WordPress REST API Tutorial (Real Examples)

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[Music] hello everyone in this video we will learn about the brand new REST API in WordPress now before we worry about what the REST API is let's just begin by looking at a demo of the to finished product features that we will be building together in this video okay so here's my WordPress website and if I click on to the portfolio page there isn't very much content here but there is a button that reads load portfolio related blog posts and if I click that button you'll see that all of this new content gets loaded into the page so when that button gets clicked we use JavaScript or we use Ajax to visit the WordPress REST API so we can load content from the WordPress database into our web pages on the fly okay so this is the first feature that we will learn how to build in this video let's check out the second feature by visiting the blog page ok this is just a typical blog listing page that you would see on almost any WordPress website but you'll notice up at the top here this gray box reads quick add post so let's imagine this is your website and you want to create a blog post right now this very second maybe you don't want to hop over to the WordPress admin dashboard screen maybe you want to create a post right from the front end of your website okay that's exactly what we can do here so let's come up with a title for a new post let's just say testing one two three and then let's add a bit of body content for the post sample text for the demo post and then I'll click the Create post button and now if I jump over to my admin dashboard and click on posts in the sidebar here we see that brand new testing one two three post and if I click on it there's the body content that we typed in okay so we successfully created a new post from the front-end on the fly without a page redirect or fresh okay so those are the two example features that we will be building together they may not be super complex or impressive but they will teach us the basic building blocks of understanding and working with the brand-new WordPress REST API without further ado let's get started so we've got to begin with the question what exactly is the REST API well in a nutshell it's just a collection of JSON endpoints or URLs so check this out here's my WordPress website and up in the address bar at the end of my site's address if I tack on WP - JSON / WP / v - slash posts and press Enter WordPress gives me the ten most recent blog posts in JSON format now if you've never heard of JSON before and you have no idea what's going on right now that's okay but I do recommend you pause this video and go watch my JSON and Ajax video first okay but moving on even if you've never seen JSON data in your life this really isn't that intimidating so let's dissect it so we see here ID equals 152 okay so we know that every wordpress post has a unique numerical ID okay here we see slug equals testing one two three so we know that each post has a slug that is the shorthand URL here we see title each post obviously has a title here we see content so this is the body content for a post you get the idea so this is the raw data for the ten most recent posts what if instead of ten posts I only want two posts well up on the URL at the end I can tack on a question mark and then say per page equals two and now WordPress only gives me the JSON data for the two most recent blog posts all right let's try something else what if instead of limiting the posts per page what if I only want posts that belong to the category of opinion okay so I know that my opinion category an ID of three so I can say categories equals three okay so these are only opinion posts what if I only wanted one post so the single most recent opinion post well up in the URL we can combine multiple parameters so I can just tack on the ampersand and say and per page equals one so this is the most recent opinion post so you get the idea you can tack on different parameters to retrieve the exact data you want now I do want to point out that the word press in the URL that I'm highlighting right now this is part of my own local development URL okay so this is the route URL of my project so you wouldn't type word press like this you would only type the part that I'm highlighting right now so beginning with slash WP JSON this is what you would add to the end of your WordPress site URL also if you try visiting this URL on your site and you don't receive any JSON data it's likely because your version of WordPress needs to be updated the rest api is brand new it was just added to WordPress in version 4.7 you can see what version of WordPress you're currently running by logging into your admin dashboard and in the very bottom right hand corner you'll see your version number okay let's jump back to the API tab because I want to show you that this isn't just limited to posts so we can do the same thing for pages and comments or media or users and authors or settings or you get the idea just about any piece of WordPress data is accessible from these endpoints okay so at this point we have a general idea of what the REST API is now the question becomes why is this such a big deal why are people so excited why are we hearing that this is the biggest wave in the WordPress ocean in recent memory well it's because the REST API makes crud operations available from anywhere crud stands for create read update and delete now when I was typing URLs in browsers address bar we were just using the read ability so the are and crud right we were loading or reading data but we can also create or save brand-new data so check out this example if we send a get request to this URL WordPress knows to give us back the 10 most recent posts but if we send a post request to that exact same URL and we also send a bit of data along with our request so maybe we send over a title and body content WordPress will know that we want to create a new post and it will save the data we send into the database now in this lesson we're only going to learn how to create and read because once you understand those two learning how to update and delete our pieces of cake okay so the REST API means we can perform crud operations from anywhere instead of only from within the traditional WordPress admin dashboard screens and this opens the door for all kinds of new possibilities so for an example we could technically create an iOS or Android native app for smartphones and we could use WordPress as our server and database layer and the phone app could just send and receive data to and from WordPress's json endpoint urls or instead of a native app for phones if we were just building a traditional web app maybe we don't love PHP so we could build our web app using nodejs or Ruby on Rails or Python or any language we want as long as the language has the ability to make HTTP requests and interpret JSON which is basically every language Under the Sun so you can see how this is a game changer WordPress can be our home base that stores our data but now we can manipulate that data from anywhere using any technology stack we want now all of these different possibilities are amazing but in this video we're obviously going to stay a bit closer to home because the REST API is also great for building traditional WordPress sites traditional WordPress themes and plugins now in this video series we've been building a theme together so let's stick with that let's just get down to code our first example feature so remember on my portfolio page I want to add a button right about here and when that button gets clicked I want to load and insert new content into the page on the fly now in order to do that I'm going to need to write JavaScript so the first thing I'll do is jump over to my text editor I have open the folder for the currently active theme and I'm going to create a subfolder for my JavaScript files just to stay organized so new folder I'll name the new folder j/s okay and then within that new subfolder I'll create a new file and I can name the file anything I'd like but I'll call it main j/s and just as a test let's log out to the console a bit of text that says hello from ajs let's save this and then our next step is to include this javascript file within our PHP or HTML templates now there are many different ways to do that let me show you the official or proper way of including a JavaScript file in WordPress so within our functions PHP file up at the top from an earlier lesson we already have a function named learning WordPress resources and this is where we are loading our CSS file so within your functions.php file if you don't already have a function that's hooked on to the WP and Q scripts action go ahead and copy the code that you see here and underneath this line where we include the CSS file let's include our JavaScript file so we can use a function named WP in queue script the first argument is our chance to give this JavaScript file handle or a name it doesn't really matter what we name it so I'm just going to name it main j/s feel free to make up your own name and then the second argument is just a path that points towards the file so to point towards our theme folder we can use a function named get template directory URI so that points to the base of our theme folder and then we to concatenate on a path to our j/s subfolder so /j s and then the name of the file was mange a s the next argument is our chance to list any dependencies so any files that our JavaScript code depends on so potentially that might be jQuery or it could be the handle name of another script in our case our JavaScript doesn't really have any dependencies so I'm just going to type null the next argument is the version of your script so I'm just going to say version 1.0 and then the final argument is whether you want this javascript file to load in the header or the footer of your website so if you say true your file will load right before the closing body tag which is usually what you want if for some reason you did want to load your JavaScript in the header just change this to false all right so let's save this and refresh the page and if I check the console we know that we successfully included the JavaScript file because we see this hello message so now we can go back to our JavaScript file delete this test code and actually write the real JavaScript but before we do that I actually want to adjust the portfolio page template to add in the HTML button so to edit the portfolio template I'll just look in my text editor for the file named Paige - portfolio if you want to follow along but use a different page or template in your wordpress instance remember you can always just create a file named page - and then the name of the slug of the page that you want to customize okay hence the name page - portfolio.php so within my template right beneath the main content I'll create a button element which reads load portfolio related blog posts in order to easily select this element with JavaScript I'll give it an ID of portfolio posts button okay and then below this button element I will also create a completely empty div and this is where we will insert the content we get from the WordPress REST API we'll add it into this empty div on the fly so in order to select this empty div in our JavaScript let's give it an ID of portfolio posts container alright let's save this and jump back to our JavaScript and I'll create a variable that selects our button element so this element so we'll save our portfolio posts button equals document get element by ID remember it had an idea of portfolio posts button okay and let's create another variable for the empty div so var portfolio posts container and to select that element document get element by ID portfolio post container if you've never selected elements with JavaScript like this before I recommend watching my JavaScript in half an hour video and then this code should make more sense okay but this video is on the WordPress REST API so I'll try to keep things rolling now we want to do something when that button gets clicked so let's add an event listener so we'll start with that button element portfolio post button and then we'll use a method named add event listener and the event that we're listening for is the click event when the button gets clicked and then the second argument is what we want to actually happen so you could create a separate function and list that function name here or we can just create an anonymous function and whatever we want to happen when it gets clicked we can just type right here so as a test let's say console.log the button was clicked so if I save this and refresh the page notice my console is empty but as soon as I click that button we see the button was clicked ok so our code is working now I do want to point out that this button will not exist on every single page of our WordPress website so why don't we make our JavaScript a bit more bulletproof by wrapping this within an if-statement to only run if that button exists on the current page so we can just say if and then we can just type the variable name of that element so if portfolio post button that's all we need for the condition check and then just open up curly brackets and then let's just cut and paste this code within the if statement body now when the button gets clicked we don't actually want to log this test message to the console so let's delete that what we actually want to do is use Ajax to send a request to the WordPress REST API to retrieve the desired data now again this is a video on the WordPress REST API not Ajax in general if you're unfamiliar with the term Ajax and you've never used it before that's a-ok but I recommend pausing this video and watching my JSON and Ajax video first in that video I break down Ajax piece by piece so you really understand what's going on okay but to keep this video rolling along at a nice tempo I'm just going to paste in a bit of standard boilerplate Ajax code now I want you to follow along with me so in the description for this video you'll find a link either to my website or to code pen and that link will have this exact code that I just pasted it in so that way you can copy and paste it as well okay now the most important line of the code that it just pasted in is this our request dot open line so what we're doing here is we're sending a get request we want to get data and notice what URL we're sending that request to so this is my local WordPress setup the part that is highlighted but your URL will be different so right now I want you to pause the video and replace this code with whatever your development WordPress root URL is don't worry later on in the video we'll learn how to set things up so you don't have to hard code your route URL but for right now it's okay it won't hurt anything so go ahead and swap this out with your URL and then this is the magical part of the URL so we're hitting up the WordPress REST API and this endpoint should give us the 10 most recent blog posts okay then if we jump down a few lines if the Ajax connection and request is successful we are saving the response text to a variable named data again all of this code will make sense after you watch the JSON and Ajax tutorial but I want to keep this video under the hundred hour mark so let's keep rolling underneath this line just as a test why don't we log out to the console the data variable so we can see what we're working with so let's say console log data okay so let's save that refresh I'll click the button and when I check my console perfect just what we would expect so we see ten objects each one is a post so if we expand this and click on this first one this is all of the info for a portfolio post so here you can see the slug portfolio post three here's the title if we drill into that portfolio post three okay you get the idea so now all we need to do is use JavaScript to convert that raw JSON data into human readable HTML content so why don't we do this down at the very bottom of our JavaScript file let's create a brand new function we can name it whatever we want let's call it create HTML okay and then back up within our Ajax code instead of logging out that data to the console let's call our create HTML function and let's pass it the data okay so then back down within that function within the parentheses let's add a parameter to receive that JSON data we can name the parameter anything we'd like I'll call it posts data and then within this function we just want to loop through that raw JSON data we want to loop through it to create a giant HTML string and then we'll add that string into the empty container div that we created a bit ago now again this is a video on the REST API not JavaScript in general so if you're not familiar with a for loop or if you've never worked with an array before that's okay but I recommend watch my javascript in half-an-hour video or the JSON and Ajax video first so let's create a new variable to store our HTML string let's call it our HTML string and for now we'll set it to equal nothing just an empty set of quotes and now what we're going to do is loop through this array of JSON data and for each post or for each object in this array we will concatenate on a bit of HTML to our string so check this out let's create a for loop we want to keep looping as long as I is less than the length of this array posts data length increment I okay and then for each post we want to concatenate on to our variable so our HTML string plus equals to add on to it let's begin by adding a heading level to element in HTML and we want to output the title of each post so we'll add on data that lives in our array posts data will use our I've area both to grab the current object in the array and let's look at the raw JSON data for a second to find out how we can access the title so there's a property named title and then nested within it there's an object with a property name rendered and that's where the actual title lives so to access that in our JavaScript we would say dot title dot rendered okay and then let's add on the closing heading level to tag next let's output the actual content for the post right so the body of text the paragraphs of text so we could keep adding on to this line but in order to keep things readable let's just drop down to a new line and again we want to keep adding on to our string so we want data that lives in the array of JSON so post data get the current item we want the property name to content and then just like we did with title we want to look within it for the property names rendered ok so this will give us the paragraphs of text the body text and that's really all we need to tie and the content for each post so once this for loop runs we will be happy with our HTML string so now we just want to add this string to the empty div on the page so if I scroll back up to the top of the JavaScript remember we already created a variable for that empty div so it's name is portfolio posts container so down in this function after our for loop let's select that empty div so portfolio posts container and let's set its inner HTML property to equal our HTML string alright let's save this and test it out looks good so we see a title and content for each post except we didn't just want the 10 most recent posts we only wanted posts from the portfolio category so to fix that back in our JavaScript if we scroll up to our Ajax call on this line where we set up our get request let's adjust the API URL that we are visiting so at the end of the URL we can tack on a question mark and say categories equals and I know that the ID for my portfolio category is 6 but you could use whatever category you want in your particular WordPress instance so let's save that and refresh and now we only see three posts because I only have three posts in my portfolio category also we could customize the ordering of the posts so by default it starts with the newest post and then works its way backwards but if we wanted the oldest post to be on top we could adjust the API URL that we're visiting so I could tack on an ampersand and say and order should equal ascending instead of descending so let's save that and now if i refresh instead of three to one we see one two three all right and the one final improvement I want to make to this feature is once this button gets clicked there's no reason to click it a second time so why don't we remove the button from the page after it's clicked so in our JavaScript why don't we wait to remove the button until our Ajax call has successfully ran and we've had a chance to call our create HTML function so right underneath this line we can select that button element with the variable we set up earlier in the video so portfolio posts button and we can just use the remove method let's save this and now when we click the button perfect it disappears once the content loads and that means we've completed one out of our two example features in this video before we change gears and start working on the second feature why don't you pause the video go get a snack or something to drink and when you get back we will learn how to save new content to the database using the REST API welcome back let's start working on our second example feature if you think back to the very beginning of this video you will remember that on my blog listing page at the top of this left-hand column I had a form that admin users could fill out that would let them create a brand new blog post from the front end of their website instead of having to switch over to the admin dashboard so right now let's start working together to implement that feature now really you could add that form to any page or any template you want but in my case I'm going to add it to this generic blog listing page so in my text editor the template file that contains the blog listing screen is index.php here's the opening div tag for the main column so let's add a bit of new HTML to the beginning of this div to keep this video moving at a nice tempo I'm not going to write out the HTML by hand I'm actually just going to paste in a bit of HTML and remember I want you to follow along so in the description for this video you'll find a link where you can copy and paste this HTML there's nothing fancy going on it's just a if with a heading level 3 an input field for the title of a potential new blog post and a text area for the body content and then a submit button ok so if I save this and refresh the page the HTML is completely unstyled it looks like a mess so I'm going to jump in to my CSS file style.css I'll scroll to the very bottom let's add a comment and say click add form Styles just to stay organized and again to keep this video moving along quickly instead of typing out CSS I'm just going to paste in a bit of code again in the description for this video you'll find a link where you can also copy and paste this CSS into your file let's save this okay that looks much better now we just need to write a bit of JavaScript so that when someone fills out these fields and clicks the create post button something useful actually happens so in my text editor let's jump back into our JavaScript file I'm going to scroll down to the bottom let's add a comment just to stay organized click Add post Ajax okay let's begin by creating a variable that selects this create post submit button so we'll save our quick add button equals document now throughout this video to select elements with JavaScript I've been using document get element by ID but you can also instead say document query selector and then you can just provide it a CSS like or jQuery like selector so remember that quick add button had an ID of quick add button so we can just say pound or hash tag for the ID quick add button ok now we want to add an event listener so we want to be on the lookout for that button getting clicked and because that button doesn't exist on every single page of the website I'm going to begin with an if statement so we'll say if quick add button okay so only if we're on a page where that button exists do we want to set up an eventlistener so then we will select that element so click Add button add event listener we're listening for the click event and then we'll supply an anonymous function so whatever we type here is what will happen when this button gets clicked so let's write a bit of standard Ajax code we want to send information to the server so let's create a new variable we can name it whatever we want let's call it create post and we'll set it to equal a new instance of the web browsers XML HTTP request so now we will use that create post variable and say open the first argument is what type of request we're sending so if we want it to load data or read data from the server we would send a get request but in this case we want to send data to the server so we want to make a post request okay and then the second argument is the URL that we want to send our request to so a pair of quotes and then I'm just going to paste in my local WordPress dev environment root URL so that would be something different for you a bit later on in the video we'll learn how to set things up so you don't have to hard code this root part of your URL like this but let's keep things simple for now so at the end of your dev environment URL be sure to add on slash WP JSON slash WP /v to remember this is the WordPress REST API part of the URL and then we want slash posts now you might be thinking hey isn't this the URL that will retrieve the 10 most recent blog posts well yes if we send a get request but since we are sending a post request WordPress will know what to do it will know that we want to create a new post so then our next step is to drop down another line and use our create post variable and just say send so within the parentheses of this send method is where we include the data from our form we want to send along so that means we need to use JavaScript to extract the value of whatever the user types into these fields so to do that above our create post variable why don't we create a brand new line and let's create a new variable we can name it whatever we want let's call it our post data and let's just set it's equal an object now the name of our object here doesn't matter but what does matter is the name of the properties that live within it so for example we want to be sure to have a property named title this will be the title of the blog post and we want to set this property to equal whatever the user has typed into this first field so let's select that input field so document I will use query selector let's go look at our HTML so I'm trying to select the value of this input I could give this element an ID and then select it by the ID but instead I can select it by its name value now just in case there are multiple forms on the page let's begin by selecting our admin quick add div so query selector period for a class admin quick add okay and then I want to look inside that div for the input field element that had a name of title this code will select that element and then once it's selected we want to tack on dot value in order to get the text that the user is typed all right then let's add a comma because we want to add another property to this object we want our blog post to have a title we also want it to have content so if I look at the HTML again now I want to select this text area element we can see that it has a name of content so back in our JavaScript I'm just going to recycle this line of code so copy paste and change the name that we're looking for from title to content all right let's add a comma here drop down to a new line because there's one final property that I want to add to our object and that is status this is where we decide if we want the post to be saved as just a draft or if we want it to be finalized and actually published I want to skip the draft phase so let's just say publish all right and now our object is complete so these property names will line up with what wordpress is on the lookout for it's expecting these property names and then if we scroll down when we actually send our ajax request within the parentheses of the send method let's just include our our post data okay so that's what we're sending to the server but we probably shouldn't send just a raw object to the server so instead what we can do let's delete this and what we want to do is convert this javascript object into a simple string of text okay and then it's up to the server to reinterpret that string as JSON so within our send we can just say JSON dot stringify and then pass it our object so our post data alright this line looks good before we save this and test it out in the browser there's just a couple more things we need to take care of we want to be sure to spell out exactly what our Ajax request is sending because we know that we're sending JSON but we want to let the server know ahead of time that that's what we're intending to send so check this out right above our send line let's add a new line and let's say create post and then let's use a method named set request header okay and for the first argument we want to say that we are specifying the content type and then for the second argument we just let the server know that we want to send JSON so we say application slash JSON and we also want to let the server know what character set we're using so care set equals utf-8 all right and now we are only one step away from having this code work our final step has to do with authentication and security so WordPress takes care of the base security when someone fills out this form and tries to send an AJAX request wordpress will only honor that request if it's from a signed in user okay so that basic level of security is baked into the WordPress REST API by default but in order to make things even more secure and prevent cross-site exploits WordPress requires us to send along a unique code for the currently signed in user with our Ajax request so let's do this above this line where we just set the request header let's create a new line and we want to send another request header so create post set request header this time we want to send something that WordPress is on the lookout for it's name is ex WP nonce I believe this stands for number used once so I'm not exactly sure how to pronounce it but that's not important okay and then the second argument is just the secret code for the currently signed end user now obviously we have no way of guessing what that secret code is but what we can do is use PHP to output or echo that code into the HTML for the page and then we can use our JavaScript to reference that so to do that let's jump into our functions dot PHP file and remember earlier in the lesson when we included our JavaScript file well within that same function right below that line where we include the JavaScript let's just drop down and we can use a function named WP localized script ok the first argument is the handle or name of our script file so main j/s that's the WordPress name we gave to our JavaScript file earlier the second argument is the name of the object that we want to output or echo into the HTML so we could make up any name we want let's just call it magical data and then the third argument is an array of what we want to output so for example I could say mood equals happy sky equals blue grass equals green you get the idea and if I save this and refresh the page and view the HTML source and then search for the object name of magical data here we see it so that PHP we just wrote will output a bit of inline JavaScript creates a variable named magical data and then it's just the JavaScript object so property mood with a value of happy property sky with a value of blue you get the idea so let's go back to our PHP let's delete these example properties and remember what we really want is the code for the currently signed in user so let's say nonce equals and to get that value we can use a wordpress function named WP create nonce and for the argument we can just say WP rest alright let's save this file and jump back into our JavaScript so now in our Ajax request when we are setting the request header for the WP nonce we can access that code so within the HTML there will be an inline JavaScript object named magical data and it will contain a property named nonce let's be sure to add a semicolon at the end of this line let's save it and let's go test things out so I'll add a sample title testing for the video add a bit of content lorem ipsum 1-2-3 hit create post obviously we'll need to work on the user experience a bit let's go see if that worked so in the dashboard let's refresh the post listing I don't see the post so that means it didn't work let's jump back to this tab and check the console for errors okay so we've got an error missing closing parentheses in our JavaScript on line 41 so line 41 ah I see the problem so we used double quotes within the selector right here and you can only use double quotes within the selector if you're outside containing quotes are single quotes so let's swap that from a double to a single and then this closing quote swap it to a single let's do the same thing on line 42 so swap that with a single quote swap this final quote single quote save it refresh it testing one two three four lower run if some create post check the dashboard perfect there it is so if we click on it there's the title and there's the body content so we just created a brand new post using Ajax and the WordPress REST API now before we end this video why don't we improve the user experience a little bit so if our Ajax request is successful in WordPress creates a post why don't we clear out these two fields for the user and if our Ajax request fails for some reason we can just alert a popup message that says error try again I know that's not the pinnacle of user experience but I think it'll be a good example to work on so back in our JavaScript after our Ajax send line let's create a new line use our create post variable and say on ready state change we'll set it to equal an anonymous function and remember that a and Ajax stands for asynchronous so before I try and check to see if the Ajax request was successful or not I first want to wait and give it time to actually complete so we use an if statement and we'll say if our create post only if it's ready state equals for only if that's the case do we want to try and determine if the post was successfully created or not the ready state will change from one two three four as it works through the stages of initially sending the request and waiting to hear back from the server you get the idea so for is when it's complete so once it completes then we want to run another if statement to see if WordPress successfully created the post or if it ran into an error so we can check that by saying create post we want to look at the status property and WordPress will return a value of 201 if it successfully created the new blog post entry okay so if that's the case we'll do one thing but else otherwise that means we ran into an error so if there's an error why don't we just alert a popup message that says error try again super helpful right and if it did successfully create the post why don't we clear out these two form fields so that way the user could start typing and creating another post so let's select those input fields here we already have the selector up here so I'm just going to copy and paste it so I just want to set that fields value to equal an empty string okay and then let's do the same thing for the other field so let's copy and paste this set its value to equal an empty string okay let's save this and refresh in the browser so if I leave the two fields blank and hit create post perfect we see the error message pop up error try again but if I fill them out correctly this is a test hello world it was successful and we see that it cleared out the two fields for me so I can start typing a new post another post array and you get the idea so at this point our feature is complete but you might be wondering what if someone who isn't signed into WordPress visits our website right so currently I'm using Google Chrome and I'm signed in as the admin of this website but if I view this website in a different browser so this window is Mozilla Firefox and in this window I'm not signed in toward press so I obviously should not have permission to create a new blog post so if I try to you see that I get an error and that's good that means WordPress is taking care of permissions and authentication for us but if someone isn't signed in as an admin it doesn't even make sense to show them this form in the first place so what we can do if we jump into our index.php file here's the HTML for that form why don't we just wrap this in an if statement so drop into PHP if and then we can use a function named current user can and we only want admin users to see this form so for the argument will just say administrator all right and then after this if statement will include a colon not a semicolon and will drop out of PHP and then right when the HTML for this form ends so on this line we'll just drop back into PHP close out the if statement so end if drop back out of PHP and there you go so save this and then go back to firefox and refresh remember I'm not signed in on this web browser perfect so now I can no longer see that admin form but back in google chrome where I am signed in it's still in place ok now we just have one remaining detail to cover before we end the video remember earlier I promised that I would show you how to set things up in your JavaScript so that you don't have to hard code the root URL of your WordPress project wouldn't it be nice if we could just include a variable instead of this part of the URL because then our code would work whether we are testing in our local development environment or if we push the code up to our production live website so here's what I recommend doing let's jump into our functions PHP file and remember earlier when we set up this WP localized script function this is where we created our magical data object and we stored the nonce code well inside this array we can just add on another property to our object we can name this property anything we want let's call it site URL and let's just set it to equal the results of a wordpress function named get site URL let's save this and then jump back into our JavaScript remember the property name here that we're interested in is site URL so in my JavaScript let's just delete this hard-coded part of the root URL so now all we are left with is the API part of the URL and then right before this we can just say magical data remember that's the name of the object that our PHP creates and outputs as inline JavaScript then we want the property named site URL and then we can just concatenate on the API part of our URL okay and if I scroll up remember we also had the hard-coded URL in our get request from the first example in this video so let me swap that out delete this magical data site URL concatenate on that part of the URL okay let's save this go back to the browser refresh let's take it for a quick spin URL variable post-test testing one two three perfect and if we go back to the portfolio page and click on this button to load the content it still works as well and that's going to bring this video to a close thank you so much for watching I know this was a long video I think this is the longest video on my channel but we had a lot to cover with the new REST API I hope you feel like you learned something and I hope this sparked your imagination because just with the concepts we learned in this video you can create all sorts of new features this really opens the door of what's possible with WordPress and it makes ajax a breeze anyways thanks for stopping by and i will see you in a new video next week so until then take care in case you're interested I am working on two brand new premium WordPress courses one is aimed at absolute beginners and the other is more advanced and it's aimed at developers in the more advanced course we will create a fully featured site for a university we'll learn how to create relationships between different types of content so for example between professors and courses and campuses we'll also learn how to set up live search results using the brand new WordPress REST API we'll learn the basics of user registration and we'll also learn how to keep our project organized and how to deploy it from your local dev environment up to a real host now these two courses won't launch for another couple of months but if either of them interests you and you want to be notified as soon as they do launch you can go to my website learn web code calm and towards the top of the home page you can join my newsletter not only will that let you know as soon as the core is launched but you'll also receive hugely discounted coupons one last thing you'll never ever ever see this channel with a patreon account because if you do want to support this channel I want you to receive massive value in return so I do already have two premium courses available the first course is about 9 hours and it will teach you HTML and CSS from absolute scratch and the second course is about 15 hours and it's for you if you already know HTML and CSS but you want to build up the rest of your skill set so you can land a full-time job as a web developer all right that's enough shameless promotion I will see you in the next video
Channel: LearnWebCode
Views: 394,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WordPress, REST API, tutorial, wordpress ajax, JSON, endpoint
Id: rGObWtjxGBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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