Working Out With Debra | Everybody Loves Raymond

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hey hey what are you doing here I thought you were going to pick me up at 2 yeah I know but I thought maybe we could go out and get something to eat right now okay that's great but I'm going to be another 45 minutes hey everybody hey so who's ready to sweat [Applause] listen I was think we can go to tuto Benny's you know but I don't have a reservation so why don't we just go now n no hi you taking class today maybe no you're not well this an extra space in case you decide to stay like you're not take in class wa maybe I will why would that ruin it for you no I mean I don't care you do what you [Applause] want okay guys we said we start with a quick warm up okay V steps and 5 6 [Music] 78 you going to do 40 minutes this really come on right would you be quiet why don't you just wait for me outside just can't believe you pay money for this you know we got to fight of stairs at home hey we're just and great F here we [Music] go sorry you feeling it can't hear you bring it on you nothing in his Zone hey looking good Deborah looking good okay guys knee lips ready cat down and 5 6 [Music] 78 come on man what's the matter [Music] [Applause] around the world here we go [Music] I'll be in the juice [Music] bar well guess I'm not aerobically gifted that's okay a lot of people break the boom box on their first time out that's funny you want to have sex what yeah I mean you know the kids aren't home and the the honeymoon suite is vacant oh no not right now why um you know I'm just not really in the mood right now why cuz you missed the class Miss the class no I'm just you know not in the moon why what are you seven how many times you going to ask me why just until you really tell me why okay because the kids are going to be home any minute I have a sink full of dishes and I just why do I have to explain it I'm just not in the mood how about [Applause] now yeah what huh yeah are you in the mood now huh okay [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Everybody Loves Raymond
Views: 38,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yTD2r0Y8YOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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