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welcome back to reading bear today we will take a look at some new mauritius compliance stories and if you enjoyed my content please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and post some very emojis in the comments let's go the first one is titled tell me to leave and don't come back after throwing up my guts have fun working doubles many years ago i worked at a gas station on a college campus mainly the evening shift thursday through sunday nights the manager i'll call her wanda was a total douchebag she was constantly failing at her responsibilities then blaming the employees when the owner would mention something i had been working there for about four years when one morning i wasn't feeling well i called around to see if anyone could come in for my shift four to twelve but no one was available i called wanda to let her know i was sick and unable to come in since part of her job was to cover shifts when others cannot she told me to be at work and on time or else i would be fired so i took my sick butt up to work and within an hour i was throwing up i even threw up behind the counter when i couldn't make it to the bathroom in time i called wanda and told her i had to leave as i was throwing up constantly she had an attitude but said she would come in anyway an hour later she showed up complaining that i ruined her date because she and her boyfriend were planning to leave to go on vacation that evening i started to gather my things and she asked me what i was doing i said i'm sick and throwing up i'm going home she replied i'm just here to watch the store while you get yourself together if you leave don't bother coming back so i left around 8 o'clock wanda called to ask me where i was i told her i was at home in bed still throwing up she told me i needed to come back to work so she could leave for her vacation i reminded her of what she said before she left and said i was more than happy to comply i hung up the phone and unplugged it this was when landlines were still popular i plugged the phone back in at 11 45 and called the store wonder answered after a minute of ringing so the store had to be busy usually there's a ton of college kids wanting to get alcohol before the midnight cut off i said something like wanda it's christine i just wanted to let you know that i'll be coming by monday to get my last check and also i agreed to work doubles tomorrow and sunday so employeex could go home for the weekend good night and unplugged the phone again after hanging up i had a cell phone at this point but wanda didn't have the number so i didn't plug my phone back in until monday i went up to the office around three to get my last check and wanda was furious she had worked an entire extra week's worth of hours in one weekend and she was salaried so no extra pay she also got in a lot of trouble when the owner found out what she did and i was rehired immediately she was fired within a year of that incident the next one is titled there was an attempt to fire me for malicious compliance so in 2012 i found myself working as an overnight maintenance laborer for a family-owned collection of properties two shopping complex a winery a few warehouses ect but most of the time i was working keeping a grocery store built in the late 60s functioning worked my way up to night maintenance manager and loved my job i was getting the kind of education you can't buy hands on electrical one night plumbing the next welding after that all taught to me by three men that could build a house up to code single-handedly and we all got along great it was the first time in my adult life i had real responsibilities and i was respecting myself because i respected the job i was doing the owners were all people that truly cared about their employees and they proved this when in 2017 they sold the main grocery store one of the many things they included in the sale was all current employees had to be offered in new positions at their current pay level the company that bought us i won't say their name but think the opposite of dangerous path does not employ an in-house maintenance team something breaks they outsource the fixing of it so they really didn't have a ready-made place for me to fit into like the other department managers the store manager also did not like that i was making 18 an hour six bucks over a new higher rate thus began the systematic what i saw as harassment and what has been later confirmed to me is standard operating procedure for legally getting rid of someone at this company some of my faves include making my 35 year old butt a bad boy jokes on you i love doing easy work for good money writing me up for spending 20 minutes talking to the police about an accident i had seen while returning carts i thoroughly enjoyed the district manager apologizing to me for the cutting my hours down from full time to 24 hours a week which is completely allowable but as the second most senior member in the store everyone below me has to get their hours cut first no you can't force me to take a salaried manager's position yes you can make me a cashier a position you know i do not want but you have to give me the three dollars pay bump and on and on and on in addition to the many broken verbal promises and out and out lies i became very well versed on the union rules my specific contract rules and how to protect myself seven union arbitrations in my first five months all ended in my favor meanwhile the assistant managers love me i can cover any department because i've done most everything and i'm a quick learner for what i don't know anything breaks down in the store it was falling apart before they bought it if i can't fix it i can at the very least make a detailed work request so it gets fixed sooner i become the go to cover guy filling in any position that needs it which at long last brings me to my malicious compliance the store was not doing well sales wise about a year and a half in they couldn't get a closing butcher so the night manager taps me to work in the meat department for three hours every night just to close it out and clean it up in the department there is a bandsaw that's used for cutting meat with bones in it it's a pain in the ass to clean so after reading the department manual i realized you were not to use that piece of equipment if you hadn't been trained on it now i 100 had been trained on that bone saw i knew how to take it apart fix it and put it back together but that training was with the old company and i had been informed many times that the new company only thought i'd been trained when they had trained me perfect i can close down the bone saw earlier and get it cleaned if any customer needs me to cut meat with a bone in it i inform them that i hadn't been trained on that piece of equipment shouldn't be an issue this is late night and the store's not doing that well begin with i clear all this with the assistant manager this goes on for months until finally i'm called into the manager's office during the day turns out one of the customers i had informed that i could not use the bone saw was a secret shopper the store manager is writing me up for failure to complete my duties she's also writing it up as malicious failure i forget the term they use it's basically two write-ups instead of just one and that coupled up with my previous write-up i was 15 minutes late once that's on me gives her the three right up she needs to fire me as i have done so many times in the past with this woman i invoke my right to union representation and declined to talk with her until after i've spoken with them at this point i'm thinking they can't bust me i was following the written directions but oh no it got so much sweeter and so much worse while talking to my union rep it quickly becomes clear that the butchers are a completely different union the store is in violation of the butcher's union contract by having a non-union employee work the department so first my union fights the right up wins and gets me paid for the four five days i missed of work they then get me a lawyer who tells me i am not to speak with any store manager in any capacity due to the butcher's union complaint against the store two weeks off fully paid for me i can't very well work at a store where i cannot speak to my bosses i then get two more days off paid while i speak to the various union reps for my testimony the store is fined fifty thousand dollars is what i was told for breach of butcher's contract when i return to work my store manager does not work there anymore her replacement only accepts the job if his bonuses are not tied to the store's overall performance so he doesn't mind i'm overpaid as icing on the cake no one really liked her so i'm damn near a hero when i get back the next one is titled want me to take a number here's number two everywhere i'm at costco trying to order a pair of glasses if you've never been to costco the optical department is usually either next to the entrance or next to the membership desk on the way to the exit if it's the ladder the entire area is pandemonium from people trying to exit return things get memberships order optical lenses my local costco is the latter i'm standing there with my ticket waiting to be called my ticket is like 54 and they're on number 48 and there are only three guys so this is taking a while i notice a woman in the area holds a fussy toddler i suppose just on the verge of being able to talk looking for the first available employee it just so happens that one of the optical guys was done with a customer so the woman goes up to him and they have an exchange like this woman w excuse me optical guy og man you need to take a ticket and wait w but i just og man take a ticket there were other people in front of you w yeah but i just wanted to og ma'am take a ticket that's the last time i'm going to tell you you can wait in line like everyone else at this point the woman accepts defeat and her toddler is getting fussy she grabs a ticket and puts her child on the ground the kid is crying at this point loudly but i have my headphones in just trying to wait for my turn and then it happens this kid unleashes a torrent of poop that basically explodes his pants and gets all over the ac display poop they try to sell you on the way out i'm amazed that much poop came out of this little boy he's crying up a storm and his mum is trying to comfort him but it just keeps coming and coming at the same time he's waddling around and getting it all over the place the entire area myself included jumps back and is giving this lady some space finally after what seems like an eternity it stops the kid is crying his mum holding him poop running down her arms there is fecal matter in about a 10-foot radius everywhere all traffic to the exit has stopped as horrified shoppers looked on the optical department including og stare at this woman she marches herself sun in tow up to the man w i was wondering if you could tell me where the bathroom was og sheepishly points to an area behind the registers and w walks away i decide to come back later when the area didn't smell like a raccoon diet trying to stifle my laughter the whole way through there is no big sign pointing to the bathrooms visible from the optical department at my costco i imagine that will be changing soon the next one is titled can't keep our trampoline outside we'll move it upstairs the main players are my parents the landlord and me though i'm less in on actual arguing and more on ideas and executing said ideas as i'm teenager so we're renting right now and our landlord is interesting a month ago our landlord said that we can't have the trampoline outside something about being sued my parents were upset since there is old plague going on and our yard is very small and about the only outside activity we could do was jump on the trampoline and so the malicious compliance begins for while he said the trampoline can't be outside he never said anything about inside and so we began the largest reorganization of the house since we moved in my parents were already wanting to get rid our old couch but didn't really have a way to but with this situation we started the plan we moved out the couch from downstairs and moved the couch upstairs down to take its place the entire family room had to be reorganized and all in all my dad and i spent about two to three hours moving heavy furniture and one tweaked arm on my end after that my sisters and i spent about 45 minutes setting up the trampoline and we were done my two younger sisters were bummed out about losing the trampoline which was what led them to think up a solution and were thrilled when they found out we could keep it no one has hit their head yet though i have gotten pretty close it's not as intense as some of the other stories on here but my parents and i did get a lot of enjoyment out of following the law to the letter and not at all doing what our landlord wanted us to do the next one is titled who owns the moustache my grandfather was a warrant officer in the army he enjoyed pushing people's buttons and was amazingly good at it in the 1960s he grew a handlebar moustache my grandmother hated it and complained about it to him constantly she demanded he shave it off so he did kind of he shaved half of it off the left half if i remember correctly my grandmother blew a gasket after she calmed down a bit he told her that as her husband she owned half of his moustache so he shaved off her half he went to duty the next day and his men and other officers had a good chuckle about it eventually his battalion commander saw him and marched right up warren the commander said why do you only have half a moustache my grandfather explained that half belonged to his wife and since she didn't like it he shaved her half off the commander said well the other half of you belongs to the army so shave off the army's half before you report tomorrow and so he did much to the delight of my grandmother the next one is titled make the floor sparkle i'll make them glitter and shine when i was a young et3 united states navy electronics technician who was at the end of his training pipeline stuck in limbo with not much to do because orders were coming in less and less generally the low period between commands is a period of courtesy calls to the command to verify you haven't partied yourself to death and to verify if you're still in limbo except if you have an et1 jackass who wants to make your life as miserable as they can now that i was no longer in training nor a part of his crew i guess et1 saw fit to make me his personal janitor anyway after attempting to be clever and having my duty the previous day be to sweep the sunlight off the walkway during the dead of winter in the northeast meaning i worked like four hours and went home he was furious that his plan had backfired so his new plan was to make me clean our workshop until it was up to his level of clean did the usual dust sweep mop clean windows i was told not clean enough strip and wax the floor polish all the metal i was told not clean enough reorganize all the tool lockers to spec take apart all the things removing every ghost turd polish the chairs fix the squeaky door i was told not clean enough it was at this point the et-1 said do you not understand me petty officer this room is not clean enough i want you to make the floor sparkle well it just so happens that the mechanics had this kind of two-tone powder pink and purple paint flaked glitter stuff i did not ask why i only found it and pretended i didn't so i headed down to their workshop where most of the ones not on watch were hanging around and i asked them if they'd mind if i took that glitter off their hands the usual round of i don't know what you're talking about but if we did dot y came up and i simply asked if they'd like to see et1 lose his mind he was also infamous for having a short temper so i obtained the glitter and spent a good three hours stripping and re-waxing and buffing the floors even polished the top of the work table and go to get et1 again after notifying the navy mechanics to be on standby well et1 shows up and looks around not clean anyway what is this is this did you just wax glitter into my floor i respond by inquiring why he was getting so angry and that i had followed his instructions to the letter the floor now sparkled it was in this moment amongst the growing crowd of onlookers who were chuckling at et1 that i found out firsthand how a person could get so angry they changed colours flushed to red to almost purple with veins bulging in his neck and forehead i had not seen such a spectacle outside of a hollywood movie et1 proceeded to yell something it was very incoherent and loud storm outside to the smoke pit scattering everyone who was there as they wanted none of what et1 was now our command master chief even came around the corner to see what the crowd of running non-useful bodies was about saw et1 and came to the workshop to see what might have happened upon seeing my handiwork he laughed and told me to just take it easy until my orders showed up he didn't need an attempted murder at his command so i got to spend the next three days in relax mode as my paperwork was found i got new orders and i was off to the fleet the next one is titled won't let me leave you a message on a piece of paper here's 30 post-its my boss let's call her kay used to duck in and out of the office all day part of me wondered why she had a chair at her desk given she never seemed to stay in the office long enough to sit in it most days as a result if i had a message or question i'd have to leave a note on her desk for her to find when she next blew in i used to write him up on a4 pieces of paper because i could put a few things on the one sheet apparently this violated office note policy and i was to only use post-it notes this was just after i gave a month's notice i was leaving so i got the feeling she was spiteful and looking to make my last month miserable little did she know right yokai only post-it notes it is due to their size i really could only fit one message per piece so one can only imagine how 30 messages would look stuck to a computer monitor k told me that i couldn't use so many i was limited to one post at notre dame game on when i was told only standard size was acceptable i printed on them in the smallest font i could size one using the smaller font button so rules updated to only handwritten i wrote in the smallest handwriting i could and mashed it all together the handwriting was now required to be at least one quarter of a cm high and two millimeters space between words so i went after that notes only in english nothing about modern so shakespearean it is they plugged that loophole up and here the wild ride ends because that was my last day the next one is titled bratty kid says he can eat two scoops of ice cream eat this monstrosity last summer i worked as an ice cream vendor on the beach of my hometown best job i ever had people were nice to me i got to work on my tan it paid pretty well but most importantly we were allowed to eat the delicious ice cream on our breaks one day i'm serving a man and his son the man orders a cone with two scoops for him and a cone with one scoop for the little one the kid wasn't happy about that and said to his dad that he also wanted two scoops the dad explains that the scoops are pretty big and that one will suffice for him i confirm this to help the dad even offering to make it extra big still the kid doesn't budge instead he starts throwing a tantrum nearly crying how he wanted two scoops the dad clearly not wanting to ruin his vacation mood gives up and says to the kid he can have two scoops however he adds if you can't finish your ice cream like i said you wouldn't no more tv for you for the rest of the vacation the kid happily agrees claiming he could eat a whole tub of ice cream big mistake kid me being the petty person that i am wanted to teach this brat a lesson i proceed by scooping one of the most gigantic scoops i've ever scooped in my entire scooping career i put it on the cone the kids eyes widen in shock my scoop goes back for more i see the kid tremble in disbelief i scoop the second most gigantic scoop a scooper could scoop and graciously add it to the first one i hand the monstrosity i've created to the kid who by now realises he won't watch tv again this summer the dad seemed pretty cool with it he even tipped me a little which was very rare all in all a pretty good day the last one is titled knock my parenting and i'll sit beside you with my fussy twins i was at the doctor's office today and had to bring my 15 month old twins with me these kiddos do not enjoy being cooped up in a stroller but letting them wander around isn't an option since they will both bolt in opposite directions immediately they have clean nappies they've been fed and hydrated so at this point any fussing is just stroller-related crankiness in preparation for having to wait a while and wanting to be considerate of the others who were in waiting room purgatory with me i packed the diaper bag full of endless snacks and sippy cups sure enough five minutes in they lose their mind so i instantly start giving them snacks and also walking back and forth in the very very large waiting room i am at the back area and not even close to being in anyone's way and as long as i am pacing the beasties will quietly munch away on their cheerios at one point i stopped pacing to hear the doctor mumble the next patient's name in another barely audible whisper and this is where a cranky old lady decides to weigh in on my parenting i hear a huffing noise and look over at her and the second we make eye contact she says oh my god you have got to stop walking up and down that back area you're making me dizzy also you really shouldn't be feeding them that much just sit down and they will relax too watching toddlers really shouldn't be that hard hun thanks firstly while my girls are very healthy they were primies born at three pounds 1.5 kilograms and are still very tiny so i will feed them all the damn cheerios i want secondly i am doing all this not for myself or the twins but for the benefit of all those around us finally i was waiting to find out if my scans showed cancer or not herrera scans were clean so i really didn't care now for the malicious compliance i take her advice and sit down right next to her tons of empty seats everywhere by the way instantly they start screaming their heads off and what do i do i pull out my book and start reading anyone who has ever been seated next to a stranger's baby having a meltdown close your eyes imagine that crappy moment and now double it to account for twins within five minutes she is looking like she is about to snap and suggests they might want a snack to which i calmly respond nah i really shouldn't be feeding them that much and coulee turned the page of my book 10 minutes later my name is finally called and this lady looks like she is ready to give up on life i however have read my first chapter in ages i guess watching toddlers really isn't that hard after all thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear
Views: 5,041
Rating: 4.8232045 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, redditbear, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents, revenge, idontworkherelady, idwhl, relationshipadvice, relationship advice
Id: ivYid34TB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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