SpinFish & Spinners For Columbia River Buoy 10 Salmon

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hey everybody thanks for being here this week  we're down near the mouth of the columbia river   with a bowie 10 fishery fishing spin fish and  spinners for fall salmon now if you want to   learn how to catch more fish stay tuned i'm justin  wolfe and this is angler west television well it's   the last day of the season here at um bowie 10 for  the salmon fishery and we're gonna head out here   with the guys from yakima bait and have a good day  hopefully and the tides are perfect and conditions   are flat calm so it should be should be a great  time so yesterday we were out here fishing and   we we caught uh had six fish on landed three of  them released a couple of thules so all in all   was a great day lots of action your numbers were  incorrect yeah now the truth is we landed six one   was a jack and uh but we only kept three because  we had a couple two leagues that's the truth that   steve had it wrong way wrong i can honestly say  that's the first time he's undershot the numbers well we've got a little mix of three  and a half spinners and spin fish   and that's kind of what we found was our ticket  yesterday so we're going back to you know what we   learned yesterday and uh i'm gonna fish some pro  trolls with um a couple different colors of our   three inch spin fish and of course our hildebrand  spinners okay so here's what i caught them   cut them on yesterday i had  a fish flash and i had a uh our new spin fish pull part lure you fill it  with bait it's on your line both halves and you   just fill it we'll fill we're gonna we used  tuna yesterday canned tuna and just push it   together and it spins on your line and got the  big scent stream coming out of it it's awesome   so we get some lead out there we're gonna go 20  ounces on the bow and the rest is going to be 16s   that bow rod's going to get crushed except  for mine i'm going 4 ounces big sinker   and i'm on a long line out the back the trailing  lure a lot of the fish you know you get into the   fish and if you hit them right on you know you'll  catch them you know but uh but if you go through   the fish and they're kind of excited and they're  like whoa and they don't see anything and here   comes that trailing lure proven strategy to  trail one lure out the back that's me today   got some tuna here this has got um garlic bait  sauce and it has some garlic bloody tuna and some   sodium sulfite and a little bit of monster  bite it's a great blend and my recipe is just   tuning out of the can some rock salt and some pro  curl powder i just kind of want to keep it simple   so we'll start one kind of hefty one kind of  light and kind of see where we meet in the middle   and what the fish want so pretty simple process  here as you can see i just stuff the bow or the   the front of the lure until i have a little bit  protruding out the water hole there then i put in   the back you know and i don't stuff it super super  tight just tight enough that i can push two pieces   back together and i like to be able to watch it  kind of ooze out the bottom as i do so see that   there your juices are coming that means you got  enough of your bait in there and it's pushing the   scent out which is what you want i kind of clean  it off and then you can see i'm ready to go so   the water is going to push through there and it's  going to filter that scent out through these synth   ports in the back and i have this one rigged in  my top left side to rig uh to run clockwise so um   if i don't get bit after a while i may switch and  just run out the other hole and see if that's what   the fish wants so we're gonna drop this thing down  deploy the monkey pickle spin fish and see what we   can get so this color here here is called a mother  of pearl black m-o-p-b and this is a four-inch   version and buzz is going to fish this just on  a standard like herring leader four to five feet   behind a fish flash um we're fishing ours with pro  troll flasher um and about a 36 inch leader to our   our spin fishing so the pro troll imparts action  on it um so we want a shorter leader um than we   have on a spin on the fish flash because the fish  flash is rotating and it's drawing the fish in so   we've got kind of two different presentations  buzz is long lining i'm a heavy laden   so we're gonna have a little head-to-head contest  you're gonna see that the great one can get one   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what four four rods  against one well no we're just you and i oh just   you and i okay because we're spinning fish against  spin fish oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like i said just stuff it you know a little bit on  each side and when i squeeze them together i want   to see juice coming out see that dripping right  there it lets me know it's full enough and it's   not over full see i still got some air back there  so you know i got places for that water to flow   through and disperse that scent out the back and  that's been the best method yeah and although the   although the spin fish comes rigged from the  factory with two two single hooks extending   back i'm using i'm using a uh a side wash  hook on a swivel with two or three beads so   it's got a bearing surface there and this has been  especially with this barbless hook rule the single   sidewash has a real long point so you're less the  fish are less likely to throw the barbless hook   we're starting here at the magler bridge on the  washington side and there's an area here there's a   trailer park and a uh there's a hole they call the  red roof which is there's a big barn over there   with the red roof on it and we're just gonna start  here and troll our way down towards the church   we're more or less kind of holding into the  tide right now but we're slowly creeping forward   so we're going to start out doing that and  then just see how the morning materializes welcome back to the columbia river i'm justin  wolfe we're just a few miles from the salt water   intercepting fall run chinook and coho with spin  fish and spinners i just put a little on the shaft   and on the outside of the spinner  blade put the gel on the inside   a lot of times you can bug up and just  get hung up in there and not spin around   ready to go we kind of got it spread out  just to where we we're kind of covering   the whole water column with lots of different  options in the bowel rod we have a spin fish   and then the back corner we got a spin fish and  then jared's got to spin fish and then we got   the rest of them we got spinners so the the  hildebrand spinners can be very effective and   so can the spin fish so i think we're  we're productively fishing on every rod so   so i've got my of course i'm rigging up a fish  flash i got a free sliding spreader on there   and then i've got a swivel and a snap and of  course the the fish flash has double ended ball   bearing swivels a lot of people don't realize  that there's a there's a ball bearing on each   end so each end of the ball bearing swivel twist  keep the twist out and uh and then you know when   we first started fishing with us with fish flash  down here you know your your dropper a lot of   times with monofilament and then it could swing up  and tangle with your fish flash so we'd always rig   you know a spreader or some kind of outfit up here  and we'd have a distance between here and our fish   flash so that our weight couldn't tangle with our  fish flash but if you use a free sliding spreader   and of course the especially in  combination with a rigging wire   there's just no way i mean you just don't get  tangled so you can rig your free sliding spreader   right above your fish flash and the rigging wire  the idea of the rigging wire is to have a rigid   piece and a piece that won't tangle up is should  you you know troll into some weeds or grass or   whatever or with another angler and then i've got  a rigging wire behind my fish flap so if you get   into a clump of weeds if you've got monofilament  it'll just wrap into a big ball but with these   rigging wires it doesn't i mean you just grab the  rigging wires pull them apart that stuff sheds off   and then i've got a pretty short leader i've  only got three foot now my combined leader   is about four foot or a little more but the first  portion of my leader is my rigging wire and then   i've got a snap on the end and a swivel so if we  do get tangled i've got a pretty short leader to   have to untangle so fewer tangles and if you  do get tangled up with another angler some   a lot less a lot less to untangle when you're  using these rigging wires just a great way to go   and uh it's pretty much how i rig every  rod when i'm when i'm running fish flash long-armed it that's where that seven foot reach  comes in handy for the first fish of the morning all right jared nice i didn't  catch it calm down there fishy i have to get this out so here's the deal this year 2020. uh the limit  is one salmon at bowie tan either chinook which   can be fin clipped or not because there's a lot  of wild chinook in the columbia going back up to   the hanford reach um or so any chinook or a fin  clip coho one or the other only one salmon this   year of bowie town that's because the run is a  little off this year and so they've restricted the   the harvest normally it's two only one can be  a chinook this year just one that one came on   the spinner so apparently those are working this  morning good job dan yeah that fish was not coming   off no usually with the spinners they you know you  lose more than you land so um that wasn't coming   off the way it had it kind of just pinned its  mouth um you know the hooks were sunk perfect so   that's uh one of our copper crcg is the spinner  code for that which is copper red chartreuse green   so it's a copper blade and a three and a half  and a spinner without the hoochie and they seem   to like those down here so i think we're gonna  put some more uh steve's special scent on it and   give it back to dan and see if it can't go again  you're there yep can we keep the rest of them out   or let them drag it up cool bow rod spin fish 20  ounces of lead i can feel weights oh he's there oh look at that little jacker little jack gonna put the  jack back spin fish got one we're near the mouth of the columbia river with  the crew from yakima bay along with jason hambly   and steve lynch and the fish are telling us that  we're doing things right watching the graph here   it seems like we're seeing fish consistently  between 20 and 30 feet but a lot of them around 22   to 25 feet the water right now is about 67 degrees  and it's uh continuing to come in and uh it's a   it's a few degrees cooler but as the tide  switches and starts to run out it's probably   going to get up around 70 degrees so that's kind  of why with these warmer water conditions we're   running more uh artificial lures such as spin  fish and spinners so that kind of gives us uh   covers our bases for the for the conditions we  have so the big deal here at buoy 10 is okay   what do you use well there's no doubt that the  most popular thing is herring an anchovies bait   in combination with a fish flash or maybe even a  rotating flasher but if you talk to a lot of the   guides and the fishermen that have frequented this  fishery for years the consensus seems to be that   bait in the lower estuary has the advantage when  you get up near the bridge along the sands up near   the bridge and above the bridge particularly  when the water temperatures are warm which is   usually happening during the season you  know the surface temp can be 70 72 at times   then there's days and times when spinners uh  or maybe one of the new spin fish would be   would be the ticket i've had times here when  i had every person in my rod had a herring on   with a fish flash and i'd put a spinner on  my rod out the back and i remember one trip   i mean i every every guy in the boat i handed my  rod off to and because we caught all our fish on   spinners and that wasn't the only time so there  are times when spinners like a mulkey five and   a half or six and a half um can really be good  really produce and the consensus is the warmer   water the fish respond to that better i'm kind  of amazed how the popularity these little three   and a half uh maybe size four uh hildebrand  spinners or other other small spinners produce   when fished in combination with either fish flash  or a rotating flasher that dan the fish dan got   this morning came on that and we had several  strikes jason had i don't know three he had three   on it yesterday yeah so hey make sure and mix it  up a little bit and see what happens well what   i've got here is kind of my fishing leaderboard of  death so to speak and um these are kind of my spin   fish collection and these are some of the ones  that i use a lot you know and this is our three   inch version over here as you can see and these  over here are our newest versions of the family   this is a two and a half inch and a two inch spin  fish which still has the same properties as the   larger size spin fish still has the porthole for  the water and the scent holes coming out the back   it's still an easy pull apart bait-filled  chamber same exact thing runs the exact same   so you know fortunate part of my job is i get to  test these lures and fish them and have fun with   them and play with them before they go to market  and so you'll be looking to see these additional   sizes which are going to be great for not only  your kokanee and trout type market but also the   bigger salmon i've caught a lot of big chinook on  them this this summer and sockeyes and got guys   that are ear and um are excited to try them for  walleyes uh you know stuffing full of crawlers and   hang your crawler off the table all right so and  we just hooked the fish so that was a great tip spin fish baby yeah that's a better fish this fish uh spin fish we just  loaded up with the tuna sauce   man he liked the spin fish he's pulling on  it you gotta love it when the fish pull on   it when they pull back those are the fun fish to  catch yeah i like them pull back line like steve   always says thank you lord might have another and  boom steve got another right in the sunshine man a double trouble spin fish has been a killer for  me um you know all the way from eastern washington   all the way up to wanapum wells dam all the way  up to brewster and you know you come here doing   the same thing same leader length same bait  um and boom fish on so it's pretty consistent   pattern all the way up nice work buddy thank  you boom thank you lord man please have enough   so you know i was just looking at steve and uh  generally when we go out fishing you make two   or three different batches of tuna or you know if  you're hitting salmon fishing eggs whatever it is   um you know shrimp so it's always good to have  different versions of bait to be able to kind of   test and see what the fish want as buzz always  says the fish will tell you what they want well   you know so far the fish are telling us that  steve's mix which is more heavily garlic i think   jason said some sodium sulphite some monster bite  um you know those types of things are in there and   i didn't mind just more tuna krill powder and salt  just kind of more of a you know basic blend and so   you pay attention to what the fish are telling  you and right now the fish are telling me they   want steez blend so i'm going to give mine about  another 20-minute soak if i don't get bit i'm   going to switch to his tuna because that's kind  of what the fish are wanting at least right now so   always be ready to switch you know and keep your  mind open when you're fishing to be able to change   you know that change is where you're going to be  more successful and sometimes you stumble onto   success where you wouldn't think you would man i  was just about a half a second away from bringing   my rod up because we got our last few fish to spin  and jason was like we've been getting our fish   suspended and i looked over my rod berries that's  a good sign there's a spin fish the three-inch   chartreuse monkey pickles what we call it welcome  back to the columbia river i'm justin wolfe   today in the warm water we're using both spin  fish and spinners and they're both working   nice got a coho on the spin fish is it a  hatchery or a wild one it's a wild it's a   wild one it's got to go back that's okay  at least we got one yeah he's still there crazy he's just swimming with it i  think it might be a jack yeah yeah we'll this one's on a spinner it's one of our three and  a half hildebrand spinners that one's in a pearl   red dot finish um with no hoochie skirt on  it and uh you know behind a pro troll heater   lengths around 30 inches so uh i think jay how  deep are you at 14 pulls 15 25 25 pulls which is   about 50 feet on a line counter so um that seems  to be getting it done jason's got us on the fish   he's got a brass back with a white front on the  finish like a pearl white with a red dot red and   white is always a great combination down here  for some reason astoria that that those colors   are just seem to be pretty effective on spinners  i was taking a photo and i looked back my rod   was buried so uh you know spin fish we're uh i  just happened to look back here they say my rod   was buried and uh you know 25 feet deep or 25  poles on the line counter or on the on the reel   because it's about 50 feet that's been fish  that's two fishes has come right there so   obviously that's kind of a pattern  we've established it's working good those big fish that's awesome that's  four fish today we got what two on   spin fish we've killed and two on spinners perfect beautiful fish look colors on that thing awesome  so the spin fish um the hook configuration can   be kind of really whatever you want it to  be we kind of riggum factory with our 4.0   is going to come with a four out hook and  right now our 3.0 comes with two odd hooks   and you can change them really to rig  them depending on how fast you're fishing   if you're fishing slower water the two  odds or lighter hooks on the 3.0 um may   work better for you if you're going slow but at  this speed you know we're running you know with   the current and anywhere from you know sometimes  three to three and a half four miles an hour you   can run bigger hooks and so i've been tying double  three out hooks on the spin fish for here um you   know it's a barbless fishery so you know those  bigger hooks have a little bit better bite and   uh and they seem to work good in the speeds and so  you know you can kind of feel free to change them   up a little bit just what i suggest is put one in  the package it comes out a package in the water   and see how it spins in the water and then if you  add hooks that get bigger if it doesn't spin like   it did when you first put it in the water then you  should probably change back to a lighter hook but   you can change the hooks if your fishery requires  it too fish are really attracted to these flashers   the idea is to get them to try to get them to  come into the boat in fact a lot of people down   here a lot of guides and such you know the guides  will take instead of some of the guides instead   of taking four clients they'll take six and  it's pretty common knowledge that if you've got   six flashers you know guys fishing in your boat  six flashers down there maybe a couple rigged up   double you'll draw more fish into your boat and so  not only will you catch more fish because you got   more rods but you'll catch more fish per angler  because you're drawing those fish into the boat   and that that turns them on they get excited they  bite and uh they don't if if they get excited and   they don't happen to buy it and they kind of miss  the gear and you keep trolling that's that's what   my trailing lure is all about we were west of the  magler bridge and the tide's starting to flood   it's we're getting to the tail end of the incoming  so a lot of times this little uh channel up here   the 30 foot channel up here above the bridge can  be pretty good on the tail end of the incoming   tide and then as it starts to slack out it'll  fizzle out for a little bit sometimes and then   we'll usually go up up by the shipwrecks and just  start there and kind of work out with the tide and   then troll it down to the bridge and then go back  up to the top and start again and just keep doing   that pattern there on the uh out on these smaller  outgoing tides and that can be pretty effective that's stealing it the steel as it says you  can't keep it yeah didn't they just steal it   yeah it looks like a steeler to me it looks like  a stove yeah you always tell because steelhead   the inside of their mouth is all white i mean  uh and a chinook is all black on the bottom jaw   and a coho is kind of black and white ouch  yeah you bent your back hit me yeah you anyway silver hatchery silver we can  keep those they gotta have a fake clip   otherwise you gotta let them go   yeah i hope you enjoyed today's episode you know  without the support of the sponsors there would   be no show so please thank them when you can  now get out there and do some great fishing you
Channel: Angler West TV
Views: 19,322
Rating: 4.8733029 out of 5
Id: lzM7_HI8P4c
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Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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