Word of Wisdom

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hey what's up guys this is Neil Reyes and I want to welcome you to today's episode of Champions minute today we're going to be continuing our series on the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and today we're discussing the revelation gift a word of wisdom okay ready today's topic that we're going to be discussing is called a word of wisdom again today's topic that we're discussing is called a word of wisdom we're in the middle of our series studying the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit this has often referred to as the manifestation gifts or the nine manifestation gifts and today we're studying what is known as a word of wisdom now when we study the gifts of the Holy Spirit one of the things we said in our previous teaching is that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are actually broken up into three categories of three you have your revelation gifts you have your power gifts and you have your inspiration gifts your inspiration gifts are sometimes referred to as the motivation or motivational gifts but you have three different sets of three today we're going to be beginning our series by talking about the revelation gifts and the first gift that we're going to be diving right into is a word of wisdom and when we talk about the word of wisdom we want to teach you what it is and what it is not that ways you understand now one of the things I also want to preface in these teachings is that when people study the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit oftentimes they will find that these gifts may have already been operating within their life but they didn't know exactly what they were so they didn't know how to labeled it but as they begin to learn and they understand it through education will come confidence and through confidence you'll find yourself using these gifts more and you'll find them operating in you stronger as you're faithful with the gifts that God's giving you and with the unction of when he shows you to use them when that happens you'll find more gifts will eventually be open to you because you've been found faithful now that being said what a word of wisdom is not as a word of wisdom is when someone is wise about all manners of things that is not what a word of wisdom is I've actually heard different teachers sometimes or pastors talk about that and then knocking them but unfortunately they taught it sometimes as a word of wisdom is when you're very wise in all subjects and that is not what that is and we'll back that in the word what a word of wisdom is is when God gives you a supernatural revelation or word about a future event that has not taken place yet again a word of wisdom is when God gives you a supernatural word or revelation about a future event that has not taken place yet now when he does this there's a couple reasons for it the first one is sometimes he tells you to warn you about it when he tells you to warn you about it sometimes you will either have the opportunity to prepare for that or you'll have the opportunity to change that through prayer but once he's revealed that to you you must spend time in prayer before him seeking what his will is in that situation whether if he's wants you to prepare for it or if he wants you to change it through your prayer now tells us in Romans 4:17 that we've been given the authority or the ability to call things not as they were but as they are meant to be that is a spiritual law in the word that you've been given as a believer through the believers Authority that you're able to call things not as they were but as they're meant to be I'll give you two quick examples about a word of wisdom that operated and I'm actually going to take you back to the Old Testament the first ones when we talk about the story of Noah when God revealed to Noah that there was gonna be a great flood you know they'd never had a flood at that time to where the earth had flooded in fact you'll hear some teachers talk about that they'd never even had rain up into that time so people when he turn around and try to warn them about it they laughed at him for it well how did God turn around and warn Noah about an upcoming flood they warned him through a word of wisdom and when he did that one of the things you have to understand as it was a warning about something that he needed to prepare for the next one I will show you is through King David King David actually prophesied about Jesus as Messiah and Psalms 2 and Psalms 22 and that was a word for future revelation for witness purposes so that people would understand that Jesus was going to be coming another thing that I want to tell you is that when people turn around and operate in this gift or any gift one of the things that's important to know is that when you operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit it's usually not just one gift operating it's usually several gifts that are supporting each other man likes to think in terms of boxes so to speak and they think that when you're operating on the gift of wisdom that if there's only one box operating at that time and that's actually not how that is it's usually several boxes that are operating together but one thing to know is that no one can manufacture a moving of the Holy Spirit so if you operate in this gift now or in the future there's nothing you can do to turn it on and make it go to work this is something that you're led by the Lord where he gives you a supernatural revelation about a future event another important thing to mention is sometimes when people operate in this gift they think automatically that maybe that means that they're a prophet and I'm going to tell you that's actually not what that means so let me clarify this because this is important for the body of Christ remember the gifts of the Spirit are for the building up or edification the building up of the body of Christ when someone operates in a word of wisdom and therefore telling something of the future and I say foretelling when God gives them a supernatural revelation a prophetic word about the future okay when they gives it through the word of wisdom just because you operate in the gift of a word of wisdom does not make you a prophet however if someone is a prophet they will operate within this gift I'm gonna say that again when someone operates in a word of wisdom that does not make them a prophet however a prophet will operate within this gift now when we talk about prophets sometimes people think that one of the nine gifts the Holy Spirit is prophecy and they actually think that prophecy is the foretelling of the future and it's not and we'll get into that later within this study within this series telling of the future is the word of wisdom that's when God supernaturally imparts wisdom upon you are about a future event that has not occurred and again it's either for witness purposes or it's for preparation purposes either for you to turn around and prepare for an event or for you to pray to change that event according to Romans 4:17 or it's for witness purposes but when we talk about operating this gift the when you talk about being a prophet not to get off scale but there's actually five different offices within the church you have the office of the Apostle the prophet the Evangelist the pastor and the teacher and just because someone operates within this gift does not mean that they're gonna fulfill the office of a prophet that being said I want to jump right into the word and read where we can find this in the scripture if you yesterday we talked about if you turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verses 4 through 11 s where it talks about the nine gifts to the holy spirit I'm gonna read you verse eight just so you can see where it talks about specifically a word of wisdom so let's read first Corinthians 12 verse eight four to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit now that's where it tells us about the gift but I now want to take you and this is the Apostle Paul who's teaching us and remember the Apostle Paul didn't learn directly from Jesus like the other original 12 disciples the Apostle Paul came after Jesus's resurrection so he actually learned directly to the Holy Spirit which means the same teacher that was teaching Paul can teach us as well through God's Word and through direct fellowship that's so that that's an exciting thing next one I want to take you is 1st Corinthians chapter 2 so back up a little bit and we're gonna go verses 4 through 10 let's read first Corinthians 2 4 through 10 in my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God however we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of God and aim three the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory which none of the rulers of this age need for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory verse 9 but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of men the themes which God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God guys when we talk about a word of wisdom again a word of wisdom as when God gives you supernatural revelation a supernatural word about a future event that has not occurred yet or as Paul said a word that is not of this age meaning it's something about the future and when God does that as a again as a reminder it's for a couple reasons it's either for a witnessing tool or it's telling us so that we can either prepare or change it through our prayer if he tells it to us as a witnessing tool that's what he did through David King David when he when David wrote the psalm - and Psalm 22 those are examples of that in the Old Testament when he foretold about Jesus coming as Messiah when he talked about that and in fact in Psalm 22 he actually talks about everything that Jesus went through on the cross he actually talked about the things that Jesus experienced in his death on the cross that's what that was that was for a witnessing tool so that when the body of Christ hears it it strengthens their belief in God and knowing that God is real and God exists now when he told Noah about it with the example he's earlier it was for a warning and when God tells us something about a future as a warning it comes for two reasons but we have to seek Him in prayer asking what his will is for us so we know how to pray for that the first one is whether or not we're supposed to prepare for it and the second one is whether or not he wants us to change the outcome of that event by praying in the spirit according to Romans 4:17 Collin things not as they are or bad as they are met be that is what a word of wisdom is guys I hope that you continue growing with us within this study and that you gain something from this today as always we want to invite you to swing by our website at Neal Reyes comm where you can check out all of our teaching resources they're available restrain 24 hours a day in addition that we invite you to connect this on our social media on our YouTube channel we invite you to subscribe and share that with your friends you can also connect with us on our Facebook page or on Twitter guys if these teachings are meaning something to you then we invite you to share them on your social media and share them with the people around you that are within your circles in addition to that if there's a subject or an area that you would like to be fed or taught in we invite you to leave that in our comment sections of our youtube channel or to go ahead and go to our website and underneath our contact page fill out a real quick form send it to us that ways we can go before the Lord and be led to teach you on the areas that you're hoping to be led and taught on guys as always we want to thank you for stopping by we want to remind you that Jesus is Lord and He loves you and so do we thank you and have a blessed day [Music]
Channel: Neal Reyes
Views: 27,174
Rating: 4.9452057 out of 5
Keywords: word of wisdom, wisdom, 9 gifts of the holy spirit, nine gifts, nine gifts of the holy spirit, 9 gifts, manifestation gifts, prophecy, fortelling the future, future, word about the future, revelation, godly revelation, Neal Reyes, Neil Reyes, Neal Reyes Ministries, Neil Reyes Ministries, Champion's Minute, champions minute, Champion's Walk, champions walk, hero, #HERO, champion
Id: ZtkjEvhP2tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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