Work Productivity will NEVER be the same with Microsoft's AI Tech (Copilot)

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July 1945 venovar Bush an American engineer also initiator of the Manhattan Project publishes an article outlining the memex a hypothetical human machine interface that looks like a child's messy toy drawer hidden underneath a desk Bush postulated that this device would supplement the human mind to collecting and organizing information in one centralized location allowing humans to easily interact with and access this knowledge all at exceeding speed and flexibility sound familiar well let me explain today technology is undergoing a massive platform shift the goal of computing has always been to make our lives easier and what better way to do that than constantly enhancing the human machine interface in other words making it easier to interact with the computer more accessible to people who aren't as familiar with the technology from binary inputs and outputs to mouse and keyboard to touch screen to now natural language even Grandma can take advantage of complex tools with thousands of features assuming she can speak a language of course Microsoft co-pilot with the power of open ai's large language models has taken a massive leap we can now draft proposals and emails or build out graphical analysis by simply inputting natural language commands no formulas no tool knowledge just your words and to achieve this great feat we can really distill this technology into two individual entities one as we already mentioned HMI a simple means of communicating with the computer two an AI powered reasoning engine which manages all of your information and enables AI to handle complex tasks these two concepts have been masterfully combined to create Microsoft co-pilot it's really marketed as the new interaction model between humans and computers a symbiotic relation ship a supplement to the human mind this theory was first postulated by vanavar with the memex in 1945 but technology as you may have imagined has come quite a ways since then and definitely looks unsurprisingly different from how it was first envisioned copilot is designed to take the drudgery and mundane nature out of daily tasks and bring out creativity that we didn't know we had sometimes it will get it right other times it will be usefully wrong opening the door to even greater creativity than originally thought emails will be automatically drafted based on a natural language input have any other documents that may provide some additional context sure no problem just attach them to your prompt the email can then be further customized give it a certain length a certain style if you are sending an email out to a manager or co-workers maybe you'd want that to be more professional to a friend or family member maybe you'd want it more casual and if you're weird you could do a poem I guess presentations can be generated in a similar way a natural language input results in graphics and text that resemble a customizable style you are probably no stranger to PowerPoint but the average person uses less than 10 percent of what PowerPoint is capable of and albeit it makes sense because there's about one bajillion different features and half of them I didn't know existed nonetheless copilot allows you to take advantage of the other 90 of what PowerPoint can do without having to learn any bit of it instead of learning the tool the tool we'll learn from us and this is a major theme to keep in mind copilot is now a supplement to the human mind a symbiotic relationship an artificial personal assistant that you can talk to like a human personal assistant like we mentioned instead of having to learn the ins and outs of every single tool we want to use and have to be constantly reminded of the features that are available to us we can simply plug our desires into a chat window and boom the function is done no more searching for tutorials on how to perform a specific function just ask copilot to do it for you to-do lists Excel formulas and graphs meeting summaries presentations draft proposals emails all at your fingertips without the need for any Mastery of the tool whatsoever and although co-pilot has the capabilities to save plenty of time and effort it's important to remember that it is called copilot for a reason it makes our lives easier but doesn't replace the human mind completely at times it may not capture every single little detail in a document or maybe the theme is slightly off but it still provides a great initial draft that saves hours of monotonous work like translating material from an email to a word doc or does designing a presentation from scratch when generating a customer proposal for example the automatically generated draft is meant to be exactly that a draft instead of you constantly tapping back and forth between reference documents and spending hours simply regurgitating material back into a 20-page proposal copilot will generate all of the information within seconds in a format that you specify need a slide deck to brief the customer copilot can throw that together just based off the proposal document a thorough analysis can then be performed in Excel a natural language input into key trends tabular data graphs and charts all while maintaining the Integrity of the data I think you get the point we can clearly see the impact that copilot has on our daily tasking exponentially increasing productivity in all aspects of our work but if there's one thing that Microsoft makes very clear copilot is not just chat GPT hooked up to the 365 Suite although that's how it may appear co-pilot is powered by three main systems one obviously 365 apps for user facing functionality the user interface two Microsoft graph for interconnecting all of your personal data as well as maintaining security and privacy and three a large language model a model that understands prompts and generates responses in a text format that we can understand this will be the first time in human history where we can control this amount of computational Power with our own words our own language no need for understanding the intricacies of foundation models machine learning complicated app features just type your thoughts out to your co-pilot and the rest is done for you but we all know as the saying goes remember great power it's great responsibility so although co-pilot enables the future of work productivity with it comes a very large risk during the information age personal data is sought after now more than ever before I think we saw why that's the case in this breakdown here there are about 2200 cyber attacks each day or one every 39 seconds so with all this personal and potentially confidential information being thrown around in massive Cloud databases data privacy and security is absolutely Paramount and Microsoft has taken steps to dramatically reduce that risk they bumped up their investment in cyber security by 4X and their cyber security products are really starting to come together Microsoft Senator Microsoft Defender for cloud Microsoft 365 Defender Microsoft Defender for endpoint Microsoft Defender for Office 365. Microsoft Defender for identity a Microsoft Defender for cloud apps Microsoft Defender vulnerability management they have a lot of security products they are positioned to be leaders in the security industry as many Enterprise customers using their 365 Suite want to keep their data within the realm of Microsoft decreasing the odds of a potential security breach Microsoft values the security and privacy of their customers so highly that they only initially released copilot to 600 Enterprise customers worldwide in March despite the massive hype and demand for the product this was to ensure that security standards are upheld at massive scale before eventually releasing to commercial users for thirty dollars per user per month co-pilot will change work productivity forever and the way that Microsoft has brilliantly constructed an ecosystem of products from user-facing applications in Microsoft 365 Suite and co-pilot to cloud services through Azure to strategic AI Partnerships with open Ai and encapsulating all of them into a nearly impenetrable wall of cyber security they are set to be at the Forefront of technological innovation for years to come as CEO Sadia Nadella said today we are at the start of a new era of computing and co-pilot is just a small step in the right direction I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Jake Cassidy
Views: 2,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot, microsoft, microsoft 365 copilot, artificial intelligence, ai tools, newest ai tools, ai 2023, microsoft 2023, cybersecurity, copilot features, new ai tools 2023, microsoft copilot demo, microsoft copilot review, microsoft inspire, microsoft inspire 2023, msft, microsoft stock, msft stock, msft security, work productivity, work productivity tools, work productivity tools 2023, work productivity tips, work productivity hacks, microsoft ai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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