Handling imbalanced dataset in machine learning | Deep Learning Tutorial 21 (Tensorflow2.0 & Python)

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fraud detection is a common problem that people try to solve in the field of machine learning but when you're training your model with a training set for fraud transaction you will often find that you will have 10 000 good transaction and only one will be fraud this creates an imbalance in your data set and even if you write a simple python prediction function which returns false all the time even with that stupid function you can get 99 percent accuracy because majority of the transactions are not fraud but on the other hand what you care about is the forefront injection so although accuracy is 99 percent uh the function is still performing horribly because it's not telling you what is fraud so this kind of imbalance creates a lot of issues in the field of machine learning and there are ways to tackle that and we are going to cover all those ways in this video we'll start with some theory first then we'll implement various techniques for handling imbalanced data in machine learning and in the end we'll have an exercise for you to solve so please stay till the end and let's get started the first technique to handle imbalance in your data set is under sampling majority class let's say you have 99 000 samples belonging to one class let's say green class and 1000 samples belong to belonging to red class let's say this is a fraud detection scenario where thousand transactions are fraud 99 000 are not for transaction to tackle this imbalance what you can do is take randomly picked 1000 samples from your 99 000 samples and discard remaining samples and then combine that with thousand red samples and then train your machine learning model but obviously this is not the best approach because you are throwing away so much data so the second option is over sample the minority class now how do you over sample it well think about it one obvious technique is you duplicate this thousand transactions 99 times and you get 99 000 transactions it's just simple copy and then you train uh the machine learning model while this works you would think there should be a better way well that is your third option you do over sampling using a technique called smooth so here you use k nearest neighbors algorithm and try to produce synthetic samples from your thousand samples that's why it's called synthetic minority over sampling technique and in python there is a model called imb learn which can be used for smooth the fourth technique is ensemble so let's say you have three thousand transaction in one class one thousand in another what you can do is you can divide those three thousand in three batches take the first batch combine it with thousand rate transaction build a model call it model number one similarly you take second and third page and create model two and three so now you have three models and you use a maturity wart something like random forest you know you have a bunch of trees and you're taking just the majority of what the fifth method is focal loss where it's a special type of loss function which will penalize the majority class and it will give more weightage to the minority class there is this article on medium which i'm going to refer in the video description below which talks about the math behind focal laws and why it works these are some of them examples of imbalance classes customer churn prediction whenever a company is stable and is going you know doing a good service the churn rate will be very less similarly device failures when device iot devices are sending continuous data and if device is stable enough the failure rate will be pretty low and that creates imbalance in your data set if you take let's say 10 000 patient maybe five of them will have cancer so cancer prediction is also one other example of imbalance data set let's start python coding now you need to watch tutorial number 18 from this deep learning series because i am going to use the notebook created in that tutorial for predicting customer churn when i made this video couple of you commented that don't i have to take the imbalance into target variable the command came from teaching chi also basic nagar raised the concern about the imbalance in the data set same thing with few other people like vid and i know that there is this problem because if you look at my notebook which i created in that video uh and if you look at the precision and recall for class one class one is how many customers are leaving your business you will see f1 score is very low whereas the f1 score is pretty high in here the accuracy is 78 percent but accuracy is kind of useless if your data set is imbalanced what matters is the f1 score for end user classes you want f1 score for individual classes which is zero and one to be higher and that's exactly what we are going to do in this video we'll take this exact same notebook and our goal will be to improve the f1 score for this class 1 which is pretty low right now 59 percent for class 0 it is 85 percent so i have taken that notebook and made some little change i created a function called a n and put the code that was creating the neural network into this function i have also the weights parameter which many people use to tackle imbalance i when i tried it it did not help me with my uh f1 score but i still want to keep it so that if you want to try it out you can otherwise this notebook is same as what we saw in tutorial number 18. and when you run it you will uh by the way when you run this cell there will be a scroll bar and you need to go at the down bottom to see the reference score you can see for class 1 the f1 score is very low point 53 so class one is number of customers who are leaving the business and for them precision and recall and f1 score is not high if you if you want to know what this parameter means again in the same deep learning tutorial series i have another video the goal here is to improve f1 score for both of these classes so that model can predict equally well for both these classes so now the first technique we are going to try is under sampling so if you look at our model samples you see there is an imbalance for zeroth class there are 1033 samples first class there are 374. so for zeroth class we will try to take only 374 samples and train our model so the first thing i'm going to do by the way i have another notebook i am copying pasting because if i start typing it will just waste a lot of time okay so let's see so i'm just checking my code here df2 is this okay so here i took uh zero samples in into this data frame and one samples into that data frame okay and if you look at the shape also this is the shape actually so this is df2 okay so you can see the balance here imbalance here one class has 5163 second class has 1869 samples so now i will under sample this df0 class now how do you undersample it so if you call sample function sample is a function in pandas data frame where if you just say 2 it will randomly select two samples randomly you see the index here so all we want is we want to select how many samples well count see here i i created a count class by the way so if you look at this count see count of zeroth class and count of one class okay so i want to sample zero with this and when you create that data frame the new dataframe has c small 1869 samples so now i will uh store that data frame into this variable called this one and then same thing and now when you have this thing created uh you want to combine a class 0 data frame okay class zero data frame is this and class one data frame is this you want to concat together and in pandas the way you can concat it is by doing pd dot get these two okay should be an array and axis is equal to zero so when you do that you will create a new data frame which will have same number of samples from both the classes okay and if you do tf taste dot taste under shape you see 1869 from one class and 1869 from another so if you do the sum you will find these many classes okay so now i'm just you know for the sake of it i'm printing it and i'm verifying both the classes have same number of samples very good now what do you do now you create x and y from this new data frame so x and y are created by doing this which is dropping your target column creating x and then from target column creating y and then you do train this split this has an argument called stratify which will make sure uh you have balance samples you know okay now see okay let me give more clarification so when you do 35 is equal to y this y is this okay and um the samples in x train and x test will have balanced samples from zeroth and one class because let's say your x train has all the samples from one class and x taste has samples from other class then also it's not good so stratify equal to y will uh help you ensure that and let's uh verify that so i do see my y train uh has equal number of samples from class 0 and 1 and that is because of the stratify argument all right now using these new samples i am going to train my model so how do i train my model using this method okay so this method is just training the same model but x train and y train and all those things are different so it will take some time i have epoch set 200 if you want to if you don't want to wait maybe you can go and reduce this epochs but that might affect your accuracy so i just run it 400 i have a gpu so it runs fast you see that my precision and recall is improved see precision and recall is improved to this so let me do this i like using the snipping tool i am going to take the numbers for from imbalance classifier so this was an imbalance classifier and that you compare it here you see so in the imbalance classifier my precision was 0.63 recall was this and my f1 score was 0.53 which was very low it improved here 71 pretty good for class 0 from 86 it dropped to 72 but that's okay because now you are doing a fair treatment for minority and majority class now let's look at second method which is over sampling so again i am going to print class count zero and one so zero has more samples one has less sample so this one data frame that i have i'm going to over sample okay so if you look at this data frame it has 1 869 sample but if i do let's say sample 200 see it gives me 200 sample if i do 2000 it will oh it is actually it needs this argument called replace is equal to true that way it will know how to duplicate the samples so it has 1 869 samples when i say 2000 the remaining the difference between 2000 and 1 869 it just copied it picked up random samples and copied and somehow created this 2 000 samples so here what we want is class 0 that way i can have 5163 samples in my class 1 as well and that i'm going to store in a variable called df class 1 over means over sampling okay and let me just quickly bring the shape you see now i have this data frame and i have another data frame called df class 0 okay these two data frame as these two data frame i want to join them and create a one data frame what is the function for that well pd.concat if you've seen my pandas tutorial playlist you will get an idea on what this is so it is just concatenating two data frames and creating a new data frame let's call it df day store and when you look at the shape of that it is 5163 multiplied by two and just to be sure i will print you know the value count and i see now i have oversampled my data frame and my both one and zero has five one six three samples all right what do we do now same thing create x and y from your taste over data frame drop your target column which is john get x and then why your y is john and then again you do train the split same as this you know i'm just doing copy paste copy paste is your best friend the best programmer knows how to do copy paste okay so now when i specify stratify is equal to y i'm making sure in my train and test the class distribution is equal so why train value count is this if you look at my test value count that is also you see it's uniform and now i'm going to train my model again so again same core see this is the reason i put everything in this function because i knew i'm going to call this function and again and again it's a function which creates your tensorflow model but uh when i'm trying simple different techniques for handling imbalanced data i am supplying different values of x train wiretrain and so on that's why i i wrapped all this code into one function so now see i'm just calling one method and it kind of works all right it is training [Music] it will take some time based on what kind of hardware you have but eventually don't forget this scroll bar by the way because some people uh com comment oh i don't see the classification score well dig deeper dude your f1 score for class 1 is improved to 79 percent remember what it was in our original class it was point 53 see point 50 to the point 79 thus f1 score for zeroth class reduced from 86 to 76 but again it's fine because now you are giving a fair treatment to both of the classes your accuracy overall remains same it was 78 here so let me do red pen here so 78 percent it was here and it is here 78 percent so it kind of works okay the next method we are looking at is smooth or over sampling by producing synthetic samples in this method when you do sample dot sample this is just blindly copying your current samples and creating new samples so just a copy it's not perfect method smode is little bit better because you are creating new samples out of your current samples and it uses k nearest neighbor algorithm for that i'm not going to go into detail math you can just google about smooth but first i will get x and y from our df2 data frame and dft data frame you can check the previous code it is our original data frame and i'm going to use now imb learn module from uh from pythi so if you don't have this installed you can just do pip install i am i am b i am balanced i am balanced lon okay i am belong so python imb lon install okay if you don't know how to install ask google see install imbalance lawn all right so then you import this and after you import it this is how you create smooth so you are saying sampling strategy is minority and you are creating this um object of this class called smoot and when you say smart dot sample x and y x s m y s m i mean before you do that you can just do for why you can do value count you will you will find imbalance just value counts see number one class is imbalance and now i'm doing smooth sampling and creating these new samples and when i create this new sample let's do value counts ah see both the classes have same number of samples so it is balanced all right now let's create extra in white rand same old boring code trained as split now since you specify stratify is equal to y i want to make sure my y train has equal samples which it does and even my white test will also have same number of samples yes life has a perfect balance now okay what do we do now well it's a deep learning tutorial so you are supposed to train a deep learning network sure we have a function a n call that function call it again running the epoch one two three hey by the way you guys know about epochs and uh see here it is doing 259 batch because by default the batch size is 32 it is using a mini batch grading decent and with 32 well let's see what is the batch size okay i'm i don't want to bluff here yeah when you don't specify anything the batch size is 32. okay all right my training is over and let's see the score oh see 81 everywhere it is pretty good now so from 53 percent my f1 score improved to be 81 percent hooray party the fourth method is using ensembl with under sampling so again i'm taking my original data frame which is df2 it shows there is an imbalance in here creating x and y okay fine what's a big deal here and then creating the x train y train okay again what's the big deal well nothing is a big deal i'm just checking my y train value count again there is an imbalance so we have not tackled imbalance so now what we are going to do is uh we have total four one three zero samples right in the zeroth class so four one three three zero are and and the other class see it is approximately one two three ratio so my zeroth class i need to divide it into three batches okay so if you do three batches i get roughly one three seven six or i will just do one four nine five okay i will just do one four nine five like i will do one for nine wi-fi one batch second batch and third batch could be anything or you can do one three seven six uh batch so uh let's do that now so the first thing all right let's now create df3 class zero and one so here all the charm with is equal to zero samples are going into this data frame john one samples are going into that data frame and it says df3 not defined let's see what is saying that okay so i think i need to do this and because x and y are this okay and df3 is this okay now i want to what do i want to do well i want to um do ensembl and in ensembl we saw earlier what we do is we will create three batches out of our majority class so we divide that into three different data frames okay so uh the way you can do that is by let's say what is your major class so major class is i'm just gonna print the shape of both of this and you see the zeroth class is your major class so now in that major class one thing is you can do sample okay and that sample will be one four nine five one four nine five all right so you can do this three times and three times it will return random samples but i'm going to do very primitive stupid method which is start and end like something like this so first 1495 sample now one disadvantage here is that sample will have imbalance distribution of no it will not because these are like zeroth classes okay so this should work all right so i will do this and that will if i do that and if i get a data frame uh sorry here then that data frame has only these samples so then i combine that with class one data frame and create a new one okay so i will do something like df train is equal to pd dot com get cpe.com get watch this so this data frame and then the minority data frame which is class one okay so i do concatenation of this two along x is equal to zero and that new data frame like if you do df train dot shape what is going on df3 here it will have twice this sample 1495 into two so that is this okay now i need to do this three times so maybe i should create a function you know like if i have a function like this get train batch this kind of function which just takes like start and end see here here whatever when i don't specify anything it means you know start so let's say take start and end as a variable argument in this function and um instead of calling class 0 or class 1 let's call this df majority so df majority ndf majority will come as an argument in this function and this class let's call it minority and that will also come as an argument in this function and once you have df train um x train and white train getting that is super easy this is what you do okay so you have your function ready you need to call it for your first batch and that batch is this so this is your majority class minority class zero to one four nine five y one four nine five because you have total this samples the the rough ratio is one two three so i'm doing one four nine five one four nine five and whatever is remaining will be your third batch okay so once you do that last two c2990 so this is working fine i'm going to now again call the same a n method that we created earlier and i will store all the prediction prediction one because we are creating three models see one two three so this is y prediction one y prediction two y prediction three and you run it and epoch started running so it finished the f1 score is not impressive but that's fine we are creating three models and taking the average so the second model will be 149 to 2990 and third will be 29902 remaining okay so all three my three of my models are strained my third model was two nine zero zero two one four three zero i have three individual model with three prediction okay don't look at their induced reference score yet i have y prediction y prediction one two three now when you take a majority vote just like you want to predict this model is saying one this is saying one this is saying zero then the majority what is one if this is saying one this is zero zero then majority voltage is zero so how do you find that out well you have three watts okay so let's do this okay what one what two and what three [Music] if you have this kind of case and if you just do addition what do you get one when you get one it means your majority what is zero if you get two majority what is one if you get three then also majority what is one so what is our logic anything greater than one means one okay i think that's pretty straightforward okay now let's do the length of so we got y print one wipe red two wipe red three these are the lens and i want to create a final prediction so this final prediction is kind of like a union uh it's like i'm not a union basically a majority what so i will just copy white from white red1 i will just copy this so i'll create a new numpy array and then i will go through all the samples in y prediction one and i will do this so what is this these are like individual words see we did this what one what two what three thing so these are individual votes and if what did we discuss here by the way if anything greater than one then it means majority what is one so then y spread final is one otherwise it is zero okay so we create a new numpy array which is just a majority vote between y print one two and three okay now i can print my classification report you know with classification report you have to call print and then it does pretty formatting so you still see the score is improved it did not improve that much it im from 53 is 60 percent so when you are trying all these techniques um a small see machine learning is more like art and just trying things out there is no sure sort that okay you try and symbol you will surely get high prediction uh there is no guarantee you have to try different methods so we tried different methods and i think smooth worked the best the ansible did not work best and that's okay i also tried focal loss and i don't have a code here but i tried it and it did not work actually it reduced the f1 score i don't know why but based on the different scenarios you can try all the five techniques which i discussed in the presentation and see whatever works best for you now comes the most interesting part of this tutorial which is an exercise you have to do exercise otherwise you will not be able to learn simple in this exercise you will use the notebook which i showed in this video so if you click on this you find the notebook you just copy it in this notebook we handle imbalanced data using five different techniques using neural network what you have to do is you have to try the same thing but using a simple logistic regression from sk learn library if you don't know what is logistic regression go to youtube and search for core basics logistic regression you'll find my videos you can also use decision tree support vector machine use one uh statistical model from escalant basically and try all these techniques under sampling smart and so on and see how the iphone score improves i have a solution link but do not click on that solution link okay otherwise you will get into big trouble you can link click on that link only after you have tried this on your own the second exercise is to use bank customer churn prediction data set this has 90 to 90 percent to 10 percent imbalance first build a deep learning model and see how your f1 score looks then do the analysis of your classification report and then improve that using the same again all these different techniques i don't have a solution link for this solution right now but if you find the solution then i request you that you give me a pull request on github give me a pull request for this solution i will put a solution link i will give a credit to your work i will put your name your name you will become a celebrity so do it i hope you are liking these tutorials so far if you do please give it a thumbs up i'm putting a lot of afford in creating this series see working late at night right now uh so if you can share this content with other people through whatsapp facebook whatever other medium it will help so many people because i'm putting all my knowledge all my experience into this and and these videos i hope they are helping you all right i will see you in next video thank you
Channel: codebasics
Views: 35,683
Rating: 4.9689322 out of 5
Keywords: imbalanced dataset machine learning, handling imbalanced datasets in deep learning, handling imbalanced datasets in machine learning, smote technique in machine learning, imblearn smote example, imblearn oversampling, imblearn python example deep learning tutorial, tensorflow tutorial, neural network python tutorial, deep learning tutorial for begininer, imbalanced dataset, imbalanced data machine learning, how to handle imbalanced dataset, class imbalance machine learning, smote
Id: JnlM4yLFNuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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