World’s Most *EXPENSIVE* FAILS! (Must See)

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these are the most expensive fails you'll ever see just having fun with your mates with bounty balls oh oh oh we're gonna have some expensive fails that is for sure you know i don't like heights but the something about this is actually quite calming and peaceful and not the phone not that could land on someone's head are you kidding me to become some poor fella right then phone lands next to him what is this guy [Music] what was that okay why would you ever drive that bike inside oh this guy's oh that's that's almost more impressive than the trick shot he was trying to hit oh oh my god never well they tried they tried an attempt was made okay oh well that was in school as well oh that's not only expensive but an absolute mess to clear up probably going to get fired sorry about that buddy okay drawing oh jeez at least we've got that on video at least we got on video noah that something can be said about all of these clips oh my god he's gonna rip all of the k look how many cables he's ripping oh who is this who is this guy who is this guy he's gonna be paying a lot of fees and broken things is that a real door oh [Music] all of these things are just stupid thing i mean try and play basketball there's nothing wrong with that my god is that underground tube leaking hope everyone got out okay there okay two big cars oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my oh that kid will have been in that bus watching this whole thing happening going oh my god what have my parents just done oh of any car they could crash wait who crashed into who oh boy that no no no no no no no no no no oh that phone's gone i thought they were going to crash the roller coaster that would have been worse okay this looks bro bro no no no no no no no what would you do with a bag on what [Music] why do people even try that good luck oh my god that that is expensive i think this guy's like trying it like a tech test that camera's probably worth like 200 grand maybe like 300 grand technology is sick that's insane oh my god that i don't know if you would have to pay for that but that's expensive what the i didn't even i was looking the other car wasn't even looking at the truck oh my god your roof's gone mate stop you're pulling your roof with you is this about to be the coolest car reveal in the world [Music] what the hell was that guys hope this guy can do better i want you to pick up this container right over here okay put it over there okay i think he's just going to smash slam into it my vote is on he slams into it and it just gets completely crunched what do you reckon let's find out will he or will he not successfully make this trip okay this guy's clearly strong i don't think that pipe's gonna hold him for some reason just a guess look what he's done he's caused a giant leak in school this is the floor below where he was oh oh my god i think if you've lost control why is it still going oh my that man is still reversing into someone's drive to this day can this person forklift why would you lift it that high [Music] why would you lift what is he doing it on purpose he just said get out the way and everyone's watching and filming this oh my oh okay it's not on purpose when the swearing involved you know it's not on purpose you know what i mean this guy's trying to i did not expect that let's see if this guy's better no no one is going to be good at driving their motorcycles or vehicles up you know what that was bad but i think it'll be better than a lot of the other cars and vehicles we'll see here again why would you do this inside let's just let it happen you never know maybe the tv will survive i'll give you a million v bucks that tv doesn't get destroyed i'm sorry no one's getting any v-bucks it was going to happen wasn't it in the house i told you not to ride that bicycle in the house oh no oh no you got to be confident when you when you're going when you're dealing with ladders confidence confident why is it just kids okay that went worse than i expected oh jeez at least he's laughing about it oh oh no he messed up oh he messed up he's just gonna go isn't he's just gonna go what why would you [Music] i don't know what he thought was gonna happen there oh watch out we've got a wild body where that bike went why is it at that angle okay so he's experimenting with lifting the window up to the second floor it looks like it's going well i don't want to jinx it okay we knew it was gonna happen oh a new vehicle enters the most expensive fails oh no oh no it's gone it's gone it's fully gone oh my oh my god it make over oh oh oh my god he's gonna have to eat his way onto that i don't think he'll ever get it back oh that is bad paint tar whatever it was everywhere his face covered oh no oh plain we've got a new one here what the hell i mean wherever you are it's beautiful but the plane nose is destroyed now well at least these people can laugh it off you know okay that's got a brand new is it volkswagen pickup truck and he's just got it i think he's just got it stuck instantly i think that's it that's his five seconds of driving his new car put it in a river and it's not moving [Music] it's got a monkey passenger [Music] oh i was just about to say how cute it was what is this another monkey from the same bus trip oh no he's trying to reverse oh no oh no i think that was a kid for the terrible driver monsieur no now this person decided to go for a little bit of a skate oh skateboard just said yeah yeah his face oh no oh no we're fine we're fine we're fine oh it's i'm always looking at the wrong thing it's always the lorries be quiet the pc just telling him to be quiet oh no no no no don't break the pc don't break the policy come on i don't know why but there's something about pcs he's got one hand holding the phone one hand pulling off the sticker it's fine it's fine didn't break it didn't break the luckiest outcome of any of the clips we've seen so far can this guy get us lucky mountain biking always oh my god well as long as he's okay this woman is managing oh that's a that's alcohol champagne juice all in one [Music] why would you put your laptop there okay is this person better at flying jones than everyone else in this video oh well actually he maybe but the head screwed him out i've seen his clip i've seen his clip i've seen this clip get ready get ready he accelerated on a corner and crashes into two cars idiot oh my god tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich that probably costs their parents like 10 grand or something ridiculous wait it is it's adults doing it their own damn light they just broke well at least they're laughing what is oh oh it's the adults the worst in all of this just broke his toilet trying to open a bottle who does that okay oh my oh my i think that guy's just bought for new phone and he's dropped it there was it was even like being filmed by news people that were camera people oh i feel so bad i feel so bad what the hell is the ball doing look oh wow he really does not like that bike holy mother of yeah don't mess with balls oh shoot oh shoot this looks like kind of boat i'd want as a kid you did it on purpose it looks like he did she's through why okay oh we've all done that once or twice before no not the ring not the ring oh my god this would be so expensive oh oh my god okay why people clapping he's lucky he's still got his arm oh my god oh he's he's had to go around the round about the wrong way oh my god is this everyone coming in way too fast oh no no no oh no no no no no no no no no is this guy good at baseball he's gonna smash that window watch he's gonna smash the window why would you set it up there oh oh he just blue screened his own ipad he's playing a game is that rage oh what the oh my there you go oh my god it happened what the hell i have one of those you telling me it could self-combust and set on fire okay if if this somehow crashes this boat or the building in the background okay it's about to say this yacht alone probably costs about 500 million dollars oh look at slender in real life without a tv anymore oh the cat's chasing the mouse just as cat [ __ ] oh my gosh oh the cat's okay oh my what the hell just came out this ceiling is that someone's foot up there okay this person is deciding to take their bike through a glass i think he's fine i think he's nailed it oh my god he was he made it 99 of the way there question is what happened to his kid with his very first time forklifting will he make it will he do it let's finally find out he's heading towards your right oh wait you're right wait oh no oh my oh i did not see that coming more videos on screen here click to keep on watching quickly i'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 2,586,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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