and it's going to be able to get the most energy through the tip of that carbon ball on that cap so right here what i'm doing is i'm replacing those pieces on that rotor yes that's right you don't have to buy a whole rotor to get these two pieces you can actually buy them separate it's a lot cheaper now once you get these parts on another thing that you can do is take an old cap and cut it in half that way when you set it on there you can make sure that that tang that spring clip is exactly you know horizontal to that button so you have that smallest part being exposed like we've talked about now they have a cap that they actually check phasing with it has a hole in it and that's what i'm going to use instead of tearing one up for them but before i do that i'm going to come in here and i'm going to clean the terminals up on this cap when you're cleaning these terminals up too you got to make sure that you don't get aggressive you don't want to round the edges on them that kind of thing or burn them back a little bit this is a real real light dremel tool just to knock any kind of corrosion off there but i want to talk also about these spark plug wire ends now these msd these are the hemi style plug on and the biggest problem is is you can push these things on too far and shove the actual terminal back up in the deal now some of you hear me guys listen up here there's a couple things uh that i'm gonna reveal here that maybe some of you don't know but when you're pushing these things on you know in between servicing and things like that you want to spray a little brake clean on there in that way so that thing will slide on there and then once it's slid on it'll stay [Music] look how much air gap there is now what i'm talking about is the amount of space in between where that hex is and where the plug wire insulator stops and then there'll always be a witness mark if you had it snapped on all the way you always see it where it goes up over the deal so if you ever wonder if somebody got the plug-in on all the way you'll look and after a run right up here it'll have like a like a little arc mark but you'll never see that little tang go over that edge right there and you go oh you think it's plugged on all the way now do you guys spray your do you spray blake brake clean in before you put them on yeah it's like a norm because you have to or won't go in right but i'm sitting here looking at that and so now you have all that gap well that's what now these washers came about from a test bench in the msd trailer where we just about killed the guy that was actually working at the bench itself for us and we found out that that art between the hex and then the plug and when we took that gap away that pressure that we could put on that spark plug got higher without doing that so all these wires are made it's clear up there you know and usually what happens when people like press on them really hard like this it usually forces that piece up in there and then it won't click on all the way there's no problem with it clicking on but man does it have a hell of a so these will help with this but really need to be taken apart and they need to be moving yep then you have a dedicated spark plug for going through there and checking each one of the wires to make sure that it's not shoved up in there yep [Music] so when these things drop a hole generally what it does is it fires instead of to the end of the plug it fires from the top of that porcelain and it fires to the hex of the spark plug itself so here's the tang what i'm talking about earlier you want this thing dead flat horizontal to the button you don't want that thing running around the side of that button and here's a cap that has a cutout in it so you can take a look in there and make sure that you have it exactly horizontal to that you just take that tang and you bend it until when you press it down it's dead flat so we went through the ignition we went through some clutch stuff we went through the cylinders on the fuel delivery and we've addressed what we think we're going to do to fix these front cylinders so now it's time to get this old girl loaded up so the next morning i start my day at jackson's diner that's right i like food on the road and this is good food in richmond kentucky let me tell you it's a cool drive over to the track i really can't wait to see what this track looks like there's a ton of history here this thing's been here forever disciple family has been involved with this track almost since day one and now they're back at it again and they have really taken this track and they're doing a big turnover on this thing it's pretty cool hello good i'm rob wendlandt i'm with uh kevin jones right there next to the red trailer okay thank you you know kevin doesn't know me very well yet but i kind of like pranking people and getting to know him a little bit better i think he can do that through a little bit of comedy every once in a while so but i don't think he just knows how to take me just yet so i got a little something for him already [Music] i know right away what he's saying he's like what a dick right oh man that is so much fun but i'm checking this thing out from one end to the other and it's pretty cool i mean this place is cleaned up you've got the hills in the background and uh man just reminds me so much of some of the older tracks i went to in my earlier days essentially if you're standing straight but go ahead you stand right there you're standing straight you can see the amount of drop like basically what i'm just talking about is the amount of taper you know from the center line down to the edge of the guard rail and you know it's for shed and water and that kind of thing and one side seems to have a little bit more than the other and all the tracks are like that but you think about all the settling and all that over the years but god this here i use my sunglasses to see the different textures of the track there's some concrete here but there's also some pretty good transition marks going on to the asphalt and the asphalt's pretty it's pretty coarse so it's going to be a little tricky getting this thing down through there but we need it on eight cylinders we need them safely down on this thing it's pretty narrow we'll see what we can do here so on this initial startup the things i'm looking for is what the idle rpm is you know making sure that the cylinder temps you know throughout the motor are even that we have the right amount of fuel flow at idle next thing we're going to do is verify the timing uh we've looked on the crank to make sure exactly you know i think we're going to run around 50 to 52 degrees in this thing initially just starting out and we're just going to make sure that we've got all of our together so when we hit the gas on this thing she's ready to roll then what we'll do we're going to actually we're going to seat the clutch but we're actually seeing how much tug this thing has when he lets off the clutch and puts it on the high side we're going to see how far it pulls that rpm down and that's going to let us know how much stall we need to put in and out now kevin's drove a lot of stuff you know he's drove a top field dragster before and this alters nothing for him but i had some concerns when he's talking to me about what this thing was doing and i couldn't verify that this thing was actually like trying to take the tires off at two and a half seconds but he's feeling a really bad vibration now generally what he's feeling is that tire trying to break loose from the track but i don't verify that with the race pack again pull your head back all right [Music] so this first run i'm letting them do their own thing there's things that i see that i don't necessarily like and we're going to talk about it after this run but first we've done a lot of things we've taken clutch off the car because we've actually we think we've gave it more surface area you know by fixing everything so we've got to run it down through there see what this thing does first and see if he's going to experience the same thing that he's been experiencing before we fix anything all right one thing as a crew chief you want to observe everything how it started you know for everything uh when's the last time they checked the tire pressure before we rolled up there all these kinds of different things i'm observing to see if we can find out what's going on [Music] we've kind of detuned this thing coming into this because if it's out there smoking the tires just too aggressive so i can already tell in the burnouts he's a little weak sir [Music] do we killed some of the nitro percentage coming in we got a little bit of gasket out of it blowers down just a touch so you know we've taken two percent of power out of this thing and then nitro talking that's quite a bit now right away what happened is it dropped a cylinder when it left so we're going to take this thing all apart but he got out of it because he felt a vibration again so we're gonna look at everything and we're gonna figure out what's going on [Music] remember the spark plug deal well we found one on that cylinder there's a witness mark where it did not get clipped up all the way over the deal now it i really honestly don't think that that's what caused it to drop the cylinder because we've got such a weak suck motor going on because we came in here and we've tuned this thing down for the wrong reasons [Music] so we got it back together we put a little more power back in it we put some clutch on it and we're gonna go out there and hit the gas again but guess what we fixed the scuffing problem on the pistons in the burnout it was in the burnout that's a fact and that's all gone now so we have eight good cylinders mary i told you that kevin he felt that vibration again it's a vibration that feels like it's going to knock the tires off and he's such a good driver that the thing you do is you get out of it before it happens because this thing will be upside down if you don't but that's not what was going on the race pack did not show me that i knew for a fact i thought kevin his head was hitting the roll cage under acceleration from the chin strap and his shoulder straps not being tight enough and so we went and we changed so we perked the motor up just a little bit we put some clutch on it that way we'll give it this thing a load so it can burn some fuel we've got kevin's head hopefully off the back of the roll cage we've got him in there a little snugger i he needs to be in there where he can't breathe and i know he doesn't like it but that's what we're gonna do now mike seiple's the crew chief on this thing and he's been around drag racks in about as long as i'm old so anyway he's been out here for quite a while he knows drag racing he knows top fuel matter of fact his dad even drove top fuel back in the day and he's been trying to fix this issue but you know what he's doing it from a mechanical standpoint and you know he doesn't own the car kevin does and kevin's no dubbing when it comes to driving so when you sit there and you're questioning somebody what they're feeling and things like that it just takes experience now you look at that running you go was that a success or not but you know what it actually smoked the tires he knew it was going to smoke the tires but it also put a hole out and shoved him that way and after we talked he could not believe that that has been the issue with this car and why he's been getting out of it he felt everything this time and his head wasn't up against the cage and they came back out and i wasn't there they put some more clutch on it they got this thing tuned back up and let's see what happens this time yep they got themselves a hot rod all right [Music]
Channel: Rob Wendland
Views: 30,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob wendland, Top fuel drag racing, Top fuel dragster, NHRA, NHRA drag racing, Top fuel, Dragster, 10000 hp, Larry Dixon 2 seat dragster, Wendland, Supercharger, Funny car drag racing, Billet engine, Nitromethane, John Force, Worlds Fastest, Worlds fastest barber, Fuel altered
Id: BxFU0fUT680
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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