Awaken - Words of Knowledge Training

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[Music] all of you people in this room every doubter you're gonna be flipped upside down into a believer when it comes to God's ability to work words of knowledge through you okay so get ready so I wants to stand again and wants to welcome Sally Cooley yard she's gonna present where's Anne I just let her be welcome okay thanks for coming back I got okay are you ready yeah yay for words of knowledge so I woke up this morning and I just was feeling this impression like God wanted me to present this topic to you like a game show because it's really fun and everybody gets to play and even if you don't get it right you still have fun in the process and the more you practice the better you're going to get at words of knowledge so how many of you know that right now there are signals in the air there's radio stations there's cell phone signals there are things in the air that we're not seeing but that doesn't mean they're not there and I know that you guys are learning about how to hear the voice of God right and it doesn't mean that you can always audibly hear him in fact most times you probably don't but just like those radio signals that are in the air and those cellphone signals that are being transmitted in the air right now that we know are there we might not be able to hear them so the point that I'm making here is that words of knowledge is just like hearing God's voice it's like tuning into a station and picking up on what God is saying okay and you all have the ability to do that do you guys have a slideshow back there oh it looks different than mine but it's prettier so we'll just go with it how many of you know what a word of knowledge is one person two people okay well yeah you're all gonna learn about words of knowledge today and you're all gonna get activated and we go on outreach you're all going to give words of knowledge okay so what is a word of knowledge a word of knowledge simply is a supernatural revelation of information received through the Holy Spirit and it is knowledge received apart from natural analysis or human means that should be the next slide yeah and it's one of the spiritual gifts that we hear about in 1st Corinthians twelve so if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn there now first Corinthians twelve impalas keep talking about spiritual gifts he says in verse 1 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren I do not want you to be unaware so he wants us to know about the gifts of the holy spirit and I want you to know that God gives gifts of the holy spirit to all of us it's not just Randy Clark who has the gift of healing yes Randy Clark has an amazing gift of healing but we can all partake in the gifts of the holy spirit ok so it's not the one person who comes and speaks it's all of us we're all able to receive the gifts of the holy spirit we're all able to partner with God and see signs miracles and wonders because we're all followers of Jesus amen so if you skip down in 1st Corinthians 12 to like 7 and 8 it says but to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good for to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit and to another the word of knowledge according to the same spirit so let's go back to that definition of a word of knowledge a word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation of information received through the Holy Spirit it is knowledge received apart from natural analysis or human means so it's not it's an if it's obvious it's not a word of knowledge it's something that you wouldn't have been able to know on your own it's supernatural information a word of wisdom is knowledge applied so maybe you had an answer to a problem that you wouldn't have been able to solve on you on your own so that's the difference between word of knowledge and word of wisdom word of knowledge is just information word of wisdom is that knowledge applied to a situation does that make sense I'm getting blank stares does it make sense does anybody okay so wisdom is knowing how did what to do in a situation a lot of times you can get a word of knowledge and it doesn't mean anything to you you don't know what it's for somebody else and doesn't it's not your job to interpret what that means to the person because they'll know what it means to them as it pertains to them so that's the difference recognizing and receiving a word of knowledge for healing so how does God give a word of knowledge for healing God gives revelation in different ways and that is true of words of knowledge for healing as well as for other kinds of revelation so have you heard the term don't put God in a box I'm gonna give you some practical ways that you can understand that God is giving you a word of knowledge but just hear me out that that's not the only way and there are words for words of knowledge for healing and there are words of knowledge for other things you can get a word of knowledge for yourself and you can get a word of knowledge for someone else so I told you last night about how I went to Teen Challenge and now I had all that mental illness and addiction issues that I was struggling with and I want to share with you just a quick testimony of a word of knowledge that I got for myself before I even knew what words of knowledge was so every morning after we did all of our chores and breakfast and stuff we would sit and wait for 10 minutes in silence and it was really 10 minutes of prayer and it would what they were training us is to hear the voice of God you know training you to clear your mind and to hear God and for me that was a really really really hard ten minutes like I couldn't sit still I had so many thoughts going into my head and I just felt like I'm hearing all these voices and I don't know what's me what's the enemy and what's God and so one morning I went to some of the staff there and I said I can't do the 10 minutes of silence anymore I'm like beside myself I can't sit still I'm hearing all this stuff it's like sometimes I'm thinking about something and then something so random just drops into my head and today that happened because I don't know I was thinking about how I have all these things to do and then I started thinking about grilled cheese and I'm like really what is grilled cheese have to do with anything like I I'm so convinced that it's my mind that's just messed up and that the staff member kind of smile me and she's like okay well do you like grilled cheese and I'm like that's not the point the point is something's wrong with my brain and so she just encouraged me or whatever we went on I went on with the day later that day we had worship and usually I would go into worship and I'm like I don't feel like worshiping this is stupid I had my bad attitude and for some reason on this day I'm like you know what I'm just gonna try it I'm just gonna worship God even though I don't feel like it because I don't have anything to lose and so I did and when we left worship that day we were going to lunch and I remember thinking as I left the chapel like oh my gosh I feel joy for the first time and I don't even know how long like I I felt real joy and I mean it's like I took a mental note of that like I felt joy what they're saying is working if I ignore how I feel and I just choose to worship God I'm gonna have this breakthrough I'm gonna receive joy I feel joy and it was such a great feeling and we're going to lunch and we get to lunch and what do you think was for lunch that day grilled cheese and I was like to the staff member like you arranged this you know I know that you did this and she's like this lunch schedule was made at the beginning of the week I did not arrange for us to have grilled cheese today so this this is like a word of knowledge that God gave to me because he wanted me to remember that moment where I pressed into worship even though I didn't feel like it and I got his joy and I remembered that because that was the day that God spoke to me grilled cheese and had nothing to do with anything that was going on in my mind but it helped me remember that moment how many of you have ever had just a totally random thought like just drop into your head from left field right sometimes that's God in fact for me a lot of times that's got it doesn't make any sense and stepping into that and releasing that at the time when the Holy Spirit tells you to that's how you give a word of knowledge so it might not be for you it might be for someone else and you might feel really stupid doing it but who really cares at the end of the day if somebody gets a healing if somebody feels that God spoke to them isn't that more important than how you felt if it wasn't true so I just want to encourage you to step out even though sometimes you might hear or feel or get some weird things like just go with it because we can't put God in a box we can't define his ways he's doing new things all the time but I do want to go over some of the common ways that people will receive a word of knowledge so the first way is you can feel it everybody to say feel it okay so an example of this would be you feel some kind of pain in your body this happened to me a few years ago when I started feeling pain in my shoulder and it was kind of like in between my back and my shoulder and the thing about it is you have to know your body if you have an injury somewhere and you feel pain in that spot it's probably not a word of knowledge it's probably you had an injury there and you just are feeling that pain but on this particular day when I felt pain between my shoulder and my back I knew that that wasn't my pain it wasn't like I woke up in the morning and I had been sleeping on it weird and so it was like kana you know sometimes you get like that stiff neck syndrome from sleeping on a pillow the wrong way it happened in the middle of the day I knew it wasn't my pain and I thought oh this is a word of knowledge and so I started asking everybody I saw do you have pain between your shoulder and your back and I got probably a dozen people say no but here's what happened at the end of the day some of my friends and I were out and we went into I think it was like a pita pit and they walked in there and actually I just walked in there because I had used the bathroom and I went to the people working there and I'm like hi excuse me I was just wondering if somebody here has pain between their shoulder and their back right here and they're looking at me like no like that's kind of weird right and so I remembered a lot of testimonies that come out of a wrong word of knowledge so I said okay does anybody have pain in their body anywhere and one of the girls said oh yeah I have pain you know I forget where she said it was said okay great I want to pray for you got one of my friends to come in we prayed for her she got totally healed all the pain left her back and as this was happening the other girl who worked there that happened to be her sister started crying and she said it's okay it's good you know the one that got healed she was saying it's okay it's good you know I'm I got healed and she said no no no you don't understand I have pain between my shoulder in my back and when she said that it scared me and I didn't want to say that I had it there so sometimes you'll get a word of knowledge right and the person won't acknowledge it for you but see how I stepped into the faith and said well does anybody have pain anywhere and in result of that two people got healed that day the first girl and her sister so I felt it in my body I recognized it wasn't my pain and I continued to push into that asking every person that came in my path until somebody got healed so there is kind of a perseverance that can go along with this so the next one's gonna be see it everyone say see it do you remember the story when Jesus is talking to Nathanael and he said I saw you sitting under the fig tree do you remember that it's John it's in John first John 43 through 51 if you want to check it out Jesus told Nathanael that he saw him sitting under the fig tree that was a supernatural revelation of information he did not literally see John he saw him in his mind's eye and that was a word of knowledge so seeing it can can happen in a few different ways you might see like words on somebody or words over somebody I've heard of people seeing Scripture addresses like God was directing them to a particular address a scripture and they saw it like just kind of in the air you might see colors colors can mean different things to different people so you if you see you know I might see like blue kind of over here and blue oftentimes represents revelation and I might feel like God is saying you know there's a spirit of Revelation that's on you or you know to take it to another place that you might see angels you might see angels pointing like if I see an angel pointing I know there's a healing that's gonna happen here or something you know we're talking about words of knowledge for healing of course but you can see words of knowledge for other things too okay the next one's Rita everyone say read it okay read it's kind of like see it you read what you see something but you read it like it's a word you could see it like or read it like a newspaper article like a headline like you're reading something like that's a story or you might see like or read like like a like a ticker where the words are kind of just kind of like going across your vision like this or a lot of times if I read it an order of knowledge it's I see something on their clothing that's not really there or like a billboard sign like I'm driving bought by a billboard sign and I look at it and I'm like huh and I look at it and it's almost like you do a double-take and then you realize what you thought you saw it's not what it said so a lot of times God will show you things and in your mind you're like did I just see that was that just my imagination did I just think that or did I just hear that and it's like it happens really quickly but I want to encourage you don't dismiss that stuff because a lot of things that we tell ourselves that was just my imagined nation it was God so trust the Holy Spirit in you communicating in you and even if you get it wrong it you know it's okay you're we're all work in progress so the next one's gonna be think it everyone say think it okay think it's one that I get a lot and if you're anything like me where you've got like this really active mind and you just feel like being still is hard and clearing your mind is hard because there's just so much going on up there then you might have like I think it way of receiving words of knowledge because it's you know things that just come and go really quick and some of that's God so you can write stuff down if you're a think if you're someone that like thinks it and then like go back to it because you might get words of knowledge like throughout the day and you don't know who it's for or when you're supposed to give them but if you're keeping track like a lot of people will use a cell phone and keep track like oh I had this random thought and they'll just put it in there like I had this random thought and it was a green shirt you know and you put it in there and then later on that day you're like because you made an intention of putting it down you'll remember it when you see someone with a green shirt whereas if you're like green shirt oh that's kind of weird and you just keep going on about your day then you probably won't think about it again does that make sense so it's it's a great way to practice words of knowledge as if you're keeping track of them okay so one time I had a think it word of knowledge and it happened actually we were teaching and we did an outreach and it's similar to what we're gonna do today and so everybody was going to get a word of knowledge before they went out for the outreach and so I encouraged my team like okay so everybody you know ask God to give him a word of knowledge and then I shared with them after that I got the word of knowledge was I saw a blue shirt or I thought it's kind of a combination of both sometimes it's like well it's like more than one like you kind of hear and you kind of see it's vague but you you'll know what I mean when you when you recognize words of knowledge so anyways I got the word of knowledge blue shirt and I'm like okay I got the word of knowledge blue shirt so we go into the outreach where we were assigned to was a shoe store and we go into the shoe store and would you know it every employee in the shoe store is wearing a blue shirt like oh that's really funny God so we're just gonna pray for all the people who work here which was like I probably like ten people and we did we prayed for all of them and I just want to share this because it's cool so we prayed for all the people who worked in the shirt in the shoe store because they all had blue shirt on the last lady that we prayed for was the manager of the shoe store when we spoke to her and prayed for her she ended up in tears she got totally wrecked by the Holy Spirit because she had been managing that shoe store for a really long time and she was a believer and she prayed over all the shoes in the store and she prayed for her employees but she did it kind of like in a quiet way like she would she just you know was one of those Christians that like you know was quiet about her faith but she felt like God didn't see her and she felt like what she was doing didn't matter and that we came to her and prayed for her and spoke encouraged and prophesied into her life meant so much to her that it brought her to tears and she really felt like the presence of the Holy Spirit so that was a cool experience I had with a word of knowledge but it was kind of a combination of thinking and see it okay so the next one is gonna be say it everyone say say it so sometimes when you're praying for someone or you're talking to someone have you ever had that moment where you're like excited and all of a sudden you're saying something and then you're like wait I don't want it and you want to like get it back like the words you're like I don't think I should have said that it sometimes that happens and that's God's way of filling your mouth so you're like praying for someone and they've asked you to pray about you know their dog and so you're like I pray for toto and bla bla bla bla and restoration with your brother and you're like what what did I say that for that doesn't make any sense well sometimes the Holy Spirit just wants them to have frustration with their brother even though that's not what they told you is a word of knowledge that you got because you wouldn't have known that because they didn't tell you about their brother but really the Holy Spirit wants to restore a relationship they have with their brother the word of knowledge just slips out when you're talking right let's say it okay so the next one's gonna be dreaming everyone say dream it how many dreamers are in here okay a few of you all right in the name of Jesus I just released dreams and visions to every person that did not raise their hand right now dreams is a way that God communicates to people I get a lot of dreams I would encourage you to journal your dreams like as soon as you wake up or even sometimes if you wake up in the middle of the night then just start writing down your dreams because you'll forget them I think that happens to everybody who dreams if you don't get it on paper your you might forget it or you can use your phone that's another good thing you record it and you like groggy in the middle of the night and you're like I dreamt blah blah blah blah and it's easier than like getting a pen and paper out and trying to write so I do that sometimes so dream it can be a word of knowledge you might have a dream that you saw some somebody get healed and you don't know that person and then the next day you like see this person and you're like oh my gosh that's the person I saw in my dream oh that's gonna heal them and it gives you the faith to approach them and say hey you know how are you you just started a general conversation with them we don't we you don't always have to approach someone and like with like this heart approach of like hi um can I pray for you and they're like wait like who are you you know like you can ease into conversation like hey um you know I noticed you have this sriracha shirt on I love the sriracha it's like my favorite of hot sauces you know and then you just kind of like go into like a normal conversation so sometimes we make it real awkward by truck by just you know going straight into like can I pray for you I want to pray for you but like like talk to them get to know them and make them feel like a person not like your prayer object do you know what I mean like we want to see signs and miracles and wonders but you need to make the person that you're talking to feel like a person to not just like someone that you can practice whatever on okay that was like a big rabbit trail dream it I don't know if anybody else a lot of people have like dreams like literal like I do but I'll give you an example of like a dream at word of knowledge um one time I had this dream that someone died and I'll tell you what not to do in this kind of a scenario so for some reason God keeps bringing you back two ex-boyfriends which is not people that I want to minister to and I actually was taught not to try to minister to ex-boyfriends but like God does so outside the box that sometimes he does things that we don't really want to like no I never ministered to that person he's like oh yeah so I had this dream that my ex-boyfriend died and I'm like oh gosh that's terrible what if something really happens to him and I didn't do anything about it like I would feel terrible I would feel like God told me that and I just did nothing with it so I better reach out to him so I did and I think he thought I was being kind of weird and he didn't really like respond much to me and so it's just kind of like it dropped right and then I had another dream about him and I reached out to him again and he was like you know you're being weird whatever like almost a year later he calls me and he's like I'm going to rehab I don't know how you knew this but the first time you reached out to me that you that what you said I went to the hospital that night and almost died so God gave me a word of knowledge that something was going on with him but the thing about that is is I didn't have the wisdom of like what to do with it and really a lot of times if God gives you a dream like that it's - it's to tell you to pray for them because it wasn't very helpful for me to be like hey guess what I had a dream you died last night you know so take my advice is if you give like a dream like that is it could be literal but doesn't mean that you need to like share it with the person but like definitely pray for them you know I really think that God gives dreams like that a lot where you dream something about somebody don't like assume that that's what's happening definitely pray for them you know so I had that as a word of knowledge in a dream once experienced it everyone say experience it okay so this one's a little different you might have a experience like like you're walking and you just felt like you rolled your ankle and you're like oh that's really weird like nothing wrong here but I like just felt like that and then you see somebody roll their ankle and you're like oh my gosh that's so weird because I just experienced that or you might experience emotion that's not yours so sometimes if someone's struggling with a particular emotion or even an illness or some kind of oppression that's in their body like a you know they're they it's cut that's it sounds like feel it but it's like experiencing and feeling it or similar so if I'm experiencing something that's not clearly not mine then that could be a word of knowledge as well that's like what Dan was talking about when he said like some of us are feelers like some of us just pick up things that other people are feeling or they like experience them as if they're happening to themselves another example of that would be somebody has COPD or like asthma or some kind of trouble breathing and then you all of a sudden are like having trouble breathing but there's no real reason why that you would have that feeling so it's you experiencing something and God alert bringing it to your attention because of some somebody that's gonna receive healing for that okay so that's experienced it so I think those are all the ones that we have here the only other one that I would point out would be hear it because we we're experiencing word of knowledge through our senses so you might hear something and like maybe you're listening to a song on the radio and then you hear words over what the normal words are and you're like that's not what the song says but it actually means something and it's a word of knowledge for you or for somebody else so it's like like just dubbed over it or you know you heard something like oh did I just hear that and like I said don't second-guess yourself because a lot of times words of knowledge come and they're just like it's like that you know and you want to grab onto it and say I think that was something you know so we don't we want to be careful that we're not dismissing things where God is trying to say to us so the Holy Spirit gives a word of knowledge for a specific need okay remember in first Corinthians it said to each one is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good okay so when you think about words of knowledge you think about you know why would God give that word of knowledge well it's for good you know everything God does is for good he's a good God so if you don't have a wisdom of knowing what to do with that word of knowledge then I'm not saying don't give it but like like like for me it wasn't a good idea to tell somebody that I jumped they died the night before that wasn't God's intention I don't think in that situation his and he'll use it for good because God does use all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose is but like God wouldn't give me a word of knowledge that someone was gonna die and then I'm like hey I got a word of knowledge that you're gonna die tomorrow like that's not good obviously that wouldn't be God's intention so if you feel like you get a word of knowledge and you don't know how to apply it in a way that is good for somebody then you're probably either not hearing God or you're not supposed to be saying anything about that you know maybe you're just supposed to be praying about him okay the context for receiving a word of knowledge you can receive a word of knowledge anytime and anywhere and you may or may not know whom the word of knowledge has been given so that's why why when I said keeping track of them is a really good idea like you'll have opportunities to give words of knowledge sometimes in different churches or different Christian organizations where they have events like this there will be opportunities to give words of knowledge maybe you're praying for someone and God just brings that word of knowledge back to your mind but that's something that with the Holy Spirit is gonna be leading you in when to give a word word of knowledge okay be specific in expressing a word of knowledge for healing and the effect on faith okay so the purpose with with a word of knowledge one thing that you want to remember is it's for the person that you're giving the word of knowledge to increase their faith that God pointed out something to them that was personal that you could have never known but it's also to increase your faith so that when you get it right you're like oh my gosh God used me and like I keep saying the more you practice and the more you try the more that your faith is going to build the more you're gonna see that your accuracy is is increasing one-one thing that we learned about with words of knowledge is be specific so like with the back in the shoulder story that I told you I was a specific spot in between my shoulder in my back it's tempting when you're practicing words of knowledge to go with something that you know somebody in the room is gonna want prayer for like if I just was like I have a word of knowledge for back pain I'm sure there's probably people that are gonna have back pain or if I said I have a word of knowledge for headache somebody probably would have a headache now if God gives you a word of knowledge like that I'm not saying don't give it I'm just saying if you get something specific you want to give it the way that you received it so another example is this is one time Randy Clark was giving a word of knowledge that he saw a green hose and when he said it he said I see a green garden hose and then nobody came up to him for prayer and then later some people were coming up for prayer and a guy came up to him and he said you know you said green garden hose I tripped and fell and broke my back over a green hose but it was a green hose that was used for a different purpose it wasn't a garden hose and so because what he added to it was that he saw a green garden hose that person thought well that's not for me it wasn't a garden hose that I tripped over so because he saw a green hose he just associated green hose with garden hose and said garden hose but really that's not what it was so it's important that we don't add to the word of knowledge that we got and also don't take away from it just give it how you received it okay then how to deliver a word of knowledge for healing it's generally the wise to be tentative in speaking out the word you have received if the person is open receiving prayer then pray for them we believe that we all have the Holy Spirit and we all have the authority and the power of Jesus in us but we're not God so we don't teach people to say God said to me this for you or thus saith the Lord because we're human and we're gonna miss it sometimes and if you go to somebody with that level of confidence even if you feel that confident it's important that we model humility you know like hey I was feeling like like maybe this you know or sometimes God shows me things and I I thought maybe he showed me this about you I'm not going at them with you no this is God speaking through me to you and if you're wrong then that person is unsure about their ability to hear from God because that's not what God was saying to them does that make sense so we want to always use humility and know that we're not 100 percent right all of the time we know when we prophesy in part okay practical insight for word of knowledge for healing a word of knowledge may come quickly I think I kind of covered that a word of knowledge may be rather vague and it would tempt you to screen it or ignore it so that's like when you're like oh that was just my imagination like oh I thought I saw that word over there but I'm probably just seeing things again resist the thought that a word you have received is not important or just you okay unpretentious honesty is the best policy that's like what I was saying with the humility factor is you don't you don't have to exude this great level of spirituality and confidence even if you do feel very very confident it's important that that person can be able to receive what you're saying or say you know I don't I don't feel like that's God but if you if you talk to them in a way that's like this is God then they're like oh well you know like you don't want to hurt their faith at all and so sometimes it's you can do that if you kind of approach it that way and lastly don't let fear rob you and the person who might have been healed so if I don't share my word of knowledge and there's somebody in the room that I had gotten a word of knowledge for and that was the way that God wanted to heal them then I'm I'm robbing them so many times we are worried about how we're gonna feel if we miss it or how we're gonna look if we made a mistake but we got to get into this frame of mind it's not about us it's about what God wants to do for someone else through you and if you don't make yourself available if you're not willing to take the risk then you're not gonna see signs and miracles and wonders you've got to step out you got to just try it you got to be willing and you got to know that you're gonna miss it sometimes you know I heard Michael Jordan didn't make the basketball team in his freshman year of high school what if he said I'm not good at basketball I better try something different now so that's an encouragement to us cuz we're not always gonna get it right but the more you practice the better you're gonna get at it so we're gonna practice right now haha so I want everybody we're just going to take like 10 seconds and if you're someone who's got words of knowledge before I want you to ask God to give you a word of knowledge in a different way than you've received it before so if you've gotten think if you've thought a word of knowledge or if you've seen a word of knowledge ask God to allow you to feel something as a word of knowledge okay so let's just take like 10 seconds Holy Spirit come and we ask you to give us words of knowledge right now okay if if you feel like you got something I want you to stand up and I want to encourage you sometimes we're like trying to like create a word of knowledge like if I just think hard enough I'll get one no no as soon as you get something if it seems random that's probably a word of knowledge okay because I that a lot of times that's how they come is is your train of thought goes like as a trail a word of knowledge can come like out of left field right does that make sense okay so who stood up you got you think you got a word of knowledge how did you experience it pictures of words across the forehead and then thoughts about elaborating more than what it is so you got a word of knowledge that you read and saw words and it was over somebody's Pacific okay I don't want to call anybody out on that so if you feel like the Holy Spirit is leading you to approach that person and offer prayer then you can go for it but I don't want to like make anybody stand up and that oh it was me we'll talk later I want to see if anybody got a word of knowledge and how what's your name hi Steph how did you receive the word of knowledge I got like upper back pain so it was like right upper back right below the neck okay so if anybody is feeling upper back pain like right below the neck I want you to go find her at some point we don't have to do it right now is there somebody who's feeling that right now if you are and you want us to end up that's fine I'm just not trying to make people do something they don't want to okay anybody else got a word of knowledge you can come up here still it's too crazy I was going on images in my head of different animals and stuff and all of a sudden a hippopotamus came into my mind that is extremely ill and needs a veterinarian okay so if that means something to you she got pictures she saw hippopotamus she felt like the hippopotamus was ill that could mean something to some but you never know I got a word of knowledge once that was bird then Tweety Bird and I was this is the craziest thing so we did spirit we did in Salem we went to Salem and ended spiritual reading readings at a witchcraft festival but we we did we were like Christians in disguise so we go in there and we do spiritual readings and this person comes in front of me and I got bird tweety bird and I'm like god I'm not giving that that's like weird and he's like you know you don't have to but that's what I'm giving you so I said okay so I said I don't know if this means anything to you that's a good way to go into giving a word of knowledge with humility like I don't know if this means anything to you I just got this impression it was bird and then Tweety Bird and she with her boyfriend looked at her boyfriend eyes so wide and goes that is so weird because we were just having a conversation about getting a pet and we don't want to have the responsibility of a dog or a cat so we thought about getting a bird and from that the conversation went to how Tweety Bird is my favorite character of a cartoon and my boyfriend said I bet that's because you're kind of like Tweety Bird cuz you're like a small thing that come like a big thing that comes in a small package like Tweety birds like so sassy and like kind of smart and funny and stuff and he's like that's like like you and so God was using that word of knowledge to speak her identity into her about who she was in Christ because she was kind of like shy and reserved but actually she in Christ she was somebody that was more like playful and fun and sassy and so it was like I didn't know they were having that conversation and that's like the weirdest thing to say to somebody like hey I was just thinking of Bird and Tweety Bird does that mean anything to you actually it does if I hadn't shared that then you know what happened is she felt recognized she felt affirmed in her identity okay so that's kind of like what the point is all right did anybody else get a word of knowledge how did you receive it um I saw a vision of the person I know her name and so was the name of the person in the and her and it's like I felt her pain so she you got a vision of somebody that's in pain and God barley wants to heal that person today so you I want you to get with that person later on and just pray for them okay did anybody get a word of knowledge that they felt was related to healing yeah you did okay how did you receive it sure it's an exercise bike but it's specifically the right pedal so it would be the right leg okay so she saw a picture of an exercise bike with the right pedal something that happened with the right leg so if that means something to somebody you can find her later it's it meant something to you as we're doing this if it's your right leg isn't it okay so something with the right leg is happening people are getting words of knowledge for right leg somebody felt something somebody saw something okay because I'm not trying to make people stand out if they don't want to I'm letting you know you can go to that person later but if if you're cool with standing up right now and saying hey that's me I you know it's good to do that it's good to grab on to your healing at that moment sometimes people get healed just by the word of knowledge being released but sometimes there's a part that you have to play in that and that's you being bold enough to stand up and say hey that's me I have back pain because by you standing up you're saying I believe that God is gonna heal me right now I mean I'm grabbing on to that word right now okay so as we're doing this if you get something that that you believe is for you I want I encourage you to stand up but I'm not saying that I have to I can't make you do anything of course so as anybody else received a word of knowledge yeah what how did you receive I just got really dizzy I just feel like somebody who was really really dizzy okay so she felt dizziness that would be kind of like an experience it so she experienced a feeling of dizziness if somebody hat that means something to somebody go and find her and get prayer yeah Amanda I heard the name Peter Amanda heard the name Peter Peter if Peter means something if Peter's not your name but there's somebody you know named Peter that needs healing or you know prayer or something then come and find Amanda because she got the name Peter somebody back here raised their hand yeah how did you get your order of knowledge I asked the Lord to do what you said that something I'd never experienced before how to receive it and this tooth started feeling very tender this kind of section right here and like kind of loose okay so she felt a tenderness and a looseness it was the upper tooth okay so see how specific that was that's really good it's good that you're being specific about because you could have said I felt in my mouth like tingling but she said specifically I felt in this area that it was tender and loose okay so that could be for someone here if that if that was for you you can find her and did you raise your hand up here somebody did okay how did you receive the order knowledge it was a very short vision and it was I think a female body kneeling and it they were rolling a brown speckled Boulder a big rock okay so she saw something she saw a female that was kneeling and they were rolling a brown speckled rock okay so if that means something to you come and find Susan I just want to honor Susan actually Susan's my host right now and Amanda we stated in her place last night Susan is so kind and hospitable and I'm really grateful that we're staying with you Susan your home is so beautiful she has three awesome pets and I'm just really blessed that we're staying with you if you guys don't know Susan I'd encourage you to get to know her because she's amazing so thank you Susan okay anyone else getting a word of knowledge they want to share I said I know it's for them but I can't help it I feel like somebody I'm just seeing this image of a spleen or a kidney I don't really know what they look like so something spleen ish kidney ish that there's some pain going on maybe on the right side and the back side if there's some pain there God wants to heal you of that okay so you hurt hurt him right no no okay he saw a spleen or a kidney on the right side so was it like highlighted like you saw it on the particular person or you just saw it in your mind's eye like is that for you okay yeah you did you get a word of knowledge and this was not now this is about when Amanda was ministering somebody has got problems with them what I call um yeah inna the salt the inner sole of their feet so you felt you felt that in your foot no you saw it he saw someone removing their shoes okay well it was you saw someone removing their shoes did you see if it was like a man or a woman you saw a woman removing her shoes and then what what did you see what did you see like color or did you see something on the bottom of their foot that indicated okay so he saw that there was an itchy and itchiness and pain on the bottom of the foot do you know if it was the right or the left it was both okay both the shoes were removed okay so this is a really specific you see how we're I'm pinpointing the specificness of his word of knowledge was it was a woman that both the shoes came off and he saw that there was a itchiness and pain on the bottom of the soles of the feet now sometimes like I might get something for the right leg and then somebody's like oh but it's my left leg who cares take it you know I might get the right leg and it's their left leg and that's okay like we've already told you that sometimes you get a wrong word of knowledge and somebody still gets healed in the end so it if if you are hearing something and it sounds like oh well that sounds like me except for you know it's not like for example this situation like still take it you know still believe that God wants to heal you through that you got word of knowledge so if that's anybody or something similar to what somebody might have is feeling on the bottom of their soles of their feet that's itchy or painful this man right here this pastor right here got that word of knowledge and God wants to heal you so watch okay and it could be related that's another thing it could be related but there is somebody here who has come on Sharon so you have is it is they're itchy nests okay so there's eNOS and is there pain there is pain on the bottom of your feet I want you to it's both feet so he's gonna pray for you okay so why don't you comment pray for her why don't you sit down okay because he's gonna God doesn't have to touch through us laying on of hands but sometimes he does so you can put I think cuz you saw her taking her shoes off that maybe you should take your shoes off okay and he's gonna lay hands on your feet and pray for you okay in the meantime I'm gonna come back we're gonna come back to them and see what's happening but I'm pretty certain God's gonna heal her of that today does anybody else have a word of knowledge right now Dan I was picking up on a heart condition a blockage specifically a valve in the heart that was malfunctioning and creating a blockage in the heart and then the other thing I got was someone here who's dealing with acute fatigue because of a thyroid issue okay so if that was somebody Susan okay so you you can come and let Dan pray for you now yes she's um I had a vision that there was like we were at a mountain range and there was a fire but I didn't see the fire all I saw was smoke okay so she saw a smoke on the mountain but no fire it was gotcha okay so she saw a mountain and there was a fire on it but the fire wasn't visible just the smoke coming from the fire so if that means something to anybody then go ahead and find her and let her pray for you anybody else receive a word of knowledge oh yeah we're gonna do that just you did too okay okay I want to share another testimony while we're waiting to see if anybody else get something so one morning I had pain in my ankle and I'm like that's not my pain and so I went to work and as soon as I was going in the doors of my work I saw a lady come out on crutches and she had a brace on her ankle but it wasn't the same one that I had the pain for like I think mine was my right ankle and on her it was the left ankle and I almost didn't pray for her because I'm like oh mines my right ankle so it's probably not because God would just make it specific but um I figure you know pray for her so I prayed for her and she said thank you and she felt a little better but wasn't like anything like crazy miracle or anything I was just like oh yeah I feel a little better and then she went on her way but the next day I when I went into work my boss goes you prayed for a lady in the parking lot yesterday didn't you and I'm like yeah and she's like I knew it was you and I'm like why and she's like well cuz you do that but also because this lady apparently this lady was a member I work I worked at the YMCA so this lady was a member the next day she came into the YMCA and she was like I can't believe it this girl prayed for me yesterday and when I got home I had no pain in my ankle and she was like telling everybody at the YMCA how that happened and she was trying to find me because she's like I want to know where that girl is because my there was no pain in my ankle so the this testimony is really cool because the healing didn't happen right away and I was kind of like okay you know like it's sometimes it's discouraging when we don't speak we'll get healed but know that that God's doing things in his own time and she went home and got totally healed and then came back the next day and was like sharing it with everybody that she got healed so sometimes it might not happen for you right there but just be encouraged that like your prayers matter in that moment even if you don't see the outcome right then in there you not never see the outcome because you might be praying for a stranger in your past may never cross again but that doesn't mean that God won't do something with it okay alright does anybody else get a word of knowledge that they want to share going once going twice where did you go with the word of knowledge about the feet Sharon how I'm coming to you what happened yes I definitely felt a difference you feel no pain she feels no pain in her feet now come on Jesus yeah [Applause] someone had a vision of a tooth over here yes okay so he's gonna get prayer from you because that has something to do with him okay was there anybody else that wanted to share a word of knowledge before we wrap this up yes so I kind of just it was weird it seems like insignificant but I saw this this picture and was it was like this huge kind of pirate ship this wooden pirate ship and it was just kind of floating there wasn't um water anything was just there but it had like no sails or anything I have no clue what it means but so it was a pot it was like a pirate ship a big wooden pirate ship that was not it was just like suspended on air like not in water but there were no sales okay so I'm these just keep repeatedly keep coming depression somebody's dealing with depression and broken hard and back pain okay so Amanda got depression broken heart back pain and then Isaiah right Isaiah had a picture you saw it right he saw a picture of a wooden ship that had no sails the masts were in place but there were no sails and it was just suspended in air so if that means something to somebody Isaiah and then with Amanda was depression broken heart and back pain okay anybody else want to give a word of knowledge we're getting toward the end here of our times we're going to go into lunch and my friend Kevin's coming you guys please stay and listen to Kevin he is so amazing you're gonna get so blessed I felt it he was right here in this part of my head it just was a real pain and he got stronger and stronger really strong and then it faded away and it left okay so it was a pain in the back of her head towards the bought up base of their neck and it was a strong pain that just kind of went and then went away yes okay it got real strong and intense and then it just faded so if that means something to somebody okay anybody else words of knowledge going once going twice thank you for playing words of knowledge do you have something to say pastor Wren I know I know there was going to be an announcement and I just someone got healed oh come on his kidney just got healed thank you Jesus Hey I just I just want to let you guys know you're all chickens okay and I'm just saying that because like five of you as people were calling out words of knowledge kept looking over me and going and I'm like stand up okay so some of you guys were given words of knowledge that's want you know what you're saying things like that and you're like I don't know that's right there was somebody going back there going okay so it was for you so so find that person in the middle if you if you mouthed to me that's for me even some of my pastor interns we're doing that so if that was for you go and encourage that person and let him know they're here and right from God and I just want to encourage Susan when she said the hippopotamus thing the Lord kind of spoke to me and said somebody that somebody has a word of knowledge somebody who loves the song I want a hippopotamus for Christmas has pain that wants to be healed so that's like your favorite song yeah they're right there that's who it is right there so these are my people so I can call them out okay this if you're not my people I'm not gonna call you out if you're a visitor today but if you're my people I can call you out I want so you find Susan's gonna pray for you in the interim that we go so don't be afraid of that I'm telling you a pain in the body so God is doing some stuff I'm telling you it's just as easy as just releasing that vision and I can't tell you how powerful it is to watch the power of God wreck someone's life when you're eating lunch and you can't help it the Lord's like okay I mean I came back I told you guys a story I'll tell it real quick I came back home from three weeks and I was sitting there Rachel took me out for sushi so we could spend some time together and the Holy Spirit started giving me something for the waitress and I was lying give me a second honey what my life has turned upside down I don't think I'm ever gonna eat regular meals again so I walked over though I wrote it all down first and I walked over there waitress and I'm like are you in school right now and she's like yes and I said are you like super smart and she goes well yeah I think I am you know start be humble about it but she's like yeah I do really well in school and I think I'm really smart and like what he's studying she goes business and I was like okay well sometimes the Lord shows me things for people and I was like just so you don't think I'm crazy I wrote this down so like I showed her I'd written it all down beforehand so I wasn't just asking her questions but I'd written it down right cuz I'm still crossing the chicken line right so instead of just being like I feel like you're in school right now right no I wrote it I asked her but then instead of being like yeah I heard that from got no I wrote it all down so that was my chicken line right there right so that way if I was wrong I'd be like oh okay just look like so in school goodbye you know and just leave so if you're if you're afraid to cross that chicken line you can take baby steps you I promise you can take baby steps but take the steps and so I shared it with her and I said if so when she said yes yes yes I was like all right so the Lord is telling me you have two decisions to make and there's two roads that you can go down and and you have two choices of running and she goes yeah right and I'm like so the Lord just wants you to know to be very cautious because one of those is not good for you and the other one is good for you it's not just like pick one and it'll be fine but one is good ones not but the Lord says you're really smart and you'll know which one's the right choice you have no problem but just know that it's important you picked the right one and she goes oh okay okay thank you see I'm not responsible for her breaking down crying accepting Jesus or any of that but so I said you're welcome you have a blessed day and I left okay how many you guys know what happened to that waitress the rest of the day what do you think she was doing right she's probably like what the heck just happened right I'll go find out in a week I'll go to eat there again and I'll find out from her cuz I know I eat there sometimes so don't be afraid and so and here's what happened to some of you guys have you got a word of knowledge in here and and Dan can correct me but I know I'm right on this I might be wrong but I think I'm right some of you guys are getting a word of knowledge for the outreach so if it's not for someone in here you're getting that for somebody so don't be discouraged if you're feeling something that's called what we did there is called a treasure hunt okay so Lorde is starting to highlight things to you for people to find okay so you're gonna find someone that may have that word of knowledge that Laura's downloading something for you and treasure hunts are kind of fun right it's like and we did that there it was it was another across the chicken line you wrote down stuff and you found someone you're like I wrote this down and I'm doing this treasure hunt and I'm supposed to look for someone with the blue dress and and and brown shoes right you know like and and whatever and I did that one time and the Lord highlighted a girl with short blond hair a pink shirt blue jeans white shoes and a brown purse okay like I got all these details right and I'm walking all around and nobody fits the description finally I see a woman short blond hair blue jeans white shoes brown purse black shirt wrong color right and some oh no that's not it at all that's not it at all no it was exactly a the Lord talked to me afterwards and said no that was it her favorite color was pink but I'd already chickened out so if I would have walked up to her and said I feel like that and but I thought I thought I was gonna find you know I'm doing this treasure hunting I thought I was gonna find someone with a pink shirt though but you fit everything else she might she probably would have told me oh well my favorite color is pink and so I so I missed it and here's what's cool is you know I'm I'm beating myself up I'm down on myself I missed it Lord I messed up that person lost their you know their opportunity their miracle and the Lord just told me is like no they wouldn't have had one if you wouldn't even tried nothing would have happened today if you wouldn't have tried it's okay to try and not see anything happen it's not okay to not try because that person will get absolutely nothing this world will never find God if we do nothing they're not just gonna wander in here on their own they're not just gonna wake up and go I think I'll just walk down that street maybe there's a church I'll walk into sometimes that happens a couple of you guys are here cuz of that alright but but that yeah that's it so are we gonna break for lunch yes pastor damn Yeah right before we break for lunch I just want to just as you have lunch as we get ready to do outreach I want to brag on your pastor okay so he yeah so Ren Ren comes to Harrisburg and with with his mom Dorie and our and our friend Doug Heller oh we have three people staying with us during global summer intensive and so the first outreach is Tuesday night and so you know first day class was over the top they were just stunned Tuesday I didn't see him after class because they went to their first outreach so they come home after outreach and rinse it's not himself he's kind of moping around whatever and he shares with me his acute profound disappointment in global that they had not prepared him enough for outreach this is right accurate so we talked and I listened a nice friend I listened and listened and basically I told ran my friend I love you but your attitude stinks because there's no way global could have prepared you for every scenario it's impossible okay but what happened was that soon after what well I mean I I don't know exactly everything that Wren was feeling but he felt what I felt what most people feel before they entered this realm of reaching out to people that they don't know on the street right you kind of fear self doubt God what do i do what do i say that was a long list the enemy will create a long list for you of excuses right but he went back out and Dory and Ren keep coming back and by the way he had a great outreach he had great encounters that night but their stories kept getting crazier and better and people getting healed and saved and Ren had a tremendous impact on other students and faculty at the school so your pastor has a tremendous anointing on you already know that but I mean he had a great impact on our school it wasn't just one way but I'm just saying where Ren was from the first outreach day of the week it was just amazing and so now I mean he's just digging this thing it listen and you're gonna we're gonna break for lunch you're gonna hear Kevin Kevin Norwood like I Amanda and Sally they make and now Ren and Dorie they make outreach fun it looks fun because it is fun to have Jesus the Lord of all things flow through you in power it's amazing it's a blast there's no pressure there's no pressure unless it's something that you listen to the enemy say Ally he's just a liar he's just lying to you up and down just keep your focus on Jesus and everything's gonna be fun it's not it's it's not this like uh-uh do you know Jesus you know it's it's just loving people honoring them respecting them loving them encourage them okay [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Freedom Fellowship
Views: 18,230
Rating: 4.9113574 out of 5
Keywords: global, randy clark, awaken, church, words of knowledge, teaching, gifts of the holy spirit, holy spirit, jesus, ren, schuffman, non denominational, bethel, power evangelism, words of knowledge training, ffc, freedom fellowship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 14sec (4094 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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