Working as a Team | Blinky’s Bible Adventures

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(Blinky grunts) (Blinky groans) - I can't quite. Oh, man. I know, I'll pray. God will help me. God, please let me get that ball out of that bottle. In Jesus' name, Amen. Okay, here we go. (Blinky grunts) (Blinky groans) I can't do it! God, did you listen to my prayer? (Shine giggles) - Hiya Blinky. Uh-oh, Blinky what's wrong? - Shine, I super-dy duper want that ball, but it's stuck. - Hmm, try knocking the bottle over. - I didn't even think of that. (Shine giggles) - Wee, it worked. - Yeah, but I'm still not happy. - Why not? - Because I ask God to help me and I don't know if he listened. - Friends, does God listen to us when we pray? - Shine, our friends say God listens but why didn't he help me get that ball? - He did. - Uh-uh. You helped me get it. - But who sent me here to help you? - Oh! God sent you. God did listen to me. God, thanks for sending Shine to help me get that ball. - God loves us, so he always listens, morning, noon, and night. (upbeat music)
Channel: LifeKids
Views: 41,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full episode, kids,, lifekids,, lifekidstv, lifechurch, life church, lifechurchtv, bible, konnect, konnect HQ, connect, connect HQ, kidmin, kids ministry, church, elementary, kids videos, kids' videos, LifeKids, families, family, pray, prayer, kids' ministry, parents, early childhood, working as a team, working together, blinky's bible adventure
Id: dO5F2fMK7Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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