WORLD'S Famous NUSRET Salt Bae Experience In DUBAI !!!

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[Music] [Music] yeah yo what is up everybody welcome to another vlog so before I do anything in today's video I just want to say I probably have the weirdest cat in the world like right now he's sleeping in the garden I'm not even kidding like he's sitting and sleeping at the same time guys if you can see him over there so I wanna go see what he's doing like this cat is just so weird that your bubbles what are you doing so weird why did he just sit there like that so the thing is today me and the boys are actually heading out to somewhere very very special you guys probably already know where is by the tile of this video that means I'm not even gonna vlog my normal daily routine stuff for you guys I want to keep it all about the place we're going to okay I don't know why I'm saying is if you guys don't already know let's get ready to have a great vlog today okay let's go boom six hours later so I crazy want to change them into a formal t-shirt now you might be wondering why right now I'm heading out my boys Washington fatty we're doing somewhere special so you should all know who the Stoke BAE is the guy that does this guy's yeah yeah you were actually going over to his restaurant right now and yes hopefully we got to be him let's go oh oh my God look at their donkey in my car oh he's so adorable I see the craziest car on the road right now poisoning oh my god what limit inside the pig I think this is the biggest core of everything in my life look at the size of this Hummer it will literally eat the Range Rover holy moly that car is big yeah Leo knows yellow so right now this is the Burj Khalifa's you guys can see I'm about to turn in now guys can you see rush it up there oh my god bro I see you no way that is so weird it's all of our first time going to this nice right place I'll let you know if it's just hype or if it's actually good but by doing everything that I hope is there not stret man if you're watching this and you weren't there you better be there better you better be there bro we want that and so we just made it over here to the four seasons guys this is where nusrah is check it out here we are not stressed we just got the news right now not stret himself in inside he's in the building I we're gonna go inside I don't know why I'm so excited I've never been this excited in my life known as me he's right in front of you addicted defensive running we literally just go in here and before we got in Adam took a photo with the man yourself look at that oh yeah that came out clean the my man fatty is going to order as always he he's a boss when it comes to ordering I want we want the ring oh this this is our soul oh my god yeah we don't even need to become we go to ourselves I never even realized this sofa this guy use this is different it's not normal so look at it let's see Sophie Sophie yeah this is what goes on behind the scenes in ultraman this is my first time here let me show you guys what this place is all about so the neck is actually wooden guys look at it it's a wooden menu like encrusted nuts right guys and then this is all of the stuff they have so yeah they start with sand then they got like the grill stuff over here actually really nice right it's still like a really plush feel to it guys and it's only one page thanks so much that is cool the first thing just got here what is that beep composite rummy more meat oh yeah everything is a shell over here oh they're going in right now oh my goodness - feels like Instagram all over again look at that I like that I'm sorry guys I never ate anything wrong you look like you would do our garlic drop of Ebola is good going on man I do get the Suzy ready [Music] this is how you make sushi in real life man oh oh oh yeah my man just brought a flamethrower that is so crazy cellphone my man Joe that flame throwing his hand look at that that is some hardcore sushi right here oh my god this is this is so crazy and the sushi has finally been made guys oh no my man's got them it touches right there hey this is how much Rogers loves the sushi right now is the second one just as good I don't know what you said but it sounds good Patty's the plug you got it hooked up and I already know don't want questions the more likely he likes to eat like my food the main man Noah is just about to come right now so maybe second year is going to be here and yeah he's gonna do the show it's not to be a skill right now like this bad boy oh you already know [Music] Oh [Music] what do you think vlog [Music] that's the one that's one [Music] [Applause] holding our light of God what you got need to know Adam elder attack your lady is click of that for more boring these fatty fatty what does not my snap is fatty 8 f ad I see the number 8 day check it out everybody is digging in right now this is what Nusrat made he literally made this for us right now guys so how to take anyone oh my god oh my god round 2 doping is coming back right now he's about to do the show let then let that so be coming back around to dig it off just clean our aim 109 Towson is there rockin they Rock gimme do it home babies you home [Applause] [Music] oh you look fine it L is so good give us some words that's flat and it look so good oh I've never should've look we're not practice fine fine that's it and horses handle using the static for you to pronounce it don't we don't need you you which is the fatty in the house that's it these lamb chops are like the best thing of everything in my life check it out Dan this ain't just lamb chop this is a piece of art right here Adam show your first look at that just love and savage roads no guys sit out calm down calm down I want to send 100 I like that this is so nice like he's our soul guys Adam taking over its Adam Bay right now Adam Bay let's see look what just made it over here there another one buddy you're the whole restaurant coming anyway this is like Instagram in real life I want a bone I'm going to be honest I'm keeping this for a souvenir bro souvenir souvenir check it out the desert just made over here this is buck Lauer look at that oh this is oh my goodness holy probably this is intense want that no so for now we're done over here guys got a quick picture with the man himself over here my boy knows me in the building this is a small picture but now we're done over here guys this was like the craziest experience era man Oh yesterday oh man I'm speechless oh cool creating read we met the man yourself like three times it gave quite stuff like do that stuff I mind a long time we can photos it was a hell of a day guys anyways for now we're calling it at night we're gonna go home so good night good night and bless me with this locally Saudis messed up let's do any right guys we're heading off yourself I'll check you outside let's go yo all right boys I finally made it back home what a crazy crazy night with the boys out damn holy moly like I swear guys I was bad boy so much when I was there like it was like you know what he see something internet and you see in real life and it's just like Krista he is so crazy the way ah anyways I was being a proper fan boy what he came next to me and did that it was like I was a kid getting candy I don't think oh my god it is so cool I've always jolly Yolo see you tomorrow guys bye
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 14,329,479
Rating: 4.6910143 out of 5
Keywords: dubai, nusret, saltbae, salt bae, salt bar experience, salt man, funny meme
Id: OIVFw1EuK2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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