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welcome to ballers over the last month each member was tasked to create a for a side team to compete in the 2022 slip and slide football tournament the rules are simple each team has one chance to make it into the final if you win game one you're already in simple rock paper scissors to see who is playing who in the semi-final oh yeah yeah so there you have it i won the rock paper scissors so i get to pick any team to play against in the final but before that i need to see which team has the weakest players ladies and gentlemen right here what what i gotta say the sv2 all stars right here we've got kalyn over here do i even have to say anything six foot five black centre back amazing serious do i even have to say anything again engine you see him yum yum yum yum yum and then again you got me i'm finally playing football yeah it's time all right all right e-man enough waffling let me show you my team all right listen guys w's only you see me my boy ty reigning champ we got muscle look at muscle right now look at marshall we got the upgraded kayla martins coming to win today right now you're looking at the winners of the first borders superstar competition you see this utility man energy finish off nothing more said you see the other teams even got 14 man that's crazy so right now let's put winners above us yeah like this come on man let's go we are the red team yeah team another movement's the best porter of the ballers team we're getting the w yeah how are you feeling like good not real yeah i'm feeling good still yeah we've been not yeah no good stuff yeah we're going to win nervous yeah yeah it's the first time we've met but we've got 100 chemistry adam we've got big adam yeah we've got big mario yeah we've got money big jamie yeah double user so there we have it my team will be going first against sami's team and e-man team will be playing against saba's team let's go i think it's safe to say we are the underdog for this tournament yeah we put a team together last minute i i don't even know your name what's your name james nice to meet you here you see what i mean you put it together last minute but i believe in everyone here i believe everyone is talented after free we're streaming damn he's got no hairline one two three hairline yeah and there's not much to say shoot on set what i'm saying the red team even though they're a bit weak and they're very weak on paper very very weak you gotta be clinical you're not saying god be finishing chances remember yeah you've got this though man we're like man come on man i've got this one three two one three two one let's go oh yeah he said get in the gym little man let's go jamie not make it oh is the red team what is this oh oh the comeback hello good game good game i told you that my team straight into the final next up we've got e-man and several i don't care who wins because i'm coming for both of them but like they have the advantage they do have the better half if it's on it's on do we let's have some fun you don't need to know affirmation affirmation knows the formation already formation done done thank you oh i said free kick because you you you said it and i called free kick time ago nope oh i even last season not good enough actually oh okay oh oh [Music] don't disrespect jamie that boy he's a part of the group come on man here we go this is it the final match my team versus dami's team let's see who will take on the ten thousand pounds all right now boys you play the game you don't play the occasion it's a simple final they're all right i won't get twisted they're good but you know we've done the first game they know what we're capable of how about that how about that they're scared of the greens yeah say louder they're scared of the greens again let's go we've got this one come on now cruiser freeze one two three three four we've made it this far we've already the best team the only team left to beat is ourselves yeah you hear that one yeah two bars one thing they don't have that we have is hot you see how it's pressing him he's going out all four it cannot be done for michael i'll see you again active see that wilson same same old bro everyone's saying one two three okay that i'm angry all right the final three two one go yeah yeah shoot oh [Music] me [Music] stop it get some help [Music] oh what is that what is that don't do that again stay on go go finish it finish it oh all right good job bro okay oh [Music] if you have the ball here i'm going that corner perfect is and there you have it my team wins the slip and slide tournament 2022 make sure you come back next friday at 4pm for another ballers video
Channel: BLRZ
Views: 4,242,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slip n slide, slip n slide football, SV2, Football, football match, soccer, Ronaldo, Kid Ronaldo, Kid messi, haaland, mbappe, neymar
Id: Sf1HewwSGiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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