Word2Vec Part 2 | Implement word2vec in gensim | | Deep Learning Tutorial 42 with Python

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in our last video we looked at theory behind word to work this is part two of that video and we are going to do coding here so we will be using Amazon product review for cell phone accessories and build a word to back model in a gensim library I know this is the tutorial series for tensorflow but gensim library is an nlp library for python and it's very easy to use the syntax is very very easy compared to tensorflow so that's what that's why we are going to use that and train a model so I have given the outline of the whole video here so there will be coding and there will be an exercise as well in the end let us begin already so let's first install gen sim library so you can just do pip install gen sim and it will install it I already have this installed you need to install another module called python levenstein so just copy paste and install it by the way if you uncomment this line and run this cell it will install as well now I have imported gensim and pandas and I'm going to download Amazon product reviews data set and these are the product reviews especially for cell phone accessories category so if you click on this what's going to happen is it is going to download you see 43 megabyte file here in this particular folder and I'm going to open that folder so show in the folder and ctrl x okay so i am going to now put that here ctrl v so this is a zipped file okay z g z is a zip file version and you need to unzip it so your data set needs to be unzipped by running a this command g unzip command okay gnzip command you go to that particular folder and run it on that gz file and it will unzip the file you see now I have this huge json file by the way I'm not trying to open this file because it's 135 megabyte it's a very big file okay now this has json records with all product reviews and pandas actually support reading json file okay so that's what we're going to do here and we're going to create a data frame so here df is equal to pd dot read json name of the file all right and lines equal to true so if you don't know the meaning of lines equal to true you can go here shift tab it will open the documentation and when I read the documentation see the lines it will say that it will read the json object read the file as a json object per line so one line is one json object in that particular file again I'm not opening that file in notepad because it is very huge and it's probably going to hang internal editor I'm going to just print couple of rows of that data frame and you can see there is a reviewer id some identify identification number as in reviewer name helpful you know in Amazon people say okay it was zero two people found it useful out of three so it is that tuple and there is a review text here okay and overall rating looks good whatever so these are all the cell phone accessories and we are going to train a word to wek model using only a review text so we are interested only in this column remaining columns are not useful to us now I will do df.ship just to get an idea on how many records you see we have 194 000 records that's a lot of data actually all right so that data set is enough to train our model and now see when you have this review text so let me just do tf dot review text so this is the column we are interested in okay and if you look at any review see the review is like okay they look good and stick good whatever the first step in our training world to work back model is to do preprocessing because these texts have things like you know a and the these are the stop words that they they have for example a and it so we don't want those and the another thing is you know we want to convert this word into lowercase so that you know everything is in lowercase and comparable then remove the trailing spaces you know removing punctuation marks and so on and all of these things can be done using a function in gensim so gensim library so we have already imported the enzyme right has utils dot simple preprocess now this function will simply pre-process this particular text just to show you let me copy paste this particular review text into simple process function and let's see what it will do with it so you see it is tokenizing the sentence meaning the t was capital it converted all to lowercase then look good and stick good see the good had this punctuation mark which it removed then it removed i as well because when you're building vertical model things like i the these are not very useful then in don't it remove punctuation mark and t now it's not very perfect by the way so it is using some simple heuristic rules for doing this preprocessing but this is good enough to build our word to wack model so I used one sentence here but if you want to use the entire column you can do apply function so here see I have this review text function right so on this review text function if i=I do apply this function okay if I apply this function what's gonna happen is it's gonna return me a new numpy series you know pandas pandas column is a series object so pandas series object basically and I will call it review text and let's print that here so now it is applying this symbol process function on all of our reviews so we have 194 000 reviews so for each of these reviews it is applying that function and it is going to create a new panda series and you see each object in the series is a list and the list has tokenized words now if you remember from part one of this video where we went over the theory of word to back there was a concept of a window so when you have this kind of statement you take a window moving window so here this window is of size 2 okay because you are there there is this word a and then you are taking a word before and after okay so when you do this thing this kind of thing king order his so there is order his and that is king so there is so this is called a context window so you keep on moving this window and you generate your training samples so here my training samples are see load a and then it will the target is there so target is there and this is your these are your context words so context words and the target context force and target so when you have paragraph of text you can generate these kind of training samples and I highly suggest that you go through this particular video part one so let me just show you so this was the part one what is word to work so it's very very important that you go through it to understand the theory first because otherwise understanding code will be hard for you okay now we are going to initialize a gensim model so injen sim jinsim dot models gen sim is an nlp library and it comes with word to vect class okay so now I'm going to create a model using this okay now this takes couple of parameters okay what kind of parameter does it take first parameter is window so window is equal to 10 so what is the window window is this thing this is the window okay so when I say 10 it means 10 words before your target word and 10 words after your target word you can experiment with the size there is no fixed rule you can make it 5 7 whatever then there is another thing called mean count so mean count is basically if you have a sentence which has only one word then don't use that sentence at least two words need to be present in the sentence in order to be considered for the training workers is how many cpu threads you want to use to train this model so I said four my cpu has four cores so I will be using four threads okay now we need to build a vocabulary building vocabulary means building a unique list of words and again if you have seen my previous videos you will get an idea so I will call a function called build vocab by the way I know about these functions but if you don't know you can just Google it you can Google jen sims document so let me just show you intense documentation and here you find the documentation so if you're doing build vocab so build vocab will have some examples they would have given here so build okay see so you can look at the parameters there is this parameter called progress per which means when you are training a model after how many words you want to see a progress bar or progress update so progress for let's say thousand words okay now it is training the model and no this is building a vocabulary by the way I don't know because of jupiter notebook the way it is set up it did not show me the progress bar but that's probably okay all right so it it initialized a model now let's look at this model so model has things like epoch so by default the epochs are set to five so what I'm going to do now is perform the actual training so we'll do model dot train okay now what kind of parameter does it take obviously it will take a review text first so see review text so review text then total examples okay how many total examples do we have well it will be equal to model loss or plus count model dot corpus count is total examples how many total examples we we had 194 thousand all right and then epochs is equal to model.ebox epoch again if you have seen my previous deep learning video you will know what epochs means it is how many times you want to iterate through the entire dataset and when I do the training now it's gonna go through all the 194 thousand sentences and build my word to weak model so the training is going on right now while i'm talking it might take time based on your computer your cpu gpu I'm not sure it will be using gpu though but it's a big data set so you have to be patient patient okay my model is trained and i'm going to first save the model to some file because usually what they do is train a model save it to a file and then use that pre-trained model in most of the occasions okay so I'm going to let's say call it this dot model and if you look at my not this but this see dot model so I have saved this model now I can take this model deployed to cloud and kind of use it for my nlp needs all right so I just saved the model i'm not going to use that model saved model because I already have model loaded in the in the memory okay so I'm going to now experiment so the way you experiment is you do model dot word to wack okay what to a and it has a function called most similar so let's say there are product reviews and someone is saying a word bad so what are the words which are similar to bad you see that is wonderful so bad and terrible and this is a similarity score you see sebby horrible now good is similar in a sense that good and bad are antonyms but they're kind of in a similar category okay so that's what it is showing if you train this on even bigger data set then it it will be even more accurate so this is not very perfect but you kind of see the power of this model you know after training it it can now start understanding the language it knows which words is similar to which other word all right and then we can print a similarity score as well cosine similarity so you can print similarity score between two words let's say cheap and inexplic inexpensive another one I would like to try is great and good see the similarities higher and if I do great and let's say product see grade and product are not very so minus means see they're not very similar but great and good or great and let's say awesome you see this is already working so cool 0.73 is a higher score 0.1 means like that exactly same 0.1 let's see see one in great and great is exactly the same so it says one but great and good and great and nice this is already working fine but great in iphone 0.09c so very less all right you can do further reading on this by going to official documentation of gensim again jensim is a very popular nlp library we are doing this video as part of our keras and tensorflow series but gensim is very easy to use in terms of for training world to vac model that's why I showed gensim here and there is an exercise for you this is an important thing so you need to train a worldwide model on sports and outdoors reviews data set so if you open that data set again 65 megabyte data set and you have to build a similar notebook and after you're done building it click on the solution so don't click on the solution until you have done your due diligence okay and this notebook is available on my github i'm going to provide a page of my github so this is my github by the way and if you go to deep learning and if you go to word to work the this is the notebook which I covered in the video and towards the end there is an exercise and if you click on the solution it has a solution but you're not going to click on the solution because you know what's going to happen if you click on the solution without trying on your own your computer will start burning and there is a curse you know so you make sure you come your computer doesn't burn you try things on your own before you look at my solution I hope you found this video is useful if you did share it with your friends try it out maybe try it out on different data set try to build your own word to work model to understand the power of it thank you have a nice day
Channel: codebasics
Views: 8,741
Rating: 4.9713264 out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, gensim word2vec, word embedding, word2vec, word2vec gensim, word2vec explained, word2vec python, word embeddings, word embeddings explained, word 2 vec, word to vec, nlp word2vec, word2vec tutorial, gensim doc2vec, python word2vec
Id: Q2NtCcqmIww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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