Working with Flutter Drawer and Navigation

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all right and we're live what's going on everybody it's your boy kilo loco and welcome back to another live stream where we just hang out and code some stuff yeah that's pretty much it hang out and code stuff that's what we do here anyways um what i'm gonna be doing today is i'm actually gonna be working with flutter there's been a lot of requests for me to cut do some flutter content and i actually had received a request from somebody in my discord asking to go over how to implement drawers and show how to like essentially pop out the drawer and then put away the drawer and uh maintain that uh maintain that animation while navigating to separate pages so we're gonna be looking at that today um i am here on my pc so we're gonna be doing it in a android app but obviously it's flutter so keep doing your ios app as well but essentially what i'm trying to tell you is i haven't done a whole lot of streams on this pc and there may be some room for error so bear with me all right so uh and yeah let me know where you're watching from what time is it it's a little bit later than what i wanted to do the stream but i woke up really late i'm here and you know if i'm streaming i'm happy so i guess it all works out anyways nobody cares about that uh what's going on sadaq hope i'd said your name right i'm always going to be like i hope i said your name right oh also my voice might sound weird i'm just noticing that my voice might sound weird and that's because i was screaming all night i was at a not doing nothing weird this is i don't know it sounded it sounded weird when i said it i was screaming all night oh what are he doing all night i was uh at a concert so if i sound a little bit off now you know why wasn't anything funky tell you that much all righty so let's go ahead and start off with a new [Music] uh a new project oh here we go i'm already messing up because i don't know the commands all right flutter new project and i'll bump this up here in a second let me just get everything uh configured content well we don't want it there i know that much this pc put it in storage we could do um if no a new folder do a new folder told you i haven't been coding a whole lot on this pc yet so where things might happen i know it's small don't worry i'm gonna bump it up as soon as i get this going all right so let's just call this repos that's what i have it as my other one and uh select a folder to create the project in i think maybe need a new project always forget with flutter if i need to create a whole new folder and then do it there or if it creates a folder itself android and info and flutter project they just kind of get me all mixed up anyways let's go ahead and do this with um what are we going to call this we're going to call it uh that that side menu side menu here we go that project we'll call it side right so yes and there we go how's it looking chat is it is it too small what do you think about the text i think it's too small it's looking too small for me bump it up there i think that's i think that's looking pretty snazzy uh yeah india it's four a.m what are you doing at four am sadaq it's too early man what are you doing at 4am what got you up so early i hope it's a good thing i'm gonna remove all the comments and we are going to replace place all there we go and if we could get what was it complaining did i already break something i do have the flutter plug in right yeah flutter dude all right let's do ctrl z let's uh let's go ahead and run this i don't want to make any changes don't save oh it did it everywhere holy smokes how many of these do i have a lot already broke it dang that was not good okay so first of all don't break your project so i'm gonna start a whole new project because that did not go as planned uh what's going on flutter map um oh no no no that was saba my bad saba is the one that is up at 4am damn saba what's going on flutter map what time is it for you right now man uh let's go ahead and create a new project wow try this try this again uh we'll just call this uh hold on yeah okay it creates it creates the project for you so we'll do it in there and we'll call this um my side piece my side piece what you doing honey oh nothing just spending some time on my side uh do you want to save changes uh don't save whatever i don't know um yes i don't know why you still asking me this all right what we could do because we don't need any of this we could have just deleted it at all i don't even know why i did it the other way we could delete and delete all of this do it like oh well first you gotta delete when i say delete or else it's not gonna work we delete this and where is your mac it's here i just try not to use it when i don't have to i hate i hate my m1 everybody talks about how great their m1 is and oh it's so fast and um wanna m1 the worst computer i ever purchased if if i could go back in time i would not have made that purchase i would have gotten a pc a long time ago i'm shocked too the m1 was so bad for me my experience with the m1 was so bad that i bought a pc and i've been a fan i've been an apple fanboy like all my life crazy stuff but that's just me everybody is entitled to their own opinion extends state like so my app like so kablamo like bro my app stateless widget state full widget probably gonna need it um home we don't have that home page you don't need a build either what we do need is a create state though we do our little sexy arrow functions it's been it's been a minute since i wrote some dart code and i'm not gonna lie i missed it uh did you purchase the 13 inch m1 or bigger 13 inch uh was a mistake i actually got uh the mac mini so i quarantine right and my job is 100 remote even before there would have been a pandemic i would have been remote right so and i will continue to be remote so i'm thinking like oh well i don't really need a laptop i have an intel laptop it's fairly new i think it's like a 2017 or something like that it's new enough right um and i was like okay i'll get uh like a powerful machine to do my video editing things like that and i thought it was going to be like amazing right i like i got the m1 i got the 16 gigs of ram i thought it was gonna be amazing i wasn't gonna have to spend five thousand dollars on a mac pro which is what i was kind of hoping that they would release a m1 mac pro i would have totally bought that um they didn't release that so i went with the mac mini because i wanted a desktop it was like the worst decision i've ever made hate it removing const maybe uh i'm not really sure what you mean by removing const though but yeah all right so let's go ahead and build something real quick let's get something onto the screen shall we let's see if i even remember how to do this first we need to do a scaffold right and inside of that scaffold we will have an app bar yay app bar will have a title and we'll just say big sexy app i think that is an appropriate title for a project called my sidepiece i forgot that this needs to actually be a text it's all coming back now some like that we also need to add this in and we also need to have a return statement as well now uh what's going on here prefer const okay interesting are we going to have to start doing this whole const thing now don't really like it uh it's one of the reasons why i don't like js too many random keywords this is a rated art title nah it's just pg-13 i ain't doing anything too crazy hey chad what's the linter that does the automatic formatting thing whenever i save this file it should like lint i want to make it pretty uh help me with that buddy and then i should be able to add it as a plugin dart linter maybe dart pretty i don't know i don't know oh well uh command plus s to save right but it doesn't do that look at watch it's because it's saved up here look at me main.dart it's saved it doesn't have the little dot i do this kaboom look it right there dot lots of enters right now and i don't even remember how to properly indent or not necessarily indent but other thing format uh alt shift f that sounds sketchy is it is it really are you just gonna blow up my machine let's see alt shift f oh format okay who said that coming in close all shift f format duh it's alt shift f uh prettier does prettier work because i know that prettier is a js thing but does it work on everything maybe it works for dart maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe i don't know uh yeah mine mine on my mac does that when you save it it just formats automatically um i can work with the alt shift f i don't really want to go until the whole prettier thing figuring out if it works or not let's go ahead and get something onto the screen though this is our title or this is the app bar um we also need to have a home right et phone home is that not is that no no no no this is a body the body wait where does the home go my app oh you know what how did y'all miss this it's supposed to be a app right aren't we supposed to what are we supposed to do scaffold material some what am i thinking about home why am i thinking home belongs somewhere it does belong somewhere where does it go somebody help me it's been too long i know that scaffold is not the thing i want to do i want to return like an app to return uh material app there it is oh coming in clutch material app that's what it was on the rest of you like it's your fault all right and right here we'll just do uh a center and then we'll draw uh at a i need to do child text and we'll do [Music] um i'm i'm sexy like so boom grab it out from here let's go ahead and not include that uh semicolon remove the additional return statement because we'll never reach down there you hit geez man what geez what the look at how fast it pops up oh my gosh see um what's this thing called um pop up uh or what is it delay i'm looking for a delay hover delay oh we need at least two seconds at least bare minimum my god boys over here trying to touch on something and you like insta pop all right so we got the center we got the child um why are you complaining i did something wrong i did something wrong chat but i don't know what i did uh but this won't apply material stuff what do you mean by that clone okay we have the material we have the home we have the scaffold with the app bar body the center i don't understand what is the problem here um okay i don't know let's go ahead and open up the android emulator um if i can remember how to do that flutter emulator something like that maybe and i think we grab this copy launch okay letter mu laters launch that was plural not really sure while it was plural do you have main that means my app i just don't know what this is i don't know why it's complaining about this um all right let's i mean let's see what happens start debugging maybe and also pin this to taskbar i'll be using that quite a bit it's just like trying to remember everything it could be the backslash could be throwing it off but the body should be fine like looks correct in my brain it's probably just a warning for use of a single quotes instead of double i thought single quotes was preferred in dart that's cool but how does flutter compare to net maui i've never even heard of that so in terms of reputation it's doing phenomenal oh does it oh the whole const thing huh or is it this can't be it this definitely this better not be it you know that much why is it like that when did this happen i leave dart for like a couple months and now you need to put const everywhere never had to do that before uh that's nasty okay big sexy yeah yeah i'm sexy this looks sharp bro i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna lie this looks sharp okay one thing that's bothering me is that this theme is off we don't mess with that blue we need that purple let's see how do we change the theme again theme data copy or something like that well there you go but i never use cons what flutter version are you on i just upgraded to that 2.8 because later i have to mess with the flame we're going to be doing some game i'm going to show somebody how to do game development i don't even know how to do game development we're going to do something though we're going to do something a primary swatch there we go uh theme data primary swatch primary color yeah i think i could just do color colors dot purple there we go and how do we do the hot reload control f5 kind of wish it was just f5 but that that'll that'll do pig it'll do do the hot restart maybe i don't know theme since it's scaffold these things yeah um restart application did you really because i mean oh just straight lying to me okay that was an interesting uh situation straight lying all right so now that we should have all the the boilerplate stuff set up let's go ahead and start thinking about what we need to do with the drawer so the drawer is going to have a list of items in it right side menus they have a list of items and then you essentially want to display those uh what the hell all right i don't know i don't care i'm not playing i'm not playing this game with you um essentially what we want to do is we want to open up a side menu kablamo we would have a list of items like yours truly right you can't really see it um you need primary swatch i'll have to go back and play with this a lot of stuff has changed apparently um it didn't used to be like this ridiculous um but yeah we have our list of items and then when we tap on something we need to navigate to that page and close the side menu and then um we want to make sure that that animation works and all that all that jazz right so let's go ahead and start by having um two different screens we can do it with uh maybe just colors like uh [Music] seems like a legitimate way to test this out um let's see how do i want to do this all right let's just go ahead and start with a drawer a drawer like so and let's see what we can do we have the color and background color elevation a border child all right so uh since we're only given a child we're going to need to add a list a list view in flutter might just be a list can't remember some type of list for the child right is it what is going on list view and then we would have children and then we would have our our const our const text now will this work out exactly how we want it let's find out so we'll do blue here and we're going to do our let's do green because our our stuff is blue right green and we'll do red right red and green holiday christmas colors or whatever uh constantly [Music] whatever uh probably not there right probably need to do it on the outside of the array or list or whatever you call it here all right and then what is it ctrl shift no control alt shift f there we go cool um list tile i believe we can do uh text but list tile would probably be better you're right uh list tile and we will do a title on the list tile which i believe takes in text as well see maybe we don't need to do const here because the array is constant itself so everything else inside of it will also be so then we do what is it red and we would do a list tile uh title like that and we close it off like that and do another comma right here for better formatting and there we go don't need it right here successive there we go all right so when you add a drawer and you have an app bar my understanding is that it is supposed to automatically work and it does cool so now there has to be uh is sure well you might need to have a what is it a stack actually there's a widget of the week on this i'd watched it just the other day too a flutter widget of the week and it's drawer english is ugly so we got this let's see take a look we got it popping out but it's also our body view which isn't necessarily what we want i don't know why that's not loading that is insane um yeah let's go ahead and wait for it to load here we go scaffold app bar uh drawer it automatically populates what you doing dude not that it's not that serious oh okay so the scaffold itself has a a view for it so we don't actually want it to be the body we want this to be drawer and then we'll have a body here so that we have something in the background right and this will be um too sexy for my shirt okay cool now let's see if we get a hot reload to work doesn't look like it works it's really weird but my flutter doctor also fails i thought it was uh you know how flutter doctor just is sometimes there just to give you anxiety i think maybe something happened this time um yeah see mo mo told me this a long time ago i think the drug goes outside of the body yeah you're right uh man the amount of lines of kotlin it would have taken to do this uh actually in kotlin this would probably not be too crazy either because you could do it in jetpack and bows um i'm gonna be playing with jetpack compose too so don't you worry your pretty little head off all right so we got the to show the next thing that we want to do is we want to be able to click on this and then have it uh essentially open up to a different screen right and actually it should be showing like when it starts off like let's say that this was our instead of having like a nav bar at the bottom or something like that tab bar whatever you want to call it instead of having that at the bottom this was the only way to navigate the app kind of like a website so theoretically red would be our first page and then green would be our second page so what we could do is we could have um a list up at the top and how do you scroll left and right what is what my goodness my goodness shame on you all right so what we're going to need is we're going to need an index like a selected index and we're going to need a selected index and we are going to need an array of views that we're going to be showing right so right now we have this uh too sexy for my shirt widget which is being shown but that should be part of an array of things that we can actually show so um let's go ahead and build this out so first thing is i need a i need to have a selected index so that'll be an in selected index and let's start off with zero obviously right i don't know why we would start anywhere else and then we would need to have a list of widgets that we um that we want to use and this would be our pages right we would have uh we could just use any widgets but since we're dealing with colors let's go ahead and do a color is color a widget no it's not right container container is a widget and we can do a background is it just color color colors red right we got you and then we have container color and colors green like so then what we want to do is uh let's see we don't want this to be a variable so you can just do final that'll be pages like so okay so now what we could do is we'll do body is going to actually be [Music] our pages and then the selected index like so this should probably be a underscore just because reasons you know you know the reasons if you don't know the reasons let me know and i'll let you know do know the reasons then we hey we don't need to explain them cool beans all right so now show neil what do you complain about must be final the kid does all right let's go ahead let's go ahead and check this out all right cool so we're we're showing our red page what's up bobby yes it is kilo time it's not miller time it's kilo time we select this green let's see well we need to add a tap gesture so um does it does list tile have an ontap it does awesome so what we can do is um on tap and that's going to be selected index is equal to zero i think that should work right am i forgetting something should be able to use arrow functions for like this uh quick explanation yeah so clone said it perfectly the underscore is to represent um [Music] access control so if you let me know which which programming language you're most familiar with i could probably give you an explanation based off of that but just like clone said in java in a lot of the c based languages you have something like public that would prefix one of the members of your object and uh you can essentially make it public or private in this way so before the underscore uh if i had if i had an instance of my app state like i do here i would technically be able to access the selected index from outside of this class but since i have an underscore it's set to private and that essentially means that i can only access selected index from inside of this class powershell yeah definitely haven't played with powershell yet i need to get into it though so i couldn't tell you if powershell has something like that yeah i haven't i looked at powershell i don't know powershell like at all so i couldn't help you in the powershell reference but just know that it's kind of like a best practice you want to anything that's not being used outside of this object uh then you want to kind of prefix it with underscores what's going on right here why is this a problem guys um this should be fine right untap okay this this is weird because now i'm confused so on tap takes a function um underscore syntax yeah i should be able to do at least this this is no longer how you create functions in dart did that change too uh remove constant all good oh is that what it is figures and i don't i don't like that i don't like that guys i don't like it at all um selected index is equal to zero and then we just do the same thing here copy um on tap paste uh that's equal to one const here and const tier um control alt shift all right so we got our two list tiles uh when we tap the red from the from the drawer you see it can't find you when we tap on red from the drawer what should happen is we update the selected index this actually won't work um i'm surprised nobody said anything about it y'all are just trying to let me kind of let me fail on stream like that like that y'all why wouldn't it work guys why wouldn't it work why would it not work set state that's right fod set state so had i gone through and i did all this and i didn't call set state flutter would not have known to essentially update the or to re-render the view uh to the newly selected index and we would just be standing there looking kind of silly and silly yes all right so makes it considerably more ugly and uh yeah let's do alt shift f there we go we'll just copy this whole ontap and do copy replace it kablamo and then we do one there we go yeah i i prefer the arrow functions too but um i'm assuming that not everybody's able to read that arrow syntax and maybe maybe this is a little bit easier to read it's a whole mess it really is it's a hot it's a hot mess up in here but it's okay all right so next what we want to do is we want to open up our simulator we hit the drawer let's see if we can make it go away that's cool we hit uh red it it goes to red but it was already red so we hit green it goes to green the problem now is the dismiss so what we want to do is we want to make sure we are dismissing after we update that so i think we do this with the navigator.pop navi gator dot pop context should be fine and we do this so navigator.pop is going to pop the con it should it should pop the which one call it it should pop the drawer off of the screen which would then allow us to [Music] see the the newly um selected view so do a restart all right we got our app do this we do green it explodes it explodes include the context used to push or pop routes must be that of a widget so i probably missed something uh first i don't really know what that error means so i'm just going to try it a different way of we're going to do of context dot pop no dot pop so let's see let's see if that works i have no idea if it will work don't fully understand context to that extent but it might work because we need to make sure that we are accessing the correct context when we are using the navigator to pop so let's see if it works green no it still blows up okay so flutter error navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a navigator so our context needs to also have a navigator we need to add that uh somewhere clone said maybe try running it outside of set state okay let's try that first before we get into anything else uh alt shift f format let's do it again just run until it works right boom blows up still so hmm let's think let's think so let's think i don't know why it would break but i also wouldn't even recommend using this dot pop anyways because it's part of the whole navigator 1.0 thing the whole push and pop um so what i'd actually recommend is um probably using the navigator 2.0 and that actually might resolve the issue because then it's not like you're just randomly calling pop on something and i don't really know what the problem is here so let's try should we do it a new file let's just do it up here do it up here it's fine it's fine document says navigator it says navigator.pop context we did that we did that and this is technically i think the same thing though so okay before we continue and we we go off on this whole entire thing let's see if our initial code was correct but it was in the wrong spot and we need to do it um we need to change its location outside of set state and we'll do the restart you need to subclass a navigator class i think oh that's weird i've never done that i don't think yeah i don't i don't think that i've done that no still blows up okay so we're gonna use navigator 2.0 which is something that i'm a little bit more familiar about and i have to think about how this actually would work no because that still doesn't fix this problem because navigator 2.0 is when you're trying to display different things in a stack and this is not necessarily that right so weird this is definitely where all right when you don't know you don't know and uh you gotta turn to documentation i personally don't like reading but sometimes you just gotta do it alright so we're gonna do flutter drawer driver adding a drawer to a screen scaffold drawer child list view update the state of the app close the drawer programmatically on tap which is really interesting and this is the interactive demo so let's see we have the drawer right here this is the navigator.pop but where did i go wrong then stateless widget that's fine we're just kind of doing the same stuff here in my home page so let's see title drawer this view drawer header that doesn't matter this tile on tap that's really interesting so even though even though we're doing it unless the documentation is out of date but letters pretty good about keeping their stuff up to date do this boom pops away wait a minute item two it actually literally doesn't even do anything we have the drawer list view padding that's yeah your header list tile title ontap update the state of the app then close the drawer update the state of the app then close the door yeah i could be wrong but you can try running app not in debug mode that would be a sad day that's the problem how do i do that run without debugging is this what i remember or is it when i do release that i actually have to uh yeah that would be that would be such a sad day um do i actually need to do it from the command line interesting it doesn't even go away now that's crazy okay [Music] um there we go i would say that this definitely is not what i want to do this should work right like it just feels really weird that it's not working not even going away now what in the world not even updating okay so let me think let me think about it okay so it has something about the navigator never being there and i mean we're not doing anything crazy at the context passing it in we're doing navigator.pop see blammo okay so then what you do is you literally copy this and you just paste that into google all will be all will be fine all right navigator uh wrap the widget which needs to access the navigator into a builder or extract the subtree into a class and use the new build context wrap the widget that needs to access the navigator builder that needs to access the navigator i suppose this list view could be put inside of a builder right and we are going to refactor to a builder and let's go ahead and try it now so go over here tap on it do green not only does it work but it also gets the animation so pretty pretty pretty pretty cool [Music] all right now what i'll do is let me show you the the question that came up this week and let's see if we actually addressed it so it was in flutter and if you would like to join the discord feel free to join gosh all right let's bump it up and find the discord here all right anyways let's take a look because this person actually you know they were doing the same thing had their drawer they did it they they switched it now the only thing that i could think that happened here and and let me uh let me make sure that everybody understands the problem here so what they're doing is you'll notice at the beginning of the video at the beginning of the video they start on screen two right and i'm gonna be talking i can make my head big who likes big heads all right so over here cool so notice how at the beginning of the video we start off as um screen two right we're starting on screen two and probably put this off to the side for a sec let me let me just hide chat guys hide it for a sec uh screen two then they're gonna switch over to screen one but notice that when they switch over to screen one they are not getting the closing animation on their drawer they open it up they hit item it just immediately switches but when they when they tap on item one again you get the animation head over to item two immediately flips into this item two and then when they flip over to item one it flips to item one when they do the same thing the same uh view that they're on it does the animation and it actually closes so i think that we've accomplished that because we don't have that flickering animation but what i'll do what i'll do let's play it one more time i want to see what they're actually showing off so we have the session view and then we have a session view and then we have a session two view right so just some text that says um one and two is pretty much all we have to do so let's go back over to our app and we know that this works right we go to red it goes red red red red red right we go to green goes to green red always getting that that nice clean closing animation everything seems to be working properly the only difference that they have is maybe the header which is a drawer header and we'll put text in there and this will be um big head i don't know like that some some like that that's probably needs to be constant or something dumb right all right so we run this wait for it to update if you would be so kind uh we open it we have the big head we do red okay we go green works fine red again works fine okay so then the only difference would be that maybe that they're using some other type of view so let's go ahead and try to do it with some other widgets that have some scaffolds right and you could do a class stateless widget or yeah stateless widget should be fined we'll do a text wrapper i don't know and this extends a state list widget in which case what's going on here is this like a [Music] what's going on um send centered text i don't know centered text i know that's not the thing okay then what we do is we return a scaffold with a body with a center with a a child with text and that's going to be um whatever we decide to pass in here so final string um text like this then we make our constructor and center text um we have a key is it optional nullable whatever and then um we have our string or we could do this dot text and then we need to do something super dot super dot what super key key do you love me um the parameter text can't have a value of null because of its type uh yeah i know uh required that's what it was there we go or is it just uh this should work right oh is it no app required this dot text okay there we go um this what to declaring god oh my gosh why did they do that i hate this this is terrible so frustrated right now i'm not gonna lie i feel like it makes dart look uglier okay so um what we can do [Music] is uh what we can do in here inside of our list of pages we can do our centered text widget and we just simply pass in text and we'll do screen one and center text text screen i think it's supposed to be like this green two and we'll do concert here and make sure we do single quotes i believe that's the preferred method um so now let's do the restart i really don't think much about much about warning just code warnings um i do because it i so the reason why they do these warnings is so that it can trigger your ocd if you have any and just kill you slowly on the inside oh real like a real yeah that's also like there's something about there's something about flutter developers and just hitting you riding in your ocd bone like think about it like this flutter doctor you can you can run flutter it'll work fine you don't need to have all the check marks done and completed especially like back in the day when you used to have um you would have the requirement for it to work on both i think vs code and android studio or even if you weren't using android studio you would have to have like some of the something updated and if you were just planning on having vs code installed like i don't know all i'm saying is that the flutter developers like to hit you right in the ocd bone to get you to do what they want and it is annoying all right okay so we have our big head um we do red that's screen one right do screen two still getting the animation so it looks like everything's working as expected i don't think that there's anything um i don't think that there's anything else that we really need to cover i think that the implementation of the person that reached out uh might have just been wrong they could have been doing something like um they could have maybe been sharing this drawer in two different places right so let's say if i wanted to try to reproduce the error the way that i would do it is i would create um let's say a whole entire separate drawer class where it's able to hang on to things like the pages and the selected index and i put two separate instances of that drawer class inside of each of those pages scaffolds right it goes in the scaffold right yeah if i put drawers different drawer instances into separate scaffolds then i would have two instances that essentially do the same thing they look the same on that page but when i do the adjustment if i'm if i'm observing which which view to be showing somewhere else at a higher level outside of those drawer instances then i would switch over to that new that new widget and then um it would cause that animation to essentially break down as you're trying to uh dismiss that screen that you were just on if that makes sense like if you have any questions feel free to ask um in my head the way that i explained it that seems to make sense to me but yeah you essentially want to be working with one drawer which is responsible for managing what view is uh being shown something like that okay so that's gonna be it for today um nothing too crazy but i thought i'd just like spend some time doing some dart and flutter a lot of people have been asking me hey king you know you cover some more flutter content uh you know and i've been trying to go towards the ios content but hey if you all want some flutter content i might definitely give it to you next i have to try to do some android content it's been a while since i messed with that so we have to do some android we have to do some jetpack compose maybe we do the same exact thing here and see how long it takes see if we could do it faster or something like that because somebody mentioned how like how many lines it would take in order to like do the same thing in kotlin i don't think it would be like too crazy hard i'm assuming that they have something like a drawer in uh jet vacuum pose but we can we can find out together right that's that's what we're here we're here to have a good time code something learn something and yeah just be friends all right so that's gonna do it for me today uh thank you everybody that came and joined the chat make sure you join the discord i'll drop that again in the chat where where am i looking where am i i don't know where i'm looking all right so uh discord right here um join the discord if you uh have any questions feel free to reach out um big shout out to clone for staying until the end uh interacting with me keeping me on my toes helping me out really appreciate that and yeah uh just being on the lookout i'll be doing more live streams uh soon all right go out there keep coding passionately
Channel: Kilo Loco
Views: 526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xLY-uMtiFLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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