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welcome back to reading bear today we will take a look at some new pory ranch stories and if you enjoyed my content please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and post some better emojis in the comments let's go the first one is titled don't mess with the person responsible for driving you at the time of this story i was in college and had spent the last few summers and breaks working at a major car dealership i was and still am obsessed with cars and all i wanted to do was spend my days around cars and people who knew them it was overall a great job first i was washer then part stock boy detailer delivery driver mechanics assistant then a mish-mash of all the jobs at the same time since i knew the place and how things worked this particular day i was driving there was one customer marge who seemed perfectly fine at first marge and a separate couple had dropped their cars off very early 7am and needed rides the couple just wanted to get dropped at their place which was only a few miles away while marge needed to go into the nearby major city for work which was about 20 miles upon starting the shuttle van i asked my usual what kind of music do you all like instantly the dude from the couple says oh put it on k whatever we were rocking out on the way over without any comment from the others in the van i obliged after some conversation with the couple about springsteen and 80s rock i dropped them off and carried on marge had been mostly quiet thus far saying only where she was going and what time she needed to be picked up in the evening julie noted as we got closer to her destination she became visibly agitated and even though i knew pretty well where i was going she began giving me excruciatingly specific instructions as to which cars to pass which lane to be in how fast to go around the exit etc i took it in stride and easily acquiesced to her direction despite it being more than a little condescending this kind of micromanaging continued until we pulled up to her office building she reiterated that exactly five o'clock was the time to be there and specifically said to be in the exact parking spot i had stopped in to let her out it was a public spot parallel parking with no meters so i thought it was a strange request but said okay anyway the last thing she said before getting out of the van was i also hate absolutely hate this music internally i said okay you could have told me 30 minutes ago but again played the nice driver and outwardly said i'll remember that the rest of the day went by and the last thing i had to do was get marge from work i stopped at the dealer to check in and had about an hour to get to marja's office 20 miles away i knew rush hour traffic could be bad in the city so i left plenty early and told my manager i was heading out to be safe traffic was about as terrible as can be so around 4 30 in gridlock i called marge's office from the van to let her know there's a chance i might be a few minutes late she doesn't answer and it rings forever eventually her cubicle neighbor picks up the phone and tells me she's already left for the day i tell the guy on the phone if he sees her to please call me immediately after hanging up i call my manager and inform him of the situation manager she just called asking where you are she said she tried calling you three times and got no answer me i just tried her office and someone said she already left i checked my phone and had no missed calls then asked what time did she want to be picked up again manager five o'clock you still got 30 minutes so it's all right don't worry about i told my manager that if she contacts again give her my number again and that i would try to call her office in 15 minutes regardless at this point i figured that even surface streets would get me there in time so i exited off the highway this was generally correct until i got downtown i was only a couple blocks from the office when i hit a roadblock for construction that wasn't there when i dropped her off in the morning it was a one-way that led straight to the front of the office so i had to figure out a way around this was about exactly when i told my manager i would call her office around 4 45 so i pulled over and called this time marge answered not the co-worker i informed her of the situation and she was audibly angry at this point i'm still 15 minutes before our schedule pick up time as confirmed by her twice and my manager once but she is obviously upset i play the customer is always right roll on the phone get enough information from her about the neighborhood to get around the construction and arrive in front of her building no later than 502 i call again again the co-worker picks up and tells me she left for the second time today momentarily later i see her walk out the front and go to the parking spot where i dropped her off this morning no more than two spots behind me there was no way i could have taken the same spot since there was another car in it but the van was obviously in view with its huge dealership logo on it it seems as though she is refusing to walk over to the van when i see her take out her phone expecting my phone to ring i wait and nothing she seems to be looking directly straight at me and clearly aware of the van when my phone finally rings it's my manager saying that she is looking for me and can't find me accusing me of being late i step out of the van onto the sidewalk and call her name while still on the phone with my manager she slowly wanders over without saying a word gets into the front passenger seat of the van okay then i tried to make a quip about it being 504 and she is just totally silent okay then let's get out of the city onto the highway as soon as i get up to highway speeds she flips the duck out claiming she had heat stroke from waiting outside for so long saying she's never seen such unprofessional behavior claiming that i very unspecifically insulted her personally and demanding to talk to my manager when we get back okay then at this point i'm oscillating between being good by the dealership versus being good to myself at first i decide on the former and apologize profusely she is completely numb to anything i say and just keeps repeating how she can't believe how horrible of a person i am i can't even understand what she is so angry about and so i continue to attempt to make nice i even offered to order her office lunch the following day to which she replied nothing there is nothing i want to hear from you just get me back so i can talk to your boss and don't say anything else to me okay then a few miles down the road she begins her micromanaging again telling me which cars to pass what lane to be in how fast to drive etc at this point i was still resigned to my fate serving this woman until she made a request because we're late four hole ducking minutes i need you to stop at my house it's on the way she directed me to her house which to be fair was actually on the way wordlessly she got out and went inside only to emerge a few minutes later with a tiny little lap dog on a leash i swear she stared me down until she was out of sight as though she was proving something walking the ducking yupa around the block she got into the van four minutes late most of which was because she was too stupid or blind to see where i parked but she spent 40 minutes walking with that 10 pound dog while i sat there in the van like a dope waiting enough i thought i'll be a senior next fall i don't need this crap job she came back to the van and got in i put on the radio station she told me she hated that morning only this time much louder she very angrily indicated she didn't like the music when i didn't react she reached and lowered the volume herself oops steering wheel controls [ __ ] it's actually louder than before don't like it why don't you try changing the channel this time oops now we're on the hard rock channel and somehow even louder change it again nope back to hard rock now i want to reiterate i said earlier that i'm obsessed with cars but i will clarify specifically that i have been racing since i was 10. i started on carts moved up to shifter carts before getting my license got into track days with my dad by 17 and had built myself a focused auto x competitor by the time this story happened i was known to my friends as the one who should drive if we really need a driver it doesn't matter if you're driving a chevy venture minivan any car is capable of a lot more than the average driver thinks it is and i was just young and stupid enough to consider proving that this day so we set off with a goal unbeknownst to her you're upset about being late let's get you there as fast as ducking possible with alice in chains blasting on the radio louder than i would ever personally care to listen to it i'm pushing this pokey minivan harder than anyone has pushed a minivan before it doesn't have much pickup but on braking there's predictable understeer and the off-throttle weight balance makes for a nice and controllable oversteer albeit with considerable body lane front-wheel drive means i can get the engine and tyres to make scary sounding noises while pulling through a corner she was already terrified upon entering we hit an off-ramp at 80 and i late break from the left lane into a right turn at the intersection when she grabs the door handle and screams to slow down which we hit that apex perfectly don't tell me how to drive what slow down and move into which lane sorry what i heard was pass traffic on the shoulder at 40 and keep going despite all the gravel and debris please slow down you say did you mean run through the coals parking lot outer connector at 50 to cut the boulevard and skip the light because that's what i heard it's all for you ma'am let's get you there on time it was only about 10 miles from her house to the dealer but i probably took 1 000 miles out of the life of those tyres that day we arrived at the dealer and she was flustered to grossly understate the situation i stopped in front of the service door and gave my business as usual here we are have a great day and waited for her to get out she was still gripping her seatbelt and slowly stammered i want i need to speak with your boss manager given that i already decided to quit i responded with a tone that probably sounded more fitting to a child on christmas and said oh yes i'll get him for you and promptly got out of the car while she was still sitting i jaunt inside and find my manager hanging with one of the parts department guys all i say is marge wants to see you she's not happy and both of them immediately burst out laughing hysterically they laugh and laugh and laugh for so long that i am certain it is a joke at my expense finally i remind my manager that there is an angry customer and less considerably ask what the hell do you two think is so funny that woman is terrible she complains every single time we do anything on her car says my manager the parts guy says last time she accused john usual shuttle driver 65 years old and patient as a saint of being disrespectful and accused greg service advisor of stealing from her i wasn't really sure how to react at this point but because she made me sit and wait 40 goddamn minutes while she walked her ducking purse dog i had gone over time so just silently went to clock out after clocking out i went back to the service office to eavesdrop on the conversation between her and my manager i heard her quite honestly and in great detail recount every traffic violation and personal indiscretion i perpetrated only in a very disjointed and exasperated manner my manager quietly listened to all of it while i was around the corner wondering if i would even have a chance to put in my notice before getting fired when she finally slowed down and gave him a chance to respond all he said was marge it seems unusually regular that you are dissatisfied with our service maybe it is better for both of us if you take your car to competitor dealer next time and with that i turned and walked off knowing that i had both gotten away with something awful and apparently unknowingly solved a problem for my co-workers at the same time because she had been such a thorn in the side of everyone in the service department nobody even cared to look into whether there was any truth to her claims the following morning i put in my two weeks notice with the head of the dealership does it have anything to do with yesterday no i'm heading back to school in four weeks and i just want a couple weeks off beforehand he wished me luck and i finished out my two weeks without being asked to drive another customer anywhere the last one is titled fire me kiss all of your jobs goodbye my 2019 was wild but with everything finally on the up and up i feel i can tell this story here after uni late 2018 i fell on rough times and was forced to move back to my hometown i tried to transfer my job to a branch in my area but failed thus i needed to get a new job i settled for a 20 hour a week job at a bookies with a second bartending job in the evenings the bookies is the target for my revenge which was entirely accidental involved are the following janelle my manager's manager shea my manager jorge and gordon my co-workers and cara a co-worker at another store who is relevant later i ended up working behind the counter as a customer service manager basically a step up from a cashier it's fancy when seen on a cv but there's nothing really to it i took bets chatted with customers helped people with machines and for the vast majority of my shift sat around waiting for something to do i got on well with my co-workers or so i thought and had no major issues it was 20 hours a week about one pound more than minimum wage with a lot of overtime required of me and a regular shift patterns though i had no issue with the job beyond how difficult it was to juggle the schedules of both of my jobs in february of 2019 after working for the company for six months i was invited to a probation hearing it cannot be emphasized enough that it was a probation hearing in which i would have my performance reviewed and as informed in training was entitled to a pay rise at the end of it i arrived that morning to a disciplinary hearing where without even a shred of evidence i was accused of 11 different cash discrepancies dating back to early november of 2018 shortly after i'd started which all amounted to 271 pounds and 36 pence all but one of which i'd never heard of before these had apparently been reported and logged by my manager shea and my co-workers despite no one saying a word to me at all not a whisper in the five months this had apparently been occurring i was told that it was unacceptable a call was made to hr and i was terminated on the spot and forced to hand over my keys and to never set foot in the store again to my protests i was told the decision could not be appealed and i would eventually receive written confirmation of my employment's termination in the post i didn't let myself slump around and feel sorry for myself so on the way home i opened up indeed and applied for a bunch of jobs and before i arrived home had an interview set up for the next week at what is my current place of work now i was furious fuming and having gone to what i thought should have been a normal probation meeting and having effectively been called a thief and been banned for life from a place i'd never go to anyway but somehow my parents were angrier and ordered me to let them know when they got into contact with me again almost two weeks later i received an email from the company's hr which reiterated the accusations and stated again that i was terminated my mum sat me down in her kitchen and walked me through a letter response that was two parts professional and three parts scathing ripping into them about their unprofessional conduct their ludicrous claims their lack of evidence the holes in their story because there were quite a few and finally the cherry on the cake the employment laws they'd broken now i didn't want much just a nice reference a promise that not a whisper of these accusations would turn up when my new job asked them for a reference because by then i'd already been offered the job i then attached the letter to an email to fire back at their hr department then i added janelle's work email then her boss's email and finally the holding company that owned the brand cause i wanted to make sure this was seen a bit of background the bookies i worked for is a brand that is owned by an international company their name behind the scenes is slapped on everything and they pretty much dictate everything we did i'm not sure if the holding company is the correct term but i'll stick to that for now anyway i sent this email with a 48-hour window for a response i received a reply the next day from the same email that my demands were being met i smoked victoriously and moved on with my life happy to wash my hands with the entire ordeal however i'd set off a chain reaction that i wouldn't know about until three months later three months on i'd settled into my new job a call center position with double the hours and well over double the pay i'd gone through training and was settling into my new position when i see a new set of trainees settling in near my team among them was gordon one of my co-workers from the bookies i was stunned gordon had been at the bookies for six years when i joined he was well liked good at his job and a favorite of the managers there was no way he'd been fired though i didn't really want to talk to him as i was of the impression that he jorge and my manager had likely set me up i did want to know what happened luckily on seeing me in the break room one shift he sought me out and told me everything apparently my email had been read by the higher-ups in the holding company and had caused a lot of scrutinies to fall onto the bookies in our town of which there were three in our area the janelle was responsible for two in my town and a third in a neighboring one someone in hr passed a message down to the area manager janelle's boss claiming they wanted things investigated and they wanted results yesterday causing him to drop everything and descend on our little town with the panic and aggression of a man whose superiors were watching his every breath he went to janelle wanting to know why he hadn't been made aware previously that i was apparently stealing money why i had been given keys to the shop and shifts on my own when allegations of that nature were attributed to me and why i hadn't been put under investigation turns out janelle had in fact put in my employee file that i was under investigation but had never actually gone through with any of the official procedures for monitoring and investigating me shock horror thus she had fired me for the accused crime without looking into it at all falsely claiming otherwise thus the area manager took the dates and amounts of the cash discrepancies confirmed that they had been reported on those days without my knowledge in shae's own logbook of the shop's cash and sent that information onto our security team to investigate another little detail is that the cctv for every shop in the brand is outsourced to a private security company that monitors each shop remotely and has access to all the cameras and video as was the procedure they looked into the dates mentioned to see if i'd been doing anything untoward i know i wasn't and nothing was ever said to me but they did find something turns out money was going missing from the shop but surprise surprise it wasn't me but jorge and shay they not only set me up for reasons i will never know but were also falsifying numbers and cash checks on the system to hide it one thing shea was caught doing was deliberately short-changing customers by taking portions of their winnings without them even knowing that they're in mind a lot of our customers were elderly men and women gordon claims that he once opened the shop after iron shea had closed the night before and noticed a cache difference but had been told not to say anything to me as i was under investigation and it could compromise it he did apologise and i let it go needless to say jorge and shea were fired but it doesn't end there our team was small including me there were a total of four people working at the store as they hadn't been able to hire anyone to replace me jorge and shea's termination meant gordon was the only employee at the busiest shop in our area even if they'd been able to get other colleagues from the two other shops to help out it wouldn't have been enough to keep the shop open and manage the number of customers so they closed the location down until they could get the staff to run it it was at that point that gordon handed in his resignation and applied for his job at my work meaning they had no one on top of that gordon's girlfriend worked in the same shop as janelle and she relayed that she was rarely at their store in the other town for the next few weeks before the area manager reported she was fired as well no reason was given to her i was later issued an apology for everything by the area manager and informed she janelle was no longer with the company in an email sometime later but somehow it doesn't end there with the store i worked at closed this one is on the high street and where most people preferred to go the only other location in town was the much smaller location in the suburbs the one where cara worked alone she suddenly received an influx of customers into her tiny store space and absolutely no support from other staff or upper management thus for her own mental health having already been overworked and underpaid running an entire store by herself she quit meaning that location had to be closed down too all of this at the worst possible time much when the cheltenham festival was occurring which is a huge moneymaker for the gambling industry even in a small town like ours an opportunity the three other bookies on the high street reaped the benefits of instead of my old place as the former customers went to them instead as it currently stands just over a year later both shops remain closed and i'm currently entering a job in cyber security the training for which i paid for with my current job thanks for firing me dumb asses you did me a favor update gordon and i got in touch with our old area manager and we were able to get a bit more information the security team rifled through about three years worth of footage after they found out about jorge and shea and have estimated that in that period alone they both stole nearly 4 000 pounds through various means the parent company also got involved and searched through years worth of their cash checks until checks and noted plenty of irregularities the parent company pursued criminal charges and the two were arrested but as far as our area manager knows the case is still ongoing he thinks it's because they are still looking into how much they actually stole as they've both been there a while jorge about eight years and shay ten years i doubt they'll have security footage of all that time but i bet they're trying to get a more accurate figure to really nail them and in comes a new character tammy obviously not her real name she is an employee who was hired and fired shortly before i was at the same store she lasted just past her probation before she was fired wait for it for months worth of cash differences and false till checks she wasn't made aware of prior however her situation is far worse than mine tammy is in the process of suing the company for wrongful termination alongside financial and emotional damages as she was put under a lot of stress whilst in the job by shea who apparently left her to fend for herself and would refuse to step in when customers got aggressive and then had a miscarriage shortly after her employment was terminated our area manager doesn't know anything more as it's escalated and gone way above his head and i doubt i'll be able to get any more information on it but i doubt the company's doing too well on that front and i wish her the best gordon and i are considering reaching out to some of the other fired employees of which he can name a few who were terminated for similar reasons to get their side of things but it seems very clear that what shea and jorge were doing was going on for a long time and i was only the latest scapegoat janelle unfortunately is perfectly fine as far as i'm aware her husband and she opened a taxi company several years ago and she seems to have just got more involved with that i haven't seen her so i wouldn't know but she was terminated for gross misconduct and for not following the procedure which is kind of what i expected and cara who our area manager actually really dislikes but is lovely and did not deserve what she went through is doing okay i've messaged her and she and her partner recently bought a house she also got a job as an events manager at a local historical site she's happier there as she actually has people to talk to at work and isn't alone anymore thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear
Views: 7,612
Rating: 4.8165135 out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, r/maliciouscompliance playlist, r/maliciouscompliance emkay, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, redditbear, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents, revenge, idontworkherelady, idwhl, relationshipadvice, relationship advice
Id: hmKT7Oiuidw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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