Working on the 1050 & S690!

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how's it going guys it is january 28th today it's a beautiful day it's actually like only minus two degrees which is to us is very balmy we should be out here in our t-shirts but yet we're still not haven't quite figured that out but anyways lee and i are working on this 1050 here and what we are doing is we are unhooking it from the drill which is only takes two minutes to do because you know the harder part is for pulling the wiring harness out now as you guys know lee and i we've done a lot of wiring harnesses in our day we've done it to the 1050 many times and uh last year we ran up and put the wiring harness in the triple tractor up north and we are now removing this wiring harness it's already just about out hence all that all that had to go under here right underneath here underneath the cab and we we don't want to say how long uh um lee was working on this with the tractor shut off because you know that's the safety thing to do and but the problem was is the airbags weren't aired up and so i come down here and you know things are you know how's it going lee and you know all that fun stuff and sure yeah and lee's like hey it's awesome you know kind of not really been working on this for 20 minutes can't get this wiring harness out and i'll be like well let me try this way so i'm trying to help them you know twisting cables any any luck no i still can't of course lee's in a very awkward spot down there i should have been recording this i don't know why i didn't i think it's because my phone was dead some more forgot to plug it in last night so i had charged in the truck but anyways no excuse on my part so lee is underneath there trying to work this wire harness and you know trying to get it out and i'm you know i'm pulling i'm very trying to be very helpful and trying to help help him out rightly and he's like it's just not coming and i'm like wow i don't know i don't know what we're gonna have to do here it went in it's gonna have to come out the same way it's like well i don't know how it went in and i was like you know maybe 10 minutes pass 15 and i'm like you know what i think i think there's only one thing that we can do in order to get that wiring harness out i'm just waiting for you to figure it out it finally clicked and lee's like we got to start the tractor and aired up the cab right and i'm like yeah so that's a quality friend just wanted to say that that is a quality friend yeah friends don't just oh by the way you should do this friends let it play out a little bit let it play out just kind of see where it goes because that's how you know we're good friends and of course he tried to throw stuff at me but you know we couldn't you know i couldn't quite move he was kind of tucked in there so we started up aired up the cab shot back off and pulled out the wiring harness so anyways we are continuing to take out this wiring harness take out a few brackets here and there it's a beautiful day look at that nice hunk of bird poop hey isn't that beautiful [Music] always shake your boots off yes i have my carpet in here but mike doesn't take his shoes off when snow can be on carpet and not melt you know what i mean so we've unhooked this is the x30 runs the board go this is a borgo wiring harness just you know hence borgo drill not the same wiring harness so this is the uh 84 foot 1340 tank this was running ashton's drill which is the 68 this is the x30 i have an x35 for that one don't be confused though they're pretty much identical wiring harnesses we found that out rightly except there is one cable different the x35 has one extra cable yeah and i can't remember what it's for but there is one and we found that out the hard way because we wired everything in hooked everything up and realized that take it all back out i think we just removed that one particular cable but anyway it doesn't matter so we had it all kind of nicely wired in here and now it's kind of a mess looking we're trying to unwire it it only shouldn't take us too long but that's what we're doing so i figured you guys probably have a few questions like mike why are you on wiring like does that mean that the 1050 lead is leaving yes the 1050 is going to be leaving well that's a very good question i don't know what's coming i guess you guys are gonna have to stay tuned i hope it's you know i'm just i'm not biased but i'm really hoping lee is like very not but always very biased he is he is only a class guy only only i mean there's only one type of green he's only and yet ashton ashton says she's not biased either but she's clearly biased to case it's unless it's red leave it in the shed type deal you know what i mean that's that's how ashton rolls don't worry guys you guys got me i don't really care you know you gotta have a few you have a whole box of crayon colors that's just shows you're not mine yeah that's true and i color with them all okay anyway we gotta get back to work here okay so we pretty much what was that i just cut you off oh sorry we got the arms pretty much all off and uh we're gonna try and keep it all in one piece as much as possible because it's gotta get transferred from one tractor to another we don't have another tractor to transfer it to here yet but we'll get this figured out lee's struggling putting all this wiring harness in this box down here well you're one of those guys who i bet goes back to the store and returning like it's been never taken out of the box it's like my money back never been taken out we've never taken it out look at this nothing wrong with it it's just there's about 27 miles of wiring harness here no big deal oh yeah the box is only half fully sure i'll keep going around the top just be careful with all the uh wiring harness here especially my camera monitor my keypad anything else you know i don't know your child yeah my child chapel is in this wiring harness somewhere you guys just don't know where he is please don't get it all tangled up because can you imagine yeah oh there it's all it's actually all uh zip tied and taped together if you just grab that thank you so much i'll help you with this get it over yeah i really want it there you go yeah perfect you got it oh sure yeah yeah oh yeah like perfect easy easy you got this about you excited to put a lid on this um yes it all came out of there right actually it's not sure thank you for your business okay oh my goodness i know you guys probably have some questions like mike what the heck are you going to replace the 1050 with the 1050 is awesome we uh we all flocked your channel because of the 1050 with triples and yes i get it the triples are awesome i do like it and the 1050 is great too it just doesn't serve the need that i need i request more jam more peanut butter and jam yeah and the 1050 is just giving me peanut butter not jam yeah just giving me peanut butter you know and i like peanut butter yeah preferably the crunchy stuff yeah it's a thing yeah are you smooth or crunchy i don't mind either sometimes i'll buy another bite smooth so my kids like smooth now chop just extra peanuts in because i like crunchy just just throw some peanuts and shells and everything right on top of that yeah no big deal that's how we roll around here all right watch this oh yeah you got this careful you stabilize me oh yeah so uh you can get a lid on that right sure yeah yeah you just gotta just kind of you need to tuck it into some free corners in there i'm pretty sure oh oh one here blockage monitor there now the little fit sure awesome it never looks so good i'm not gonna lie and we're unwired we just got to give the cab a few little wipe downs and we're ready to rock and roll we'll start it up here classic there we go okay all righty i said there's going to be a lot of wind [Music] [Applause] there we go we got this okay i guess i should try and pop the pin out here i normally gotta do some wiggling [Music] just gonna wiggle the front tires a little bit you can't use the articulate like an articulated track do you mean it back up a bit i'll back up a little bit [Music] [Applause] forward a bit i'll pull the drill back up a bit it's a really tight fit there it is you got this i know okay all right we're just gonna go and park this thing over here so this tractor is ready for a road trip uh no not to the north farm and yes i will keep my triples on i wrote it with the triples we were 21 feet 6 inches wide if you're wondering i will be roading it to town uh when a sufficient replacement is found but i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna miss it a little bit i am gonna miss it i'm just gonna park it right here man i'm looking forward to spring you guys i can hook up those look drills to that okay turn off our battery we're good to go it's a beaut it sure is a beautiful four bars on the ground that's exactly what i like to see lee i've got a lot of tires back here i'm not gonna lie there's a lot of tires back here okay all right i'm gonna let you guys go whoa okay you know i leave for two minutes where's rickles reckles he's around here somewhere i just don't know where he is so obviously this is uh this is my 690 in case you didn't know that and uh we're doing some work to it so we wanted to pull out this here shaft because we want to change these bearings and that shaft comes out of here and the only way to pull that shaft off is you have to pull these duals off we also put in uh a new trough this trough here with all these augers there is one two three four there's four augers under here pulls everything this way right so we put a new trough in and they put new bearings in all these augers they've been doing a lot of work to this thing i haven't been around obviously because i've been kind of here and there and all over the place uh so something remember when i said something broke under here remember when i was doing my uh my uh year in review with this combine remember when i said it had a breakdown that pan or something so that's what we're working on so we while we're stripping it all apart we're just putting a bunch of new stuff in um here's one of the sieves right here this is the sieve see the sieve broke so we put a new sieve in and um we actually had everything off they had everything my older brother terry and uh rickles frankel's and pretty much all the all the crew have been working on this thing so here's this trough that we took out see how it's all wore out here see it's just tin and it's just completely worn out so this thing has 1500 separator hours okay which is quite a few and the other thing that we're doing is we're doing all these uh shaker arms see how these are all silver they're no longer green put new shaker arms on now why do you got to do that that's a really good question here's all these shaker arms the green ones are all the ones that were pulled off right because they're the original colors it's because these rubber bushings are starting to get beat up they're cracking see if i can zoom in on this just a little bit and they've reached in their lifespan so we were talking to john deere rickles just the person i wanted to talk to um and they said that you got to replace these at about 1500 separate hours so i don't know if you remember but these are the exact same thing that was pounding out on our ideal combines just this last fall and if you don't catch them in time well you can do a lot of damage the difference is is the john deere this first time they've been replaced hence the green uh they are 1500 hours separator hours shaking the ideals were about 400 hours separator hours shaking so uh about three times the lifespan so anyways rickles are you going to kind of walk us through what you've been doing here yeah no no pressure yeah no no but there's no pressure and then uh wyatt my nephew he's the smallest of everybody obviously and uh he was inside here trying to put all these uh bolts because we they redid the bearings here we go whoops all right on all those augers and then they had to put the course new bolts in there see that oops you've been working on this thing pretty much from stage one right yeah pretty much so what has been the hardest thing you've had to do well i didn't have to do it obviously why it didn't quiet right that guy's awesome but taking that bedpan out yeah the trough thing thingamajigger that was not fun that's not fun i heard that that was really not fun yeah well we have that book great and yeah like the manual the part like the actual to know how to dismantle everything and put it all back together without having spare parts yeah it said you got to take the chopper off and the tail board off and save out because it's all got to come out the back which turns out we never have to oh really yeah so i did all that work really for nothing oh that's how i like to roll but we did find that the sieve was cracked so we had to replace that anyway oh it's really dark in here i actually can't see anything it's got our brand new sieve in here you guys can't see that rickles you're awesome oh new sieve new trough you can see it's all green up there and none of this was in here this combine was completely gutted these guys have been working extra extra hard so yes you can actually send these things in for a green light and they're going to do the exact same thing we're going to do there's a multi-check we have a do we have the green light checklist somewhere yeah somewhere we have a green light checklist same as what the techs would use and you just go through and you check everything you wiggle everything that you got to do and um the difference is as we could probably do it for i don't know fifteen thousand dollars worth of parts and we have to have labor we got to pay reckless here regardless whether we're working on this john deere combine or he's just sweeping the shop right rickles i would rather have you working on this than sweeping the shop um where i think we're like 15 10 to 15 000 in parts into it uh between everything and we're doing a lot of it like we're just completely regulating it pretty much now keep in mind we did we got the ideals last year we didn't but eco did and they put a tremendous amount of dollars i heard figures of something like 60k something like that which does make sense if you're gonna have the dealership uh do all that work so we can just do it for the parts records are you uh are you draining this oil here good sir you've given us some new fresh oil some fresh oil i love fresh oil i gotta find the pump first oh yeah that's no that's mine actually the oil didn't look too bad in there no it's not well does it say how often it's supposed to be done i don't think so i couldn't find it anywhere but maybe the owner my owner's manager oh nope um so yeah so this is kind of what they've been working on for forever for well you're working on it on and off right rickles yeah it's not like it's a consistent thing every day no there's a lot of stuff to do between yeah yeah and waiting for like we're lo they're working on trucks we're waiting on parts you know we just kind of keep coming in here it's good thing you guys are doing it not mike because everyone knows about mike is a mechanic we would have a lot of leftover parts if uh if it was up to mike doing this okay you guys get the idea although i should say we're not doing concaves and we're not doing the uh knuckles the knuckles are on the rotor oh i almost dropped my phone here we're not doing any of these we're not doing any we're not touching the rotor it's fine not touching the feed accelerator it's in good shape feeder chain's all in good shape everything inside there is all in good shape just doing all the bearings on these cross augers and i did the trough and did the sieve and um all these these here are actually very expensive like it adds up like you can spend thousands of thousands of dollars very quickly on all these uh shaker arms okay i think that's it right rickles i think so yeah we're still missing our tail board and stuff are we gonna do anything with these knives i don't know definitely getting worn down but i guess we'll see yeah now we have to do the green light checks like belts and belts yes belts and chains and we checked we checked all the fighting the cross augers this is the clean this is the tailings they're in good shape yeah i don't know if we've done anything with the paddle chains in there yet but we'll take a peek at that and any bearings that look like they might be a little bit out of place or just i do believe that they're changing those bearings as well right brickles right cool beans looks awesome good stuff all right rickles you have yourself a good one i got to get the kraken but uh i gotta go do book work whoever said that that was fun whoever said that was a good time would you rather be in here i would probably rather be in here i'm not gonna lie but work or changing barons i'd rather change barons than book work i know i know yeah all right see you guys adios amigos
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 99,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike, Mike Mitchell, Faith Hope Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, Winter, Cold, John Deere, S690, Overall, Fendt 1050, Working on the Fendt, Working on the John Deere S690
Id: cvLYhw1gIzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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