World of Warcraft - Music & Ambience - Elwynn Forest
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Everness
Views: 2,273,895
Rating: 4.9398322 out of 5
Keywords: Elwynn Music, Warcraft Music, Elwynn Forest, Elywnn Forest Music, Elwyn, Elwyn Music, Alliance Music, World of Warcraft Music, Elwynn Forest Ambience, Elwynn Forest Ambient, Elywnn Ambience, Warcraft Ambience, Stormwind Music, Eastern Kingdoms, MMORPG Music, Jason Hayes, Elwynn Forest Soundtrack, Elwynn Forest OST, Warcraft Alliance Music, Warcraft Human Music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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been listening to the videos from that channel while working... my favourite is Ashenvale and STV <3
For me, the Dun Morogh music always had that effect. (though I was horde, so in my mind it's the arathi/winterspring music)
You guys should also check out u/meisio1 and his youtube channel, similar videos to these, so beautiful. I am subbed to both him and everness :)
What's your favorite zone soundtrack?
I love this channel, especially during DnD sessions. Anytime our DM changed the scenery I'd just load the appropriate zone music and cast it to my speakers. Duskwood got used a lot in our campaign's creepy spider infested forest...
It's always Orgrimmar for me. My friend got me WoW for Christmas I remember fondly being a tauren druid and running around Orgrimmar collecting gifts from under the tree.
My favourite has to be Azuremyst Isle music. I put it on sometimes when I need to decompress and just melt into something comfy
For me it's weed and alcohol. This seems healthier and cheaper.
Thank you for sharing this! I listened to tracks from this channel all day. I'd forgotten just how amazing some of the original music/ambience from WoW really is.