World's Best Parmesan Risotto | Cooking Italian with Joe

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[Music] good life hey guys look at my kitchen be another big crazy exciting day in my kitchen why two things one real important we're making one of my favorite dishes I love the risotto I absolutely love it Lorenzo means rice and Italian so two risotto we're gonna make a beautiful delicious dish with one of my favorite cheese's so when you say cheese you had me at cheese you know what I'm saying so we're gonna use the king of cheese parmesan or in this case parmigiano-reggiano the the best of the of the parmesan variety of cheeses and this is gonna come out thick it's gonna come out creamy starchy with just some beautiful backdrop of flavor right from Italy gonna be delicious number two why am i excited because I'm conducting a little experiment normally I make risotto with Frank Sinatra playing in the background today I went with Dino essentials up in the background so I'm a little nervous I'm a little excited I don't know which way it's gonna come out okay so let's get into agree and so number one number one we're gonna want to use a rice so one of the more common Rice's that I like to use is an arborio rice it's a short grain rice a little longer in grain than some of the other varieties its starchy it's creamy my mouth is watering just thinking about it so I've got 2 cups of arborio rice number 2 we're gonna make a sofrito in this case we're gonna make a sofrito the the beginning if you will kind of like a mirepoix which you would make in in French cooking right but in this case we're gonna make it real simple with the risotto you're gonna make it with an onion so I've got a medium-sized yellow onion you can use a white or yellow onion I like that yellow golden onion I it's got a little bit more of a kick of onion and then I'm gonna use a couple of cloves of garlic so this is some homegrown local garlic tends to be a little bit bigger but it tends to be a little bit milder so I've got 2 cloves of garlic and I'll tell you you had me at garlic and Parmesan cheese are you serious okay now we're going to butter so we're going to use one stick of butter you'll notice I split the butter in half because we're gonna use half the butter early on and half the butter later on I'll go through that I've got eight cups eight cups of stock in this case chicken stock so listen you guys can do whatever you want you can use for vegetarians out there you can use a vegetable stock or you can use a chicken stock sometimes I'll split it I'll use Hass vegetable stock and half chicken stock so you can go crazy you can do whatever you want now king of cheeses let's rock and roll we got Parmesan Reggiano I've got two cups of grated Parmesan cheese and that is just I mean I could literally take this go sit in a chair and just with a spoon anybody with me on that next we're gonna want some wine now in this case you're gonna want more of a dry wine but really any white wine will do but you don't want to use a sweet wine or dessert wine for this in this case what I've got is a Knorr vettel classic Oh next we're gonna want some salt and we're gonna want some pepper so one of my favorite salts is either the grey sea salt or a pink Himalayan today we're gonna use a pink Himalayan why cuz it's sexy okay and pink Himalayan a little bit more earthy and it's a little bit more briny so it doesn't give you that sharp that sharp bite us to it we're gonna always go with a black round pepper next we're gonna need some olive oil so I say we go to Puglia Italy some of the best olive oil in the world Vito and Jose so for anybody new to our channel we own a farm in Italy it's right above the heel in Puglia or Apulia Italy my two sons Vito and Joe and we co-op with a group of farms to bring you some of the best extra virgin olive oil you'll ever taste it's grassy it's earthy it's peppery it's absolutely delicious so if you go to my website cooking Italian with Joe or you go to my Facebook pages and you click Buy It Now will literally dropship you about a large or small or or more right to your front door stuff I call it a trip to Italy all right in the bottle okay so let's start having some fun alright first we're gonna want to heat up our stock so I've got my eight cups you got a nice big saucepan and I'm gonna throw warming this up right away while I'm starting to prep everything I'm gonna put this on the stove medium heat so by the time the rice is ready which start add that stock next we got to get our onion going so I want to mince this up I want to chop this up nice and fine cut the stem off cut it right in the middle give it a good peel and you want the back end because that's gonna hold you together while you're cutting it and then you're just going to hit it across here get right up to that back end and now this will hold it together and then you're just gonna come across perfect then it'll break up into the perfect size guys now we want to prep a risotto pan so a nice big pan is really ideally what you want in this case we're making two cups which is a good amount of risotto so we want to prep this and we got to add some fat so one we're gonna add obviously world's best olive oil right Vito and Jose so I'm gonna add about three to four tablespoons of olive oil now I'm gonna add a half of a stick of butter and I'm gonna turn the heat on medium and then just give that a nice quick stir and now I'm gonna add those onions and give this a stir so everything's coated with the oil and we're going to translucence here we're not going to fry them now the onions are always gonna take a little longer than the garlic so that's why I'm starting the onions first and I'll let them cook down a little bit before I add the garlic garlic will tend to get a little bitter on you if you overcook it I'm gonna start cutting up this garlic you know if you ever prepping something and somebody says don't add onions or garlic you know my attitude is why hang out with those people you know what I mean real easy don't come over for dinner get out that's a little datin advice for some of you young gentlemen out there and some young ladies out there you're trying to find that perfect match this is way you do you get some onions and garlic going out of the kitchen when they when you invite that person over you know if they go oh I love the smell of onions and garlic's hey you know what we're we're taking the next step here but if they don't you know it's that second thought I don't feel so good I got a headache I think you need to go home you know what I'm saying just give it a nice fine cut here garlic's done you're gonna see my onions are just starting to get soft and a little bit translucent now I'm gonna add the garlic and now we're gonna give that a nice stir guys the onions and garlic are now translucent you're gonna see when you look down here you're able to see through the onion and one of the other tests that I like to do is when I push on the onion it should not quite mush it'll have a little body to it but it'll push right through it now with the onion and garlic done which is toasting or crostini the reaso the rice why is it important because when you toast the rice it creates a shell on the outside of the rice it allows it to absorb that liquid and release that beautiful starch without destroying the rice kernel as you will so it doesn't become like popcorn or doesn't become mush so this is a really important step in making the risotto so while my fat is hot I'm gonna go ahead and just add the rice now we're gonna let this toast in that hot fat in that hot oil for about two to three minutes first get it all coated and then what you're gonna hear when it's ready I'll start to crackle you hear it toasting the rice always is my favorite I remember when I was a little boy with my grandmother Nonna and she would she would ask me to come close to the rice and put my ear near the rice so I could hear the rice talking hear crackling she say oh just happy do you hear the rice making the noise I talking to you our rice is toasted perfect oh now next step I want to add some wine I'm gonna add about a cup of wine and that's all the smell of that wine is beautiful what that's gonna do is that's gonna immediately start our creaming process it's gonna infuse the flavor of the wine into the rice you see I was starting to get creamy in there already you could see the starches and we're just gonna let that set for about a minute or two you're gonna see the bubbles so all the alcohol will bubble right off you see how the wine is already absorbed into the rice now my chicken stock is hot remember that's critical because we don't want to stop the cooking process of the rice so I'm gonna bring the stock right over to the side of my pan and first I'm gonna put two ladles of my chicken stock into my risotto and then really slow I'm just gonna give it a nice slow stir and with everything a temp and everything hot you see how it creams up its gonna absorb this relatively quickly after the first ladle my trick is I'm gonna add some pepper why because I want the flavors and the oils of the pepper to start get absorbed into the risotto so I'm going to add about a half of a teaspoon to three-quarters of a teaspoon I'm sure and I'm going to add a little bit of my pink Himalayan not only because it's sexy but because the Parmesan cheese has salt in it so I'm gonna only want to add a little bit of salt so I'm gonna add about a quarter of a teaspoon no more than a half of a teaspoon we don't want to add any parmesan right after you add the water because it'll clump on you so you want to get it absorbed right before you're gonna add the ladle I'll show you here now the race is very creamy there's not hardly any liquid there and I'm about to add some more stock so I'm gonna add a clump and a half here of cheese and stir that in first really well before you add any more liquid once that's melted I'm gonna go ahead and add another ladle or two of my stock and now we're just gonna keep repeating that procedure for the next two times oh but onion garlic cheese butter mmm rice absolutely delicious listen this is almost set we've got a really important next step one of the most important parts next to toasting or that kind of steamy of the rice and that's gonna be the Montecarlo de menthe Echota means to cream or creaming of the risotto which means you're gonna add the final stages of your butter and your cheese so I want to show you how to do that before I do a couple of really quick important tips that makes this come out great we already learned that Frank Sinatra and Dino are critical right we've we've already learned that right I don't what a burden this I got to keep stirred number two what really helps us come out great as if you subscribe to our channel so there's a red button right down there when you click that you hit that Bell any new trips I've got coming to Italy any new recipes that I've got any new blogging with borio it'll come right to your notification box and I'll say it means a lot to me when you subscribe to our Channel and hey mix you're part of the family you know what I'm saying next I probably don't even need to say it but if you haven't visited the website or the Facebook page grab yourself some Vito and Jose alright now this is ready to go and we want to cream it so let me show you what this looks like so all our liquids done it's creamy and it's nice and loose so we're gonna turn the heat off then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add in this order my butter first all my butters melted now I'm gonna add my Parmesan Reggiano okay my cheese I'm gonna hold back just a little bit to top it off and I want to stir all this in while I have the heat off I still like to keep it over the stove so that cast-iron it still keeps adding some warmth and I'm gonna mix it until all of the cheese is melted so creamy and delicious that is guys time to get serving this stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and put this right in my pan now I'm gonna hit that last bit of cheese Templeman Giada hey guys time to eat one of my favorite parts of the video you guys know that and ideally you put you know a spoon spoon and a half and then what you're gonna do is just give it a nice flat field then of course I got a little freshly grated cheese you see how creamy that is and almost looks like like a pudding like a custard oh that smells good I'm telling you Dino was Dino was good mmm you could smell immediately the cheese that the aroma of the cheese that comes out the garlic the onion the butter the oil oh yeah it's like it's like parmesan pudding or the rice the reaso it's you want to have that al dente it's got it's soft but when you bite into it it's still got a little bit of that body and you could just you know the flavors of the garlic and the salt the pepper the cheese the rice were those starches so creamy that goes good with anything multiple delet you know hey guys you know I got another tip you know what this would go great with not only Prosecco with that white wine that we made it with mm-hmm your perfect companion with this no doubt guys thanks for joining me for an absolutely delicious recipe certainly one of my favorites remember to hit the subscribe button that little bell make you're part of the family a and remember hit my facebook my cooking it's on with yo website or my Vito and Joe's Facebook page grab yourself a bottle olive oil I'd love to send you some of our family olive oil drop ship it right to your house and guys as they always say you know remember to spend time with your family old familia you know what I mean like shut the TV off the computer get rid of the cell phones get around the table make a mess burn a few things tell stories spend time with your grandparents and your parents celebrate your heritage and I'll tell you what's even more important set some traditions the last real lifetime I know they did for me guys hey from my kitchen to yours until next week guys good life full of fun [Music]
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 35,413
Rating: 4.8880138 out of 5
Keywords:, vito and joe's italian extra virgin olive oil, Joe Borio, Parmesan Risotto Cooking Italian with Joe, parmesan risotto instant pot, parmesan risotto with shrimp, parmesan risotto ina garten, rice patties, rice pudding, pizza, pasta, meatballs, giada, gordon ramsey, italian food, italian recipes, italian food blogger, cooking channel, food network, travel channel, vico del gargano italy puglia
Id: 5KIXnt2Lgwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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