My Boiler has a Mind of Its Own, Turning On & Off when It Wants to!

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hello and welcome back to the channel and welcome to my boiler right behind me that doesn't want to turn itself off so let's take a closer look and see if we can figure out how to get this fixed [Music] now we've actually been controlling the whole system by turning it off and as you can see the boiler's got a mind of its own and just fires up even though all of the controls hopefully you can see that are actually set to off so there's no timer there's no manual control but the boiler has just fired all on its own and a few minutes later it's still merrily heating the water exactly what water and for what purpose i don't know because all of the controls say it should be off so if these controls appear to be operating but obviously the boiler is not listening the actual fault could be further into the system so i think what we need to do is go and look at the thermostat also as well in terms of the airing cupboard and the controls that we've got there just to see if we can help identify and pinpoint what's causing the boiler to fire even though the controls are telling it you don't need to right now and while i've been talking the boilers actually decided to turn itself off so that would typically mean the hot water cylinder has reached its allotted temperature or the room thermostat has again reached its temperature and therefore told it to turn off we don't need any more heat so this could be due to the thermostat but we've actually put this on a manual setting to control this rather than just relying on the programs and as you can see the current temperature and the set temperature of the heating is almost the degree lower but we do have a battery warning so let's get that changed out just to see if that makes any difference [Music] [Music] well that didn't work then because in the meantime the boiler had re-fired and also still hadn't turned itself off so it's not just about the boiler and its immediate controls and room thermostat we've also got some others buried away in here with a hot water cylinder the first and perhaps most obvious is the thermostat connected to it which obviously tells how hot the water in the tank actually is and will then tell the boiler you need to heat it or you don't depending on what that's actually set to but we've got a couple of other key components in here another one would actually be the pump which obviously pumps the water around the system but as well hopefully you can see that amongst all of these pipes we've also got some motorized valves which open up ports either to allow so these are two port valves either to allow water into the cylinder to heat it or water into the actual heating system to heat the radiators so we could have an issue with one of these so i've just been back downstairs to turn everything off so that's why the pump's not running anymore and just one thing i've noticed straight away is that this valve is actually still in the open position in position b it's actually not shut off now the other valve the other two pull valve we've got actually has it's in position a so that is absolutely not right and that should be in the off position now there is a little handle on the side of this that you can usually move to actually get it to move between those two positions manually however that seems to be stuck and is not moving at all hence this is always in the open position so i wonder if that's the cause of the problem that is telling the boiler i'm open and calling for heat now usually you can actually just slip these off the valve and i hope it's not the valve that's actually gone because if that's the case we're gonna have to break into the heating all right okay that has just literally gone straight back you can see what i mean by this little handle i'll probably leave as a better description just on the side all right so since we've taken this off this actually seems to be working really really well so in some respects that's a good sign in other respects that's a bad sign because it potentially means the problem is in there from looking at the valve that is not in the vertical position and also as well when you look at the actual motorized part of it if you actually look in there hopefully you can see when you move this down actually twists and that's the position the actual valve has got stuck in so let's see if we can move it by using some adjustables now i'm going to try and do this really really gently because the last thing i want to do is create myself any more problems like with a water leak or something else like that because this has arguably been here since the house or since this was installed right that is actually moving i'm not applying hardly any pressure yeah it is actually moving [Music] so now if i actually move it manually there is an awful lot more movement but it is definitely not as smooth as i think it needs to be and i actually have to touch it a little bit just to get it to move fully back into the off position but i wonder if that's going to be enough for us to actually operate the heating and plan for later on for us to actually get this swapped out properly so let's give it a go and see what happens so let's turn the boiler back on and see if it decides to fire all on its own now it shouldn't do because we know everything at the moment currently is in the off position including all the controls so let me just show you that so they're all still saying off off and unlike last time the boiler hasn't come on on its own so that's great but i think the trick is going to be as to whether it can come on and off on its own and actually turn the valve so that's great that it's actually managed to turn on but the trick is going to be will it actually turn off after i've turned off the controls oh straight away that's just gone right off that is absolutely brilliant so initially absolutely great news however i can tell you that after testing over a number of days it doesn't work consistently every time so it's definitely something as we thought we'd have to revisit and actually look at the valve body itself and replace it so thanks very much for joining me please like subscribe comment and share and i'll see you again soon back on the channel with some more videos
Channel: DIY Dick
Views: 13,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, plumbing, heating, fix, repair, worcester bosch, valve, actuator, thermostat
Id: Odvm3epz-W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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