Working Multiple positions in a small Airport

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Sweden controll, radar contact. climb to flightlevel 200 613 and it's a Boeing 7 3 8 and its a medium aircraft. So what more do we want to know we want to know the distance and it's coming to us, which is Uniform Papa So we got a beech200 coming in at zero niner four five. I think this going to be rather close to that. We'll see. I've haven't got a time for that yet so. That was my plane. They are soon to call me, so let's give them a weather when they arrive So we got wind 150 degrees Variable, visability 9 kilometers. Yep. Seems to be true. Light snow fall, overcast 400. Yeah I go with that. Sounds good. Now, just wait for them to call. *Radio call from Beech 200* *Sweden control sending traffic over* *Radio call from Boing 738* So we got a incoming Boeing straight from leeds there is actually people, coming here right now we've got a I don't know what to call it like a, Santa tourism we got in December 14 planes coming in and there's kind of a santa village two kilometers straight that way in the forest Well that place is after a road is not in forest just but Yeah so they will arrive like now and then be there for a couple of hours, then get back here and back to England. I don't know. I think the ticket prices are somewhere around. Is it 600 Euros (900) So yeah, kind of cool. I guess it's kind of exotic for them coming to the snow and stuff like that. I mean, we've got like minus 10 out now It’s not really that cold but, *Radio call from boing 738* All right. So the Boeing is down there. I just got a call, the fan system is down on the terminal, so I going to go and check on that, I going to close there. All right. So this is down. I guess it's a belt that's broken in this that's usually the thing Oh it's totally yeah, This was actually put new a few weeks ago. I don't know. I guess it may had, Yeah. It looks kind of cracked and i guess it had some dry cracks in it. So this belt here, has been laying in this room for a while so. Yeah. Well let’s try put a new one on there. Right. So this is the only one I found. Not really long enough, but I think it can work. So it's actually saturday right now. So, no stores are open, Yeah i think this is gonna work Come on, you have to work. Let’s start this The englishmen in on final now so Just going to wait here to guide them in right, light of Let’s jump on the stairs Hello So what are you going to do today? Go to the hotel and sleep? Crew; Yes thats the plan, 5 hours and then we’re back here. All right. Sounds fun Do you want me to start the GPU? Better ask the technicians about that, because they're going to stay here. Yeah. I was wondering if we need deicing this afternoon. Can we get it here? Or we need to... No you will get it here. Yeah. We'll get it here. I will be here when you bord with a list, and you can cross what you want So there's 1 bus left. Would you like to get a sandwich? Yeah, if you have one So we have tortilla with chicken. We have this one with ham and cheese, or we have the vegetarian one with the cheese It’s a hard choice You can take them all Okay. Thank you. And we don't have any bag. And I care. No it’s good i can handle that. Okay. Thank you. Okay, You got some. Oh, thank you. Old man; That is no good sorry. technician; What is no good? No, that's better Are the windscreen heated? Yeah. Okay. You could see them right here And the snow should start melting. Because I did notice when we where deicing that it really was smoking off the windscreen. Yeah. So where is the start switch? Startswitch it’s here Okay. engine start Here we have the landing gear lever All right. That looked like the handbrake. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But actually we don't have a handbreak. We just have a parking brake. But it will. What happens if you turn that lever now? We don't have hydraulic, but it could happen that the locks will be released. Yeah. Here we, We have stored the safety pins. Yeah, and we can put them inside the landing gear. So even if someone really tried to move it to the up position, it will not be possible because it has pins glide slope, pull up wind shear wind shear, wind shear terrain I guess the pilot will kind of wake up when he hears that. terrain. Exactly. Yeah. There is about this sound will Come on when we will overspeed, actually. Okay. But how fast can fly with this without the plane falling apart? It's around 1000 km/h. I don't know if I could show you more, actually. Okay, we can take it for a spin? Unfortunately No. you think the captain would be angry about it? A bit yeah. A little cranky just he get over it. He will get over it, yeah do you want me to start the GPU Yes, please. It's warmer in here. So thank you for everything. Thank you, Oh for me? This is from Poland. thank you. It’s the best one! All right, Thanks. I smashed it a little in my bag, but it’s still tasty They are asking, headset or hand? Hands! All right. Yeah. There you go, everyone. That's everyone. All right. I just confirm the numbers, so hands? Yeah then we start up with hands it's around -21c Just going to send that Tiny little plane away, and then we’re going to start deicing I think it's going to be a lot of fog when deicing now All right we're going to do a full deicing for type 1 Speaking to driver; Thats good, we continue as usual Headset; Thats good! Headset; It’s good, stay there Headset; thats good Headset; Keep on going Headset; Okay this side is done Should i sign it for you sir Okay have a good one! *Radiocall from 738* Alright now we're going to suck up the glycol For that we use the.. we use this bigger vacuum cleaner. I'm not really sure of the yeah this is a really old one so that's pretty much it lowers the suction hose and this starts the suction i guess. Let’s go and check *Radio chatter* Yeah i think it’s good now Let’s close this.. right. Let’s go do something else. So we've got a problem right now. The runway lights aren't working properly. The problem is that every other light is not working. So there's supposed to be a light between every light that's actually working right now. So we got some electrical failure going on here. Let's go check on that so you can see the problem here. So that one is lighting up. That's a light there, That's not lighting up. That is lighting up and that is not lighting up. So every, other light this out, and that's pretty much includes the threshold lights too or stop lights from the backside here. So the thing with that is just that to keep a consistent light pattern. That's why if one CCR is failing, the other one is going to try to make that light pattern be the same. Even though you've got 50% of lights out. That's the system. How it works for a little bit of redundancy. So let's go to try fixing this, So these two are the ones going for the runway and the threshold lights, That is working. So this is the one causing the problem. So it's an open circuit. So this is just the de-energize The cable. So as it is right now it's sending power through here. Operation, and then we've got maintenance. So it just switches. So the circus going like that. So while trying to unfreeze that well, I'm going to start with this. So i did trow some salt here, to try to get the ice to crack kind of effective actually when it start to digging down, you can actually hear it crack. So while waiting for that to clear up on the other side there, I'm going to find some more. Well, just throw some salt on them to make the ice crack. It's faster that way. And how this system works is pretty much that from the CCR, they're coming cables like this around 5.5m from the light where it's a transformer just making 5000 volts to 24 volts and just sending that to the light. So the problem is pretty much that when the ground freezes, it can pretty much just pull the cables out. I think that's the problem right now or a transformer that is broken. So the problem when they built this is that that they did not have maintenance in mind, by doing as they did. I mean, normally you would just put a well underneath the light and keep the transformer there. You can just pretty much lift out the lamp and yeah, start fault searching like that but.. so this is how the transformer look. So pretty much this is, incoming power, outgoing power and that one is going to the light. So yeah, so what I'm going to do now is so we got a ground wire here, this is actually going to the CCR. So what I can do is just, I can connect this ground wire to the contact and then from inside measure which way the fault is. I mean if I, It can’t be shown everything is frozen there. Let's just start measuring. So I'm just going to connect this ground cable to outgoing cable All right. So we we've got contact on the incoming. Just to give a explanation, What I'm actually doing here is So from, let's say, the CCR is here the cable is going out like this. Well, okay, So it's pretty much jumping to every other light like this. And then it goes back the return cable and onto this. We have a ground cable that goes pretty much with this. So what I've done right now is I think it's somewhere here on the runway connected the ground cable with this outgoing cable. So I'm measuring if there's a complete circuit going around there. So this part is actually okay from here all the way here. There is no fault. So what I'm got to do now is I've got to go out and measure from here to see if I get I can get a contact back here and then just keep going and narrow it down to an actual fault. So I'm going to go to this well now and connect that. So I gotten like I think it's 4 or 5 out now. So to the ground wire. All right. So from here to here, that's fine. And now from here to here, that's fine. So the fault is somewhere here. My biggest hope right now is just that the fault aint here, because that's going to be a major problem getting out. So what I got to do now, I have this on heating right now, so I got to measure from that to to this So yeah this is how it looks. It's not really much water there Let's measure this. So if I don't hear a beep now, it's not the threshold lights. So that's a good sign. Let's see. I don't want to hear beep Now. All right, that's a good sign. So, yeah, that means that the threshold lights is fine. There's nothing wrong there. So it's something in a well on the edge light Well, let’s go to the other one All right, So now it's actually okay from this light all around through here. So there's something between this part here and it's actually. Well, this drawing isn't really correct. So it's 20 lights from that part to here. So I think I found the faulty well here. So i had a real hard time finding this since it was missing a lid you can see it's pretty close to the surface here and packed with snow and ice so I guessing somehow, when clearing snow, they took the lid with it and just been packing snow and ice in here. So the sun is pretty much setting right now I think I may have overheating this. Just slightly kind of misshapen now Yeah, well, I see the problem. So this contact has been yanked out This contact need to be replaced. It's really burnt inside here, so I need to replace this. So this is definitely the fault. Where is that Where is the other end? All right, so we've got kind of a snow storm coming in now and we've got traffic departing in a few hours. So this needs to be working by then. All right. I had to go and get the genset instead. The bigger one, And just use a fan like this, This is 5KW Since it was kind of hard getting the heat down here. It would just melt the sides of this so There you can see the contact It's still frozen. Can’t reallt get it up yet. That doesn't really look that bad. So I got to try to make some quick fix right now. Cause I need to make this work in an hour, and then im going to keep heating it So i can get the contact out yeah. I mean, it's still possible to jack in this contact right now and get it to work. It’s not really It’s not really that bad All right, So if this light starts right now, it means everything is working again. So let’s go find that out All right, so this works finally. So I need to change this. So this is just old crimping hose not really needed for this contact. All right, so let's see. Maybe I should just cut it up more. So this is the new contact. So let’s see how much i should cut this up so let's push this on. So this is actually a plastic sleeve. It goes up here. So when you put the contact in, you just remove this so the.. so it got a really tight fit here. Let’s just clean this up So I did change out this transformer with a cable thats good. I'm going to repair the other one later on, but I'm going to keep on using this here. I mean, I could change this contact too. I mean, a similar one, but it doesn't really matter. This fits this one without any problems. Let's just use that It’s a really snug fit. Let’s put this on like so, and then I can just use some vulk tejp. All right. So I think this is good. This is just a little extra protection to to make it a little bit more pull resistant. So this is supposed to be waterproof now this thing is full with electric grease and it's.. after pulling out that plastic tab, it's shrinking, getting a good grip of the cables so. This is the old cable So let’s get that in here so that it's done. Let's replace this well all right, so I ordered a few of this. So this is cast iron. This is supposed to be placed on top of the surface. No need to dig this down. This is heavy enough so you can cut grass and stuff above it Yeah. The point is to, yeah I think I ordered six of this. I'm going to place it on to the runway on different spots. Just so i can get a easy measurement point for the future if this happens again so I don't have to dig out it's. It's kind of time consuming. I've gotta try to pull this up. I don't know if the ground still is frozen. I mean, it’s the 2 may and we got a lot of snow left that was anything other than straight so this ground, the airport is built on is pretty much just consisting of fine sand. So everything here is just fine sand. I don't know. It's not.. not really a point trying to fix this right now. I mean, it's still going to dry up and I'm going to need to refill this and stuff like that, So yeah i gotta leave it like this for now. Well, I guess that's it for now. So I just gotta keep on continue restoring all the wells that I dug up and leave this for now Everything is working now so that good. Here you go, something sweet? Thank you. Yeah if you have something, Can i have a cupcake? This one? yeah, here you go Yeah, I think it's fine. It looks moisty.
Channel: M. Bjoernstroem
Views: 550,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overaasen, enter air, pajala airport
Id: c1wkx1V1qHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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